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13032057 No.13032057[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Žižek the only alt-right personality /lit likes?

>> No.13032073

hey Distributist, what's the next vid on?

>> No.13032074


>> No.13032596


>> No.13032618

because they do their reading on youtube

>> No.13032637

Because he's the only one who has read and written books

>> No.13033344

he is alright, his ideas are all right

>> No.13033363


>> No.13033399
File: 159 KB, 274x460, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at 10.27.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the 60s, seeing the world through a leftist lens must have felt genuinely edgy and subversive, 68er kiddies might have even believed revolution was just around the corner and everything was going to be an endless communist orgy of free love and complete equality. no mom and no dad, no church, no stuffy old books, we'll just smoke dope and listen to rock music.

Leftists found unlikely allies in the corporate sector, the federal government, the military and the growing managerial bureaucracies. They all had a vested interest in getting their noses into people's lives. society needed a new ideology that could create social cohesion and push commodities, now that religion was universally considered old hat.

The left is no longer subversive but repressive. For better or worse, they no longer think much about achieving utopia, rebelling against consumerism and conformity or even 'sticking it to the man', its all about combating the omnipresent threat of bigotry and nazism, through consumerism and conformity of course. is far more In its decadence, leftism has begun to resemble christianity. I don't think today's panicky bourgeoisie leftists would be down with transgressive counterculture icons of the 60s and 70s, people like Burroughs, Zappa, R Crumb, Debord, Manson, Johnny Rotten ... far too problematic. thats why I find Baldwin so repulsive, cause I understand they are trying to feed me a decaffeinated Christ substitue. The heroic worker and the revolutionary have been replaced by the victim and the snivelling queer. Want to control people? drag them down to your level.

The leftists may keep the pretense of being subversive, but i doubt even they believe it, he guardian and the NYT may tell you Beyonce is more punk rock than any given set of white guys with guitars but they don't even believe it. subversion would mean going against the politically correct corporate monoculture of consumerism and conformity, and I think we can do it, that's why i think content creators like MDE/Sam Hyde, and psyops like pepe and the order of nine angles are so important, using the gestures of the counterculture against the left. most white kids are sick of this shit, they are aching for danger, rebellion, a sense of purpose, something sublime. Mom and Dad have supplanted by the progressive state and the shitlibs on disney owned outlets like vice, setting up the stage for an oedipal rebellion against unjustified pseudo parental authority. the rebellious 60s, the fascist 40s and 30s, the still pretty white eighties and ninetees, all equally verboten and off limits, dark ages. how about we mobilise those memories against the very globohomo machine that threatens to destroy them?

>> No.13033572

He isnt alt right you gay little baby

>> No.13033587

when has beyonce, a literal billionaire, ever been a leftist? lol

>> No.13033610
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>/pol/ is still trying to paint zizek as a nazbol antisemite

>> No.13033620

net worth: $355 million. her husband's net worth is $900 million, so if you combine the two, they have a net worth of $1.255 billion. however, you should be aware that the existence of "wealthy celebrities" are essentially a tool the elite uses to convince the plebs that social mobility is possible & that they exist to be scapegoated as examples of "the wealthy" in order to prevent anyone from paying attention to people like Bezos et al.

>> No.13033634


>> No.13033647

zizek is /our/ neonazi.

>> No.13033735

>the number of people here who spell it zizek

>> No.13033797

Spoken like someone who never read a single leftist book nor knows a single leftist from the 60s

>> No.13033814


>> No.13033821

The few rightists here also like Paul Gottfried, as far as I can remember.

>> No.13033841

this is mostly right. though if the lesson you get from this is "therefore be right wing" then you're retarded

>> No.13033849

>punctuation pedantry
get out

>> No.13033926

its not right at all, its completely ill informed and seems to be pulled out of OPs ass after reading too many cultural marxism posts on /pol/

>> No.13033938


>> No.13033944

>muh right wing strawman of the left is no longer subversive. how convenient for me that i have such easy political opponents

>> No.13033978

>muh right wing strawman of the left is no longer subversive
No, the left is no longer subversive except in theory.. Every time we get closed to real leftist change, the liberals just shout "racism" or "unprecedented right wing actions" and you people grab your ankles.

>> No.13034019

he has charisma and several of 40+ books are fantastic hesays that only 4 or 5 of his books are worth reading

itsa personality thing. Other people write better books in a similar vein (e.g. Bruce Fink) but they can't fill out an auditorium with halfwits to hang on their every word.

he's a 1990-2010 phenomena


>> No.13034031

lol real leftist change? wtf are you talking about. there was a moment in 2008 during the crash where something could have happened, but it didnt, because our "leftist" president was just a corporate neoliberal shill. are you mad about OWS or some shit? were you even old enough for that? you dont have any idea what youre talking about, youre just repeating shit you heard on /pol

>> No.13034035

Face it square, you are severely out of touch with the turned on revolutionary counterculture youth of america. you are neither 'cool' nor 'down with it'

>> No.13034066

lmao gen z is the most left wing generation ever

>> No.13034088

That's the problem. The kids are getting LESS cool with each generation now. Who would have thought it was possible to be even lamer than millennials?

>> No.13034106

youre so out of touch that you forgot youth culture is the definition of cool...

>> No.13034121

define left-wing

>> No.13034129

>t. zoomer dweeb

>> No.13034148

Yes im sure those video game obsessed virgins will make a whole lotta change

>> No.13034152

not really, they fell for a lot of trump and sjw = leftism memes

>> No.13034154

im a millenial. im not so deluded to think im still "cool." once you become an adult your decline begins. sorry.

>> No.13034161

Is there any real difference between millennial and zoomer culture though?

>> No.13034169

Dude, I am 25 years old, I consider myself a youth leader of the right wing counterculture and I have been doing great advances in recruitment, redpilling and indoctrination both online and offline, most kids just want to be part of something, deep down they know past generations had fun and knew danger forever closed off to them, beyond their wildest imagination. instead of siting in their ass gaming, these kids can have paramilitary training in parkour hacking and other highly advanced usmc marine tactics. why would they turn down that chance?

>> No.13034178

yep. when i was in high school we had our cool music, our hipster movies, our dumb ytmnd memes, none of which remain relevant today...

>> No.13034184

Will millenials be known as the most lame duck generation ever?

>> No.13034187

you sound like the epitome of hip. the absolute unit of cool (did i use that right?)

>> No.13034193

Polling shows them to be slightly left of millennials.
They're still using a derivative of the shitty internet culture we invented. What is some quintessential zoomer music and movies? Do they even have any?

>> No.13034207

they've moved on to their own kind of media actually. they are youtube stars, twitch streamers, etc.

>> No.13034209
File: 212 KB, 353x354, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 12.40.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its about time to get blasted on boomer juice. We gotta figure out a way to tap into the boomer energy, which is the same reservoir of ubermensch energy that the athenians, the italian renaissance and the nazis/bolsheviks were tapping into.


>> No.13034218
File: 19 KB, 620x370, seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Cringe internet culture. It's even more disposable garbage than the commercial shit we grew up on.

>> No.13034228

thats why youre not cool, do you understand? the young kids love it, especially because adults dont get it or even hate it. and anything kids like is simply on another level to them. you will never understand because you will never be young again.

>> No.13034275

The kids always used to shock the adults with their edge. There's nothing affronting about Let's Plays.

>> No.13034286

no thats you and your generation. you have no idea what kids are doing today, because youre not a fucking kid anymore

>> No.13034352

Well I was actually hoping for a zoomer to chime in and prove they're not just dorkier millennials instead of your trip about accepting you've peaked. It's not like you can't see what they're up to they do it all online.

>> No.13034509
File: 343 KB, 1140x700, pewdiepie-mental-health[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Žižek the only alt-right personality /lit li-?

*blocks your path*

>> No.13034637

I prefer to transliterate his name as Slavoj Jijek.

>> No.13034686

/lit/ has poor taste in bourgeois liberals.

>> No.13034720

>paramilitary training in parkour hacking and other highly advanced usmc marine tactics
Do you teach gorilla warfare too?

>> No.13034721
File: 30 KB, 220x327, outfoxxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13034730

50 replies GET on a bait thread

>> No.13034757

What are you making, Watchdogs 3?

>> No.13034769

what in the fuck did I just read, God our country needs revived

>> No.13034790

I posted a thread of Pewdiepie talking about plato and it got deleted. I doubt lit likes him

>> No.13034793

can't even tell if serious or not.
at least i dont live in america. lol

>> No.13034798

He got in tourble because he said something bad about trannies so he's /ourguy/ now.

>> No.13034799

fuck you.

>> No.13034804

i've always suspected he was nazbol

>> No.13034809

Form some reason she's a deity to modern day feminists, the physical embodiment of YASS QUEEN SLAAYY.

>> No.13034841

americans have no idea what "left-wing" means

>> No.13034847

>n-not real leftism

>> No.13034848


i wish our political heroes actually did something, you know, political, not twerk in the louvre as some kind of statement about black girl magic

>> No.13034861

celebrity worship is not a leftist position, at best its neutral, but really its the worship of money, which is decidedly anti-leftist liberalism

>> No.13034865

They think Hillary Clinton is left wing when she is a fucking neoliberal centrist.

>> No.13034880


the nazis make no distinction, they only see blue and ragegasm

>> No.13034891

it's pretty much exactly the same point Zizek makes about the left (which I happen to agree with), only a bit more offensively put

>> No.13034904

Jared Taylor is liked on here too. You see a post of him every now and then

>> No.13034986


>> No.13035342

>the irony

In the end is all about materialistic soulets fighting among themselves.

>> No.13035365
File: 7 KB, 446x305, This2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13035786


>> No.13035806

>doing what rich people tell you to do is the REAL counterculture

>> No.13035829


>> No.13036383

rich people, CEOs bankers, hollywood, are all leftists for some reason. they are all pro diversity and pro gay

>> No.13036393

i dont use a third world keyboard so im afraid i dont easily have access to meme letters without resorting to alt codes and honestly that's just not worth the time and effort

>> No.13036395

/ourguy/ if by /our/ you mean liberals or alt-right, and both factions are fucking idiots

>> No.13036421

>The left is no longer subversive but repressive.
Sort of, it is not about subversion and repression, it is just rebelling against the status quo. The left that was created by the 60s was not the left of the past, it was a reaction to the right of the day, just as the right that is coming about now is just a reaction to the left of today, it takes what it agrees with from both sides but leans on the right more. We are only in the beginnings of this movement and it is hard to say if it will progress or not, the right is trying to adapt to that movement and the left is split in two so can do little to stop it without pissing off the far left, good chance it will happen. Interesting times.

The right of a decade ago would despise where the party is heading today.

>> No.13036438

>hesays that only 4 or 5 of his books are worth reading
the rest are probably copypasted anyway

>> No.13036482

I agree with a lot of what you said.
But keep in mind this wanting to be subversive, to negate the older order and replacing it with something new isn't unique to the left, it's far older.

According to Daniel Bell (who Zizek recommended in the memerson debate) this tendency is a fundamental aspect of al types of modernism.
It's about the individual freeing and realizing his self, either through disciplined work in the economic sphere (work hard, get cash, achieve status) or through some kind of 'self-realization' in a kind of lifestyle, life-as-art, which is in the end more based on emotions.

This second kind of realizing the self started in high-culture artistic circles and spread down to the masses thanks to the rise of consumer society which offers us life-styles for which we don't have to do anything but consume certain products. So the economic sphere of Western society (which itself relies on disciplined work) actively promotes this consumerist/hedonist/impulsive self-realization/life-style through consumption.

That's why the right-wing focus on the degradation of the cultural sphere by the progressives/leftists is false. They don't see how the economic system they promote themselves creates the consumerism which undermines their own traditional values.

The left now isn't really left anymore because they don't have anything to say about the economic sphere. That's why they focus on this identity politics stuff. Zizek says all the time how this is merely a sign of exhaustion and lack of ideas.

>> No.13036842
File: 107 KB, 361x370, guysd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's why the right-wing focus on the degradation of the cultural sphere by the progressives/leftists is false. They don't see how the economic system they promote themselves creates the consumerism which undermines their own traditional values.
I don't see why you explicitly tie the right to the capitalist consumer system?
Peterson in his uni lectures is right in that ... and by god, I'm not pro Peterson ... in that the left/right mentality divide is one about borders or not and whether your approach of how you see a better world is whether you see humanity as unity or if you're breaking it down to groups that you want to gain as a result of your actions.
Even ethno-spooked Richard Spencer speaks with Marxists and is not at all about a system of capitalism.
Nor are the slightly less spooked / practically minded Identitarians in Austria/Germany who are used to the Western kind of "Socialism" and don't want to get rich or anything.

Regarding your Bell part, I'm very interested in that too, as I search for something myself. I'm an bitcoin-rich, overachieving mid 30 academic who's spent the l last years fucking 20yo's on Tinder and I'm desperate for a way out of my meaninglessness.
u/acc is the only novel and interesting thing I came across, but it doesn't make any active propositions and I'm afraid its aesthetics and art have been explicated in its entirety at the verge of the ideas in the 90's.

>> No.13036886

Marxists don't get to decide what is left wing or not

>> No.13036898

He's more alt-lite. Hates trannies/SJWs, but doesn't hate niggers.

>> No.13036964

He doesn't hate any of them, wft..

>> No.13036994
File: 108 KB, 748x519, ETH_NEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fellow Bell seemed to have some accurate predictions. That, or we're just very unimaginative in coming up with new critiques.

In what context or with what view did Zizek cite him during the debate, or what's Zizeks view on Bells writing?

>> No.13036996

Nice blog. You just described literally every social movement in history. If you ever get near an insight, be sure to let us have it.

>> No.13036998

Should have stopped reading here.
>I am 25 years old
Did stop reading here.

>> No.13037007

> thinking liberals are leftists

How can you be this politically retarded

>> No.13037081
File: 111 KB, 754x476, image-20170413-25898-15eve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they literally are, look at them

>> No.13037124

Does he really lurk in here?

>> No.13037147

>I don't see why you explicitly tie the right to the capitalist consumer system?
I make a distinction between the centre-right and the far-right/alt-right. It's the centre-right who have been advocating neoliberal economic policies since the 70s like Reagan, Thatcher while at the same time advocating traditional conservative values.

Many right wing parties in Europe still do this and the Republicans do so too as far as I can tell (but of course they consist of many different people who have different ideas).
The economic policies these parties advocate: extreme individualism in the economic sphere, less welfare state, less protection, more flexible workers, etc. is exactly what undermines traditional values and the
traditional family. (Who the hell can support a family if you have to work all the time for a shitty wage with no job security?)

This kind of neoliberal capitalist economy relies on consumption, commercials, a neverending cycle of new commodities which promote superficiality and hedonistic pleasures which undermines traditional values of discipline, self-restraint, etc.

In this sense, the far-right/alt-right types are correct in not being economic neoliberals, because it undermines the traditional values they claim to defend.

I'm a confused 25 year old college student who's going to try volunteer work in a desperate attempt to create some sense of meaning, so I don't know anything.

Zizek just cited his book as a classic analysis of the problems with capitalism. It was the first time I ever heard him speak of Bell.
I was surprised at how good Bells analysis fits with the one in the Culture of Narcissism by C. Lasch.

>> No.13037226

Right wingers in Europe (I'm living in central Europe) are anti-welfare in as far as they don't want to give money to outsiders. And then there are the conservatives with stocks who proclaim they help the economy by fucking with people and that this would be beneficial for people.

>> No.13037295

>The leftists may keep the pretense of being subversive, but i doubt even they believe it, he guardian and the NYT may tell you Beyonce is more punk rock than any given set of white guys with guitars but they don't even believe it.
I too think all politics is culture war nonsense peddled by mainstream media. Because I, like you, am a subversive free thinker. You talk about getting outside the coporate monoculture but view your "rebellion" entirely in the parameters it provides for you.

>> No.13037300

You're right but you have to understand that leftists 100% honestly think that they're smarter than everybody else. Realizing that they're useful idiots for their supposed enemy would cause severe and irrevocable psychological harm that I don't think their egos could handle. I don't mean this in a mean way, I'm trying to say that their sense of personality and self would snap in half if they were honest with themselves.

That's what I see in the replies to your post. There's absolutely nothing controversial about what you said. The failures of the sell-out 68ers were moaned about by the left themselves before the 60s even ended. If they didn't have this need to perpetually mythologize themselves and their long since neutered "counter" culture, they would accept their shortcomings. But they can't

>> No.13037342

Centre right conservatives do the same in Western Europe: "If we gradually break down the welfare state, make everybody do shitty temp jobs, destroy the automatic wage indexation, then the economy will grow and it will trickle down to those who work! All our problems our due to leftists threatening our values and inviting immigrants!"
The far right is the same, except they now are explicitly pro-welfare state, higher pensions, etc. and more anti-immigrant than the centre right.

>> No.13037481

Not really, American leftism is just derived from hyper-Protestantism rather than Marx, but it still definitively falls under the left-wing. Any ideology from Europe has an American heretical version.