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File: 286 KB, 628x475, Ted_Ellul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13049822 No.13049822 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you still reading the Unabomber meme? You know he got all his ideas from Ellul, the only reason Ted is popular is because his manifesto is a meme for right wingers who got bored. Half of Ted's writing is just complaining about leftists. Take the Ellul pill and start having real opinions about technology other than 'it's bad'

>> No.13049857


>> No.13050089

don't mix Uncle Ted with Ellul you piece of shit, Ellul doesn't deserve it,

also, on another note, have you read Propaganda? I've read the first few pages and I still regret that I haven't continued it

>> No.13050096

someone post the screenshot

>> No.13050216

I don't know what you are referencing but I want to see it.

No, but I plan to

>> No.13050242

Kaczynski writes more clearly and logically. He’s done a service in efficiently distributing these ideas. If Kaczynski didn’t write his works, would we even be talking about Ellul?

>> No.13050311

Maybe you wouldn't, but I found out about Ellul due to his Theological works.

>> No.13050525

Why shit on ted? Obviously Ellul is good too.

>> No.13050533

Ellul is a fucking retarded boomer, DO NOT read any of his books about theology.

>> No.13050602


>> No.13050612

What have you read from Ellul ?

>> No.13050616

the only people who shit on ted are bitter leftists.

>> No.13051455

Ellul sucks.

>> No.13051490

Ellul is extremely clear though (in French).

Quite patrician. Personally, I first read his legal history textbooks.

>> No.13051499

>not a woods hermit
>not perpetrating scatterbrained acts of terrorism
Unabomber had better marketing.

>> No.13051503

>born in 1912

When did words cease to have a meaning?

>> No.13051509

GrandBoomer? GigaBoomer? What's the 4chan word for centenarians?

>> No.13051843
File: 3.76 MB, 4800x7200, Anti-Tech Revolution 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is utter nonsense. Kaczynski goes far far beyond Ellul in his systematic analysis of technological society and in the dynamics of revolution. "Anti-Tech Revolution" is probably the most important social science book ever written: It establishes an entirely new and well supported social grand-theory.

Kacaynski is also a far more cogent, logically precise, and scientific thinker. Kaczynski writes more directly and is far easier to read.

The only reason people say that Ellul is better is cuz they haven't read all of Kaczynski's work, they are timid normies who are disturbed by the idea that the best anti-tech thinker also killed people, and they are conformists who don't want to rock to boat too much when discussing anti-tech. pathetic.

>> No.13052358

>Half of Ted's writing is just complaining about leftists
This isn't true. More like 1/5 of his manifesto at best, plus he specified that he wasn't criticizing all leftists, only SJWs, which there was no term for that in that time. You sound like a salty Tumblr neo-marxist, identity politicking tranny. You're just as bad as the /pol/tards who worship him for owning libs epic style, when those /pol/tards skipped the part where Ted dissed conservatives as well.