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13053290 No.13053290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the FUCK did the Greeks love young teenage boys so much?

>> No.13053306

It's just not true at all. Plato absolutely forbids homosexual love in his ideal society in Laws.

Read the damn books you post people. :3

>> No.13053309
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bc tight bungholes

>> No.13053311

Why don't you read Charmides or Lysis, then say that again? Socrates and all the men were all addicted to the boipucci

>> No.13053315

Plato did not see butt sex with men as the same thing as with young boys though. Buttfucking young boys was '''''''''''''educational'''''''''''''.

>> No.13053317

Absolutely not. In fact, in the Symposium, a commonly referenced dialogue, the love was strictly, as it were, Platonic. Perhaps you should look into what Platonic means, after all you are reading Plato :3

Then do yourself a favor and read The Holy Bible, as you are committing a sin: homosexuality.

>> No.13053323

Good post till he started going on a rant about his 'Athenian ubermensch'.

>> No.13053330

>socrates literally comments on how hot one of the young teens looks under his toga and how he hard he has to resist smashing dat ass
>socrates literally teaches young boys how to date and pick-up other young boys
but they're all just friends guys haha

>> No.13053335

The politically correct term is 'butt buddy'.

>> No.13053337 [DELETED] 

>Why the FUCK did the Greeks love young teenage boys so much?
wh desnt

>> No.13053338

He said THE GREEKS, not Plato. It's a well established fact that the Greek aristocracy slammed 10/10 prime boipussy on the daily.

>> No.13053345

You should be a college professor. They're all fag lovers too these days.

I'm sure homosexuality and general sexual orgies didn't cause the decline and fall of the Roman Empire or anything. I'm sure you are helping America out...?

Either way, there were definitely anti-homosexual tendencies within Greek intelligentsia. You have certain Platonic dialogues outright banning it from their cities. Don't try to act like Greek civilization was the Roman civilization.

>> No.13053346

It is not.

BUT. If this thread is indeed just about the Greeks, and not a BOOK, then I think we should all report his stupid thread? :3

>> No.13053351


>> No.13053367

>You have certain Platonic dialogues outright banning it from their cities.
One dialogue, The Laws. Plato's dialogues often contradict one another. You can't simply say "Plato hated homosex" when other dialogues celebrate it, you must admit that "Plato's opinion" is ambiguous and contradictory. Even the Christian translator Jowett had to transcribe blatant passages of homosexual arousal in Charmides and so on.
>Don't try to act like Greek civilization was the Roman civilization.
Rome was less friendly to homosexuality than Greece. It was Romans who equated it with decadence, after all.

>> No.13053378

>It was Romans who equated it with decadence
What are you even talking about? This statement right here is pants on head retarded. Exactly what I would expect from some faggot. Cultural decadence was defined from them having orgies, which blurred the lines of homosexuality.

It is what caused the decline of their empire. Laws shows us that the real aristocrats of society actually did not favor homosexuality. What you are doing is actually proving my point: that the only person who lauded homosexuality in Plato's dialogues was put to death by the state. And if he was spreading homosexuality, I would say it was definitely a righteous death, although he did have some great things to say.


>> No.13053387

Femboy twinks are cute

>> No.13053400

>What are you even talking about? This statement right here is pants on head retarded. Exactly what I would expect from some faggot. Cultural decadence was defined from them having orgies, which blurred the lines of homosexuality.
"Decadence" is defined by what a person or society considers decadent. Some things are considered decadent in some societies and in others they are considered noble. In Greece, pederasty was "noble". Roman homosexuality wasn't Greek homosexuality, just like modern homosexuality is neither Greek nor Roman homosexuality. Greek homosexuality was institutional, Roman incidental.

>It is what caused the decline of their empire. Laws shows us that the real aristocrats of society actually did not favor homosexuality. What you are doing is actually proving my point: that the only person who lauded homosexuality in Plato's dialogues was put to death by the state. And if he was spreading homosexuality, I would say it was definitely a righteous death, although he did have some great things to say.
Socrates was chaste if I recall correctly. He rejected Alcibiades sexual advances. He "seduced" people in order to then divert their attention from love of body to love of soul, then to love of wisdom and so on and so on. There's no textual evidence that homosexuality played a part in his execution.

>It is what caused the decline of their empire. Laws shows us that the real aristocrats of society actually did not favor homosexuality.
Laws, like the Republic, is full of speculation and trying to divine the best laws, which are often at odds with what laws are presently in place. Plato is criticising society's status quo, not extolling it.

>> No.13053422

based and redpilled

>> No.13053448

>Gay people will destroy America
You're only making gay people look cooler than they really are right now.

>> No.13053470

O Im laffin

>> No.13053471

Homosexuality isn't 'cool'. It is a disease of the mind which somehow makes you think you are smarter than other people, like this very wordy greentexted post where he says nothing on topic but thinks he is refuting any of my points. :3

>> No.13053485

You live in a hellhole. Thank god we had the balls to kill your soldiers back when we gained independence. British, French, and Spanish died for us to gain independence, just remember. We are righteous because we battled the empire off. And thank God, because I couldn't imagine living in a literal atheist shithole hellscape. :3

>> No.13053505

You also make the incorrect assertion that Socrates is "the only person who lauded homosexuality in Plato's dialogues", which is a mistake you wouldn't have made if you had read the Symposium, since Phaedrus and Pausanias pay arguably the largest tribute to homosexual love in that dialogue.

>> No.13053524

it’s honestly impressive how retarded and degenerate homosexuals have to be to interpret everything based on their sexual fetish

forming intimate relationships with other men & caring about them != pederasty or sexual relations you fucking morons. there is a reason why the greeks distinguished between FILOS and EROS. how fucking retarded do you have to be to think that a society like that of the Greeks was full of homosexuals?

take your gay shit and go elsewhere on 4chan where it’s tolerated

>> No.13053627
File: 158 KB, 970x582, greek-symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sharp distinction between philia and eros is how we know for sure that the Greeks meant sexual relations between males, because they use the word eros in reference to their love. For instance, the dialogue Lysis is about trying to come up with a definition for "philia", and contrasts the friendship between two boys with the romantic crush an older boy has on one of them (whom Socrates is trying to instruct on how to properly speak to a beloved, which starts the dialogue). Eros is the root for "erastes" and "eromenos", the two terms used for those in a pederastic relationship.

>> No.13053658

seething semites..