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13056945 No.13056945 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen a thread about this in a little while.

General thread to discuss University and Student life.

How was this past year for you all? I learned a lot about logic this year, and I am grateful for everything I learned and all the people I have met. Still a little lonely though.

>> No.13056950

Attaching this link. Would like to hear all your thoughts on it. Are the universities in bad shape?


>> No.13056969

I burned out pretty much. Learned that I love math tho.

>> No.13057036
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See, I am burned out too, but I have about three papers left to write in the next week—I am at the end of the semester but just can't seem to focus on finishing them. Anything that would help bros?

>> No.13057056

Meditation has sort of helped me.

>> No.13057376

I'm 35 and I go to the library at the local christian college regularly. I dress to fit in the with the students and it's super comfy.

>> No.13057390

Enrolling next year. Any tips? It's a good school in the US but I don't really know what I want to major in.

>> No.13057434

I'm about to finish my degree in political philosophy, which I've enjoyed. However, I really enjoy chemistry as well - but it didn't seem like a viable major when I first enrolled. I come from a relatively well off family and have sufficient connections to where income won't be an issue in the future. This considered, is it worth it to go for another degree in chemistry purely out of the will to learn more or would it be a waste of time and something I could entertain in my free time?

>> No.13057441

The latter.

>> No.13057448

which logic book did you study

>> No.13058686

I'm also lonely. Lost most of my high school friends and haven't made any new ones.

>> No.13058740
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>how was this past year for you all
Not great. Fell for the STEM meme but keep failing subjects. I just don’t even know what I want to do and at twenty-two my options are getting fewer every day I waste. I am so hopeless and pessimistic about the future. What’s the point in doing anything when this shit society is going to collapse and be replaced with an even shitter one in my lifetime.

>> No.13058832 [DELETED] 
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>big papers due this past week
>10 students email me with spontaneous illnesses
>big 4-paragraph emails going "I'm really really really sorry I can't submit the paper until tomorrow can I please just have five more hours I swear to god I really do have all these diseases!"
>email them all back saying I don't give a shit and they can hand it in whenever

>> No.13058847 [DELETED] 
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I don't have any advice, but try to get extensions if you can and good luck anon. I believe in you.

>> No.13058853

Based TA thank you for your service

If you're an adjunct than I hope universities get their shit together

>> No.13058859

Burger flipping is an honest job but you're definitely a dumb ass

>> No.13059032

>How was this past year for you all?

I'm finishing up grad school. I'm worried I'll miss the camaraderie of the people in my program, and having worked in the real world I know it mostly sucks and I don't really want to go back to that. Also have obsessive-compulsive disorder and its been getting worse over the years—gotten to the point where this is the first year I've actually felt depressed and hopeless over it. Despite this, I keep trying to work hard and hope that if I keep up the personal discipline in my life that maybe I'll snap out of it someday, but it is rather frustrating since it's not something that I can just think my way out of.

Grading undergraduate papers taught me a lot—mostly that the quality of students, even at a reputable university such as mine, is pretty poor. I also learned to stop using "Indeed" at the beginning of sentences (or really anywhere in a sentence) as a result of reading too many undergraduate essays.

>> No.13059131

just letting you know that i'm feeling the same. all i have left is a presentation (and the research for it) but i simply can't be assed. due in 2 days lmao

echoing this, extensions on my papers saved me this semester

>> No.13059138

Was studying math for one year and now at the end of the second semester, I just don't want to pursue this. I'm unwilling to push on with these subjects.
I know I'm not the smartest guy, but I could've applied myself and push through this, but I feel no incentive.

Now I need to enroll into something else but I have no idea what.

>> No.13059183

>Now I need to enroll into something else but I have no idea what.
My advice to people in this situation is always philosophy. It's the "jack-of-all-trades" field (you will learn quite a bit about other subjects through it), teaches you skills that will lower the learning curve for everything else, and has pretty good job prospects as far as humanities majors go (law is a common field philosophy undergrads go into, for example).

>> No.13059389

Currently in the process of doing research for my MA thesis (comparative literature). I really want to do a PHD afterwards and hopefully get a job in academia so even though I have always had very good grades so far, I put a lot of pressure on me to find a good topic for the thesis. It just seems that you have to find a subject that is interesting to your professor but also could get you some recognition in the general academic field (especially when it comes to the PHD) and I find it really hard to project what topic would do that - and I really don't want to write about feminist or postcolonial issues which seem like the safest bet.

>> No.13059486

Oh no no no no. I thought doing German studies i.e. Germanistic. Philosophy seems like a real time sink and time waste.

>> No.13059515

I've studied both. Why would you consider philosophy a time waste? You do pretty much the same in both fields, study and analyze texts. It's just literary texts in German studies and philosophical texts in philosophy.

>> No.13060092

Why am I dumb?

>> No.13060115

Very happy to be done with NEET life and the studies I picked are the best and I love it. People aren't that interesting mostly because I'm 5 years older but still managed to make very good friends.

Got my finals tomorrow and I'm not ready for it, kind of annoyed by how grading is still mostly based on memory like in Highschool and it will be like this till the Masters.

>> No.13060127

I miss college and academia and my main light right now is the prospect of getting into graduate school. Right out of college I was tired of academia's petty, trivial abstractions and largely worthless strenuousness, and I strongly disliked the anxious academic temperament that seems best disposed to long term involvement in education, i.e. cloistered worriers who are sufficiently nervous at baseline to max out their grades and apply to all the right scholarships and schools but who would have a panic attack in a real life emergency situation. But now I get the sense that "real life" is petty and trivial and worthless too, even things that are usually stirring to the idealist, such as helping the needy, because there is a bleakly endless supply of the needy and no progress ever appears to be made. Academia, if nothing else, is cozy and moderately interesting, and I crave a return to that.

>> No.13060140

>majored in stem
>graduate in a week

Guys I regret it so much. I wish I could time travel back. I hate this subject and want to never work in it. I hate academia.
Im probably not going to do anything for a year. Is there anyway I can get a full scholarship to humanities graduate degree?

I cant believe i wasted my youth.

>> No.13061472

I really wanna go back but kind of old now and there is the chance it might be too easy now?

>> No.13061536

Finished this semester with a a 3.77 and it brought my GPA up to 3.2. Was a lot of math and only one history class. Wrote about 36k words in the last two weeks just for that one class though.
I'm at the point where I'm successfully getting through all these classes but I realize that even though I love doing it I don't ever want to work in it. Sucks man.
If you go into something you've studied on your own, or if you've disciplined yourself more, then maybe but most likely not.

>> No.13061559

>I also learned to stop using "Indeed" at the beginning of sentences
Students come in with all kinds of weird literary tics; for some reason beginning a sentence with "And so" is common, and the word "problematic" crops up a lot more than it should.

>> No.13061859

Find a good balance between a major that you like and will get you a job, I'm in econ for that reason

>> No.13061883

Do you think anything environmentally related is reasonable to get a job in? I've been quite interesting in that lately.

>> No.13061898

Any other International Relations/ Politics students here?

What’s the consensus on this degree? Do you like it? Are the job prospects okay? I’m heading into my final year in the fall, and I want to know how fucked I’ll be once I graduate.

>> No.13061935

Got my undergrad in IR 2 years ago, in grad school in DC currently.
The degree itself was definitely worthwhile-- don't know about your program but mine emphasized a lot of historical methodology and research techniques, which has been useful from an intellectual standpoint. Career-wise, though, it's a bit more limiting. Business liaison work and consular staffing were the two areas I focused on with an undergrad, but I'd say maybe 80% of the work for an IR degree is in the Beltway, Masters and above, or both.

>> No.13061940

I think it depends a lot on the school you go to. If you go to a good school and have connections you will do well. If you don't, good luck.

>> No.13061991

10th edition of Copi's Introduction to Logic.

>> No.13062011

Stay strong anon. Don't give into despair! I share your general pessimism about the future, but I feel like the only thing that you can do is try to make each day the best it can be. Try to go to bed feeling like you have made someone else's life at least a little better by being there, or feeling like you have learned something. Don't give up on the world.

And go for a walk in nature, if you can. It has helped me deal with similar problems.

>> No.13062039

Can't speak for that personally but anything stem will be marketable

>> No.13062086

>anything stem will be marketable
I have to disagree with you there. There's a massive oversupply of STEM graduates; the only STEM field where the number of new jobs exceeds the number of new graduates is computer science. In general the sciences are a bad idea because you need to go to grad school and even after that the opportunities are not good, engineering very much depends on the type and the economic cycle, and math is usually just a dumb meme unless you have very strong programming skills, in which case you might have just studied compsci to start with.

>environmentally related
Make sure you understand the difference between "environmental studies", which usually doesn't require any science courses, and "environmental science" or "environmental engineering", which does.

>> No.13062231

Computer science here. Also am. >>13060140

Job situation is just as bad. Theres no reason to study anything for the job. Study what you love if you must go to college. Do not end up like me.

>> No.13062243

Like yours, my programme is fairly well rounded. Very historically and theory oriented while still tackling modern issues. I like the course, although I find it rather straight forward. I’m going to be doing an undergrad thesis in my final year just to challenge myself and because I’m considering doing post-grad at some point in my lifetime.

I’ve learned that I feel really at home in academia and would prefer to just continue studying rather than working in a job. Sadly, money is an obstacle to me continuing my studies after undergrad. This upsets me because the concept of entering the work force just fills me with dread, as though I don’t belong there. I’m genuinely scared about what will happen next.

>> No.13062718

Thanks for ruining my Sunday, I hate this country

>> No.13062801

I defended my thesis (for an MA in philosophy) recently. Was beaming on the way back home. Feels nice man.

Best of luck anon, I don't know what it's like for comparative literature specifically, but when you make it through the thesis defense it feels super nice.

I wish you the best anon. I almost fell for a CS major when I was in the wilderness that is being an undecided major. I tried some classes, it wasn't for me. Humanities graduate programs normally come with full tuition remission and additional stipend funds that are supposed to cover your living expenses, so there's hope if that's the path you want.

>> No.13063437


>> No.13063460

all the university students have mental disabilities these days its so weird one time my english teacher told me the majority of my classmates had some kind of "learning disability" that gave them more time to turn in assignments

>> No.13063481

>wish you the best

Thank you. I think i want to go into history of science if i go at all. I have at least a year since admissions are likely closed. I know ive been interested in it for a long time though. I suppose i will try to self study for a year

>> No.13063520
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Anyone go to UNLV? Getting my philosophy degree here

>> No.13063608

Cool that you made it! What was your MA thesis about?

>> No.13063621

Guy I met yesterday says compsci has way more jobs available than people that can fill them. Just saying.

>> No.13063632

Im in my second year of a chem major atm, swapped to it after a year of physics and am enjoying it quite a bit. One good thing about doing chem at uni rather than as a hobby would be the labs and gear you have access to.

>> No.13063822

Good luck with your thesis anon. Like >>13062801 said, if you are honestly interested in academia, most reputable PhD and Masters/PhD programs will be comped/offer stipends. I'd suggest talking to your professors or any mentors you might have first, though-- the academic profession is just as competitive and based on interpersonal back-slapping as the real job market, though the UK might be different (if that's where you're from).

>> No.13063835

Fucking what

Go work in tech or finance and make $$$$$$$

What is wrong with you

>t. humanities grad that wishes he did stem

>> No.13063866

You just dont get it anon.

>> No.13063991

I'm going in to an engineering program (only place I got in) for undergrad at a prestigious school, despite not really particularly enjoying engineering. Problem is, I don't like much of anything else either, so the way I see it I'm just looking for a pragmatic degree.
What discipline of engineering should I look into if I want to make good money, but not be tied in to some cutthroat corporate wagecucking ladder? I'm looking at data science right now, but I feel like rotting away in front of a computer for the rest of my life would quite literally kill me physically and emotionally.
What do, anons.

>> No.13064050

Virtually all engineering fields involve rotting away in front of a computer to some degree. If you're an American then I'd recommend petroleum engineering or computer engineering if you want to make the big bucks. There is also a discipline called "financial engineering", but not every university offers it.

>> No.13064064

You're right that I'm in the UK and I have no idea how postgrad programs work other than one PhD student I know telling me that I should consider doing postgrad sooner rather than later, as she regrets not doing it sooner due to her progress being hindered by other life commitments like family.

I guess one of the biggest reasons I like the academic setting is because I can work to my own schedule and do something I find somewhat interesting. That and writing is my sole talent, so that's a setting where that talent proves actually useful. You don't get that kind of freedom in a regular job, so the prospect of working just seems soul crushing. Still, I'm debating whether I want to do a postgrad in IR or if I want to switch back to English. I'm interested in IR, but I'm also interested in English lit, so if I was to write a PhD thesis, then I'm not sure which one I'd get the most mileage out of. As for the whole bootlicking aspect, I'm worried about that as well, since I ultimately just want to do work that feels spiritually fulfilling.

I might be thinking too far ahead since I've still in the middle of my exam period for this year, but I just want it to be over with so I can get back to compiling material for my thesis (which I began about a month ago doing) since I want to knock it out the park so I can actually consider myself worthy of potentially doing postgrad.

>> No.13064369

Is there another uchicagoanon here? I remember one wanted to start a spengler reading group

>> No.13064377

Getting destroyed by physics, lads. I don’t have the motivation for it.

>> No.13064387

It’s highly likely I’m going to fail both my subjects this semester

>> No.13064856

math major here and have space for a concentration

should I go for philosophy or political theory? both interest me

help me out lads

>> No.13064877
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First semester for me, got into the basics of Anthropology, things like Archeology, life in places that are different to the western civilization and how the moethod of field work has evolved.
Not in a burger UNI so I'm just a quarter into my semester, still waiting for a note on my Pre-history test

>> No.13064967

Take classes in each field, get a feel for where you lean first.

>> No.13064980 [DELETED] 

I'm graduating from a terrible university. I'm not stupid, but I sabotaged my own applications and ended up here. All I want to do is what I do, but not in academia. I want to do it on my own terms, and only for its own sake. I can't make it dirty. There has to be a better way. Some maw has got me by the leg, and I don't know what to grab to keep from going under.

>> No.13065112

I am feeling really tired and lazy lately. It's hard to focus, it's hard to sleep, I have to force myself to eat and I feel like I am fucking everything up. The best thing is that I feel dumber than when I started.
I am always fighting off the need to sleep when I amin class but can't fall sleep once I am out.
I am thinking about checking if I have depression or if I can take something for attention disorders once I finish this semester

>> No.13065245

Even worse, im at CSN.

>> No.13065386
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It's tough lads.

>> No.13065438


>humanities grads wish they did stem
>stem grads wish they did humanities

just makes me laugh that's all

>> No.13065446

>Students come in with all kinds of weird literary tics;

For sure. In the case of my seeing "Indeed" showing up everywhere it made me realize that I was also doing that in my writing, then I realized how meaningless the word is, then I stopped using it, then I started noticing actual published authors using it for no real reason.

I got my B.A. in Political Science. Currently getting a Masters in Public Policy. With just the bachelor's degree you may have trouble finding employment. My advice would be to either start applying to jobs early or go to grad school. As a graduate student at a top university my response rate for employment applications is considerably higher than when I was doing the same thing as someone with just a B.A.

I currently work part-time for a government agency, and may continue with them after graduation, though they don't have any relevant full time positions open, so I may go somewhere else. My first job after finishing undergrad was working in campaigns, which is interesting but I wouldn't recommend it as long-term employment.

>> No.13066925

“Learning disabilities” as a concept has been incredibly abused by the upper classes. I went to a very privileged high school and more than 20% of kids had ‘learning accommodations.’ Most admitted they were urged by their parents to get ‘diagnosed’ and there wasn’t any legitimate reason for the designation, besides getting extra time on every test including the SAT (almost double the time for some people). The majority now go to ivy leagues, probably with tutors, extra time on everything, and a 3.9 GPA.

>> No.13066954

I'm a miserable CS sophomore who's looking to change majors. Should I go into Economics or Foreign lang & lit?

I would enjoy lit more but Econ is more financially secure

>> No.13066965

I always find it really encouraging to read my classmates' essays and see how shit they are. It stopped me from using "indeed" too, but I still tend to build too many sentences with the same structure of "not X, but Y" to explain my thoughts. Sometimes I think I would really enjoy being a professor of English, but I'm not sure that's really viable career-wise.

>> No.13067305

i feel like shit because i don't have the conscientiousness to pass mechanics or to even do an assignment im not interested in, i will be doing the necessary paperwork to change my major to philosophy

>> No.13067427
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I'm just a first year but I'm hating it. I lived the last 3 years of my life waiting for The University Experience™ to start but now it's already been a year and I feel like I've been baited. All my courses are going great and I was definitely not expecting to get marks this good, but the loneliness is taking its toll and I don't think I'll be able to keep going like this for much longer.
I haven't made one friend that I could actually call a friend. It's nice to be alone sometimes because I get to read a lot and can basically do whatever I want. Whenever I can, I go into the mountains to camp, smoke blunts and write silly poems to the woods; and during spring break I hitchhiked alone across the country. Which is all great, but just makes me wish I had someone to share it with.

And on the weekends when I don't get out, it's just me, a book and a bottle of wine listening to the laughs coming from behind the curtains I keep closed so no one sees how much of a loner I am. I always lie about having a great time to the people back home because my only reassurance is that I'm at least the only one to feel sorry for myself. I'm not even ugly or unfriendly. But everyone seems to have found their people, and I don't know where mine are hiding.

Does it get better, lads?

>> No.13067449
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Got 1 yr of masters left. Currently doing internship. I cheated on the love of my life with a russian secret service hacker grill (lots of foreign agencies groom students) and she is there also, dont wanna see her because i feel bad about myself.
Also dont want to go back to uni because everyone is fcking sœyboy there.

>> No.13067455

Just talk to someone lol, or join a college group or fraternety or student association etc.

>> No.13067473


Get into business model, business management.
There is allways demand for business ppl with CS knowledge for product dev.
I know multiple CS ppl that escaped into business degrees and they were fucking relieved af.

>> No.13067656

I'm in the same position and I know how you feel.
I'm a junior and next year will be my last one. So far I haven't made any friends, never been to a party or hung out with anyone, and I'm still a KHV. I've tried being friendly and talking to my classmates and I've also tried joining various student organizations but so far nothing has worked out. There are people that I'm friendly with and if I see them at school I might stop and have a quick chat with them but there isn't really a single person that I would call a friend.
I hope that things will get better in my senior year but at this point I've pretty much given up hope.

>> No.13067934

I was in your situation last week with 2 papers to write for two classes. I just said fuck it and didn't write them because I had A's in both classes and I don't really care about my GPA. And I'm a lazy piece of shit

>> No.13067951

>majored in philosophy at a university where the philosophy department was just three based old dudes who never mentioned sjw nonsense and always shut students down if they tried to play that game

>> No.13068425

2nd year and similar experience

I made the mistake 1st year of just generally being too picky about who I socialized with. All of high school my friend group didn't share any of my interests, and I was sure that at uni I'd meet loads of people into film literature and the like. So essentially the first term I focused on getting into those circles while pushing away people that didn't conform to that ideal even though we got along well. The problem is that you can't really connect with people solely due to superficial things like taste. I ended up really disliking a lot of the more alt kids and as a result was left without any kind of social group. Totally a self-inflicted wound but I'm resigned just to wait it out at this point. I only have 3 terms left at my home institution and I can't really see anything changing for the better.

It's tough to make friends after 1st year, like >>13067455 said, you should join the most involved student group that you can. I joined a few organizations this year but none of them really functioned analogously to a fraternity, which I think is your best bet for improving your situation.

Best of luck anon

>> No.13068467

How do you meditate? Are there like rules and guidelines, is there technique? Are there traditions? Do you follow one? Ive always wanted to get into medititation but i feel like Im doing it wrong

>> No.13068469

CIS major here with English minor. I stopped caring for all my classes, and I hope I don't fail too many this semester. I feel hyper-socialized as I interact with many people. Reading has been feeling rather pointless, and everything for a job doesn't seem worth much. Am lost. I agree with all of you on falling for both the STEM and humanities memes and I can't find one sense of direction.

>> No.13068472

>Does it get better, lads?
MA student here.
No, it does not.

>> No.13068599

I'd also like to know

>> No.13068686

Not him, but what I do is breathe with the stomach and concentrate in single ideas, landscapes, or nothing at all. If you are religious you can take that time to pray, but I think that that would be distracting. Obviously you want to do this in quiet place and with the eyes closed.
Is better to do it sitting, with a straight back, and a comfortable position. You can cross your leg in the floor, but sitting in a surface slightly more tall than your ankle is more comfortable to me.

>> No.13068731 [DELETED] 

That was me hello

>> No.13070803

i go to a mediocre school on a decent scholarship and i study english. had a girlfriend all year, we just broke up two days ago. basically completely disillusioned with my degree and chances at getting a job in my field. probably will join the navy and learn something useful

>> No.13070808

I dont want to write this goddamn outline & essay
I have to research social media and report findings when we all fucking know the general answer is "it pretty much sucks ass"

>> No.13070811

>tfw fell for the "humanities gets no jobs" meme and am stuck in a business major I hate

Please help me I feel my soul being sucked out of my body and replaced with corporate buzzword jargon.

>> No.13070821

Looks like you're not a team player, time for a paradigm shift and a holistic evaluation of the skills you bring to the table.

>> No.13070826

Honestly just kill yourself if you want to make the world a better place.
People who go into shit like business are scum of the earth

>> No.13070831

If I ever reach a point in life where I have to hear this I will bash my head into the nearest sharp corner as hard as possible.

>> No.13070836

You'll make money but by exploiting people or doing spreadsheets for someone exploiting people. Have fun.

>> No.13070850

caffeine and tobacco helps me, but i never touch the stuff unless i have a big deadline coming up and my tolerance is way low so ymmv

>> No.13070877

Bump for this question

Business sounds soul crushing

>> No.13070892

Academically I do really poorly, mainly because I can never focus and enter spirals like a madmen.
Phil major.
Main interests are probably:
Bataille and other surrealists
the Marxist-Leninists
Conservative Revolution
The French pedophiles
The 3 French philosophers who weren't pedophiles

Working through some Bataille rn and limping through Critique of Pure Reason (which I don't hate but find v difficult)

Mainly keep my composure by chain-smoking once a week with some friends.

>> No.13070898

question: should I do my undergrad thesis on an extremely famous author that my advisor is a specialist (but I'm a little indifferent to), or a more obscure author that hasn't really been written about (but doesn't have a real specialist at my school). Irrelevant for grad school i've been compromised and am going into business. This is for a french literature major.

>> No.13070931

Best of luck to you anon.

>> No.13071248
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>> No.13071393

Join a fraternity.

Also, before you reply to my post with what you're going to say, that's why nobody wants to be your friend.

>> No.13071508

lol yall gay
keep fighting the system man

t. impact investor