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/lit/ - Literature

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1306996 No.1306996 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1307008

OMG is he really back or is this just a lousy faker??

>> No.1307015
File: 92 KB, 400x307, inntedezting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IITT: the best books are the ones I like

>> No.1307018

I'm going to ignore most of that tier ranking and focus on how good I would feel if I were one of the old-timey guys whose portraits they use for the paperback reprints of Dorian Gray

>> No.1307026

Is that you staggie?

>> No.1307031

The great thing is, I have this saved.

I erased the tier system and just use it as a recommendation list for myself

>> No.1307040

To Kill a Mockingbird? Shit? What? Did I miss something?

>> No.1307350

Invisible Man on high tier? OP is a nigger

>> No.1307356

>To Kill a Mockingbird shit tier
>The Bell Jar low tier
fuck you op
fuck you

>> No.1307363

As a white man I can say the book is still quite enjoyable if you're a criminal or a lazy asshole.

>> No.1307364

Great Gatsby god tier... Mockingbird, Alice, Lolita, Huck Finn and Heart of Darkness shit tier... LOL? Is this a joke or something?

Though I do agree that Wuthering Heights was awful. Could barely get through it, felt like an absurd soap opera.

>> No.1307371

Heart of Darkness is the only book I couldn't read on that list. It took how many pages for the author to shut the fuck up about boats?

>> No.1307374
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>Lolita on shit-tier

>> No.1307379
File: 27 KB, 251x249, 1290571630556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I see Brave New World in low tier? Oh hell naw.

>> No.1307382

>implying I give a flying fuck about your opinion

>> No.1307383

God tier: The great gatsby, the stranger

finally it feels like /lit/ is back, been getting tired of the trolls

>> No.1307385

Why is Lolita the only Nabokov anyone on here ever talks about? I mean putting it on shit tier = obviously trolling, but Pale Fire deserves at least High Tier.

I would put the Sound and the Fury on God Tier, other than that I'm surprisingly OK with this.

I dunno, handsome?

>> No.1307390
File: 41 KB, 370x499, 1278959062732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back, Stag.

>> No.1307395

Lurk more, I've seen pale fire and ada being discussed on several occasions, the thing is that lolita is just his best known work.

>> No.1307411 [DELETED] 


>> No.1307413


>> No.1307412


>> No.1307417

I agree with him, most boring book ever published.

>> No.1307418
File: 23 KB, 480x360, goatse-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1307422

Soon as you see Hamlet anywhere except in a stratospheric super-God tier, it's a troll thread. This goes for most of Shakespeare's tragedies, including Othello.

>> No.1307428

it really was i mean there werent even any underlying themes or symbolism or anything it was just a childrens book

>> No.1307431

themes and symbolism aren't everything, there are enough good writers who can incorporate those and still keep the reader interested

>> No.1307433

if you have no themes or symbolism in your book you shouldnt even be a writer simple as that

>> No.1307435

1. read my post
2. did you understand what I wote?
Y: goto 3; N: goto 1
3. agree or make a valid counterargument

>> No.1307436
File: 1.27 MB, 2088x4664, 1273546766136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post this near everyday... *sigh*

>> No.1307440

and you should feel terrible for it, no camus? really?

also it's a bad list overall

>> No.1307441

why would you post something so useless?

>> No.1307446

What is this I don't even

>> No.1307824


I was of the opinion that /lit/ didn't really care for the Catcher in the Rye. And I don't see how Dune is "lit-core" rather than sci-fi. No Murakami? No Infinite Jest? Not a great list imho.

>> No.1307829

guys set my heart at ease, this is the wrong !0Pey right? :o

>> No.1307851




It's a troll. Also, please take off the trip.

>> No.1307853

i wont believe stag is back until Quentin posts.

>> No.1308207

That's the right one - take it from someone who sent Tripcode Explorer on billions of attempts to crack it. Either it's Stagolee or someone who was more successful than I was.