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/lit/ - Literature

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13028571 No.13028571 [Reply] [Original]

Underrated Author/Book thread. Include reason for why it is the book/author is great.
Dead Souls: The book is overall very great due to the subtle nuisances in regards to his satire. He manges to create a perfect world with such a dazzling manner without being boring (like Dickens). He pays such great attention to things like roads, buildings, and posters (just to name a few). And despite this great interest in nearly every detail they all manage to present great meaning.
And as a whole, every source of dialogue presents itself in a wonderful tone, showing create demonstration of characters and meaning (sorry for the formatting I'm a phone cuck).

>> No.13028627

Not sure if I'd consider that an underrated novel, it is considered among the great works of Russian literature. That said, it is a truly excellent book and is one of the funniest I've ever read.

>> No.13028640

This, but english translations sux

>> No.13029402

> the lengthy preface is enjoyable and has some great thoughts, but happens to be a proposition for readers to send their fanfics on the book directly to the unsuspecting heads of two Russian universities
Trolling is a art.

>> No.13029444
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>Gustav Meyrink
A darker version of Herman Hesse, more depth, more to "chew on", much more occult. Pic related
>Antoine De Saint Exupery
Good philosophy of life, nice stories about aviation.

>> No.13029556

Thanks for sharing, he sounds very interesting!

>> No.13029612

Not overrated- It's a nineteenth century classic up there with War and Peace and the Brother's K.

Book two fucking sucks tho.