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/lit/ - Literature

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13057360 No.13057360 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here like graphic novels?

>> No.13057426

Get those rats out of here.

>> No.13057446

Watchmen and V for Vendetta are dope.

>> No.13057609 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but they're not literature.

>> No.13057641

I like quite a few of them but I'm not a fan of the conventional capeshit comics. Manu Larcenet's Blast series was really good.

>> No.13058311

I like Jodorowsky's comics

>> No.13058393

>gatekeeping even though literature is anything reliant on the written word and graphic novels rely on the written word
bigger lol

>> No.13058481


I’m reading Berlin, by Jason Lutes, right now wholeheartedly recommend.

>> No.13058532

whats your beef with watchmen

>> No.13058559

His nickname was Rorschach in high school and not because of the cool stuff

>> No.13058577 [DELETED] 
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>gatekeeping even though literature is anything reliant on the written word and graphic novels rely on the written word
You're wrong. There are comics which do not rely on the written word like Thomas Ott's or Jason's. And the visual aspect makes them comics, not literature. It's not about muh gatekeeping (plebbit buzzword btw), it's about proper categorization, you retard. Music isn't architecture.

>> No.13058619

yes, there are comics that aren't literature, since literature relies on the written word and there do exist comics that rely more so on visual content. literary comics do exist. if you're going to say that anything with a visual aspect is disqualified from literature, then all writers who do anything other than type and hit enter periodically (i.e. Danielewski, Dorst, Steven Hall, Cummings, Pound, Apollinaire, et cetera) are not literature. also,
>everyone that disagrees with me and uses a common criticism is from reddit
>and ignore the fact that buzzword is a buzzword, my criticisms don't apply to me

>> No.13058643

nah im curious, what makes people here not like watchmen in reference to the comic medium

>> No.13058649 [DELETED] 

You're absolutely wrong and fundamentally misguided but I will let you parade around like the fool that you are because I've had this exact same argument in the past here and stubborn goats like you cannot comprehend art nor understand its categories. So carry on, mate, ridicule yourself, I won't get in the way. "Comics are literature". And crocodiles are canines. And smartphones are kitchen utensils. The shite you homosexuals say sometimes. Do me the fucking favour.

>> No.13058660

>having an autistic breakdown because someone called a bundle of paper with words on it a form of literature

>> No.13058669

manga >>> graphic novels

>> No.13058674 [DELETED] 

I suppose the loo paper with brand logo letters on it that I use every day to wipe my arse is also literature. Get a load of this bastard. I call bait. Adieu.

>> No.13058680
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>> No.13058706

>The work employs postmodernist techniques and represents Jews as mice, Germans as cats, and Poles as pigs.


>> No.13058719

Daniel Clowes has a pretty good art style. I like his graphic novel called Patience. Also, mister wonderful is alright. Theres a different one by a different author called asterios polyp i just read that some people might like, it was pretty dees. I think watchmen is also pretty much the gold standard.

>> No.13058749
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theyre two completely different things

thats like saying hiphop >> opera

>> No.13058760

>book with Japanese cartoon people talking
>completely different from book with American cartoon people talking

>> No.13058769

They're the exact same thing.
No English speaker calls French comics "bandes dessinées," so why should Japan get special treatment?

>> No.13058771 [DELETED] 

Different formats, though. Manga even reads backwards. Fuck, you're insufferable.

>> No.13058778 [DELETED] 

They're different genres. Names obviously change depending on the language. Don't go full retard.

>> No.13058782

>Arabic reads right to left, so it isn't a language

>> No.13058786

>manga is a genre
>graphic novel is a genre
is this the most retarded OP on /lit/ right now?

>> No.13058789

>"manga" is a genre
please stop posting

>> No.13058793

Arabic isn't a language because it's spoken by brown people.
Haven't you completed your /pol/brainwashing yet? Get with the times.

>> No.13058803

>if you're going to say that anything with a visual aspect is disqualified from literature, then all writers who do anything other than type and hit enter periodically (i.e. Danielewski, Dorst, Steven Hall, Cummings, Pound, Apollinaire, et cetera) are not literature
Dude what are you even saying. Stop digging yourself into a hole.

>> No.13058808

>Ancient Greek was written with boustrophedon, so it was written right to left half the time, so it wasn't a language half the time
can you refute it beyond "lol u dum XDDD"?

>> No.13058809

They put pictures in to keep children and low IQ people interested.

>> No.13058813 [DELETED] 

No, it's a different language, THAT'S the point. Manga is a different format/genre.

>> No.13058818 [DELETED] 

In the same way novels and short stories are genres. Not thematic genres but presentation genres.

>> No.13058820

>lol u dum XDDD
I see I’m talking with a retard. Forget it.

>> No.13058828

I thought /lit/ was about reading w/out the perty pictures.

>> No.13058829 [DELETED] 

mangafags BTFO

>> No.13058834


Manga as we know it today evolved completely in its own bubble for the last 50 years.

At their core they are similar with the format, but using that argument to generalize the two mediums is like saying that all movie genres can be lumped into one category and judged on the same grounds.

>> No.13058835 [DELETED] 

Anything is subjective these days. Painting is music, too. Dickless men are women.

>> No.13058836

>Arabic and Ancient Greek aren't left-to-right, so they aren't languages
>manga isn't left-to-right, so it isn't a comic
>quotes himself, uses that as proof I'm dumb
>uses this as an excuse to leave instead of acknowledging he has no argument

>> No.13058846

>quotes himself
Nope. I quoted you.

>> No.13058855

just by the way you reply i can tell you have little to no social relationships that do not deteriorate faster than you would like

>> No.13058858

>I quote you
>you quote my quote, originally yours
I thought you were gone, but okay

>> No.13058861

Glad to see common sense prevailed ;^)

>> No.13058865

just by the way you suddenly bring up completely irrelevant shit that you couldn't possibly know or even safely assume, I can tell you're projecting

>> No.13058869

>originally yours
I never wrote "lol u dum XDDD" except when quoting you, you dumb schizoid.
>I thought you were gone
? Are you hallucinating?

>> No.13058872


>> No.13058873 [DELETED] 

Both Western comics and manga fall under the texto-visual umbrella. And your language comparison is retarded and so are you.

>> No.13058877

Mangas are comics and animes are cartoons. End of story

>> No.13058887

>make a fake, over the top quote
no shit, are you new?
>Forget it.
I kind of assumed this meant you weren't going to reply to me anymore, but I guess you couldn't resist my charm
explain why the comparison is retarded, please. I want at least one intelligent response today that's not just "HAHA YOU'RE RETARDED :^D"

>> No.13058888


>> No.13058895

based digits but nah, I'm actually pretty entertained right now, threads like this are funny. I can only assume that you're still projecting, otherwise you wouldn't falsely read such an extreme emotion into text on a screen

>> No.13058908

yeah this was great

>> No.13058919 [DELETED] 

Because I never said manga wasn't a texto-visual genre like you're ridiculously saying here that Greek and Hebrew are not languages. I'm saying Western comics and manga are different genres but both fall under the texto-visual umbrella. You're sperging about a nonsensical comparison you created yourself. You're doing a strawman.

>> No.13058931

manga belongs to the group of books called comics, just as Arabic, Ancient Greek, Hebrew, Ancient Chinese, and formal Japanese belong to the group of written grammars called languages. where, exactly, does this statement logically fail?

>> No.13058939

>make a fake, over the top quote
Yeah that's exactly what you did.
>I kind of assumed this meant...
That just proves you're dumb.

>> No.13058943 [DELETED] 

Comics and manga belong to a type of texto-visual printed format. "Comics" are Western. Saying manga belongs to "comics" is being Western-centric and the delusional term also implies they're all comedic in nature. Why not say comics belong to manga instead? We really haven't come up with an intelligent name for that category, like with American Indians.

>> No.13058964

>concedes that I'm right and then immediately calls me dumb
>"Comics" are Western.
why? is it some inherent quality that makes it necessarily western? is this just an arbitrary definition you or some authority has set? is it because the word is English and English is a western language?

>> No.13059033

I'd have to disagree here. The stupid thing about the term "manga" is that it applies to literally every kind of comic book thats released in Japan. Unlike terms like "shonen" or "shojo" it's less defined by themes or style but by location. If a japanese dude would write/draw a superhero story it would still be called manga even though it would share more similarites with western comic books than shonen manga.

>> No.13059038

case in point, Boku no Hero Academia

>> No.13059053

>concedes that I'm right
I did no such thing. You're just making shit up as usual.

>> No.13059058

I came in here for artsy recs and all I got was retarded pedantry.
There was a cool Indian/Hindu western that I saw a while ago but have lost since. Does anyone know the name?

>> No.13059062

>I see I’m talking with a retard.
>Yeah that's exactly what you did.
you changed your mind, but you also want to ignore that you changed your mind? what's your game here? why are you doing this?

>> No.13059090

Movies aren't movies if they are made in France, then they are something completely different called films you pretentious twat!

>> No.13059105
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Big Questions is so underrated it makes me sad.

>> No.13059140

It is popular.

>> No.13059171

Comics and graphic novels are not a form of literature. They are a different medium, as different from literature as film or music. You can make an argument that stage plays are a form of literature. You can't make the same argument for comic books. I dearly love comics, but please stop making this thread.

>> No.13059802

No French speaker under the age of 60 says "bande dessinée" tho, we all say "BD"

>> No.13059874

The cancerousness and stupidity of this thread should be criminal. If I still had a gore folder I'd dump it here.

>> No.13059881

American comics were really insular for a long while too. You have your own genres like capeshit which don't exist outside of the US.

Generally there are three big comic zones/traditions: USA, Japan and the French speaking Europe. Afaik French comics had more impact than American ones on Japanese comics in the 70s or so.

>> No.13059916
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Corto Maltese. And now you can find good English editions. So please, do you self a favorite. It's crucial to go through Moebius, Jodo and all the major French, Italians and South American authors. I don't care for UK/USA stuff and to be honest overall I prefer mangas. That's it.

>> No.13059926

aee kaj ima

>> No.13059928

>reading stripboeken

>> No.13059939

Can you give me an ISBN? I don't want to accidentally get one of the ones with terrible formatting

>> No.13059953

They’re not graphic novels, they’re comic book collections

>> No.13061136

A comic is probably closer to literature than a play, except that there is a lack of good literature in the form. In a graphic novel, everything is in the book. You don't need to worry about staging.

>> No.13062468
File: 53 KB, 328x499, UdnerstandingComics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book made me appreciate graphic novels more

>> No.13062485

brecchia, pero no podes leer dibujitos wn, no son novelas

>> No.13062509

Yes, I read comics.

>> No.13062615
File: 169 KB, 800x1049, based dylan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's by far the best graphic novel i ever read it really gives you the best critique ever of our society's obsession with criminals and serial killers