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/lit/ - Literature

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13053163 No.13053163[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want socialism, bros...

>> No.13053169

Go to Venezuela

>> No.13053181


>> No.13053184
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K, tnx.

>> No.13053185

Watch some Ben Shapiro sweetie

>> No.13053192

it will happen when enough common people in america are failed by the status quo. the soonest possible year a revolution could start is 2020 due to the impending economic crash. that moment could be decisively seized by either the left or the right if the federal government fails to adequately solve the problems of the future crisis.

>> No.13053194
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It's EDT 05:09, let's have our fun before the americans wake up, тoвapиши

>> No.13053196

Me too. The national kind

>> No.13053200

dude Steven Crowder exposed socialism man, like they don't even have like food in Venezuela, it's a total shithole man, fuck bro socialism is totally evil, fuck socialism, it's basically communism anyway

>> No.13053203
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Soon Comrade. Soon.

>> No.13053206
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I want Spartanism bros...

>> No.13053223
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Your house is too big for you and your family alone. From now on You shall have one room for yourselves and You'll have to share the rest of the house with 5 based afroamerican families.
You have college tier education? Perfect We need more janitors in your area's high schools.
You have a weapon? Only militiamen of the revolution can have weapons anon. Either join the niñitos now or give It to me now.
So You join the militia? Excellent comrade! Training and correct thinking courses are every weekend at your local police station. Don't lose one or We might have to reevaluate your Status.
What is that in the freezer? Meat? Eating meat more than once a week is a sign of capitalist degeneracy anon. I shall take This excess to share with your neighbours.
What are that? Jewels? Your mom's only memorysake? Of course You know that the Glorious Republic needs gold, anon.
You can remember your mom with a photo.
What is that? A private computer, and a smartphone? Of course You know that internet access is restricted to state mandated internet points anon, and that only inner party members are autorized to own asmartphone for efficiency reason. I will be taking them.
What is this? Art? Should be in a museum anon.
Your books? Should be in the library anon.
A Car? Why do You hate the Earth so much!? Use the People's Autobus.
I shall take your car for personal use.
Geeze anon You look like a really materialist person! All This stuff and You never thought of sharing before? Shame on you!
I shall enroll You for an inclusivity and altruism course. You'll begin next week. Attendance is mandatory.
That is all for the moment comrade anon! Spasiva!

>> No.13053231
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>> No.13053235
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Harry you better send all these koulaks producers in the gulag if you want to escape one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy bolchevik and his comrades from the KGB Academy as they fight assorted bourgeois has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of Trotskyism and ineffective use of means of production, all to make collectivisation uncollective, to make the politburo seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Stalin vetoed the idea of Tarkovski directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of revolution that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously totalitarian cross-propaganda for his policy. The Commie Potter series might support state-Atheism (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-American series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>i-it wasn't real communism though
The individual liberty is non-existent; the Capital book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a proprietor went for a benefit, the author wrote instead that the character "oppresed the proletariat."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Marx's mind is so governed by economic missunderstood and dead utopia that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Commie Potter by the same Hillary Clinton. She wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Commie Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to vote Democrat ." And she was quite right. She was not being ironic. When you read "Commie Potter" you are, in fact, trained to be a liberal

>> No.13053247

So which type of socialism do you want?
>High and ever-increasing public and private debt-hell, with free education and healthcare, country run by jewish media moguls
>No public debt, political opponents are genocided and thrown into mental asylums, occasional famine, country run by jewish bureaucrats

>> No.13053248

>20 years later
I-I'm sure an economic crash is r-right around the corner!


>> No.13053256

>this is what westerners actually believe

>> No.13053258

>Westerners won't actually believe this

>> No.13053259

I don't. Shoo, commie.

>> No.13053260

based capitalism and schizophrenia poster

>> No.13053261

I would also like a wildly inefficient economy

>> No.13053265

More folks below the poverty line in the US than there are people Venezuela.

>> No.13053267

Socialism is what we need to deal with the obesity epidemic in the US.

>> No.13053270


>> No.13053277

seeeeeeeeethe more doubleposter.

>> No.13053280

Agreed. A more socially minded, demand side economy would give us an abundance of healthy food choices at affordable prices and would proscribe or at least disincentivize the junk food that's leading to obesity and shortened lifespans.

>> No.13053281

The difference being I just have to plan ahead more when I grocery shop instead of eating zoo animals and scrounging for rats though.

And I have air conditioning, working power and no one is shooting at me because of a coup from people having to do the previous.

>> No.13053284


>> No.13053285

how do my lefty /lit/bros feel about open borders? i think the notion is utopian and stupid but i have trouble arguing it with other leftists in person without coming off as reactionary

>> No.13053288
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>people still believe the struggle is capitalism against communism
>people still fear the man-made satan

>> No.13053291

That's because the world's most powerful country didn't impose sanctions on your country and then deny you aid for the crisis they caused.

>> No.13053293

Absolutely comrade!
Now go back to the line and spray that ddt. We don't want our onions harvest to be ruined by parasites!

>> No.13053296

>Sanctions did it
They were collapsing BEFORE the sanctions retard.
>deny you aid for the crisis they caused.
They nothing- This is literally getting what they asked for then wanting to take it back when it turned out it's bad.

>> No.13053297

>implying It's América fault If venezuelans are retarded

>> No.13053302
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>using @

>> No.13053303

He's not right, but the @ was the least cringey part of that post. :3

>> No.13053312

OP here, the thread was a bait to spot all the retards who discuss politics on /lit/, now do you work mods

>> No.13053313

The US masterminded Venezuela's collapse so they can take their oil. I thought that was obvious by now.

>> No.13053316

>without coming off as reactionary
Not even a lefty, but please don't let yourself become ideologically assimilated by liberalism like so many of your "comrades".

>> No.13053319

i want to understand you. i assume you approach discussion with tongue firmly in cheek and an unhealthy layer of irony slathered around your speech. what makes you tick? what do you live for? what keeps you going other than trolling?

educate me, shitposter-kun. are you happy? do you live a fulfilled life?

>> No.13053321

>but i have trouble arguing it with other leftists in person without coming off as reactionary
Cos they're not left-wing, just SJWs who only care about looking good and moral rather than being moral.

>> No.13053325

I don't like comies but amerifat defenders are worse

>> No.13053326

i'm won't. thanks for thinking of me babe ;-)

i just don't like to end a conversation with somebody labelling me a racist because i can't properly articulate a nuanced point. you may be smarter than a lot of people, but if you can't put your thoughts in terms they understand your smarts aren't doing anyone any good. if a buzzfeed reading liberal can't be made to understand your point it's partially the fault of you.

>> No.13053327

>da joos
Don't they run most of the corps?

>> No.13053328
File: 9 KB, 215x234, pepo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>a free peasant in imperial russia
>liberated from serfdom by Alexander II
>commies come to save me from my bread and the shackles of capitalism
>now i'm a slave in kolkhoz

>> No.13053331

Yes, I live a happy life, untouched by the continual necessity of worrying about non-existent economic collapses that are hypothetically around a non-existent corner.

Fucking retard. :3

>> No.13053332

Unfortunately it's looking more and more inevitable, and I'm afraid your feeble irony won't be enough to prevent it. Signs of an impending crash are even more blatant than they were prior to the The Great Recession.

>> No.13053340

man, im just reading what the economists are saying. people who have proven track records predicting prior crashes are saying that we are on the eve of the next. and i believe them because they are smarter and more educated in the subject than i.
its interesting that you are so invested in being contrarian to this point though.

>> No.13053341

>free peasant in imperial rus-
stopped reading there

>> No.13053354

Marx is just 19th century' David Icke. Nothing beyond cospiracy theories.
With the difference that Reptoids are cooler than fantasy-capitalists.
Half This board is politics because You can't separate a culture from It's political discourse. This is known. This has been accepted since years.
Commit sudoku.

>> No.13053355

well i think you should start by explaining as best you can why you think the notion is utopian. as a lefty i do think the idea of "open borders with no downsides" is utopian under the present system but freedom of movement could be made increasingly benign in future society with different context.

>> No.13053356


>> No.13053357

Is this why people are so against socialism? Do you not realize that what most socialists want is decentralization, worker cooperatives, healthcare for all, no meddling in foreign affairs... Not some enormous tyrannical bureaucracy. They want more freedom, not less.

>> No.13053358
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Bolcheviks will pay for their barbarism

>> No.13053359

They were called kulaks.
They got genocided.

>> No.13053362

It's all right, you don't have time for that. Gotta get more trudodni :)

>> No.13053363

I try to take a rational approach in addition to a material one. You may be correct, there may be an economic crisis around the corner.

On the other hand, economists are so politically biased these days it's hard to tell if what they say is scientifically verified or politically driven.

Either way, as credit increases and the value of the monetary unit goes down in value, we definitely run a higher risk of a market crash. John Stuart Mill taught us that. :3

>> No.13053381

why did they do this ;_;

>> No.13053385

>Half This board is politics because You can't separate a culture from It's political discourse
Yeah, so let's create a facebook-tier thread about politics exclusively without any discussion of culture at all outside of the board specifically designed for such kind of shit so we can get a better understanding of culture amirite?
Fucking retard

>> No.13053409

It takes a special sort of willful ignorance to be a socialist anymore. None of you can make the case for preferring a centrally coordinated economy over a price coordinated one and I doubt many of you even understand what that sentence means.

>> No.13053413

Is this pasta or did you really think this was worth typing?

>> No.13053424

No, but they run the biggest ones, all of which were founded by antisemitic non-jews.

>> No.13053425

Original content and I saved it for future use.

>> No.13053428

Lower class people are lower quality people. Once you understand this, and all the noise they make as an attempt to increase their standing, you'll see them for what they are.

>> No.13053430

>>decentralization worker cohoperatives healthcare for all
Mutually exclusive things.

>> No.13053433

>Do you not realize that what most socialists want
Only the advertisements care about what most socialists want.

>> No.13053435

Ok. I'll leave as soon as you go back to rebbit, /pol/fag

>> No.13053438

Venezuela was doing great until the US sanctions. They couldn't have a successful self-sufficient socialist society proving that there's an alternative to free market capitalism, so they had to destroy it. Also, they deliberately destabilised the country so they could put a puppet regime in that would give them good prices on oil. US capitalist pigs just couldn't mind their own fucking business.

>> No.13053441

>Venezuela was doing great until the US sanctions.
Same goes for Iran, Cuba, Franco's Spain, Putin's Russia...
US sanctions seem to be quite effective.

>> No.13053443

Ngl, I thought this was gonna be one of those boomer comics but I was proven wrong.

>> No.13053446

>tfw ywn live in a commune where you don't have to succumb to bourgeois pressure and be subject americanised society on the daily basis

>> No.13053450

>I want socialism, bros...
Off-topic. >>>/pol/

>> No.13053452

Cuba is leading the world in medical research, and Castro was a champion of advancing human rights. The others aren't socialist/communist.

>> No.13053454
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The memes about venezuelans dying of hunger precede the sanctions by YEARS.
SEEEETHE MORE. It's all You can do.

>> No.13053461

>You can have a revolution and not execute the absolute ruling monarchy who will just regain power through monarchists and other status quo cucks.
The death of the Tsar family was not an act of malice but of necesity.

>> No.13053464


>> No.13053465


lol >:3

>> No.13053467

How do you measure medical research?

>> No.13053469

No, Venezuela experiencing an economic crisis due to not having a centrally planned economy predates the sanctions.
The sanctions only served to strangle out any hope Venezuela had of getting out of the crisis, the US knows this, this is why the economic sanction is the nuclear bomb of the 21st century.

>> No.13053475

Others have something to gain from there.

>> No.13053480
File: 39 KB, 596x415, 1545530397616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they don't.


>> No.13053481

>The death of the Tsar family was not an act of malice but of necesity.
It was an act of malice, as can be seen from their bones.
>status quo cucks
I think your physical integrity needs to be changed.

>> No.13053483
File: 2.77 MB, 1600x1067, 500 billion soviets died in ww2 for this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The death of the Tsar family was not an act of malice but of necesity.

>> No.13053486

Not to even mention the many times when the US tried to, with the help of the neoliberal opposition, instigate a coup profiling Venezuela as an unreliable trade partner due to its potential political instability

>> No.13053488

>political opponents are genocided
>country run by jewish bureaucrats
most of Stalins political opponents were Jewish.

>> No.13053493

I'm not clicking your links. Do you not even know off the top of your head how medical research is being quantified and compared?

>> No.13053495

The fact that they got fucked up doesn't change the fact that the death of the Tsar family was a necesity for a revolution to succeed.
Also: imagine defending monarchs in current year.

>> No.13053498

sure whatev i'm done with it
btw there's been a pinko surge on 4chan I remember this place and other boards to be far more anti-communist

>> No.13053502

>refusing to look at evidence when it's provided to you on a plate
Fuck off.

>> No.13053506

Mass immigration is a feature of bourgeois society. worker run companies wouldn't wanna give their jobs to foreigners or offshore them. A little immigration(in the fields where there's a genuine need) is alright though

>> No.13053507

>I remember this place [...] to be far more anti-communist
You haven't been here for very long then

>> No.13053509

It's a very simple and direct question. You say Cuba is leading in medical research but you have no idea what that means which is why you can't answer me. You're talking shit.

>> No.13053510
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>Cuba is leading medical research
Won't answer anything else from you two retards.

>> No.13053512

sure thing kid

>> No.13053514

People have discovered that defending a system that does not profit them in any way is pretty fucking moronic.

>> No.13053517

It's not like Amerilards have a history of crashing and burning south American countries

>> No.13053518

Imagine refusing to look at the evidence when it's handed to you on a platter.

*schniff schniff*

>> No.13053522

You're coping

>> No.13053523

It means they have numerous achievements in discovering new medical treatments, which you would have seen if you had clicked the huffpost link. Are you a simpleton?

>> No.13053529
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>> No.13053534

>I remember this place and other boards to be far more anti-communist
are you talking about /lit/, or you thought this is /tv/?

>> No.13053539

Do you think Cuba earns more achievements and discovers more new treatments than every other country on Earth?

>> No.13053542
File: 34 KB, 479x479, d8150859e8a49725b45c59dfeabe7fb21647bc6765cbed87f1421acb90a7e2fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that they got fucked up doesn't change the fact that the death of the Tsar family was a necesity for a revolution to succeed.
Stop lying you malicious vermin.

>> No.13053544

>Also: imagine defending monarchs in current year.
Imagine using 'the current year' as an argument, ever.

>It's the current year so we should kill all the lower classes for being born into the wrong class!

>> No.13053545

I want to be left alone to tend to my family. Fuck off.
Alternatively, you can't tax me if I don't work

>> No.13053562

I don't think you understand the gravitas of executing a royal family.

>> No.13053565

You actually went and Googled "projector" just to post that. You people are dumb.

>> No.13053571

Not him, but I do. And it is exactly why I can never ally with anyone proclaiming to be a communist

>> No.13053573

>I don't think you understand the gravitas of executing a royal family.
I do >>13053542

You on the other hand think it's a necessary sacrifice to Moloch, Mammon or Marx. Disgusting bronze age scum like you belong in those tombs.
Iran had a revolution, royal family lives abroad. They still managed to ruin many lives, even without killing the royal family. Revolution successful.

>> No.13053588

>Iranian royal family returns
>revolution undone
Heh, what now you stupid fuck bourgeoisie?

>> No.13053589

unironically you want socialism

>> No.13053590

>taxes me
No, not really

>> No.13053594

>revolution undone
Beautiful, as life should be. Right now monarchy must return from the grave, and it's a longer route with more suffering.
>Heh, what now you stupid fuck bourgeoisie?
I'm more of a nobility/clergy kind of person.

>> No.13053600

thank you for posting that picture. I really love that aesthetic

>> No.13053602

sicko freak

>> No.13053606

>brutally murdering a family for an ancient demon ritual was necessary
You're probably pro-abortion, too?

>> No.13053615

'sup medal of freedom winner.

>> No.13053631

Of course. Unless you plan on adopting every unwanted child, I see no other reason to prohibit abortion

>> No.13053632

Only for royal babies

>> No.13053633


>implying there will ever be a revolution in America

Hahaha. Americans have been neutered.

>> No.13053635

as far as I can remember, if you have a family, the highest tax rate was 13% in the USSR

>> No.13053642

stop arguing with monarcucks, They're pathetic.

>> No.13053643


>> No.13053646

That's already 13% too much tax

>> No.13053647

Kek the fucking PIE root for death on his shirt. Best one of these I've seen in a while.

>> No.13053648

It's funny, because I was being sarcastic with that
>revolution undone
Post. Monarchy needs to be restored

>> No.13053650

then you're gonna love this