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/lit/ - Literature

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13061291 No.13061291 [Reply] [Original]

How are you spending your afternoon /lit/?

>> No.13061296

On /lit/ of course, been a while since I spent an entire weekend here

Trying to decide if I should finish writing something...

>> No.13061303

Sounds like a fun weekend :) What are you writing?

>> No.13061360
File: 175 KB, 819x819, CRACK OPEN A COUPLE COLD ONES MY DUDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer is the most effeminate alcoholic beverage. Contains phytoestrogens which is why it attracts so many soi's.
Better to drink Whiskey and have some actual drink to sip on instead of pisswater.

>> No.13061380

I'm a college student so I don't exactly have money for a good whiskey

>> No.13061386

What language is that? Kurwa?

>> No.13061387

For me, it's Sobieski. The best cheap vodka.

>> No.13061396
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If you don't have money for whiskey then you don't have money for beer. Just drink water, coffee or tea until you have money again. Whiskey can last a long way if you drink conservatively.

>> No.13061423


>> No.13061462

There is something about beer drinkers I find unagreeable. I can befriend teetotalers, wine enthusiasts, drinkers of Vodka and other hard liqueurs but the beer drinker. No. Never have been friends with them and always turned aloof the moment they got the least bit chummy. They're generic NPCs. Beer is the beverage of the mediocre masses. The beer gut isn't the main effect of its consumption. It erases chiseled faces and puts in their place generic, faces with fat on them. Rounded. Another face in the crowd. I have childhood friends I ran into, after a decade of beer consumption, they're unrecognizable. It's not the puffiness of an alcoholic no, this is something else, something from the estrogenic effects making the masculine features more obfuscated, something that affects most men, putting extra fat on their face. It's no surprise that many actors do not drink beer.

>> No.13061491

I agree with you. Most of my childhood friends that fucked their life up were constantly drinking beer. Those that stuck to whiskey/vodka never fell that deep.

>> No.13061495


>> No.13061502

Although beer is much more commercialized in my country because it's illegal to advertise any alcohol other than beer.

>> No.13061503

>People who drink a lot of the highest calorie alcohol derivative get fat quicker
Woah.......this is fucking insane....holy fuck......

>> No.13061544

It's more than that. I know people who eat too much on the other beverages. It has something to do with the estrogenic effects too.

>> No.13061545
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75.5% rum, YouTube vids, maybe a movie (probably Scent of a Woman), perhaps some music at some point, and either pass out on my bed with keyboard/mouse/headset or manage to remain conscious and put it all away before going to sleep and going to class tomorrow morning.

I am a functioning alcoholic, it would seem.

>> No.13061547

kaci stopala

>> No.13061550

Read a bit from Numbers, gonna browse /lit/ for awhile at work; go home and work on a script with a friend; read a bit of Meno (if funny swede man is reading Plato, I have no more excuses to put it off). Then, I'm gonna pretend like I'm organizing my old writings, but really just stare at the wall listening to a podcast. That sounds about right.

>> No.13061591

Beer also helps to bring on gout. Wine and liquor aren't so bad to my understanding, and in terms of calories, to my knowledge liquor is the lightest of the bunch. I wonder, though, does typical 35-40% liquor have half as many calories as high-proof stuff that's around double that strength? I'm doubtful. Apparently a 1oz shot of vodka is 70 kcal. I'm guessing a 1oz shot of 151 Proof stuff would be less than 140kcal, pure guess though. I have done a LITTLE bit of research regarding calories in booze, but not so much with the high-proof stuff.

>> No.13061604

Liquor is defo better than beer if you're looking at calories. I remember in high-school when we would go out before a competition we would always get drunk from liquor. That way we would still make weight tommorow

>> No.13061614

wild turkey 101. or old grand dad 114 if you don't mind strong as fuck flavor. thank me later

>> No.13061641

Thanks man. I think there is a liquor store near me. Gonna try some of that.
Are those good for beginners, cause I never drank liquor, but I've been wanting to get into that lately

>> No.13061658

I was thinking about whether I can ever write something of high aesthetic beauty. I know that I have before. I was just spending my afternoon listening to bach and feeling tired from studying for my exams. I have a math final tomorrow and I'm trying to absorb every bit of information about the questions as I can, down to every minute detail.

That's aside from the fact that there's no pursuit in life outside of doing leisurely things which I would ever want to do. I know that I was born too soon for automation to take the majority of boring jobs, so I am stuck in a nightmarish hell where I am expected to subject myself to mental torture on a daily basis for the rest of my life, doing some menial shit which serves the sole purpose of pushing around particles in such a way that helps society entertain itself and eat food; that really is what it comes down to is doing a bunch of stupid shit so we can all continue to eat, and continue to push the rock up the hill for no reason whatsoever.

My only hope is aesthetic fulfillment, I've said it once and I'll say it again! You can all rip your religious dung heap out of your ass and wipe it on your fucking face, you might as well, considering that's how stupid all of you look trying to give a narrative to the endless arrangements of particles you've coddled as if they were your fucking precious ring.

Fuck! I am so sick of particles. Everywhere I look it's particles. I don't want particles anymore, yet I cannot tell what it is about particles which makes them so sad. It is because I too wish that there were some narrative purpose, and I feel the vast entropic blackness and emptiness of space, which is so unforgiving in the most extreme. To say that I wished there were something in that blackness could not be a more pathetic cowardice and loss of intellectual honesty.

I revile the religious, I live to suffer in beauty, and I suffer for beauty. Not the beauty of a sickeningly stupid thing called "god", like imbeciles do, but to live for the indescribable thing which is locked away in my mind's potential, locked away in my brain waiting to be awed. Like a glass of fine liquor in the dark that you see, but you try with all your might to figure out how to lift your arm to reach it. It's right there, but you cannot reach it, because I have lost the ability to feel! Suffer.

>> No.13061680

I'm not really fluent in english so I believe I didn't understand most of what you wrote but thanks for venting :) Good luck tommorow on math

>> No.13061706

Well thank you.

>> No.13061745
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And yet, here you are, suffering through every single day, instead of living happily under the guiding light provided by the one above, enjoying your days as it was meant to be done, in this temporary garden of Eden.
I'll pray for you, anon.

>> No.13061757

Playing video games, browsing garbage threads, looking at the clock and thinking that I should have tried reading a bit 6 hours ago as I had originally planned.

>> No.13061788

Liquor actually contains a ton of calories. Just try setting fire to some hard spirits, lots of energy contained within. However, the body isn't really able to deconstruct alcohol into fat or other sources of energy, pure alcohol can be burned for energy here and now, but not really stored. Quite a bit of the energy is also expended through excess bodyheat.

>> No.13061805


>> No.13062159

That explains why I seem to draw energy from liquor. I find that beer makes me feel more lazy and sluggish.

>> No.13062185

Woke up early, played Dragon Age, read a few pages, worked on my portfolio. I don't want to do much these days but I have to force myself. My mood is a little off since a few days.

It's getting late now, I'll force myself to work out a bit, make my food for work tomorrow before finishing the day.

>> No.13062187
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>drinking literal pisswater

Ajde ne kenjaj, dobro ti veli.
Slika prije pola sata

>> No.13062251

should be reading but am eating junk and re-watching the office.
Meditations on First Philosophy I borrowed is due tomorrow and I'm still at the 3rd Meditation, every day after the return date the late return fee gets more expensive but I'm not returning before I finish it.
Yesterday I turned 23

>> No.13062269

studying for finals
catching up
fell in a rare procrastinating thing all semester, pretty much caught up now just rehashing

>> No.13062296

Beer, Crusader Kings 2, and thinking I should get on with my reading.

>> No.13062301

frustrations of life

>> No.13062317
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listening to schoenbergs 1st quartet, i gotta say im not a fan of his non twelve tone work, maybe the second quartet will be better since it is shorter

>> No.13062325

although i did like Verklärte Nacht

>> No.13062335
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Why the fuck would you read translated books, if you can already speak/read English?

>> No.13062346
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>uhm, don't you know that beer can make you fat? lol
>here try this nice vodka redbull, it's sugarleeeessss!

>> No.13062347

Drink and read till I'm too drunk to read then I just shitpost on 4chan.

>> No.13062348
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>> No.13062399
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ti si živa mema
kaj je to, neki fantasy?
lmao koje je ovo sranje?

Anyway I just finished reading a paper on protests against plays in Croatian theater 1860-1970.

Verklärte is not even proper atonal yet, so that's really not all that surprising.
I heard that his early Gurre-Lieder are also accessible. Maybe you'd enjoy that too.

>> No.13062411

dont want to read, dont want to play games, not sure what to do. thats why i'm here.

>> No.13062419

Reading 100 Years of Solitude.
And drinking beer because even though I love a nice whisky or red wine I just can't pace myself with those.

>> No.13062435
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Try to get through 80 or so more pages of this (about 1/2 through since last Sunday)

>> No.13062458

Jazz and Black Coffee and some sweet dreams of the void.

Could be worse.

>> No.13062550

>plucking off those annoying function keys so you don't hit them accidentally

Truly a fellow man of culture

>> No.13062636
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Started this today. Reads like eastern european black and white movie from the 60s.

>> No.13062729

>not using the function keys
truly grug-tier

>> No.13062767

Some of them are just in the way

>> No.13062770

wasting my time missing you

>> No.13062779

It's not like estrogens of other species affect humans