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13051600 No.13051600 [Reply] [Original]

how do I cope with being a midwit?

>> No.13051607

Technical skill over intellect

>> No.13051614

Idk. Is IQ many an indication of how fast one can acquire material? Or does it suggest limits on what can be learned as well? Like certain degrees of abstraction

>> No.13051639

Take three or four more IQ tests and read a math textbook. You can brute-force your IQ up an extra 20 points with fairly minimal effort.

>> No.13051660

Why does everyone on here fetishize hierarchy?

>> No.13051776

I'm in the "Dumb but NOT Retarded" region.

>> No.13051803

It brings closure knowing there are some things I simply will not be able to grasp. Akin to getting sex, it is better to not waste endless energy on an intangible end than to do so and be perpetually disappointed until the thankful day that I die

>> No.13051808 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13051817
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If there is one thing I've learned about getting sex, the bar can always be lowered fren.

>> No.13051834

Masturbation is satisfactory. Even if I have to do it two, three, maybe even four times a day, eventually the desires leaves me and I can focus again. My libido should be dying soon enough. I'm 22

>> No.13051847

More like anarchism.
Mao says I still love you though

>> No.13051850

Hierarchy etymologically means "sacred order." If you buy into hierarchy, you necessarily fetishize it.

>> No.13051851

Anarchism is libertarian-socialism

>> No.13051943

My IQ is probably like 100-110 and I don't really give a fuck.

>> No.13051952

based and realitypilled

>My libido should be dying soon enough. I'm 22

I have bad news for you pal.

>> No.13051955

Those extra 5 points really make a person self conscious

>> No.13051957

Isn't there a meme about how if you're about 125 you basically have enough mental capacity to be a genius, because genius requires some degree of intellectual agility but is also much more than that

>tfw 124 IQ

I am the smartest of the brainlet of the court fool of the gifted ?

>> No.13051961


>Tfw gifted IQ but a fucking loser

>> No.13051964

*or the court fool

Brainlet it is I guess.

>> No.13051967

How much longer, then? Don't most guys lose it by 25?

>> No.13051975

I have very bad news...

>> No.13051977

Tell me the truth NOW. I'll castrate myself or get some sort of auto-milker if this is permanent

>> No.13051978

they deemed me as "gifted" and i was in the gifted program from first grade on. i'm definitely a retard who doesn't try tho

>> No.13051982

Don't listen to him. I used to masturbate like 6+ times a day as a teen, then my libido diminished in my early 20s. Might've been a product of desensitization to porn though

>> No.13051983

Or you could, as a cheaper and less drastic alternative, have sex. The first step would be to cool it with the histrionics.

>> No.13051984

I'm 28 and it's getting worse by the year. But my personal experience is a trifle.

Ever heard of those sex scandals involving very rowdy rituals and a rich guys well into his sixties, if not seventies ? That should give you a clue.

>> No.13051985
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Read Deleuze and Nick Land. No, you don't need to know about Spinoza, Kant, Hegel or Heidegger. Watch Cuck Philosophy videos and read some Mark Fisher. Create a twitter account and follow xenogothic, n1x, that balding bugman murphy something, and look at the people that they follow, look for bios with keywords such as "slimequeen", "xenofeminism", "gender nihilism", "g/acc", "l/acc". Honestly, if you're in a hurry just read a little bit of Nick Land (Fanged Noumena, boomer nick land is not retarded enough and pro-discord-tranny enough) and don't even read Deleuze

>> No.13051988

Shouldn't a midwit be the green area?

>> No.13051992
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>just have sex bro XD
An end to life sounds better than all this uncertainty and mockery

>> No.13051993

I'm for real. Some people lose their libido early. For many of us it ebbs and flows. Maube you can even tame it with tremendous discipline. But it's mostly something will have to reckon with most of your life.

Most efficient short-term way is to get laid like mad but it has nasty potential side effect.
Most efficient long-term way is to do plenty of effort-consuming stuff like working, volunteering, writing, studying, etc. so that you're too tired to even masturbate.

Getting married to someone who love and enjoy being with on a daily basis is also a nice solution.

>> No.13052010

IQ has something to do with fractal memorizations or sacred geometry

>> No.13052026

This is pretty unironically what I did after my IQ dropped by 22+ points from schizoaffective to make myself feel better.

>> No.13052035

is he that annoying mark dice guy

>> No.13052043

>tfw can't make a living
where must i be in the curve

>> No.13052140

I think you're overcomplicating it. You're probably surrounded by a bunch of pavlovian "triggers" that make you want to beat your meat. Every time you feel the urge to pull up a familiar page to jack off, take a walk, read in another room, or do something else. Do this for like a week and the urge will probably go away and be replaced by these more positive habits.

>> No.13052202

Probably the first take of yours I've actually found to be not completely horrendous. One of the best aspects of socialism (though more so in corporatist/syndaclist systems than explicitly Marxian socialist) is that it allows for people in the middle of the spectrum to be able to live comfortable lives with a consistent place in society.

>> No.13052214
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Tfw aspergers and 120

>> No.13052347

>tfw 22
>libido has been steadily lessening since 19
Im also on an SSRI so that might have something to do with it, but still

>> No.13052355


>> No.13052380

why does this board fetishize IQ so much?
t. was tested as a kid but mom refused to give me the score because she was worried I'd become arrogant and don't feel like asking for it

>> No.13052383

My overall IQ is around 120 but my linguistic verbal IQ has been consistently tested at 145-151. Basically I’m retarded at spatial reasoning and not great at math.

>> No.13052400

>why does this board fetishize IQ?
>implies his score was so high his mom thought he'd become an arrogant dickhead
Apparently it's not high enough to realize you became what your mother feared.

>> No.13052402

This but as a result of brain damage rather than naturally

>> No.13052424

I'm going into a thread where everyone's jerking off their IQ, of course I'm going to disclaimer by saying I'm at least slightly above midwit so then people don't call me envious. if I were actually arrogant, I'd go ask for the exact number and then brag about it here, but I've gotten the impression over the years that IQ is largely irrelevant and those who make a big deal about it are insufferable

>> No.13052428

I'm great at math. Wow, I'm so smart.

>> No.13052433

Keep digging that hole anon. It's okay. You're smart enough.

>> No.13052439

Worse to be a midwit. Midwits refuse to yield. Dumb people know to listen to their betters.

>> No.13052453

are you going to answer my original question or can I just close this tab and focus on other threads now?

>> No.13052455


>> No.13052482


you will never feel responsible for diagnosing and fixing the problems in the world around you

people in the genius IQ range are painfully aware of those problems to a degree you will never reach, and you will never know, every waking moment of your life, that you have the "raw material" to invent something like a thermonuclear warhead/the internet/whatever - something that would change the basic way in which human civilization functions, that you haven't done it yet, and that because of the sheer mad coincidences that dictate the path of a human life you may never do it

>> No.13052519

Realize that genius is rare and even rarer still to end up in history. There are several hundred people that can be qualified as genius out of approximately 110 billion humans that ever lived. But I feel that we almost have reached technological singularity.

>> No.13052681

Don't get your hopes up too high, my mother thought my upper-120s score was impressive.

>> No.13052693

Am I supposed to pretend people have equal abilities?

>> No.13052695

People who are "good" at math are usually below 100 IQ. STEMfags are all retarded.

>> No.13052706

It correlates with how well you can understand literature/philosophy

>> No.13052711


>> No.13052715

No it doesn't you big ol retard. IQ is literally 70% spatial awareness and abstract shapes and shit.

>> No.13052719

I honestly don't even care if it's barely above average. why would you read someone saying "why do people care" and then assume he cares?
>abstract math and spatial awareness = understanding the humanities

>> No.13052726

Do you really think people with an IQ of 70 is going to be able to understand dense philosophy as someone with an IQ of 150? It might not always be accurate but it's dumb to think it doesn't effect anything at all

>> No.13052750
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That's the way to go fren

>> No.13052905


>> No.13052983

IQ has influence everywhere, just as in literature but not to an extent as it does in math

>> No.13053006

1.) Appreciate the fact that you're more intelligent than average, but intelligent enough to not overestimate your own intelligence and ability (something that dumber people tend to do). This means that you'll at least partially appreciate the value of discipline to cultivate additional talent, instead of thinking it'll just fall into your lap.

2.) Realize that the world is full of smart but lazy people. Intelligence is wasted on these people—it's almost pointless that they're intelligent.

You can also cultivate yourself in other ways so you are more well rounded. For instance, as someone who is dedicated both to learning and physical fitness, I am neither the most intelligent person nor the strongest person. However, I am stronger than most intelligent people, and I am more intelligent than most strong people. It doesn't have to always be about one area of yourself that you have cultivated. The world is full of charismatic people of average intelligence—I've known many politicians and businessmen who fit this description.

>> No.13053399

accept your own mediocrity

>> No.13053412

Because that's what they have learned and is everywhere around them

>> No.13053630
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>tfw bright but not gifted
I can feel it as well lads. I worked my ass off to get into a great university but people in my class instantly get complex mathematical concepts while it takes me a while to figure out. I was considered super intelligent during high school and now I'm viewed by my peers as a bit dim. Ah well, at least I'm still considered smart by humanities students who don't even know how to integrate with respect to x (something a child should be able to do).

>> No.13053728

From around 120 up there really isn't a cap on what you can learn, excepting bleeding edge maths. From that zone on it is more a matter of how long it is going to take you to wrap your head around, and become competent at, whatever it is you choose to do. Most people I meet who are bright but not a genius tend to be under-performing due being disheartened upon discovering a topic of interest that they can't grasp instantly and actually requires work on their part. That whole 115-129 range is probably the laziest intelligence bracket.

>> No.13053751

if you didn’t score at least 2100/2400 on the SAT you might as well kill yourself

>> No.13053763

>tfw perfect score on reading and math
I suppose it doesn't really matter, I work in the film industry now

>> No.13053769

You stop believing in pseudoscience, to start.

>> No.13053772

Work hard and you'll go further than the lazy gifted

>> No.13053774

Also this.

But once again, it's just another way to say useful work makes you more intelligent.

>> No.13053789

Your libido is somewhat diminishing after 25, but it's still steady, meaning that you will masturbate once per day (even in your 30s) instead of twice.

>> No.13053793

>I work in the film industry now
whats it like, anon?

>> No.13053809

Why was Yahweh so cruel in giving me such a desire?

>> No.13054159

Because it's the only logical way of organizing a heterogeneous society

>> No.13054179

Ohnonono, NO NO NO NO NO NO!!

Don't tell me that there are non-crossposter people on /lit/ with less than 130IQ

>> No.13054191 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13054205
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It depends on who your parents are. It is genetically determined.

>> No.13054228

based and smartbutlazypilled

>> No.13054235

Small brains.

>> No.13054630

>It depends on who your parents are. It is genetically determined.
Do you even understand the chart you posted, retard? If those stats are true, then IQ is determined by education (i.e. your environment) rather than genetics. I wont say genetics arent a factor, but the fact that one can increase their IQ with mere reading/practice is telling

>> No.13054649

you're better off OP

>> No.13054657

This is gonna sound cuckey as fuck but probably because our current culture drills into our brains that the ultamate goal in like is financial success. Income in today's world isn't just how much money you have, it acts as a sort of scoreboard for real life for many people. As such, intelligence is seen as an ultamate good since it facilities higher earnings.

>> No.13054687

but ALSO that chart shows that regardless of how much you learn, someone with the same knowledge from a different race usually has an IQ relative to your own.

>> No.13054742

iq tests are bullshit

I’ve done several different iq tests several different times and throughout all these tests the lowest I scored was 127 and the highest was 142 but it’s generally around 133. Which makes me question iq tests because I Barely pass university assigments and at generally known as Le funny retard man to my friends

>> No.13054781

You realize each test has its own score scale? They are all probably, relatively, the same score

>> No.13054815

better off doing what?

>> No.13054860

I dont want to get to deep into this because that chart lacks clarity in multiple areas, but how do studies account for the proximity and concentration of certain races. Or anomalies? Would a black child who was raised with Asians be able to achieve the Asians potential? You probably wont be able to answer those; I just wanted to question the authority of those type of studies

>> No.13054885

Just try to be humble and accepting. As someone who was professionally tested as a child and scored ~140, I can pretty much determine anyone's IQ within a 5 point range with just a few minutes of conversation. So don't try to brag or pretend to be something you're not.

Reminder: if you weren't tested by a professional as a child, then it's too late.

>> No.13054896

no i agree its pretty much just stats in a vacuum. also apparently black people get dumber AFTER graduating college according to that chart, so who knows

>> No.13054924
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>also apparently black people get dumber AFTER graduating college according to that chart
kek, didnt even notice

>> No.13054968

i feel responsible but i think i am not a genius

>> No.13055177

Richard Feynman was a "midwit" by this definition

>> No.13055195
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just have endurance bro

>> No.13055202

>You have to keep a dozen of your favorite problems constantly present in your mind, although by and large they will lay in a dormant state. Every time you hear or read a new trick or a new result, test it against each of your twelve problems to see whether it helps. Every once in a while there will be a hit, and people will say, 'How did he do it? He must be a genius!”
t. feynman

>> No.13055234

Figure out what skills you lack and put effort into acquiring or improving those skills.
I spent 4-5 hours a day practising logic, recapping various things i've learned i.e. Historical figures, biochemical processes ect. People say i'm intelligent but they've never seen me studying these things and trying.
I'm sub average IQ.

>> No.13055235

I find this works. Most of the progress I make that people think is impressive is really just the product of single-minded fixation on a few favorite topics

>> No.13055242

Let me guess, (((feynman)))?

>> No.13055248

the spasmodic hercules is what I call my girlfriend's handjob technique

>> No.13055302

>133 iq according to mensa.dk test which many say is pretty accurate give or take a few points
>shit at math

Can I be bright and still suck with numbers? I sorta mentally dropped out of math in 4th grade because it was so abstract and boring to me.

>> No.13055311

>just be humble
>proceeds to humble brag about his superior IQ
>finishes off with a pointless and unsubstantiated claim

>> No.13055319

>taking the bait

>> No.13055325
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>> No.13055340

nietzsche was shit at math. his graduation was only saved by a teacher's intervention.
documented here

>> No.13055430
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just fool yourself that your IQ is 130+ even when it probably isn't. that's what I do

>> No.13055594

Technically 2% will land in the gifted range. That’s 1 in 50. Rare, but when you consider how dumb the average person is, it’s not that impressive. The several hundred you’re talking about are the ones who actually put their skills to use. There are probably many more subtle factors to high intelligence that IQ doesn’t measure, but technically being a genius is like being the smartest in a uni class of around 25 or in a Walmart with 50 people.

>> No.13055606
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>> No.13055609

I absolutely hate you and hope you die in some kind of accident.

>> No.13055618

bow down before me

>> No.13055633

I love these memes because they achieve absolutely everything they aim for: blatantly making less than no sense. It's the "done right" version of anti-humour.

>> No.13055665

where does 100-109 go?

>> No.13055686

>tfw gifted but retarded
>tfw almost 60 point spread between scores
I think they lied to me to spare my feelings and miscalculated

>> No.13055691

based <100 poster

>> No.13055709

Don't trust an online test. When your IQ is tested in real life you get a variety of scores that are averaged into one. Different tests are more or less comprehensive. I have a 132 IQ but my auditory processing score was 92 so I'm awful at following conversations. Verbal was around 145 so that helped make up the difference.

>> No.13055807
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Completely unrelated, but I've been wondering how population IQ and other stuff can correspond to a Gaussian curve so well, or as I suspect, to what extent it is a simplification. It's always a bit surprising for me to discover that selected social facts retranscribed and summarized in nice bureaucratic-like statistics can make emerge so nice Gaussian curves, what are the explanations behind such neat statistical distribution. I guess that the answer to this is probably pretty complicated though...

>> No.13055866

You’re a midwit for believing IQ has any sort of real basis or meaning, there are a variety of intelligences that aren’t taken into account into a simple pattern recognition or comprehension test. Look beyond being told what you are and find out yourself through experience, you midwit retard.

>> No.13055897


If you think something as complex as human intelligence can be quantified by a standardized test you're probably less than midwit.

>> No.13055910

t. asshurt low IQ

>> No.13055926

IQ tests are re-adjusted constantly for the population to be average 100, so it doesn't when looking at the actual data over time

>> No.13055975

I scored 126 on the test. My IQ was 141 as a child. Being gifted fucking sucks, I'm constantly using substances to cope with my big brain.

>> No.13056110

I know that, they do it to compensate the well-known Flynn effect, but that wasn't really the point in my post.

>> No.13056353

Holy shit. Cut out the middle man, take yourself down to the rickety stool & strong rope store and just fucking kill yourself anon.

>> No.13056424 [DELETED] 

Scored 31 on the ACT. 34 english, 32 reading, 30 science, 27 math.