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13062071 No.13062071 [Reply] [Original]

What's the verdict?

>> No.13062097

Did you give this book a read? Did you love it; did you hate it? What would you rate it? Youre the best, youre the best, what should I review next? Milan Kundera - The Unbearable Lightness of Being, forever!

>> No.13062111

le floate hat

>> No.13063453

almost done with La Plaisanterie (The Joke) and loving it, if the book is anything similar to Kundera's early stuff then it should be great

>> No.13063887

There were tits in the film adaptation.

>> No.13063910

I just read the first chapter and it's very easy to read and it's just romance with some references thrown in, I was expecting some shit like Musil or Bernhard dunno why

>> No.13064677

>your hair will never smell of vulva

>> No.13064706

it's nice and comfy, not particularly ground breaking or deep. I enjoyed the way the story it's told through the diferent characters, kind of reminds me of Tolstoi

>> No.13066239
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>> No.13066276

my fingers once did...


a long long time....

fuck i am so lonely

>> No.13066304

i personally thought it was kind of mediocre, there are some interesting ideas in there and its not a complete waste of time but ive heard it described as being build around Nietzsche and all that but i found that to be fairly lackluster.
The characters themselves are kind of annoying and the proze is very much tell dont show which i found kind of bland. If anyone has any interesting takes on the book im very much open to being proven wrong though.

>> No.13066313

I think i‘ve read it as a teen and most things probably went way over my head. I remember being annoyed af at all the historical and political stuff.

>> No.13066331

>remember being annoyed af at all the historical and political stuff.
haha that made me laugh for some reason..i pictured you throwing the book to the ground in anger

>> No.13066347


>> No.13066527

Had to read it for school, hated it.

>> No.13066708

It's a book for sjw sluts and soibois.

>> No.13066714

ikr MAGA, fellow pedes!

>> No.13066732

oh god you just brought up repressed memories of being 14 and literally throwing a book in anger, (it was one of the Pendragon series, i think book 8 where the MC gets stranded "forever" on a desert island)

pls no bully