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13054574 No.13054574 [Reply] [Original]

>aunty asked me today if I had a girlfriend
>said no
>asked if I wouldn't like a girlfriend and to get married, have kids etc
>said I wouldn't want kids
>looked shocked and asked why, genuinely interested
>just smiled and mumbled until she moved on

Please rec me some antinatalist non-fiction so I can articulate why I won't be having kids, shitty personality and inability to attract a gf aside.

>> No.13054579

The Trouble With Being Born

>> No.13054580
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your diary desu

>> No.13054590

Is this Cioran? I think I own this and marathoned half of the first essay, but it didn't seem to address the issue directly.

>> No.13054591

I was an antinatalist for a while, during my extreme incel phase. I'm still a virgin, but I do want kids. Someone to carry on my task and to find truth

>> No.13054594

She took You for a sperg and at that moment was glad You don't want to have children.
"Because the world is full of suffering and I don't want to inflict it to a new generation" is that so hard to say? It's retarded like all antinatalism But at least It's a reason.

>> No.13054600

You don't need an excuse to not want to have kids, because both choices are valid.

>> No.13054599

Anything Deep Ecology

>> No.13054601

But what if you have a daughter?

>> No.13054708

>it didn't seem to address the issue directly
try reading him again, he addresses this DIRECTLY

>> No.13054710

are you stupid? when did a philosopher's son ever carry on his task? NEVER, you're a fool for thinking like this

>> No.13054714
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>That's how you sound, slave.

>> No.13054720

shes hitting on you

>> No.13054991

Well It's correct.
I AM free. A particularly compared to pretentious pseuds.

>> No.13055001

>aunty asked me today if I had a girlfriend
>said no
>asked if I wouldn't like a girlfriend and to get married, have kids etc
>said I wouldn't want kids
>looked shocked and asked why, genuinely interested
>said it would get in the way of fucking cute femboys

>> No.13055004

Then I'll try again
I know this, but there's always a chance + it could happen down the line. Furthermore, I believe in some degree of reincarnation and that I'd (my awareness) be more likely to come back as a direct descendant than as some other distant relative

>> No.13055010
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Now she will think you are a closet fag.

>> No.13055021

>I believe in some degree of reincarnation
Isn't that somewhat hardmode? Live like an insect, be reborn as one.

This. Why people just not answer truthfuly - that no woman is ever interested in you so duh, aunty, there will be no children.

>> No.13055023

yeah mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
I'm not going to be a cog in your machine

>> No.13055027
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Based and pink pilled

>> No.13055033

Your aunt sounds based desu, passing on a part of yourself to your offspring is the only empirically proven form of immortality. The Alchemists knew this, or the wisest of them did; the crucible that produces the Philosopher's Stone was always just a metaphor for the womb that produces a child.

>> No.13055056

It's possible. I don't necessarily hold any particular belief about what kind of reincarnation (ie whether is based on how I live vs something like racial conciousness). In general, I view the whole of existence as a single thing, and so eventually as long as things continue to exist "I" will invariably end up back into human existence.
If race/family plays a role in where I end up, having a kid wouldn't hurt. If it doesn't matter, I'd still rather there be more people like me than not

>> No.13055084

if you can't articulate your position then perhaps you should rethink it

>> No.13056316

You can kys my man. No need to go through parenthood so your inbred spawn can do the job instead.

>> No.13056340

I read that as tomboy and was about to get excited.