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13079483 No.13079483 [Reply] [Original]

Why do western unis keep accepting applications via agencies?
99% of the time these agencies are paid tens of thousands of dollars by Chinese families to essentially bribe their children's way into top unis. The agency even writes their personal statements for them and trains them the bare minimum of English to be able to answer basic questions in case of any interviews. Once they get there, these kids don't integrate, hardly bother to learn English, and take their degrees back home when they're done. It's a kind of indirect brain drain, because those degrees could have been held by home students who would have contributed to the local economy.
Meanwhile, home students who apply legitimately are told "we recieved an unprecedented amount of applications this year and competition for places has been at an all-time high". Except it's every year, and it keeps getting worse.
Is it really just a matter of money? Ignorant admissions staff? Both?
>inb4 salty

>> No.13079507

The same reason they extend three year degrees to four years, they’re greedy fucks who need to feed bloated bureaucracies. I don’t think I’ve ever met a chinese capable of writing a good essay yet they’re everywhere and receiving good marks.

>> No.13079537

They contribute to diversity and are wealthy. Think of it like this: the average midwestern school is used to receiving mostly white kids with uniform backgrounds, so to have influxes of Asian students with exotic backgrounds is a godsend for the admissions team

>> No.13079545

Just don’t go to a western uni dipshit

>> No.13079553


>Is it really just a matter of money

Yes. These students are helpful in keeping our humanities department open. Check the tuition for students out of the EU for a master programme in the UK: if you are from the UK or the EU you pay around 5000£ a year. If you're from outside you pay between 15000£ and 20000£. Moreover they build luxury ghetto dorm for chinese students and yes, they are incapable of writing essays, they do not integrate and I feel bad for the persons staying at home writing their shit for them because of course there must be some intelligent chinese who's learning lots of stuff while the ignorant autistic son or daughter of some rich irrelevant piece of nothing gets the credit.
But I am convinced this is a bubble that's destined to blow soon, as more and more people can afford to send their sons and daughter here, therefore more and more people are going back home with fake degrees and are - likely - found out for the talentless hacks they are. As all countries, China as well has interest in employing competent people, and this fake education surely does not make for competent ones. These are my hopes. Meanwhile, western universities likely got some extra money to pay for me doing useless research.

>> No.13079569


They would contribute to diversity if they hanged out with other people. The grim reality is that most of them don't and just hang out with other chinese students.

>> No.13079573

Did you get rejected across the board? Tell me honestly. Everybody post SATs

>> No.13079574

I've seen classrooms full of only Chinese with some poor white prof trying to teach them Education or Business or some shit. It's not diversity because they don't mix with locals. Middle to upper-class Han isn't exactly 'exotic' either.
You pay 9000-9250GBP. I don't know where you got 5000 from.
But ultimately I think you're right. They're probably the only reason why the Literature department at my uni is still afloat, lmao.

>> No.13079579
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>luxury ghetto dorm
lmao this is a legitimate reality at Ohio State University, pic related is the dorm that they store the Asian students in. it's removed from the rest of the campus and was designed by a prison architect

>> No.13079585

i think they're solely considering statistics. that's what it comes down to for the most part, isn't it?

>> No.13079587

>Is it really just a matter of money?
As long as we are human, the answer to this will always be yes.

>> No.13079593
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The ghetto over here has a fucking mini cinema.

>> No.13079599

Love to see pillars of the west sold off to Chinese nouveau riche, feels good to know that the prof. who nitpicks my essays for any archaic diction lets slide “students” who write me think dis importint

>> No.13079606

1590 (out of 1600)

>> No.13079634
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what agencies

>> No.13079638
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>> No.13079661


>> No.13079674

refute it. for some things, yes, humanity, ethics and ideology explain our decisions, but universities are essentially businesses. of course it'll come down to money

>> No.13079679

Business "schools" ruined the university

>> No.13079704

Western Universities are just a huge pyramid scam waiting to blow at this point. Do they even do anything at this point beyond legitimizing the insanely rich morally/intellectually superior to poor people?

Even most of the "Low SES" and "diversity" students at elite institutions are funneled in from the same top private international schools. Fuck, I spent a year at a feeder college for the Ivys and about half of the students from oversees went to United World Colleges schools, the rest went to similar boarding schools or elite private schools in their home country.

Is it any wonder why class is so stratified these days? Even these apparent initiatives to allow the poor entrance into the upper class have just become a way to build bridges between the global upper class. Fuck this whole stupid society.

>> No.13079713

why is that desirable and why shouldn't we flay you alive?

>> No.13079722

I’m not saying it’s desirable, i believe it’s atrocious. Also you can try, but you should be wary that i’m a rugged killer proletarian chad

>> No.13079778


>> No.13079793

this is good because..?

>> No.13079809
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>western unis
I have no idea what you are talking about, but maybe I just live in the only sane western country

>> No.13079825

I feel the same way and I'm down to "do something dramatic" my school. I'm in if there's enough people to capture the media attention.

>> No.13079830

i worked for a north east college tutoring firm basically writing kids essays for them

>> No.13079834

Keep fighting the good fight. The out of the touch managerial class will eventually realize that degree gatekeeping is pointless.

>> No.13079836

how much did u get payed?

>> No.13079845
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Prison architect you say?

>> No.13079886
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>> No.13079894


>> No.13080097

Whatever makes you feel better about your choices anon, you'll come to the same conclusion soon enough if you continue down the path of university for literally anything but job accreditation

>> No.13080108

>contribute to local economy
You're ready for university already, why complain?

>> No.13080121

They don't care, they just want the money. Chinese pay for their regular expenses, then they give away "scholarships" to other students that they can write off their gains from investing their endowment. Universities today are like the old monasteries or Temples

>> No.13080210


>> No.13080212

>I've seen classrooms full of only Chinese with some poor white prof trying to teach them Education or Business or some shit.

>> No.13080325

>Insinuating they actually care about uplifting diversity and aren't just doing it just for government gibs.

>> No.13080633
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毕业证、成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、留信、学生卡-- OFFER等.等!

>> No.13080721

770 math 800 reading

>> No.13081070 [DELETED] 

chinks are literally a plague

>> No.13081113

It's because of the influence of the Confucius Institute.

>> No.13081802

$30hr, but that’s because i hadnt even graduated undergrad. masters holders cleared $110hr or so. the firm makes millions each year
its great fun turning some kids bullshit football team story into an ace essay. excellent writing exercise, dressing up the mundane and uninspiring
the real tragedy is that these kids are passionless and the system is rigged to ask for passion, meaning that you get your kid to go on trips to africa and be president of XYZ club so they have something to write about
there were only two kids that were genuine, one started his own online business; and you can tell there’s something there, his essay was substantive without me having to add fluff or rewrite it—it had a story to it. the rest of the kids, its sad, theres nothing there, which is why i get paid to craft it

>> No.13081855

university directors would sacrifice their mothers to the devil for fifty cents and a large latte
I'm surrounded by chinese voices even as I type this, they say the uni is half domestic yet I am the only English speaker in the building

>> No.13082529
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>> No.13082538

Forgot my text, lmao:

Yes, many Chinese nationals simply keep to their own and never try to integrate. The ones who actually try to make friends with the non-Chinese are the ones who got in 100% legit and usually came from poor or middle class backgrounds. I have had good relationships with those students. Keep in mind this is an incredibly narrow anecdote from my two years in uni.

I wouldn't mind the Chinese national rich kids if they didn't flaunt it so much. You'll see so much Gucci and hypercars it'll make your head spin. The upper class Chinese are so materialistic they make America look reserved in comparison.

>> No.13082561

>Even most of the "Low SES" and "diversity" students at elite institutions are funneled in from the same top private international schools. Fuck, I spent a year at a feeder college for the Ivys and about half of the students from oversees went to United World Colleges schools, the rest went to similar boarding schools or elite private schools in their home country.

>Is it any wonder why class is so stratified these days? Even these apparent initiatives to allow the poor entrance into the upper class have just become a way to build bridges between the global upper class. Fuck this whole stupid society.

Care to explain this first paragraph more? I don't know what low SES, feeder colleges, etc. are. Explain like I'm a toddler

>> No.13082578

Meant for >>13079704

>> No.13082682

Low SES stands for Low Social Economic Status. It's title middle class nigs use to impress their naive wealthy white peers at fancy schools.
Feeder College is an elitist college that isn't an Ivy, but has all the browbeating pretenses of one. These schools often have a special focus on teaching, small classes, etc. and enjoy a good reputation among schools with good reputations (Ivy Leagues, Oxbridge, etc.) so they end up sending many of their graduates to do post-grad at famous schools.
International Schools are the shadowy organizations training a new generation of pseudo-colonialist ruling class fags. They usually operate under with international curriculum like IB, and teach the children of expats and government officials, while allowing the occasional poor ethnic admission where they can be trained to think and act exactly like an elite in order to maintain the illusion of "class mobility".

The thing is, when elite schools brag about accepting so many poor people, so many minorities, etc. they're really talking about taking in the (relatively) middle class children of doctors, lawyers, government officials in some third world country, training them from birth in elite international schools, then accepting them on scholarship. It's a complete scam, and the game is far far far more rigged against normal people than any admissions office will dare to admit.

>> No.13082738

I disagree with you from personal experience. t. son of a carpenter, got a full ride and is now in grad school. my case isn't the norm but it wasn't isolated either

>> No.13083022

I've certainly seen a few of the international school kids. The soulless elite description is so fucking apt for one I knew in particular.

(Capitalist) Globalization is so fucking gay. Nothing is ever going to get better.

>> No.13083053

English plox chang

>> No.13083078

Also a son of a carpenter, attended an ivy league on full ride scholarship. Willfully dropped out my senior year out of pure disgust, much to the disappointment of my working class family. Did not want my name attached to that hive of insects, I'll rather be homeless than submit to the community of global 'educated'. Met others similar to me, all think I'm a crackpot, but genuine in my ideals. Hopefully I can convince them to reject the grooming they've been taught is good for them. However for the most part, what the anon above described as the general demographic of these schools is correct. Knowing these people are the future leaders of the world brings despair to my heart...

>> No.13083086

Aggressive makeup suggestive of psychosis. Overdone eyebrows imply unintelligence, insecurity. Pallor suggests being prone to sexual and/or religious obsession. Taking photos in full makeup in a dark, empty house: strange... unfortunate.

>> No.13083090

29 ACT

Feels good. I’m smart enough to do basic work but not too intelligent so as to be depressed like by friend who got a 35

>> No.13083117

>wouldn't mind the Chinese national rich kids if they didn't flaunt it so much
Same here in SE Asia. They're literally asking to get mugged.

>> No.13083160

It's not unheard of, but the rate at which it happens is HUGELY overestimated. I'd also be willing to bet money (and I mean this in no way to undermine your competence or hard work) that you grew up in a stable two parent home.
Here's a quote to illustrate my point however:
> The Century Foundation found in 2013 that for every 14 wealthy students at the most elite and selective colleges, there was one low-income student. In short, the wealth gap not only creates inequities among universities, but also among the students they serve.
Now first of all, "low-income" is defined as a family income of under $44,000- this isn't much under the median household income in America. So when you hear about a school (or a student) touting low economic status, what it means is middle class. If you had 100 people in a room, 40 of them would be "low income".
BUT we need to consider the fact that a lot of these students are, like I said, elite international students or full ride kids from expensive private schools. In fact, I'd estimate half of them are. If you don't consider these outliers part of the "normal" population, ie. you don't count someone attending a 60k/year private boarding school as "low income" regardless of their family income, then you've really got something closer to a 1:30 ratio of "low income" people to "elites".
AND again, 'low income' basically means lower middle class. Not "grew up collecting bottles on the street to pay for food". Not "single mother working three jobs and raising four kids". Just an average family.
One average American for every thirty.

>> No.13083165

Based and Redpilled

>> No.13083192

Honestly the world should address the Chinese problem as a whole.

>> No.13083508

this post is criminal under most federal governments

>> No.13083510

Which only further illustrates the Chinese problem.

>> No.13083520

I taught in China. Every chinese wants to get into a chinese University, but there are like 1 mil spots for 10 mil (or way more?) candidates every year. which is the primary reason for English teachers in China. These chinks know their kid won't get into a Chinese Uni, but that as long as their kid can pass the IELTS exam (being able to speak/write/read basic English at a rudimentary college level), they will be able to get into an American University, or australian, or british, etc.. If you have enough money, you can get anything done in west. unis mean shit. they don't teach shit. all they do is prove how rich you are to keep the rich hegemony controlling us. this is all kind of fucked up to understand, but get out in the world, live in other countries (I've lived in 6 by now) and learn it.

>> No.13083521

>tfw 760 math 810 reading

hello.. brother..

>> No.13083530

the chinese don't even have to pass the test lmao they just get a waiver
there are tons of illiterate chinese in every Australian university and the shareholders absolutely love it

>> No.13083538

true, but the absurd song and dance does give work to us poor Lao Wai

>> No.13083552

I suppose locust plagues do make a lot of work for farmers

>> No.13083638

nig you stupid or what?

>> No.13083882

why go to college if you're already rich

>> No.13083897

how do they pass the courses to get degrees even if they got in?

>> No.13083929

>tfw no gf

>> No.13084142

>The ones who actually try to make friends with the non-Chinese are the ones who got in 100% legit and usually came from poor or middle class backgrounds
When I got to uni way back in the early 00s, I was really surprised that all the chinese students at my uni were really stupid. Before then every chinese student I met was a brainbox whose parents' literally beat them for getting a 99% mark.

>> No.13084162

The point of college is to enforce the classes. Wealthy people go to college for lolz and dab on poor people. It's like having a well cared for lawn.

>> No.13084166

Dunno if you're referring to anon in particular.
But it's basically a way for their parents to dickmeasure

A: my son went to Ivy#3 and graduated in X
B: oh yeah? mine went to Ivy#1 and did the same as your, but also got a phd
A: how did u get get your -insectoidname- in Ivy#1?
B: I'm friends with the director
A: oh, yes. *secretly plots assassination for being owned*
B: want some tea?

>> No.13084170

Is it only economics, Anon?

>> No.13084183

Looks like this thread was interesting enough for the police to send their top college graduate to investigate any subversive ideas that may threaten admissions and tuition.

>> No.13084213

No, I'm just a really salty student.

>> No.13085275

To buy a certificate proving that their wealth is the result of their own hard work, intelligence, and professional expertise. Simply ‘being’ rich is vulgar

>> No.13085408

hi your pretty haha
do you like books?

>> No.13085441

They cheat, they pay essay writing services, and when they get caught, university professors are ordered by their superiors to turn a blind eye (or they just give up on their own when they repeatedly see offenders receive no punishment whatsoever). It's an extremely common phenomenon in most universities with a large Chinese population.

>> No.13085548

Because at my university international students pay 40-50,000 while domestic students pay less than 10,000 per year.

>> No.13085576

How did you get into it? How good do you have to be to work there? Is that considered plagiarism when it comes to me? Is it possible for me to get kicked out of university for engaging in this?

>> No.13085637

It's about money international students pay like 10x or more for the same degree.

>> No.13085640

I mean, the University is very much on the decline.

-Universities are way less rigorous then they were before. Some of this due to technology and the invention of the Internet that makes research easier. But the fact is high schools aren’t preparing students for college, and colleges have just lowered their standard for gets a degree because they need the tuition money (or more often, a federal loan).

-The reason Uni’s have become these bloated bureaucracies is cause School administration seats have shot up in the last 20 years. Before professors would just fill in these positions but now that grad schools offer degrees in school administration, they have become separate. Administrators cave into SJW student demands cause they need to keep there business friendly for future customers. They make professors pass to show a good graduation rate.

-Adjuncting of course isn’t new, but the fact is it’s basically a way to get rid of union jobs. Hell, even if you have tenure they can just cut your department and get rid of you. Adjuncting also lowers your academic standards.

Universities are just basically corporatized businesses now. I know people will say the bubble will pop sometimes, but I really don’t know.

I’m in New York, which is now doing free tutition for residents (lived in state for 10 years) who’s have family income less then $125k. The catch is that you have to keep your GPA above a certain point (I believe it’s 2.0) and you have to live in-State for 4 years after. If your GPA goes below the standard they will make you pay for the college you went through already.

I think all this will do is just make public Bachelors less valuable in the job market then they already are. Private colleges will just become more valuable as the rich will just send them there. Public college grads are probably going to have to get there master’s just to compete for Bachelors from private’s.

>> No.13085750

i dont think they're paying £270,000 for a degree

>> No.13085791

Typically it's around 3x.

>> No.13085824

It's on the decline because pretty much everyone can get in now. The number of jobs genuinely requiring degrees (mainly in STEM, all graduate degrees and academic research, etc.) is now quite small compared to the number of people earning those degrees, so in spite of a university degree being essential to gainful employment, the odds of actually getting a job are getting worse. Eventually something like 90% of universities will issue degrees that employers will simply not care about, just like how globalisation has meant that it's a lot harder for people with degrees from less prestigious universities to become professors even at the institutions where they studied.

>> No.13085845
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because of money, what else
>>13085791 this

>> No.13086435

god I wish that were me

>> No.13086470

My dude

>> No.13088153

Racial diversity is always a net gain full-stop because it brings new perspective in. When you don't care for others your society begins to die from within because you lose a passion for life always encountering other iterations of yourself, who only bring the same psychosomatic strengths and weaknesses as you. I know to eugenicists and fatalists this is gibberish though so I'll end here and just point you to look at the correlation between Hollywood, the success of game companies that foster diversity (nintendo and french companies), and the current political paradigm of America, Britain, and Latin America—historically countries that elect predominantly light-skinned peoples without the ethnic representation of their diversity to justify same.

>> No.13088198

34 act 670 reading 750 math but that was before I majored in humanities. Hopefully reading improved by now lol

>> No.13088209

My two closest friends at my SLAC are from mainland and fit your description. Not super wealthy, hardworking, learned English well and are genuinely ambitious. When I was at a big uni the chinese kids were ridiculous Shanghai and Beijing nouveau Rich

>> No.13088235

Nah it's worse than you think, you didn't even mention American high schools

>> No.13088250

It's insane to me how lenient instructors are towards students that don't speak English. I've caught blatant plagiarism in my writing classes from Chinese students, usually male, and they always get a free pass. I was listening to someones view of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and what he said was word for word off of spark notes. Everyone knew it and he wasn't called out at all. Dude got top grades in our class. U.S. education system is a fucking joke because success can be bought.

>> No.13088326

If your instructor were to report every instance of Chinese plagiarism to his superiors, he would spend all of his time highlighting passages in their essays and fighting an uphill battle against the admission of students whose families pay full tuition to have their kids sent to the institution, and then he would lose, and you would not have had a single grade in the book by the end of the semester.
t. someone who has taught classes with Chinese students in them

>> No.13088352

Fuck, and I'm working to be an TESOL instructor. How fucked am I if I go teach in Taiwan?

>> No.13088364

I dunno, depends on how much you care about academic integrity.

>> No.13088378

Chinese take a very strange stance when it comes to humanities. They try to view it the same why people look at mathematics, chemistry and engineering. I swear, the Chinese can not differentiate hard skill and soft skill classes, and it's all a competition to them.

>> No.13088390

I actually do care about it. But I've been told that Taiwan is significantly better than mainland China.

>> No.13088425

>Racial diversity is always a net gain full-stop
How do you even write something like this and not realize how fucking retarded you are? I mean are you serious or trolling?

>X has some good qualities in an idealistic imaginary world so I'm just going to ignore the fact that its actual implementation in real life has significantly more negative consequences

Also "net gain" is hilarious because instead of talking about the people of a nation and their well-being, you're already admitting that it's the wealthy and elite who profit off of importing immigrants. Yeah sure Ricardo or Chang or Mohammed down the street is a cool guy and brings me "new perspective" but that doesn't mean shit if there are hundreds of thousands of them flooding in, decreasing the value of labor, bringing ideologies that clash with modern western values and morals, collecting welfare, filling universities slots they don't deserve over natives, etc etc

>> No.13088434

America is pretty fucking terrible about this, too, don't lie to yourself.
That's not really fair. American grade-grubbers would do exactly the same thing if they could. They just can't, because they can't fall back on the readily available excuses that large groups of foreign teenagers can use to back each other up.
Specifically--when you are trying to teach children who are incapable of motivating themselves to do their work--and there is a large group of kids who are only in a lower academic level because they are being graded on their ability to demonstrate a knowledge of basic English-language skills and reading comprehension, not because they aren't motivated to get good grades--you encounter a specific set of problems. You don't know when kids are saying things they shouldn't say (be this in the form of profanity, or in the form of sharing answers, or in the form of finding Chinese-language premade answers to questions and translating them into English) because they are speaking a language you don't speak and which nobody is able to help you understand (yes, I could in theory learn to speak Chinese--but that is not a reasonable thing to expect of all American teachers).
They care about getting good grades, that's all. Maybe they have some interest in the subject. That doesn't matter. What matters (in their minds!) is how good their grade is, because Ma and Pa will send you to a labor camp if you get an A-.
Academic integrity does not matter to these people, nor does it matter to most high school students. What matters is the end result: Am I getting into the college that I (or my family) want me to go to? Can I get into that college with these grades? If my classmates and I collaborate to abuse the hospitality of this community, can we all get into better schools? All we have to do is pretend to be retarded when our teachers call us out--it's easy, most of us barely speak English anyway!

>> No.13088454

Chinese usually pay more than full tuition. No school will punish cheating because they don't want to have the flow of money cut off.

>> No.13088461

>Chinese usually pay more than full tuition.
This is probably correct.
>No school will punish cheating because they don't want to have the flow of money cut off.

>> No.13088466

Read that Changs usually pay like 80-100k per year at UCLA, for example.

>> No.13088474

I'm talking about high schools because that's where I have experience as an educator dealing with foreigners, but yes, you are absolutely correct. Foreigners pay a lot more to go to American colleges/universities than American students do.

>> No.13088485

Oh yeah, the highschools are another big one, Chinese families send their kids to Catholic schools in particular because they think it'll be easier to get into an American school and because they think that they'll learn better morals there. They won't, really, but it does prop up the schools that would probably fail otherwise.

>> No.13088490

>Chinese families send their kids to Catholic schools in particular because they think it'll be easier to get into an American school and because they think that they'll learn better morals there

>> No.13088508

Hearing things like this only further solidifies my belief that Chinese lack both a conscience and conscious thought.

>> No.13088518

Then you must have misread the part of my post where I said that Americans are just as bad and would do the same if they could. Spend a week teaching low-level high school classes and your concepts of both self-awareness and justice will be fundamentally altered.

>> No.13088532

College is just dumb. Most people don't really want or need to be there but we made it into a pointless accreditation process largely due to Griggs v. Duke Power. As always in the US it comes back to "But the blacks!" in some way or another.

>> No.13088542

>College is just dumb
Cultures of accreditation are dumb*

>> No.13088553
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>> No.13088561

I realize that my response will probably not mean anything to you, but I don't really find much value in posts like this. Cool, one Chinese guy kicked an old white woman while a white guy told him to stop. Oh, the humanity.

>> No.13088593

Looking at race instead of the culture. Shame shame shame.

>> No.13088603

I really don't think you're an expert on Chinese culture.

>> No.13088606

What is it with Asians and not knowing how to fucking run? I swear all the Korans and Chinese at my Uni run this way.

>> No.13088612

That's not an argument.

>> No.13088616

It wasn't supposed to be, you nonce

>> No.13088630

It clearly was since you disagreed with my statement about culture being a more determining factor of someone's actions than their race. Nice use of ad hominem by the way.

>> No.13088633

based chink kicks some faggy liberal arts lesbo commie.

>> No.13088648

I want to read something you've written. I don't know anyone who has ideals.

>> No.13088653

I couldn't even tell what you were trying to imply, big brain, your post was poorly composed and you don't seem to understand the substance of my point, which pertains to language and nationality (particular entities that can be meaningfully analyzed) rather than either race or culture (abstractions which cannot be meaningfully analyzed).

>> No.13088657

imagine being so sheltered you dont even understand money is the only thing that matters

>> No.13088663

Based dialogue.

>> No.13088676

Mate, you made statements about race instead of culture. I said that culture was a more determining factor and you're now upset at it. You can act like a pseud all you want but using ad hominem is a clearly giveaway of classic /b/ tactics. Language and culture evolve and adapt together so you're full of shit since you're attacking the woman's race instead of the actions of the culture initiating the attack. Stay on topic and stop using logical fallacies.

>> No.13088693


>> No.13088701

For someone who supposedly cares about "diversity," you're quick to reduce all white people to "other iterations of yourself," i.e., a stereotype.
>psychosomatic strengths and weaknesses
Oh, I get it, you're retarded.

>> No.13088706

Again, that's not an argument. You can go back to /b/ now since you seem to think race is the end all be all when it comes to choices made by people. Or maybe /pol/ is better for you.

>> No.13088710

>Hearing things like this only further solidifies my belief that Chinese lack both a conscience and conscious thought.

yeah which is why the chinese obsessed over those topics for 2500 years... you retard

>> No.13088721

Only to throw it away in 1958, maybe you should know your history before you comment.

>> No.13088725

is the holocaust proof of the same or did that just not happen?

>> No.13088733

How is a "nationality" a "particular entity" while a race is not? The nation covers those within it, its citizens, its functionaries, etc. The race, admittedly a much more primitive abstraction, covers people who look similarly and have similar ancestors. But the nation is as much an abstraction as race is.

>> No.13088735

they had it coming desú

>> No.13088739
File: 17 KB, 220x291, din du nuffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between a backyard pool and the pacific ocean?

>> No.13088757

>bringing ideologies that clash with modern western values

Western culture arguably has no values. That would depend you have some capacity for self-actualization. People like yourself don't. The corpus of your entire "ideology" can be summed as: self-purposing, self-preservation.

I seen you never heard of Vedantic philosophy or value any kind of stoicism/existential philosophy in favor of inuring yourself to the harsh reality that other people matter and you're part of hegemony. You're your worst enemy. The only reason you're targetting me is you deem me a threat to waking you up to this fact.

>> No.13088759

Poor example since the German's didn't destroy all the jew's work in Europe. Mao on the other hand, he was much more efficient in ruining his countries future and culture. I mean, who needs instructors, doctors, people with different opinions or scholars, amirite?

>> No.13088796 [DELETED] 

This is all bullshit btw, there's very little cheating among other ethnic groups, whereas among Chinese students its the rule. A lot of the white students are highly passionate about the subjects and actually think they're going to get a good education.

>> No.13088795

to balance out the retarded people of color they're forced to admit

>> No.13088800

When you buy into stereotypes, I guess you just make nonsensical posts, like this one. Have you ever actually read a stoic? In the stoic philosophy, other people only "matter" inasmuch as you maintain composure around them, associate with the ones you like, and leave the ones you don't. Epictetus basically compares the philosophically uninterested to dirty hobos, and says that people who enjoy philosophy should ignore them entirely, or, if they can't, wash themselves thoroughly after contact. Is this what you meant by "other people matter"? But even the construction "stoicism/existentialism" shows how shallow your knowledge pool really is. If you're baiting, you're doing an excellent job.

>> No.13088860

Because the holocaust is culturally comparable to Mao's great leap forward. The Jewish people totally lost all of their cultural heritage and everything about their accomplishments to mankind. Yeah totally, the great leap forward was an easy oversight in terms of what it did to China. I mean, who needs the various species of birds that are now gone because of it. Who needs all those schools and libraries. I mean who needs doctors when you only plan on keeping your people alive to the age of 35 or so. Yeah, it's totally comparable.

Given your intellectual level I assume you took all that as truth instead of blatant satire. False equivalency is a false equivalency.

>> No.13088927


complete non sequitur but ok. we were talking about conscience and conscious thinking, not magnitude or culture heritage or whatever.

>> No.13088950

>non sequitur
You tried to compare the holocaust's effects of cultural devastation to moa's great leap forward. You insinuated that they're equal which is a false equivalency. Please stop trying to segue out of the main topic and stay on topic.

>> No.13088952

lol i almost dropped out of an ivy as a senior to make a statement too. glad i didnt

>29 ACT
>not too intelligent
you can say that again

low income people tend to be retarded and have retarded kids. no wonder they dont get admitted to ivies.

>> No.13088961

Why do the haughtiest posters always type in wokespeak?

>> No.13088964

You changed goal posts, I just responded accordingly. If you'd stop using logical fallacies then we wouldn't be here.

>> No.13088966

wtf is wokespeak

>> No.13088967

>You tried to compare the holocaust's effects of cultural devastation to moa's great leap forward.

no i didnt. i said that by that poster's reasoning the holocaust would be proof that germans or whatever had no conscience or conscious thinking. the poster's reasoning is the point, not the magnitude of whatever event.

>> No.13088968

> goal posts
> logical fallacies

youre not even using those terms properly.

>> No.13088971

The way you type, which should be evident from the question.

>> No.13088973

Mate, you've been segueing into different topics this entire time. Why are you lying right now? We can all see the conversation.

>> No.13088976

what's woke about it

>> No.13088979

"is the holocaust proof of the same or did that just not happen?"

Yeah you totally didn't try to compare them. Stay on topic and stop changing topics. Culture is way more determinate of an individuals actions than race is. Why would you think race is what determines what someone does? That's just idiotic.

>> No.13088987

Chinese are spergs, who ever would have guessed?

>> No.13089012

You sound like an arrogant son-of-a-bitch. Glad to know you're nothing but an idiot coasting on daddy's money, and you'll never actually do anything to hurt normal people's lives because you're too busy snorting your own ego.

>low income people tend to be retarded and have retarded kids. no wonder they dont get admitted to ivies.
And FYI I'm willing to bet that half the people in this thread are probably more intelligent than you.

>> No.13089013

People don't give enough credit to what Mao Zedong did to the Chinese people and their culture. The Chinese are just now recovering from what he and his party did and it's just barely making way. It's just sad.

>> No.13089021

People who buy into the idea of being "woke" often type in a similar way (no capitals, dispensing with all unnecessary punctuation, etc.). So I'm told. It's not like I go on Tumblr or anything like that.

>> No.13089144

yeah its true ive always been a lazy typist but tumblr made it worse. im not woke

>> No.13089164


>> No.13089166

if your dad earns under 40k as a native english speaker the odds of you having a triple-digit iq are lowww

>> No.13089259
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>> No.13089375

> new perspective
> never integrate, never speak English, never do assignments

No faggot they just get the Asian parents to pay sticker price to fund the university

>> No.13089441

>that black hole in the bottom left

>> No.13090116

>talking out of your ass like you're hot shit when you can't even grasp the structural factors behind what you're on about
what personal accomplishments do you have to be proud of anyway aside from being born with one (if not many) unearned head-starts?

>> No.13090127


>> No.13090141
File: 67 KB, 854x657, 70IQ180000Income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
