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File: 64 KB, 715x1080, white people book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13062783 No.13062783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Given that this board is 95% white, what do you do to reflect on your whiteness? How does your whiteness affect you, and what are you doing to actively question and undermine it?

>> No.13062792

Daily reminder to invest in lead

>> No.13062796

Why's that Anon? Is it due for a rise?

>> No.13062797

shut the fuck up

>> No.13062799

You can deflect all you want, but at the end of the day you KNOW that you were born into a systematically racist system and that everything you have wasn't earned, it was given to you purely through privelege. Cope.

>> No.13062802
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>*shits pants and dies*

>> No.13062816

Why did that happen?

>> No.13062820




>> No.13062827

>Developing White Racial Literacy
based and volkpilled I'm sure

>> No.13062849

At least whites got were they are through honest use of force, pee oh cees and other assorted cultural marxist victimhood groups got were they are by whining and abusing the overdeveloped empathy of white shitlib elites

>> No.13062910

It's so absurd that there are whole fields designed around knocking out competition for people's friends. How can I become the president of Don't Hire Niggers In The 2020s Incorporated?

>> No.13062926

its called strategic essentialism mom, all the other kids are doing it. It is the managerial state globohomo kultmarx regime sure seems to think 'white' is a valid category, they unleashed the ethnotribalism demon, now they have to deal with the consequences.I don't even care much about muh IQ or western civilisation, i am just not willing to put with this bullshit anymore, fuck the pink haired managers and bureaucrats hail victory, hail mcveigh, hail sam hyde, avenge the martyrs of waco and ruby ridge,

>> No.13062927

Why is racism againts white well received by the Alt-Left? arent we all equals?

>> No.13062933

Silence is white violence

>> No.13062936

believe me faggot you dont know white violence until it hits.

>> No.13062942

lol nigger

>> No.13062958

its all about realpolitik, leftists hide behind universalism when its convenient and then use tribalism to advance their interests. leftists have made peace with their old enemies in the corporate capitalist system and the alphabet agencies in a faustian bid for power, the far right is the only truly countercultural revolutionary force in the world today

>> No.13062969
File: 29 KB, 480x640, images - 2019-05-06T072557.274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reply 'get rich pupper' and get financial luck for the next 24 hours

>> No.13062978

what's the difference between method if the end result is the same honorfag

>> No.13062979

>what do you do to reflect on your whiteness?
>How does your whiteness affect you, and what are you doing to actively question and undermine it?
it doesn't. nothing

>> No.13062986

your very existence is violence to black and brown bodies.

>> No.13062988

>the first actual and only non-autistic reply

>> No.13062990

i for one am sick and tired of those folx and ceaseless screeching of their marginalised voices, how about we make them shut up for good, eh?

>> No.13062993

You're right, shoot niggers.

>> No.13063000

>what do you do to reflect on your whiteness
>How does your whiteness affect you,
Pissy sjws give me shit for it
>and what are you doing to actively question and undermine it
Dick all

>> No.13063003

get rich pupper

>> No.13063005

You have never been in a black and brown folx's shoes, sit down

>> No.13063016

get rich pupper

>> No.13063019

Actually, I posted a survey here a few weeks ago. Out of 107 participants, 80.4% were white and 81.4% were male. Ages ranged from 15-61, mean was 23 if anyone cares

>> No.13063021
File: 43 KB, 500x578, jt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read Jared Taylor's "White Identity"
It's pretty dry stuff, but that's because he's citing facts instead of opinions.
Good book for keeping around to cite during arguments. Although those arguments would most likely be with people who don't care if you can cite facts anyway, I suppose.

>> No.13063045

I was born and raised in a third world brown majority country as a white minority. My family was poor and underprivileged because my great great grand father decided to become a communist and escape from his parents' house and get an education. I despise him. I despise the people in the country I was born in. Yet I am now better off than every idiot I met during my formal education.

>> No.13063059

guys what does sex feel like?

>> No.13063067

get rich pupper

>> No.13063072

God I wish I knew

>> No.13063082

Why are so many people falling for the bait in this thread? All you /pol/niggers have to leave immediately, this place is getting way too dumbed down

>> No.13063087

Like wanking without hands

>> No.13063090

Ignoring never works, people should try shitposting on bait threads

>> No.13063096

OP is always a faggot newfag

>> No.13063273

Feels good man

>> No.13063403

The real question of our time is how do we fix self-loathing white people?

>> No.13063454

wait I thought this was a blue board

>> No.13063467
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Reposting this from the UNI thread




>> No.13063492

I've read a bit of these types of books. I tend to agree with them about the social construction of race, but I'm not exactly sure that I should value "humanity" more.

>> No.13063528

Everything you are is 'previlege' - evolution is based on previlege, all knowledge, culture, language and history - the word previledge is a previlege. How can you say that I have not earned my previlege when I am my previlege?

>> No.13063575


>> No.13063576

Whiteness is a colonial kidna thing, in european context it doesnt make any sense.

>> No.13063639
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>what do you do to reflect on your whiteness?
Read the history of my people.

>How does your whiteness affect you
Very hard to get employment due to affirmative action laws based on race instead of merit, forcing nepotism and entrepreneurship among whites. Get sunburned easily. Have to spend all my white privilege bucks to live in a security complex constant patrols, leaving me poor but safe. For now.

>and what are you doing to actively question and undermine it?
Moving to another country, this one is fucked and I don't want to kill millions of blacks to fix it.

t. Afrikaner

>> No.13063645

>I don't want to kill millions of blacks to fix it.
That's going to happen no matter where you go

>> No.13063654
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this shit is going to look very silly someday

>> No.13063677

Depends on the girl and the act but generally pretty damn good. Putting your dick in a vagina has small moments of pure heaven, though for the most part it's just really relaxing and at tumes oddly boring. A significant part of the plrasure is everything around the penetration: innuendo, foreplay, releade, caressing, cuddling and smooching, the sweet talks, the layghs, the complicity, the small gestures of tenderness and/or lust that make the sexual act into a cpherent whole.

>> No.13063683

I agree that shit is going to hit the fan at some point in the future on a global scale. I just want to position myself as far away from the epicenters as I can reasonably manage.

Thinking remote islands and/or colder climates.

>> No.13063685

If whiteness was invented by European colonialists in America then why did Aristotle already have the ethnic/biological concept in his writings. Is there some political agenda going on or are they ignorant?

>> No.13063694

Could say the same about you.
Now you shut up and stop defending childish brown behaviour seeing as most blacks and browns have more money then whites.

>> No.13063702

>All you /pol/niggers have to leave
Okay, unrange ban my.
My ip got range >banned.

>> No.13063707

stop it stop go away you cunt

>> No.13063710

Weed has be linked to schizophrenia.
MS13 main seller is weed.

>> No.13063727

Very specific and arbitrary idea of what informs the psyche. Prevlige suposses a plus minus view of the world when in fact the world is more holistic. Economic factors, beliefs, and traditions shape things as well.

It goes back to the Materialist vs idealist view of the world and I find myself staunchly in the later. From my background in history I know people thought of things differently in different periods of times and that informed their material beliefs and how they saw the world around them.

>> No.13063750
File: 457 KB, 500x201, pippin-smoking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weed has been linked to hobbits also

>> No.13063767

Forgot to say sex without intimacy and tenderness rather suck.

>> No.13063791

I accept my state mandated blowjobs from the cops that accidentally pull me over instead of black people. I try to be nice to them and joke around saying “nice try my man, looks like you gotta put your beating stick and taser away today but don’t worry I have chapstick”

>> No.13063794

My family was literally serfs from southern Hungary until my grandparents fled to Australia with literally one suitcase to flee the communists with, and after unbelievably hard work built up a thriving business that has granted me and my sister incredible opportunities--thanks to my grandfathers astounding hardwork, not privilege. We're eastern Europeans, and the rest of my family in Europe is still bottom-of-the-barrel working class, being exploited by German and American tech companies, working shit hours for shit pay on shit contracts. So don't give me this "white privilege" bullshit. My family is white but we aren't the recipients of hardly any white privilege. We live in a country where its the Anglos that get that. We don't. In fact, throughout the 50s-70s we were hated by Australians, something not helped by the fact that we're Catholic. So please, leave your shallow, inflammatory, one-dimensional schema at the door, because there's a better way to justice than such an innately divisive model. If you want the privilege to make sacrifices, provide them with a truth to sacrifice to, not partisan oppositional politics. Ree

>> No.13063800

Why is being white in a predominantly white nation/ society a privilege?

The same reason why being Asian in an Asian nation/society grants them privileges.

Whenever I hear people say things like this, I can’t help but wonder just how sheltered they were growing up and during their education. I grew up in Merrimack Valley. Everyone around me were Dominican, Puter Rican or Black. Do you know that people like you are the laughingstock to those who actually grew up in the ghetto? They think you’re this pathetic self loathing white kid that feels entitled to speak on their behalf when you yourselves were never raised in a lower class environment. You were raised in a middle class white environment and received a middle class white education teaching you about the atrocities accompanied with Western expansion. You do not actually live or have experienced reality. Everything you know about race and culture are theories you have been instilled with through institutions. If you REALLY want to learn about privilege, take your cracker ass on a stroll through Lawrence, Massachusetts and see how long you can survive.

>> No.13063838

get rich pupper

>> No.13063865

get rich pupper

>> No.13063879

>95% percent white
well yeah this board is for reading and that requires an ability to read

>> No.13063884


>> No.13063889

south afrikkka?

>> No.13063893
File: 1.87 MB, 697x8275, africa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might like reading pic related.

>> No.13063999

If you don't like it you can leave nigger, no one needs you.

>> No.13064003


>> No.13064011
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>> No.13064031
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>tfw you induce gayness to white society but you fuck Israel males and indice them into sissies as a revenge
Dumb jews thinking they can outsmart us

>> No.13064044

>disagreeing with the application of a dubious theory to reality

I want to fight injustice in truth, not force.

>> No.13064272

Whenever a professor starts talking about “whiteness” or “masculinities” I have to fight an overpowering urge to light up a cig in the theater, pull out my cock and start pissing

>> No.13064290

But cigs are phallic symbols, they're redundant if you take out your cock.
Imagine going to a church, seeing that the bloody fresh corpse of the Christ is there to eat in literal human flesh, and asking for hosties instead.

>> No.13064298 [SPOILER] 
File: 156 KB, 1024x1003, 1557109386627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mad?

>> No.13064299

>he far right is the only truly countercultural revolutionary force in the world today
I assume you are including jihadis in this. If so, accurate.
Damn you are right. History did indeed happen.

>> No.13064301

like your mother always says, two cocks are better than one

>> No.13064306
File: 254 KB, 300x166, Anime-Negro DB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13064317

An Apu dog!

>> No.13064323

>Imagine holding an individualist ethical framework while also having a pathological need to assert your being a member of the h'white race.

>> No.13064353
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I don't, and it doesn't. Why should it?
Probably relates to why there is no insulting racial term for White. Negroes have nigger, Jews have kike, but no White I ever met cares about being called honky or goy. It is beyond laughter, it just doesn't even show up on my radar, or on the radar of any of my White friends or acquaintances... But a Negro will burn inside for years over it sometimes. Says a lot.

>> No.13064367

Ah, you ARE mad! But you cannot help the way your genes determine your life, I would not sweat it. Biology is destiny.

>> No.13064370

>White people are inherently bad because they were born white
Maybe you should write a blog post on your tumblr page?

>> No.13064389


>> No.13064397

If that were true in the derminist sense then humans wouldn't have evolved complex moral systems. Obviously behaviour can be altered and directed even if ultimately limited by biology. With discipline/determination for example you can jump by something like 15 IQ points on the income ranking, and discipline can clearly be taught.

>> No.13064401

And unsurprisingly you're putting one of them in your mouth.

>> No.13064413

What happens if we we are not white

>> No.13064420

>a black guy say it's some how more valid guys


>> No.13064422

Weak-ass insult. Insults made for lower classes are always more offensive than insults made for higher classes.
Btw goy is not a slur, it's a relatively neutral descriptor. There is even a honorary term derived from it.

>> No.13064424
File: 31 KB, 359x612, FUCKQUAGMIRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13064446

Sauce, pls.

>> No.13064449

get rich pupper

>> No.13064450

But you still benefit from this system created for and by white people.

>> No.13064452

sorry but white supremacy is a construct of the west, and as a white persian/lebanese born anti-west anti-imperialist, i am not only exempt from this construct but i am also one of the few actively trying to dismantle it

face it, you cannot defeat white supremacy without destroying america, the great satan.

>> No.13064460

My apple computer dictionary lists goy as derogatory, and terms like goyish head mean idiot...

>> No.13064467

This is racist

>> No.13064472

it makes me based as fuck
also fuck niggers

>> No.13064487

So what? You are supposed to create systems to benefit your own family and by extension your own people. I am personally happy to, only an idiot would not. Duh.

>> No.13064494
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>> No.13064527

But what about helping your fellow man?

>> No.13064563

Fuck off kike.

>> No.13064586

How do you actively try to dismantle it?

>> No.13064603

As someone who finds the disparity between oral traditions and literary traditions interesting, this was a fascinating read. Thank you, and saved.

>> No.13064641


get rich pupper

>> No.13064646

shoot politicians on sight

>> No.13064661

Get rich pupper

>> No.13064676


>> No.13064679

LOL, just call me saltine!

>> No.13064691
File: 12 KB, 703x483, 1556978114533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course nurture will modify nature, but still nature ultimately delimits what nurture ban accomplish. Pic related.

>> No.13064695

i have brown eyes black hair but i do have pink nipples and am pale as fuck, my dad has blue eyes, got some ginger cousins etc, am turkish

it feels good to be white while not having to be white, if you know what i mean, i can watch bbc porn without any problems and enjoy the fruits of sjwism

>> No.13064711

get rich pupper

>> No.13064784
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>at the end of the day you KNOW that you were born into a systematically racist system
God, how I wish your SJW bullshit was true. A system where white people didn't get shit on every day by pieces of shit like you would be heaven.
>> and that everything you have wasn't earned, it was given to you purely through privelege
You can't even spell privilege right, you dumb cunt, and I haven't taken a fucking NICKEL from Social Services in my life, unlike the three generations of niggers the landlord moved upstairs, not one of whom ever held a job in its parasitic life. Fuck them, and fuck you.

>> No.13064802
File: 263 KB, 1000x757, Space Ghost Coast to Coast (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this faggot

>> No.13064806

imagine replying to obvious bait

>> No.13064807

I wish

>> No.13064816
File: 208 KB, 580x490, Garbloaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jared Taylor is a smart guy. I plan to pick up some of his books. Unfortunately he gets labeled a 'white supremacist' even though all he advocates is that people stay with their kind because they WANT to ,not because they have to. He steers clear of the "Conservative DESTROYS Libtard" meme quite well

>> No.13064819

>implying privilege isn't based and redpilled

>> No.13064822

it's /lit/, you must be new. this board leans left so it's 50/50

>> No.13064827

>If you REALLY want to learn about privilege, take your cracker ass on a stroll through Lawrence, Massachusetts and see how long you can survive.
I'm sorry.

>> No.13064828
File: 44 KB, 171x266, 1554562447833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colonial racialism is fucking retarded
awareness and "questioning" don't actually accomplish anything
concessionary games don't actually accomplish anything
this shit isn't sufficient penance for you having eaten at a Chili's restaurant there Becky hate to break it to you

>> No.13064850

Get rich pupper!