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File: 54 KB, 442x637, 6817807A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13066278 No.13066278 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right /lit/ ? Is everything getting better and we should stop complaining?

>> No.13066301

No, but you should stop complaining either way

>> No.13066305

Yes but you should keep complaining either way

>> No.13066314
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Stop read a book written by the rich

>> No.13066318

Idk, bill and his horse somehow repulse me. They seem very snobbish despite trying very hard to exude the opposite.

>> No.13066348

yea when your masters tell you everything is better than it's ever been you have to trust them, why would they lie it's not like they have some vested interest

>> No.13066396
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They look at short term improvements in metrics that are poor predictors for long term future.
The invention of the transistor combined with human nature made the dystopia inevitable, only for the blessed few will it be a utopia.
Technologies may be broadly analyzed by how they impact equality and existing hierarchies. Firearms for example may be seen to lean towards the equalizing side of the spectrum allowing individuals to strike out at existing power structures much more effectively while not dramatically increasing the ability to oppress a given population. On the other hand a stout wall or castle would seem to strengthen existing structures as those that are weak lack the resources to build and maintain them and lack effective means to overcome them.
Computers specifically the solid state transistor represent the ultimate form of this dichotomy. Miniature circuits and computer systems are incredibly complex and only becoming more so. The ability of of the common man to wield these forces is dwarfed by what it allows existing powers to do. Is it not science fiction that soon they will be able to watch you at all times you are outside of your home, they will be able to track you at all times, they also can analyze all the information you feed into your computer system which today is quite a lot. The final bridge yet to be crossed (but surely it will be) is the computerization of force.
The ability of the volk to affect the existing structure will be neutered totality outside of cataclysmic events caused by nature.

>> No.13066644
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Some things are getting better, and some are getting worse. He says focus on the good things. I say focus on the problems that needs solving.

>> No.13066688

what the world needs is a global mongol invasion, not capital availability or mass democracy for Africans or whatever the fuck

>> No.13066712

blessed digits of light and darkness

>> No.13066719


>> No.13066980

I honestly don't like how this book skips over the state of the oceans and blames the state of global warming on Drumpf

>> No.13067016

>I'm surprised that lassiez-faire propaganda for the powers that
be is dishonest.
Bless you for caring about marine life btw.

>> No.13067179
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>> No.13067432

He is right that the world is generally improving. I understand if that doesn't matter to you because you aren't happy with your own life, but you shouldn't project that onto the world.

>> No.13067434

Everything got better because we complained.

>> No.13067466

>world needs is a global mongol invasion
Holy fuck this, aliens please show up and DEMONSTRATE what all of our pathetic answers amount to.

>> No.13067482
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Oh ya? Things are so good? How about you give me some money. Otherwise, shut your fucking pinker mouth.

>> No.13067612
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>> No.13067758

You projected your projection

>> No.13067792
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>> No.13067823

>They look at short term improvements in metrics that are poor predictors for long term future.
What would be good predictors for long-term ?

>> No.13067907

>He is right that the world is generally improving.

when you analyze it from their set of standards.

>> No.13067999

>when you analyze it from their set of standards.
And? So what? I keep seeing brainlets here say that you can't judge X through Y eyes, but it means jack since X will always be right through its own eyes, and seldom I see X's defenders apply the same standard torwards Y. You need to actually prove the validity of X if you think that it is superior to Y.

>> No.13068474

>And? So what?

are you mentally impaired?

>> No.13068609

His thesis that living conditions, and material needs are being better met, is definitely correct. The problem is despite this social atomisation and industrial society are not making us any happier. Pinker supports Kaczynski.

>> No.13068655

Use your brain. Alternatively, read the spoiler: Prove that the set of standards Pinker is using is inferior to the alternate ones.

>> No.13068855

The rug is going to be pulled out from under us right when we think we're safest. Just wait til they start saying we've conquered disease, no more wars, even no more death. That's when the real fun begins.

>> No.13068862

by getting better they mean the gdp and they aren't taking into account the increasing wealth inequality and the fact that gdp increase isn't being felt by 99% of people.

>> No.13068871

Checked. We've been domesticated but the people in charge are still psychopaths. Calm before the storm.

>> No.13069719

He's not saying "everything is great, stop complaining, pussy." He's saying things are getting better generally, and humans as a species have a great capacity for solving problems.

>> No.13069734 [DELETED] 


>> No.13069742

The underlying assumption is that things will keep getting better without any major interruptions - exactly what was thought before the two world wars and depressions. We have a long way to go and a lot to lose before we solve most of our problems. Our way of life on earth, and probably most of its inhabitants will have to go before any real progress is made, and these guys like Pinker never touch on that properly.

>> No.13069803


>> No.13069828 [DELETED] 

This. People will choose to destroy the heaven on earth for the lulz because they are bored and have nothing else to do.

>> No.13069835

(((Steven Pinker)))

>> No.13069870

He feels that sentiment requires a book. He can go fuck himself.

>> No.13069902
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Helicopter vaccines are already here, and Australia just adopted a similar program with poisoned meat to kill feral cats.
All while hospital bacteria are becoming incurable.

>> No.13069926 [DELETED] 

things will not get any better until the amerimutt empire is reduced to rubble and ash

>> No.13069944 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 394x383, 1542404966331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically this 100% unironically. i wont even pretend otherwise.

fucking pay up. i refuse to wagecuck in a fucking amazon cage until im 80 just to subsidize another robot heart for dick cheney or immortality gene therapy for jeff bezos. all of the rich can suck my dick. i'm just so done with it.

i have no problem with working for a living, but we're not even allowed that much. all we're doing is working for a dying. and that really says something about our society

>> No.13069956

Mandatory tedcore post:
In the United States alone
An animal is killed
Every six seconds
In the name of scientific experimentation
A holocaust the likes of man has never known before
Is taking place right before our very eyes
It's up to you and I to put a stop to it
It's up to you and I to make a change
It's up to you and I to ... Liberate!
Vivisection --- It's scientific fraud
Exploitation --- gone on too long
Unjustified murder --- It's systematic slaughter
Liberation --- a means to an end

>> No.13069967 [DELETED] 

Can someone please, make a Pinker brainlet wojak?

>> No.13069971

Anyone have that pinker quote with the shitty underlining job?

>> No.13069984
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Like this might be good.

>> No.13069988


>> No.13070001
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>> No.13070039

Based /his/ fag.

>> No.13070059

It's tempting to write Pinker off as a purveyor of Panglossian tripe. He has a kind of naive and ironic faith that raw material progress and the rational scientifico-industrial process should naturally make people happier. He ignores the possibility that their may be less overt malignancies of purpose and belonging that harm people by the millions in developed industrial societies.

While you can't say this is the worst of times, you also can't forget that "not in bread alone doth man live."

Basically this >>13068609 except I wanted to write a more pretentious and wordy response.

>> No.13070088
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>> No.13070121

Enlisting as an emergency bottom at a local bathhouse can help distract you from serial rejection by roasties. I've been emergency bottoming for a few months now and every time I get the text message, I know it's time to grab an enema bag out of the fridge and head to my bike, feverishly pedaling without a moments pause until I arrive at the discrete entrance to the labyrinth of steam rooms, saunas, group showers and even specialized rooms lined with studded leather from floor to ceiling. When youve lost count of the daddies that gaped you open and pummeled your prostate like a speedbag, you see roastie bullshit in a different perspective.

>> No.13070358

What's your plan then? I don't want to wagecuck either but I will have to in the next 5y

>> No.13070405

Steven Pinker is a highly intelligent and articulate guy, and almost everything he wrote is worth a look. Except this. He did this in a hurry while drunk and has all but admitted to not doing basic research. He is not a historian and lacks basic familiarity with the Enlightenment -- he apparently sees this as an empty buzzword meaning "progressive values Pinker currently agrees with."

>> No.13070413

Instead, check out the Braindead Megaphone by George Saunders. Superior in every way.

>> No.13070557

And this post is what I come to /lit/ for. Thank you.

>> No.13070567

>Steven Pinker is a highly intelligent and articulate guy
More like a dirty Sophist.

>> No.13070704

This. Very relevant.

>> No.13070714

america hasn't been worse since pre-wwii

>> No.13070717 [DELETED] 


>> No.13070864

I know several prostitutes who work with these bathhouse types, and to quote Sotos, they are all 'heterosexual faggots', they are all going to hell (pray for them), and they are often cops. Popper juice spilled everywhere, purchasers, old men who treat this as their retirement...better ways to spend your time and to achieve sexual fulfillment. Better to actually enter a legitimate homosexual relationship (I'm not even saying no kink shit, just not that) then become one of these freaks.

>> No.13070914

yes, but people are becoming more isolated and unhappy. But hes pretty much right about everything. The nonsense about how we are on the verge of decay or the pol stuff about how the third worlders are destroying us are not true.

>> No.13070926
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Based and here you go pal.
You look disabled to me. My advice is the book: Win Your Social Security Disability Case by t. Benjamin H. Berkley, Esquire

>> No.13071668

Well, suicide rates are up and fewer people are having children. In America half the people are obese and male life expectancy is decreasing.

But we have more worthless gadgets, medicine has advanced, and wars take place outside of developed nations, so I guess everything is better.

>> No.13071762

1/5 males are under psichiatrico medication
1/10 is clinic ally depressed- suffered actual depressive episodes.
This society is turning people fucking crazy and suicidal.
And after those that can mantain society have suicided, neet-ed and antinatalized themselves to irrelevance the whole planet will be Liberian Civil War Chapter Two: new and improved, the electric boogaloo, a new feature presentation.
It'll be the new bronze age collapse but since those who would be able to rebuild will go extinct there'll be no Classic Age to follow It.
Our one hope is that fuvking Elon Musk gets his act together and lets some of us flee to mars.

>> No.13071786

>an animal every 6 seconds
Too few.

>> No.13071789

>1/5 males are under psichiatrico medication
>1/10 is clinic ally depressed- suffered actual depressive episodes.

>> No.13071799

For instance.
If You normalize for population of other countries in the end in the West You'll get about 1/5 of males

>> No.13071809

Owners still exploiting workers, racial tensions are alive and well, climate change is going to be disastrous but nobody cares because capitalism, transgender people are ostracised and mistreated, religion and traditionalism is booming, democracy effectively lets retarded people have the same political influence as scholars meaning the political pendulum is swinging right in America and Europe, corporations now producing AI and dangerous technology that could potentially overpower the state, corporations still influence politics to an insane degree, lobbyists, education and healthcare still not free in some countries.... idk, do i really need to go on?

>> No.13071821

Ever notice that it's always the rich who make this argument? Successful people like Bill Gates and Steven Pinker.

>> No.13071847

>Owners still exploiting workers,
If You Live in the first word You have no right to define yourself exploited no matter what.
>Racial tensions....
...have deliberately been inflamed by the left for generations now, to the point that a country that was famous for It's racial integration now has race revolts.
>will be disastruous But nobody cares
The exact opposite of truth: everybody wants You to worry about global warming. Medias, most politicians, most capitalists (all the richest and most monopolistic ones) and most cultural infliencer: all agree in the anthropogenic model of global warming.
Actual science has dismantled said model ages ago.
The climate is undergoing changes, the hysteria is purely mediatic.
>lets retarded people have the same political influence as scholars
Since most scholars are retarded nowadays That's a secondari concern.
>AI and dangerous technology
Literal fables
>corporations still influence politics to an insane degree,
I wonder whose fault that is...
>education and healthcare still not free in some countries....
Good who ever said You deserve anything for free?
>idk, do i really need to go on?
Please don't.

>> No.13071855

>transgender people are ostracised and mistreated, religion and traditionalism is booming,
Good on both accounts need more of both.

>> No.13071857

% of children raised by single mothers. American whites are now where blacks were in 1965, take it as you want.

>> No.13071861

It's Because they are the Ones that are financing the liberal system.

>> No.13071895

>Owners still exploiting workers
>racial tensions are alive and well
As they always have been, at least the we manage to contain them and don't put each other into concentration camps anymore (in the Occidental world, at least)
>religion and traditionalism is booming
Where? The religious % of the world population is increasing but that's because third world countries are more fertile. There aren't many signs that western countries are de-secularizing.
>democracy effectively lets retarded people have the same political influence as scholars meaning the political pendulum is swinging right in America and Europe
The political spectrum is equally represented across the IQ curve, meaning a 140 IQ person has roughly the same chance of being left or right wing (not the same it's true for education, but you said "retard"). Also, the pendulum swings constantly between the poles, historically speaking.
>corporations now producing AI and dangerous technology that could potentially overpower the state
Sounds like a stretch, but ok.
>corporations still influence politics to an insane degree
Powerful interests have always shaped politics in every era. From oil companies in the 19th and 20th century to the soviet union having contacts and giving direction to the various communists parties of Europe. Nowadays is not particularly different, so I don't see how this means that the world isn't improving in other areas.
>lobbyists, education and healthcare still not free in some countries..
burgers are about to get that free healtcare sometime soon in the next 30/40 years, so to where exactly are you referring?
>transgender people are ostracised and mistreated,
I was under the impression that LBGT acceptance has been improving for the past 40 years. Am I wrong?
>climate change is going to be disastrous but nobody cares because capitalism
I'll give you this one.

Note that I don't believe that world is getting better, but the reasons you gave are pretty shallow.

>> No.13071946

>(not the same it's true for education, but you said "retard").
Protip: in countries where universities aren't leftist propaganda centres the same is True for education.

>> No.13071960

>Owners still exploiting workers
The only way you can argue for this is by using labour theory of value which doesn't really apply past 1820's or so when majority of the world we actually care about when talking about worker's exploitation KO'd guilds.
> racial tensions are alive and well
Unsurprisingly enough biological tendencies imparted in us since we started living in tribes are stronger than maybe 50 years of propaganda trying to make selective parts of the population to give up on it. Who knew.
>climate change is going to be disastrous but nobody cares because capitalism
If you're slightly more informed person than average "SCIENCE ROCKS" kind of guy you realise climate change is good and we should accelerate it while keeping borders shut with killer drones patrolling them. It's very heartless, antihumanitarian solution but it will solve practically all other environmental problems we face nowadays, besides extinction of species.
> transgender people are ostracised and mistreated
"Transgender people" would be absolutely marginal thing if it wasn't for certain people within the media propagating it. Now hey - rates of transgender people among children(lol) grow! That means it's totally natural thing.
>religion and traditionalism is booming
Religious and traditional people have more children and political/social views are partially neurological, which in turn is heritable. Not a coincidence.
>democracy effectively lets retarded people have the same political influence as scholars meaning the political pendulum is swinging right in America and Europe
If you are actual scholar you realise that democracy is easily subverted by a relatively small organised group of voters. Just think about how much influence did coal miners have in Britain in the 80's, they single-handily made it so Thatcher had to actually play politics to win.
>corporations now producing AI and dangerous technology that could potentially overpower the state
And why is that a bad thing?
>education and healthcare still not free in some countries
Why should it be? Do you honestly think a person who cannot think ahead well enough to buy insurance is the kind of person existence(and potential reproduction of) which you want to encourage? Do you think that in situation where in some countries like the USA average trade schooler started earning more out of school and maxing out at higher level of income than average college graduate, due to simple supply and demand, we should encourage EVEN MORE people to get higher education?

Pinker is wrong but you're also wrong if you think any of these are true or bad.

>> No.13072119

what's with ass posting?

>> No.13072136

>And why is that a bad thing?
a social darwinist playing the cuck for corporations, I'm not surprised one bit

>> No.13072599

Infant and maternal mortality rates.
The former was increasing a decade or so before the USSR collapsed.
The latter is currently increasing in the US since 2000 and France during the last few years.

>> No.13072650
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>Our one hope is that fuvking Elon Musk gets his act together and lets some of us flee to mars.

>> No.13072656
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>Elon Musk

>> No.13072672

>the case for reason
dropped before I could finish reading the word "sc*ence"

>> No.13072905

"Humanism is the topic of Pinker's final chapter. 'Despite the word's root,' he reminds us, 'humanism doesn't exclude the flourishing of animals, but this book focuses on the welfare of humankind' [410]. So it does. It focuses so tightly on the welfare of humankind that plants do not appear except as resources and humans are never characterized as members of the animal kingdom. Morality, Pinker tells us, 'consists in the maximization of human flourishing' [419]. The only two serious challenges he considers to that viewpoint are equally anthropocentric: theistic morality and Romantic heroism. So here again some basics have been ignored. Humans could not have come to be, and cannot continue to be, except in a complex world in which they play at best a modest part. They cannot exist except in a world with many -- very many -- species of other animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and we don't know what else.
Pinker does not dispute human dependence on the rest of the world; but he cares for the rest of the world only because, and to the extent that, it supports a materialist form of human flourishing. That view is properly called 'human exceptionalism,' not 'humanism'."

--From the essay Optimism and Pessimism by Robert Bringhurst and Jan Zwicky

>> No.13072935


>there are people who actually think Elon Musk would even entertain the notion of schlepping a rocket full of STEM majors to another planet rather than saving everyone with at least three commas in their bank account

Elon Musk is a false idol and at the front lines of the class war

>> No.13074167

>his horse

>> No.13074508

Not him, but...

>If You Live in the first word You have no right to define yourself exploited no matter what.
People in the first world cant define what exploitation is? And who can? Exploitation is exploitation wherever it is. Comparing the degree of it to third world shit-holes is fucking retarded, like you.
>...have deliberately been inflamed by the left for generations now, to the point that a country that was famous for It's racial integration now has race revolts.
>The exact opposite of truth: everybody wants You to worry about global warming. Medias, most politicians, most capitalists (all the richest and most monopolistic ones) and most cultural infliencer: all agree in the anthropogenic model of global warming.
>Actual science has dismantled said model ages ago.
>The climate is undergoing changes, the hysteria is purely mediatic.
Please provide credible information on how "said model" has been dismantled. Lol, do you really believe all those groups of people you mentioned actually want to improve the enviornment? Youre either trolling or retarded. There is hardly a genuine movement to protect and improve the enviornment in the mainstream media. Your perceived advocacy is merely a ploy to improve sales or secure votes.

>Literal fables

>>corporations still influence politics to an insane degree,
>I wonder whose fault that is...

>>education and healthcare still not free in some countries....
>Good who ever said You deserve anything for free?
Lol you dont deserve healthcare, but it makes a lot of sense to provide it for your citizenry, regardless.

>>idk, do i really need to go on?
>Please don't.
You sound like a fucking boomer faggot.

>> No.13075973

Rookie numbers.

>> No.13075984


>> No.13076453

Oh boy pseudo science

>> No.13077763

well I'll be darned

>> No.13077805

>There is a literal ecological catastrophe going on and it will be worst but hey you can buy a new iphone which is the same as the previous one!

that's gonna be a yikes from me, chief

>> No.13078569
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That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>> No.13078894

The fact that we are doing well materially doesn't mean that we aren't spiritually and intellectually impoverished.

>> No.13078925

I think a big issue is that there are people who choose to focus on problems but ultimately they just want to pass the buck to someone else to actually solve. This ultimately leaves the onus on bloated bureaucracies to get anything done and a bunch of upset mouthpieces yelling at clouds.
I also think people lack the inherent motivation needed to get to a point where they as an individual can seriously address these problems. The ultimate solution is a larger concentration of ubermensch who focus their will towards collaborating to craft solutions.

If you think there are enough ubermensch paying attention to problems you can agree with Pinker and just cruise through life.

>> No.13078956

The means of production is available to the masses these days. The progress of technology not revolution fixed that. Owners compensating their workers at their market price is fair by definition.
Your brainwashing is clearly showing.
>Religion and traditionalism is booming

>> No.13078964

I'm saving this

>> No.13078967

His view is extremely superficial and materialistic. Basically:
>less death from war than ever before
>less death from diseases than ever before
>less violent crime than ever before
>more lifestyle and personal choices than ever before
...therefore, this is great. He's the kind of guy who would say, while standing at the Folsom Street Fair with his ten year-old son, "Gee, isn't it nice that these people can express their sexual and fashion preferences in a healthy and celebrated manner?"

>> No.13079065

1,2, and 3 would be universally regarded to be good things by literally anyone in any period of history that isn’t an edgelord. Only 4 would be contentious, but even then it would amount to bitching about how your favorite lifestyle isn’t the popular one.

>> No.13079356

>"Gee, isn't it nice that these people can express their sexual and fashion preferences in a healthy and celebrated manner?"
isn't it tho?

>> No.13079637

I really want to beat Stephen Pinker up.

I haven't read any of his works but his face is so thoroughly punchable that I can't help but feel it to be necessary.

>> No.13080010
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are you seriously gonna read anything written by HIM?