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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 500x323, borders-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1304205 No.1304205 [Reply] [Original]


>Go to borders

>Ask pudgy employee if she can assist me in finding Goethe's Faust, not finding it anywhere.

>"How do you spell that"?

> "Goethe"

>"I think you're pronouncing it wrong".

> "No I'm not".

>"There's no R".


>> No.1304211

How do you pronounce Goethe, OP?

I thought it was goooot-uh

>> No.1304212

>Go to Borders

>See sign that says Barnes and Noble



>> No.1304215

Oh I firgued it oot

u muts be americant

>> No.1304218
File: 9 KB, 252x159, 1281550212624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't know about Goethe

Damn peasants.

>> No.1304223








>HOLD ON ONE MINUTE. (realizes how retarded he looks)




>> No.1304224
File: 80 KB, 292x302, why would u do that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone pronounced it "gaith" near me

>> No.1304230

I've always thought it was pronounced at the back of the mouth:
G (gargling noise) te.

>> No.1304234

Ahh yes. The good old German "ö" or "oe". Pronounced as if it has an "r" without actually having an "r" in the pronunciation. But yes, if you listen to native German speakers, it will sound as if they are adding an ever so slight "r" sound to this.

So, basically what I just said, plus what this guy said:
and you have the correct pronunciation.

The unfortunate thing of having your main source of information being the Internet is that you have to assume the pronunciation of everything. Most recently, I am embarrassed to say, I believed that the name of the politician John Boehner, was pronounced John "Boner."

>> No.1304238



>psychiatry protest

>> No.1304239


The bar must be set incredibly low for employees in B&N.

>> No.1304242


Well he is a boner.

>> No.1304263

>Walk into borders


>> No.1304265

I am now going to purposefully mispronounce it when speaking to republicans, and likewise not forget to put on my best "problem?" face.

>> No.1304276
File: 42 KB, 300x275, rand_what_a_babe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1304287
File: 23 KB, 250x332, Shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go into Borders
>Ask for Zarathustra
>CS rep looks it up, sees other books by Nietzsche, reads off "The Antichrist" and "Gay Science", gets a disgusted look on her face

>> No.1304289

>Go to Chapters

>Ask for Harry Potter

>Transaction goes perfectly

>> No.1304297

Life is Nietzsche!

>> No.1304337
File: 18 KB, 280x360, salvador-dali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rand looks like Salvador Dali.

>> No.1304341

>go into borders
>go to the manga section
>sit there and read manga for 2 hours

>> No.1304343

>go in barnes and noble
>search everywhere for Jean Paul-Sartre books
>can't find any in any section
>don't want to ask customer service
> unsure of how to pronounce Sartre

>> No.1304346
File: 57 KB, 550x550, 1261596691009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at Borders
>woman says her pre teen son is interested in Roman culture
>recommend Julius Caesar
>"Oh! I think I've heard of that"
>give her book
>"Oh, this is like...the play version. Do you just have, like, the book?"

>> No.1304348


I prefer Borders because they have computers for inventory lookup (although they're not as useful as they used to be).

>> No.1304349

Dear god...

>> No.1304351
File: 50 KB, 664x520, dog trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1304352

No it's not. Geurta.

>> No.1304365


>joseph GE(hr)BLES

>> No.1304556


>> No.1304562

ah, a thread partially about the pronounciation of Goethe.
Feels like old times...

I have no idea what you troglodyte anglophones brabble about how to pronounce his name, but it all looks terribly wrong to me, a german(seriously, an r-sound without an r?).
But, do not despair, clever men have figured out a way to represent sound in form of letters: the IPA (international phonetic alphabet).
Here is motherfucking Goethe for you peasant-tongued iconoclasts:

>> No.1304563

> peasant-tongued iconoclasts
> coming from a hun


>> No.1304588
File: 149 KB, 300x500, 387224023_8eec6710e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an American English word now, and pronounced accordingly.

>> No.1304599

I went to Herbert Hoover Elementary School. According to your logic Hoover is now a German.

>> No.1304616

Yeah, I'm an American and I guess they teach students to use the 'r' sound for 'ö', or 'oe'.

I've never taken a German class before, but looking at the wiki page, the long 'ö' sound is pronounced like the 'a' in 'say' (without the 'y'), but the lips are rounded like when pronouncing an 'o'. It is also pronounced longer than the short vowels. The short 'ö' sound is pronounced the the 'e' in 'bet' also with the lips rounded.

IPA is your friend.

>> No.1304622

I'm an american too. There's no fucking R in Goethe.

>> No.1304628
File: 180 KB, 530x643, 1286832112763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go into borders
>ask cute teenaged employee for Atlas Shrugged
>she gushes, says she loves Ayn Rand
>get book and her number
>date her
>fucking borders employees

>> No.1304631

cool story, bro

>> No.1304632

>"There's no R".

I don't get it. There is no R. OP you're just retarded I think...

>> No.1304635

could be you were actually pronouncing it wrong

>> No.1304644

i like how /lit/ thinks a minimum wage employee gives two shits about their classics

>> No.1304647

so what, op pronounces it gur-te?

that's kinda wrong bro.

>> No.1304648

>>Implying Atals Shrugged is literature.

About the IQ of a Borders employee...

>> No.1304653

>>Failing hard *Atlas*

>> No.1304655

I like it even more that some illiterate fuck (id est OP) is clearly dumber than a minimum wage employee, pronouncing a classical author wrong.

>> No.1304656
File: 72 KB, 288x362, rand3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This semester, I've learned about Ayn Rand in my three classes: economics, literature, and philosophy.

>> No.1304659

That's because you go to Liberty University.

>> No.1304660

You mean where she was mentioned as a failure on all three fronts and is a perfect example of why asperger's afflicted persons should never be allowed to roam the streets?

>> No.1304668

Only my philosophy professor spoke ill of her. Even then, several students, including myself, defended her.

>> No.1304671

Ayn Rand: Terribly untalented writer who built whiney straw men to fight against. Fiction? Yes.

>> No.1304688

ayn rand was a shitty philosopher, a shitty economist, and a shitty writer.

especially shitty is how she thought by getting rid of big government it would empower people, rather than let big business fill the void and do everything the government does but worse. even shittier than that was that she didn't realize big government is so shitty due to big business shoving dollars up its ass and putting on a puppet show.

>> No.1304700

I feel sorry for your philosophy professor.

>> No.1304708

haha, you americunts are pathetic

>> No.1304733


No one around me ever spoke of him, so I'd pronounce it the way it way spelled. Damn.

>> No.1304741

>Thinks the government doesn't enable monopolies
>thinks the reasons corporations have so much power isn't because of governmental power.

>> No.1304743

No one worth a damn would think any less of you.

>> No.1304746





>> No.1304758
File: 58 KB, 197x247, monocle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Go to borders
> Ask employee for book with a hard to pronounce title or author.
> Run home to /lit/ to share my tale.
> Feel smug.

>> No.1304763


See: United States in the late 1800s

>> No.1304775

>Implying that corporations don't effectively "collude" to form monopolies out of their own self interest.

>> No.1304788

>joːhan ˈvɔlfɡaŋ fɔn ˈɡøːtə
No really, the shop assistant was correct, there is no "r".

>> No.1304806
File: 41 KB, 473x498, mrsmith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, you mean CAMOOZ!

>> No.1304811

How many times do I have to say it:
Libraries, Libraries, Libraries.
Only goddamn motherfucking hipsters go to Borders and Barns and Fucking Nobel. Anyone who actually reads a decent amount could never afford to buy all their books new.

>> No.1304813

Is this how Goethe is pronounced?


>> No.1304816

Easy solution:
German pronounces 'Goethe' at 0:55


>> No.1304817


It's good for a laugh every now and then, though.

>Teen Lit section
>It's all softcore vampire erotica
>African-American Literature section
>Somehow even more ridiculous than Teen Lit section

>> No.1304818


It sounds like he's saying Gur-tuh but it says the r isn't pronounced. But he pronounces it! Wut?

>> No.1304819

You americunts just think that there is an R because you don't have the ö sound in your language.

>> No.1304824


Are you sure it's not pronounced at 0:51 after she bumps into him?

'mein Goethe'

In which case, it's gur-tur, with a very slight R sound.

>> No.1304826

>Go to Waterstone's
>No problems at all apart from the classics section having too much Austen, Bronte and Dickens
>Decided I haven't read enough Dickens anyway
>Get Bleak House

Feels good man.

>> No.1304831

You guys are suppose to be so intellegent, but you can't go to the lit section and look for the author in alphabetical order yourself in a bookstore.....

>> No.1304832

obvious britfag pronouncing an "er" as, "a". It's pronounced GERTA, not GERTER

>> No.1304834

Okay, so how is Sartre pronounced? I've always pronounced it like Sar-truh. I know some people pronounce it Sart. Which is correct?

>> No.1304841
File: 362 KB, 1024x768, Rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Barnes and Noble.
>Can't find philosophy section so ask spotty faced teenage employ where it's at.
>She leads to religion section.
>About to rage until see that philosophy section is single shelf at bottom corner of religious fiction bookcases.

>> No.1304843



>> No.1304851


>> No.1304855

>Almost always go to library so not well-versed in corporate bookstore culture
>Go into B&N looking for magazine, can't find it in the section it should be in
>Find customer service, explain the magazine, let her know it's half-sized so she knows it might be in a weird spot and not in the right category
>She still tells me to look in that category and I tell her it wasn't there
>Get stared at
>Ask her who stocks the magazines
>"I do." mfw
>Find magazine myself 5 minutes later on other side of shelf. FFFFFUUUUUUU-

>> No.1304863

I know your pain all too well. And most of it's usually basically just self help books where I live. I shit you not I only found one book by Aristotle and another by Descartes. Luckily libraries still exist.

>> No.1304865

'Entschuldigen Sie mein Werter.'
She's apologizing, not saying his name.
The name's said at ~0:58 when he's introducing himself:
'Ich bin Johann, Johann Goethe.'

>> No.1304868

> go on lit
> see people bitching about large bookstore chains
> wonder what the fuck they expected

hey, you dont walk into walmart and demand a whole barbarie-duck and then expect the cashier to recommend you the proper wine for the sauce.

>> No.1304872

>>how do you spell that
>>i think you're pronouncing it wrong

come again?

>> No.1304874

Well, wal-mart here has a wine expert. I'm serious too.

>> No.1304879

walmart has more than two kinds of wine?

>> No.1304880

dey got dat colt 45 and steel reserve nukka, i be goin dere when i wanna sip and grip on some sizzurp

>> No.1304884


Oh, okay. I see it now, thanks.

The film looks interesting anyway, I'd like to see it at some point.

>> No.1304905


It is pronounced John "Boner." He just wants everyone to think it's "Bahner" because he wants to save himself the embarrassment. We are morally obligated to prevent him from being about to do this.

>> No.1304908
File: 132 KB, 560x456, 200explaining6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes into Barnes and Noble
>Looks for Bespoke: The Men's Fashion of Savile Row. OMG gorgeous suit photos and terminology!
>Gets hyped.
>Goes to Entertainment and Fashion sections.
>Nothing but fucking $35 photo books about Lady Gaga and Justin Beiber on the shelves.
>My face.

>> No.1304916

>Work at Waterstone's
>Guy comes in every Sunday, sits around reading books. He never buys anything.
>He always smells like he's rolled in shit. An inch of snot hanging from the end of his nose but he doesn't wipe it away for over an hour.
>Other customers aren't browsing a whole section of the store because he's sat there.
>Can't ask him to live because of store policy.
>Fucking Waterstone's.

>> No.1304922

>Cant ask him to live


>> No.1304923


I really should ask him to 'live', because he can't have much of a life if he hangs around our shop all day.

>> No.1304952
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1136256912685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick up a copy of Doctor Zhivago from Borders, go to buy it
>"Oh, I love this book!"
>mfw I realize the only people that bother reading Russian lit that aren't faggot college students are people my mom's age

>> No.1304987
File: 28 KB, 325x222, 1271369276708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy The Sound and The Fury from Waterstones
>finish it
>notice that the spine is intact and decide to return it
>returning to different Waterstones in neighboring town
>decide to be a dick
>checkout woman asks:
>"Whats the problem? was the item damaged?"
>"...no i've just...finished it...it was terrible...I just want my money back"
>it gives thrill to life to be a massive penis for no reason

mf throughout entire transaction

>> No.1304988

I honestly can't remember the last time I asked someone for help finding something in a bookstore. Half the fun of being in a book store is trying to find shit yourself, and maybe finding other interesting things on the way.

I also thought Goethe was pronounced with a slight r sound, but that's how the professor of the class I read Faust in pronounced it.

>> No.1304989


I lol'd.

>> No.1304993

I don't believe that. They don't take it and give you a refund if you just didn't like it.

>> No.1305000
File: 9 KB, 256x256, 1287763617391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, I've done that with comics. Got two, returned them, bought more, returned those and finally just got the money back. The original two I received were a gift from someone I didn't like.

>> No.1305008

Seriously! I rage so hard every time I walk into one of these places. The philosophy section is always a fraction of the size of the religion sections and stocked only with Rand and "'X' and Philosophy."

Whenever I go, I always move a stack of bibles to the religious fiction section.

Lolololol i troll irl.

>> No.1305018


Why wouldn't they? If the book isn't damaged or soiled, they have to refund it, simply reading a book doesn't make it used.

This is why intellectual property is so tricky.

>> No.1305021


>OP gets bumstung because a bookstore employee questions him

>expects everyone to know how to pronounce a medieval German name.

>gets angry when they don't.

Sure is Autism in here. A girl in Borders once didn't know who Kazuo Ishiguro was, but I smiled, and told her about 'remains of the day'. Feels good to not be a social retard.

>> No.1305026

>Yeah, I'm an American and I guess they teach students to use the 'r' sound for 'ö', or 'oe'.
MFW us superior Norwegians just pronounce it as one of our bellowed special letter Ø.

>> No.1305028


But there IS an R in Marlowe.

Looks like she was trying to help you out.

Enjoy your shit version of Faust where no-one beats up the pontiff.

>> No.1305049

Almost all the philosphy is religion...

>> No.1305089
File: 85 KB, 300x334, donald duck creepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in England
>Go to Borders
>Aight i'll check it out
>Like 3 books left undamaged, i manage to find a decent looking one for 50p (1 dollar) brand new release
>I now own The Gathering Storm, brand new, never read, 12th book in the Wheel of Time series
>Never read any of that series and never plan to.
>Fucking Borders

seriously who wants it? you guys can have it for free. it's annoying me it's on my bookshelf. Never even been opened never mind fucking read.

>> No.1305106
File: 20 KB, 249x304, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Borders in NYC
>find special spot no one knows about or ever goes to (comedy CDs)
>sit there on the floor and read for hours

>> No.1305111

Thank you. Atleast your not one of those faggots that sits dead center in the lit aisle and starts reading. Seriously, what are people thinking when they do this...

>> No.1305127

if you don´t need it, i´d gladly take it

>> No.1305135

I'm the kind of person who thinks they're in the way of everyone or hates being a physical obstacle, so I go out of my way to not be in the aisle. The main reason I go to this Borders is because of the comedy CDs. No one is there so I don't have to move for anyone, but I also can be alone to read for as long as I want with no one to bother me.

>> No.1305168
File: 33 KB, 600x564, albert-camus-noredin-morgan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to borders
>See signs that say Waterstones & Costa
>Go in anyway
>Look for The Stranger, see it titled 'The Outsider' & have a really shitty edgy black & blood red cover
>Assume it's an old translation because it's not the nice white & black cover
>Ask slightly nerdish (well, glasses) female employee if the other store in the city has a newer version
>Spends a long time but confirms the edition came out this year & that all UK editions are titled 'Outsider'
>Go back to get it & notice the nicer cover (the dull gray + man standing there one) editions all at the deal emphasize shelf
>grab that & Anna Karenina + Portrait by Joyce in a 3 for 2 deal
>Enjoy The Stranger over a nice cup if coffee
>Realize Amazon.co.uk would have been £2 cheaper with greater selection but I needed something to read whilst pissing about town anyway & finished the Stranger today
what a devastating day......

>> No.1305181

>Go to the college book store
>goddamn look at all these fuckin amazing books in the philosophy section
>they all cost more than 20 euro
>cannot afford a single one
>go to leave when a cute girl is coming into the shop
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everyone walk the dinosaur

>> No.1305234


where do you live as i'm happy to ship it to you if you live in the UK

USA's too expensive i'm afraid

>> No.1305297

>implying Shakespeare gave an accurate historical representation of ancient Rome

>> No.1305304


>> No.1305306

>implying books are OMG EXPENSIVE
>implying I don't like owning my books
>implying the library always has every book I could possibly want

>> No.1305311

What the fuck is a barbarie-duck? Is that like limey slang for a barbecue grill or something?

>> No.1305315

>implying that whether or not other people read something has anything to do with whether or not you should read it
Oh wait, you're a hipster, aren't you.

>> No.1305320

I believe he means the Barbary Duck, also known as the Muscovy, a common type of domesticated duck that is really fucking delicious.

>> No.1305355


you mean there's a kind of duck, which is generally known for bein' fucking tasty, that is renowned for being fucking tasty even for duck? Damn, son.

>> No.1305409

next time just say you already owned a copy.

>> No.1305415


Then he wouldn't be a trololololol.

And where's the fun in that?

>> No.1305427

Borders and Barnes and Noble are for faggots. They rarely have any good books. They have basically become Twilight retail centers, especially Borders.

>> No.1305435
File: 75 KB, 300x300, Sweet-condescension-Went-straight-my-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1305459

Seriously. What an asshole. If he wanted to recommend some historical fiction, he could have at least recommended something like The Ides of March by Thornton Wilder, not that it's entirely historically accurate. Just recommend some non-fiction like a normal person instead of plugging in you butt-buddy Shakespeare on every possible occasion.

>> No.1305464

>Go to Waterstones
>Ask for a copy of Watchmen
>Get told to try Blockbusters

Blockbusters shut the fuck down anyway I think.

>> No.1305467

>Go into used bookstore
>Range leans far more towards books in the past 10-20 years
>Go up to counter, there's an elderly lady listening to classical music and reading
>"Excuse me, you wouldn't happen to have any Franz Kafka would you?"
>"Kafka, Franz Kafka"
>"Who's that?"
>"He's a German novelist, earlier twentieth century?"
>She pauses, looks utterly bewildered for about 10 seconds
>"Never heard of him!!"
>Stares at me as if I've just farted very loudly or started throwing books around

>> No.1305470


>seriously who wants it? you guys can have it for free.

I'll have it, post it to me!

>> No.1305478

It's just a kiss away...it's just a kiss away...

>> No.1305479


Honestly, do you think anyone that reads serious literature (or any literature for that matter) gives two hoots about Watchmen? No. I'm not sure why you're so surprised that someone working at a bookstore isn't aware of a graphic novel. Christ.

>> No.1305481

Canadafag here, one time I went to Chapters and asked where I might find Homer's Odyssey, bitch working there thought I was talking about a Simpsons book or something.

All my fucking hate.

>> No.1305482

>local used book store owned by grouchy old man
>visit at least every other week for over a year now
>one day, bring in my extra copy of A Hero of Our Time and give it to him/the store for nothing
>see him smile for the first time

>> No.1305483


Ah ha ha, I have to admit that's pretty good.

>> No.1305485


>I'm not sure why you're so surprised that someone working at a bookstore isn't aware of a graphic novel. Christ.

It's not exactly unreasonable of me to expect that they know it. Especially if they know the film.

>> No.1305496


I understand your reasoning, but it's pretty obvious they weren't aware it was a graphic novel. A lot of movies are made that people aren't aware were books. I just think a lot of the people posting in this thread get a kick out of some miserable bookstore grunt not knowing every author and title on the shelves.

>> No.1305503


alright are you in the UK?

>> No.1305506
File: 52 KB, 411x334, 1249045458735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a rage but I felt pretty smug afterwards.

>Felt in the mood for some Nietzsche
>Go to bookstore
>"Herro I would like some Nietzsche pl0x"
>Taps on keyboard
>Sorry we don't have any
>"Seriously? You must have some?"
>Check the computer yourself
>See he has spelt it "Neechuh"

>> No.1305509 [DELETED] 


Yes, in Manchester.

>> No.1305525

Now here's another thing; I have never been able to confidently pronounce Nietzsche. Is it Nee-tch, Nee-sh, or Nee-tsch-ki? Gah.

>> No.1305529

Suffer no longer bro


Use that website quiet frequently for rather archaic words I want to know the pronunciation of.

>> No.1305539


I fucking hate typing Nietzsche's name. I always leave out one of the z, s, c, and h. Always exactly one. I never make more than one mistake, but one of those letters is missing every time.

>> No.1305541

Oh, cool. Thanks anon!

>> No.1305542
File: 49 KB, 470x570, obamam-lol-y-u-mad-tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1305546

Ugh, 's' here.

>> No.1305555


You mean its not pronounced "Netshoe?"

Christ, and I gave that whole speech in front of the class and nobody corrected me.

>> No.1305569

Nice Quads.

I think they were just embarrassed like the time nobody corrected me when I said "and it was during that period Joyce performed a lot of ass fucking" instead of "and it was during that period Joyce performed a lot of fart fucking". Needless to say I was mortified when I discovered my shortcomings.

>> No.1307251


Not German, Czech

>> No.1307257

I once had a professor who pronounced "Nee-chee"

>> No.1307266

I always just thought it was Neetch, until I watched Little Miss Sunshine, wherein Steve Carrell pronounces it 'Neetch-ski'.

It's a good film so I thought he might have been serious.

>> No.1307272
File: 347 KB, 912x818, 1259566832611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Little Miss Sunshine
>a good film

>> No.1307303

I remember failing at pronouncing Proust.

>> No.1307309
File: 10 KB, 263x191, I'm just saiyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it in the sense that you watch 'easy comedy' when you want to enjoy something without thinking too much about it.

>90% of comedy today

>> No.1307313

didnt see a reply so here

It's pronounced SAR-ter. The french "re" at the end is supposed to sound closer to an english "er", only softer? the "tre" part should almost be quieter and quickly spoken.

>> No.1307348


He was a Jew that lived in Prague that wrote in German. I wouldn't call him a Czech author.

>> No.1307376


Who the fuck doesn't know how to spell nausea? Jesus christ, that's depressing that someone manages to get a job at a bookstore but cannot spell NAUSEA.

>> No.1307386


Me too. That's how I've always pronounced it.

>> No.1307392

>Go to Borders
>ask if they have Leonard Cohen's "Flowers for Hitler"
>weird unnecessary pause and stare from old woman at the counter
>looks it up on the computer "can't find it"
>notice button on lapel.
>it's the Star of David


>> No.1307394

Goethe does not have an "r" sound in it. If you remove the second syllable, it is clear that no "r" sound is present. The transition from first to second syllable SOUNDS like an "r" when spoken quickly, but it is not truly pronounced.

>> No.1307426

why would you need help finding faust? why cant you just find the plays shelf by yourself?

>> No.1307449
File: 24 KB, 460x280, BernardBlack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: lazyfags who need to get off their arses and find their own fucking books.

>> No.1307459

But then.. who else will talk to me? ;_;

>> No.1307571


Leonard Cohen's Jewish.

>> No.1307717


kafka was born and lived in Prague. Sure, he was Bohemian as Czech republic didn't exist then but he sure as fuck wasn't German.

Was Jack Kerouac English because he wrote in English? Was Mark Twain? Was Isaac Newton a Roman because the Principia was written in Latin?

And who gives a flying fuck what his religion/ethnicity is. It doesn't dictate nationality at all.


>> No.1307725


This is how you pronounce it, lads!

>> No.1307731
File: 35 KB, 960x134, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1307750


That post added nothing to any argument currently going on in this thread.

>> No.1307770

What the fuck is a chess problem composer.

>> No.1307773

They closed down the borders in glasgow. I fucking loved that place. I don't think anyone ever bought a magazine out there, people seemed to be camped in there all day.

>> No.1307776

A person who composes chess problems.

>> No.1307783
File: 33 KB, 564x478, 1290607934308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i live in germany and most of the ppl here know goethe

>> No.1308003

The Borders around here is closing. I will miss their 40% off coupons.

>> No.1308173 [DELETED] 

What do you except from TyBrax?

>> No.1308174

What do you expect from TyBrax?

>> No.1308203


Kafka chose to write in German, not Czech. He isn't a Czech author, although I wouldn't call him a German author. He is, however, a German language writer.

>> No.1308233

>see someone buying a shitty book
>cashier always talk enthusiastically about it
>buy a really good book
>no one ever says anything


>> No.1308258

clocks, clocks everywhere

>> No.1308299

>Work at Chapters
>Approach confused-looking woman in the Psychology & Psychiatry section
>"Can I help you find anything?"
>"I'm looking for Carl Jung!"
>She's in the Y section
>"It's over here. Jung starts with a J."
>"No, his name is Young, with a Y."
>"He's German. Look, his books are all right here."
>She looks retarded, doesn't say anything
>I walk away


>> No.1308309

He's Swiss I guess.

>> No.1308325

I now want to go into a bookstore and ask for KANT

>> No.1308331

>Go to Borders
>Find the Book of Five Rings with no problem
>Buy it
>Read it

>> No.1308349

What the fuck, /lit/, can't you write down or print whatever book title+author you are looking for?

I always do that. If I can't find the book I'm looking for or if I want to buy multiple books, I'll just ask any employee and show him my list.

Saves time, I don't get angry and I make the guy's life easier.

>> No.1308360


>He always smells like he's rolled in shit. An inch of snot hanging from the end of his nose but he doesn't wipe it away for over an hour.

what is he reading? maybe hes trying to better himself
even if its Twilight youre still a bitch
bitch. pretty obvious youre female, good game

>> No.1308368

Didn't necessarily sound like a female to me. It's not stuck up to expect people to take care of their basic hygiene, at least enough to not smell strongly.

>> No.1308370
File: 14 KB, 352x312, 1269284485859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Barnes and Noble
>Teen Gothic Paranormal Romance is a section
>my face

>> No.1308380

You know you browsed it.

>> No.1308399

suck my dick

>> No.1308413

bb, is that you?

>> No.1308867

>Try to cross into the US for better life

>Racist gringo's say I can't come in


>> No.1308873

This x449324572935

>> No.1308875

Fuck, what country? I feel oh god-

>> No.1308878

nah actually ill admit this post was me since that person posted yesterday & prob not here. I dont think its me cause i wash regulary & only sniffle as something to do with my hands when im nervous but what if it was me ;___;

>> No.1308880

>every Sunday
Ah, relief. It's definetly not me, phew.

>> No.1309330

>Go to borders
>Go to philosophy section
>Nietzsche at one section..
>right beside Nietzsche...
>The bible

>> No.1309342

When it's "oe", that means it's a Romanized umlaut o. Say "Crapper," except without the r, stopping at the e.

>> No.1309501

>> go to great, local bookstore
>> they have a great display of books going on
>> buy many excellent books at a very low
>> exchange a stimulating conversation about my book selection and of literature in general with the clerk
>> great experience all around

>> No.1309513

>Go to Borders
>Leave because print media is a dying media
>People buy books?

>> No.1309525

>Go to Borders
>Pick Up a book about the Great Wall of China
>Try to build a great wall in my backyard
>Gets attacked by Mongolians

>> No.1309541

I must read Fausto in about 5 days; I know the story and everything, I'm just not that sure if I'll like it.
Anyway, in how much time did you guys read it?

>> No.1309547

it's ger-tah you philistines

>> No.1309552

Hilarious. I lol'd.

>> No.1309579


>> No.1310205

That would sound more like the a umlaut.

>> No.1310224

>11/23/10(Tue)02:21 No.1304205
why has this thread lasted so long?

>> No.1310326

I work at borders. I don't see why people get mad when we can't spell the name of some author we personally don't care about because we have a different taste. If you were as smart as you think your spelling of french authors makes you, you would think you would be able to use the computer and locate your own fucking book

>> No.1310334

You could bump a thread once every couple of days on /lit/ and have it survive.

>> No.1310337

>> They have basically become Twilight retail centers, especially Borders.

Hey! I bought my Twilight books at Target. I'm not paying full price for that shit.

>> No.1310338

> work at borders

> smug hipster mispronounces Goethe

> correct him

> he goes on /lit/ and makes a thread about it