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13068754 No.13068754[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13068759


>> No.13068762

Guenon had much respect for Shakespeare but understood that the West can never achieve the spiritual heights and inner perfection of the East. So he viewed Shakespeare as a tragic figure who is divided internally because of his inability to return to god.

Writing like (or better than) Shakespeares is really quite common in the Hindu tradition but Westerners lack Sanskrit knowledge and don't generally know this.

>> No.13068852

good post

>> No.13068866

"Shakespeare is to me what Buddhism is to Shankaya: Superceded." Guenon (1943, Translated)

>> No.13068870

What's with the Guenon brigade?

>> No.13068874

Alright, why the influx of Guenon threads?

>> No.13068882

Their leader (well human leader, not Guenon) "Je", has commanded them to spread the word of Guenon. Otherwise he won't share any more CP on his discord server.

>> No.13068921


>> No.13068928

why is this guy being memed all of a sudden? is it baader meinhof or is he riding a meme wave?

>> No.13068985

he realized and explains in his works the esoteric metaphysics which is the eternal truth at the heart of all religion and philosophy, it lends itself to memes quite well

>> No.13069014

discord raid

>> No.13069017


Post some passages (I admit, they need to be translated: I can’t understand sanskrit) that are as good or superior to the poetry of Shakespeare’s plays.

I have read Kalidasa (again, in translation) and it doesn’t come anywhere near the best in Shakespeare. Also, take note that Shakespeare translates very well because his poetic gifts are far more dependent on the imagery (that can be literally translated) than the sound of the poetry. That’s a personal view, but to me the imagery is far more important than sound and rhythm in poetry. Merely musical poets are never the best poets.

Honestly, I’m curious about this moments of glory in Hindu poetry.

>> No.13069021


Probably the work of a single faggot.

>> No.13069023

guénon has been steadily increasing in popularity here for a few years. Last year there was an anon that shilled him a lot

>> No.13069375

The Mahabharata combines Upanishadic-like unfolding of metaphysical doctrines with a vast plot and the array of characters in it that in their own stories say meaningful and poetic things about humans and their lives. There isn't anything else quite like it and in some places it is indeed better then Shakespeare

>> No.13069449

Avalance effect. It will probably last a day and then we will go back to having one or two threads about him a day

>> No.13069476

>post some passages
>dude trust me
you and the third world assblasted christian are the worst posters on this board

>> No.13069850

>brainlet pseud upset that people wont spoonfeed him
more news at 11

>> No.13069854

Where do I go after Intro to the Hindu Doctrines?

>> No.13069856

poo in loo

>> No.13069861

read Guenon

>> No.13069866

Reread the post

>> No.13069906

if you are more interested in his 'metaphysics', then read 'Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta', 'The Symbolism of the Cross', and the 'Multiple States of the Being' in that order. If you are interested more in his critique of modern society then 'Crisis of the Modern World' and 'Reign of Quantity'

>> No.13070012


>> No.13070026


>> No.13070049

>Last year there was an anon that shilled him a lot
and it's probably him again