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/lit/ - Literature

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13076484 No.13076484 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13076490
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>> No.13076493
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>> No.13076496

Welp. Pack it up guys. Enough with that whole “longest literary legacy in existence” thing. Someone made a post with a Wokack who had an open mouth, glasses and facial hair. We need to stop now

>> No.13076498
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>> No.13076499

Butterfly ;_; I cant take it. please post tonight :3

>> No.13076507

What makes you believe that he's still alive?

>> No.13076514

:3 because God is real

>> No.13076519
File: 74 KB, 650x815, 6a00e54ecca8b988330192ab1a9887970d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>epic poetry

>> No.13076521
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>pictures of wojak

>> No.13076568
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>free verse

>> No.13076573
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>light verse

>> No.13076583
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>Welp. Pack it up guys. Enough with that whole “longest literary legacy in existence” thing. Someone made a post with a Wokack who had an open mouth, glasses and facial hair. We need to stop now

>> No.13076593

I wish I could "get" poetry. I just can't. I don't know how people do it.

>> No.13076602

>implying poetry is a riddle to be solved or a burden to be endured and not any language’s purest delight

>> No.13076610

This suit is poorly shaped, and honestly, the age of the suit is ending

>> No.13076616
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>> No.13076617
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>> No.13076622

Right, the age of the S.oy has begun.
Fuck off to reddit, tranny cuck.

>> No.13076629
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>> No.13076633

Have you read Moby-Dick?

>> No.13076637

No, it's in my backlog. I fail to see what reading Moby Dick has to do with poetry anyway, since it's a prose work.

>> No.13076638
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>> No.13076680

I personally delighted in reading and rereading many passages of that novel instead of moving on with the story. That's what poetry is, really, it's not something you just go through. It's like a curious rock or something else that you're rolling through your fingers, touching, scratching, smelling, observing. It can turn language into music and into a picture.
How can one be unable to gleefully enjoy something like Poe's Raven is more mysterious to me than the most obscure poem by Ashbery.

>> No.13076686

it's very lyrical and poetic. a good transition point from prose to poetry.

>> No.13076722

Aren't these beardmen usually complete philistines?

>> No.13076870

There's nothing to 'get'. People should seriously stop treating poetry as some mystical art of transcendental magicks, bullshit perpetuated not in the least by poets themselves. Poetry is just a way of writing which involves a bunch of mnemonic and linguistic techniques to give a piece of writing aesthetic quality and musical rhythm flow. Ultimate goal of poetry is very simple - it is to make the very process of reading enjoyable, regardless of the content within.

>> No.13078216

that's not the point of poetry

>> No.13078223

that's not the point of posting

>> No.13078233

there is no point, stupid polcuck.

>> No.13078244

t. nihilist

>> No.13078272

Funny that the s.oyboy meme was propagated by gamers.
They have almost no connection to the living world. Gamers should not have political rights. The gaming industry should be shamed and legislated out of existence.

>> No.13078296

This, söyboys and gamers are equally bad

>> No.13078303

Don't target gamers.

>> No.13078312

Do NOT fuck with us gamers libshit, you have no idea what you are messing with

>> No.13078314

Gamers are cancerous. Fuck gamers and fuck their infantile hobby.

>> No.13078317

I'm warning you, kiddo...

>> No.13078326
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>> No.13078615
File: 8 KB, 229x218, mad_soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funny that the s.oyboy meme was propagated by gamers.
>They have almost no connection to the living world. Gamers should not have political rights. The gaming industry should be shamed and legislated out of existence.

>> No.13078622

This happened to me with Lolita

>> No.13078864


Bloom argues that Moby Dick is actually an epic prose poem, and I'm inclined to agree.