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13057997 No.13057997 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.13058003 [DELETED] 

It's about an Irish cuck who fights windmills while saving money for a boat he'll use to hunt for a whale.

>> No.13058013

i would think that people could fly using wax wings. if only they remained humble. so far no publishers are biting.

>> No.13058023

do you figure those would allow a person to pet them?

>> No.13058031


>> No.13058039

it's about an Argentinian guy that got out to get a walk and while on a hill a bird, a hawk starts going after him.

>> No.13058107
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Not really a novel idea but more of a manga/light novel idea and it's really just a very rough draft. You have your average MC who one day meets the 3 daughters of friends of his parents. They drop them off and tell the MC that he has to take care of them for a few hours. The 3 girls are your typical hot anime babes and the MC thinks he'll get to do your typical harem comedy hijinks but he soon finds out that the 3 are severely mentally retarded, being biologically in their late teens but being closer mentally to 5 year-olds. They proceed to drive the MC insane by drawing all over his walls in crayon and permanent marker, eating up everything in his fridge, throwing temper tantrums whenever they don't get their way, playing with their stuffed animals and crying and whining incessantly. At one point one of them will ask him to accompany her to the bathroom since she isn't yet potty trained. The MC is so mad and frustrated that he decides to rape her in the bathroom and attempts to do so until the girl pisses herself in fear and he gets grossed out. The parents then come back at this moment, find out that the MC tried to rape one of their daughters and the scene changes to a courtroom where the MC gets sentenced to prison for trying to rape a mentally disabled person. The manga/light novel is supposed to be a deconstruction of the tendency of anime and manga to feature female characters that are physically developed but exhibit childish mannerisms/intelligence so the reader finds them "cute", and what would actually happen in real life if you had a bunch of physically developed girls who behaved like actual children.

>> No.13058112
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>> No.13058114

presents no solution to the problem, heartless, boring. no reason to read it.

>> No.13058136
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>conflict must have a solution that satisfies ME
>all novels have to be about good guys coming out on top and everyone living happily ever after
You're boring

>> No.13058152

Demons and angels fighting eachother. Humans and aliens get caught in the crossfire. Very epical.

>> No.13058183 [DELETED] 

okay, this is epic

>> No.13058255

Multitude of different species fight over who is meant to protect their homeworld in the eyes of "The Goddess of Fire", who is actually just happy to have anyone fighting to protect her little biosphere.
This is only in terms of the whole saga, and not the first book.
Beta readers say what I have is very enjoyable and engaging.
Been working on it since seventh grade, slowly polishing this turd, remaking it again and again until it becomes something that isn't a turd.

>> No.13058361

Haha pigey

>> No.13058383

A young man discovers that hes a pedophile while searching the internet, and desperately tries to squash the fantasies.

>> No.13058389

so your diary ?

>> No.13058410

lol no

>> No.13058722

A total isolationist island civilization with technology about 50-100 years ahead of ours suddenly falls into ruin.

The rest of the world, still in the nuclear/coldwar-tech age (ala 1970's) quickly takes notice and attempts to explore the ruins to recover technology from that civilization. Eventually, an organization of the greatest powers in the world is formed and it manages all expeditions into this island of the advanced civilization. Unfortunately, the island is full of a complex and dangerous genetically-engineered eco-system, partly colonized by living bioweapons. Not to mention chemical, radioactive, thermal, and robotic hazards.

The storyline focuses on an exceptional squad of adventurers from different corners of the world, with different backgrounds, whose motivations range from redemption after uxoricide caused by an outburst during drug-addiction to scientific curiosity. The squad must overcome the dangers of the island and navigate the complexities of international politics between multiple nations, a massive corporation, and other groups.

>> No.13058732

The novel will examine human motivations, need for bonds and family, and the sacrifices people make of their own wellbeing as well as their families in order to be a hero.

>> No.13058746

This is just Roadside Picnic.

>> No.13058785

Yeah, this setup sounds pretty similar. Seems like a cool novel as well. I might see if I can find and read it. Is it well written?

The main difference in setting would be that in my setting, there is a more coordinated response to the danger zone, where in roadside picnic, there was more of a free-for-all.

>> No.13059255
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>> No.13059342

The Metamorphosis but the guy wakes up as a girl

>> No.13059460
File: 71 KB, 533x533, Fire-2-suite-of-four.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Revelation of The Antichrist
> Doomsday comes
> God leaves the server
> Believers hearts and minds are left asunder
> Atheists are in disbelief, and cannot fathom what happened
> People have even more question than they had before: why did God create this world, what was his purpose, what about his son, what's going to happen to us, are we free, what happened etc etc
> The Antichrist rises and answers the questions that humanity seeks

>> No.13059480

Narrated from her unconsciousness, we follow the rise of a whore.

>> No.13059557

Generic galactic conflict space opera, only the two sides are exaggerations of the current left and right.

>> No.13059661

Guy lives in a backwater shithole and gets his drugs because he is rich. Then the drug imports stop coming in because the church said drug bad, so he grabs his slaves and goes on a globetrotting tour to get his god damn fix.

>> No.13059666

Pls don‘t

Dude weed lmao

>> No.13059692
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I would unironically read this shit, Anon! MAKE IT HAPPEN, MAN!

>> No.13059694

Nah, dude coke lmao.

>> No.13059703

I‘m not the retard here.

>> No.13059715

Maybe we're all retards here.

>> No.13059743
File: 56 KB, 645x729, 5DE17DD9-496B-4F51-A15D-37F2A9A95596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touché anon

>> No.13060056

>remaking it again and again until it becomes something that isn't a turd.
It will never be nothing but.
It's the most stupid and generic Fantasy idea i have ever read. It even has the fake out "But it didn't really matter anyway lol"
I hope it never sees print.