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13058811 No.13058811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am standing in a taco shop and I just came from a coworkers wedding where people danced, smiled, and talked joy to each other. My girlfriend is in the bathroom as I wait in the packed line. And while I am relatively well-read, have a comfy enough job to allow me to write, and tonight will take my girlfriend to her home to you know what, I want more than ever to get some questions regarding life so I can write to you as I would to my diary.

She just came out on the last period I placed talking about dog hair in her eye.

I pressed enter so she doesn’t see it—just in case, can’t breach trust. Ask me anything about Proust, Shakespeare, Nietzsche, Kant, girls, free will, or life. Please please please please please please

>> No.13058826

Here's a question for you. If you seem so knowledgeable about life, why do you maintain such an unhealthy weight?

>> No.13058833

He’s sitting down so his leg looks like that

Stop fat shaming

>> No.13058837

You are sickeningly entitled. The people in your life care about your personal identity and your personal knowledge. No one here cares. That is not the purpose of this place. You are not the purpose of this place.

>> No.13058838

becoming nihilist is anti-free will, and I'd like you to prove this using Nietzsche's work while using analogy of Shakespeare's.

Goodluck I wait for a response.

>> No.13058840

Stop fat shaming you moran

>> No.13058842

That’s my girl. I’m a lankier guy. 6’3 190. Physiognomy a la Schopenhauer and Proust shines light on my attraction for her and her attraction for me.

>> No.13058849

I’m standing in line waiting and spending some free time because I already spend enough on my 2 hour round trip commute to work and my girl’s house each day. Chill boyyyy.

>>13058838 will respond to you in a sec

>> No.13058850

Einstein did that better with his discourse of relativity.

>> No.13058856

Nietzsche is not a nihilist. There are several aphorisms of him directly attacking nihilism. Not only that but he is all about carving your own meaning. To the point where you can use Seneca and Nietzsche side by side to make the most of your life. I appreciate you feeding the conversation, and if you’d like me to say more then ask more.

>> No.13058883

I should have known better than to address an NPC. All those books you claim to have read, and still you have not learned to think reflexively. It may be impossible for me to break through your haze of narcissism, fueled not only by the alcohol you drank tonight but by years and years of thoughtless wish-fulfillment. But maybe this post will touch someone else headed down your path. Don't be an unreflective Self, anons. You don't have to be like this fat-girlfriend-having true-shit-posting waste of atoms and electrons. You don't have to suck the air out of the room like OP, the premier faggot air-sucker. You can leave this world better than it was when you came in.

>> No.13058893
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>> No.13058899

You retard I never suggested he was. I was asking for OP to use Nietzcshe to prove nihilism is anti-free will with analogy in Shakespeare.

fuck off you are literally reddet tier

>akshulllyyy comun misonception!!!!! :-)))))

>> No.13058918

Op here. Take Jaques’s stage of life in as you like it. Say it’s determinist and non free will. Well, Jaques is almost to the level of nihilist, but to anyone that isn’t, they can take solace in the rest of the play (especially Rosalind) battling Jaques with their naturalness.