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File: 2.75 MB, 1848x5883, 1555173859153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13069620 No.13069620 [Reply] [Original]

Remember this picture lads. Save it. Guenonfag is having another mental breakdown because they deleted his thread a few weeks ago. Just a daily reminder not to engage in the schizos ongoing retardation.

>> No.13069630

>buddhurt Buddhist still assmad his whole special "enlightened magic monkey" is just a ripoff of Vedic knowledge
thou art that

>> No.13069643

Guenon is actually pretty good to get into Eastern stuff aslong as you don't go head over heels trad fag

>> No.13069647 [DELETED] 

maybe it's a guy who hates guenon and wants everyone to hate him too, so he acts like a giant faggot?

>> No.13069648

Is it even against the rules to post a regular thread like that? Why was he getting banned for it

>> No.13069667

wow good work

>> No.13069670 [DELETED] 

not OP, but if I recall correctly, he was turning every thread into flamewars. he'd be 60%+ of the posts in any thread about oriental philosophy or religion, always pushing his viewpoint on every person.

he still does this sometimes but more rarely.

>> No.13069737

lmao good, that retard nigger can get fucked
reminder that chinks think of westernshit as the same type of mystical pseudo-wisdom as hippy dipshits think of chinkshit. just because it's new and exotic to you doens't mean it is to everyone else.
praise janny

>> No.13069797
File: 317 KB, 1784x1140, 1537290723286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13069950
File: 44 KB, 867x638, 1538459164370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to spot the Guenonism in each thread
>walls of texts replying to multiple quotes
>saying 'based' or 'this' to said replies
>freaks out when he's directly refuted
>praises pajeets for some reason
>'just read him bro, read him, just read'

>> No.13069968
File: 12 KB, 171x266, 198384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just let it burn out on it's own

>> No.13070028

at least Land-posting has some level of sophistication beneath its self contained shitposting. Guenon posting is straight up cancer.

>> No.13070095

>guenonfag? never heard of him
> -guenongaf
I don't know why this makes me laugh so much

>> No.13070168

why are the mods and janitors so fucking shit?

>> No.13070227

Contracord and /his/jne/s.

>> No.13070239

took them awhile but they finally came through

>> No.13070259

What's wrong with his head?

>> No.13070272

It's just another obnoxious forced meme that no one is going to read. The exact same happened with Deleuze.

>> No.13070276

and that bugs meme

>> No.13070740

god who cares

>> No.13070749


>> No.13070771

nobody reads Deleuze except people who've failed at life like discord trannies, Guenon btfo that pseud decades before he was even born

>> No.13070847

idk man looks like whoever made your pic is the real schizo

>> No.13072057

>buddha: i don't exist
>shankara: you're damn right you don't

>> No.13072078

Who gives a fuck, this is an anonymous imageboard, filter namefags and tripfags, insult the retards replying to them.
Anyone who has a name here, even implicitly, just ignore them, they are most likely crazy.

>> No.13072092
File: 120 KB, 606x310, discord-tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? As long as he isn't spamming postmodern french faggots that are loved by discord trannies then I'm fine with it.

>> No.13072199


>> No.13072232

Pathetic Poojet. Pathetic people.

>> No.13072426
File: 14 KB, 400x400, F8781965-D370-4A2F-9A56-F048B2B87C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riddance to Guenonfag.