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/lit/ - Literature

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13028794 No.13028794 [Reply] [Original]

>those schizophrenics always posting about mysticism /lit/
Once I read a paper that claimed schizophrenics gravitated to anonymous interaction when online. And the demographics of this board (reserved 20 year olds in at college) are also the groups most likely to develop schizophrenia. Don't read the mystics until your brain has finished development. If reading religious texts, don't do it while high. Nobody wants to end up making the next temple OS.

>> No.13028812

>he hasn't read The Red Book

>> No.13028816

>Nobody wants to end up making the next temple OS
get the fuck out of here you glow in the dark cia monkey nigger

>> No.13028817

if you want to see actual schizophrenics head on over to x. People here show signs of occasional mild psychosis but that's about it.

Mysticism is largely larping, and for the few who really have mystic experiences it's just a moderate delusion that doesn't cause them much if any harm. Actual schizophrenics cannot interpet reality at all, patters emerge from everything, paranoia abounds, their motor functions degenerate, they develop sluggish incoherent speech patterns, etc.

>> No.13028821

Young people craving hidden knowledge is a symptom of the problem, but not the problem itself.

cool bird is it yours?

>> No.13028832

>No goy don't delve into our secret knowledge it's not allowed, y-you schizo!!

>> No.13028853
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Southern Ground Hornbills are a bit too big to responsibly keep. I just helped feed and walk her for a summer. Usually these birds nest in groups and the breeding pair has helpers (usually relatives) help them feed and protect their baby. They also take two years to fully develop. This might be that bird now, not sure.

>> No.13028872

Can you eat their eggs though?

>> No.13028881
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I think Africans get paid to shoot at people who do that nowadays. Chicken eggs also probably taste better.

>> No.13028896

I kinda wanna have a big buffet where all dishes are fried eggs from all kinds of different birds and bacon and toast to go with it. Eggs fascinate me.

>> No.13028947

Duck eggs communicate with each other. They are laid asynchronously but hatch at roughly the same times. Older eggs will make 60 clicking noises a minute to try and get the younger eggs to speed up their development while the latter will make 100 clicks to try and get the former to slow their development. This results in the chicks hatching at roughly the same time and being able to get onto the water all at once.
>I think, that, of required, on pain of death, to name instantly the most perfect thing in the universe, I should risk my fate on a bird's egg

>> No.13028960

Based eggs.

>> No.13028967

>This results in the chicks hatching at roughly the same time and being able to get onto the water all at once.
wow. very cool

>> No.13029022

Too late

>> No.13029030
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get the fuck out