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13027821 No.13027821 [Reply] [Original]

When is he going to finish his books?

>> No.13027840

When he sees whether or not to epically subvert our expectations like d and d did.

>> No.13028079

he's too busy finishing his meals

>> No.13028105

He's probably editing yet another collection of those cringy poker stories nobody likes.

>> No.13028122

Never. He won't say it because he's afraid of being killed by a rabid fan, but at this point I am certain that he only writes 5 pages a week, if at all. He says he's stopped editing to focus on writing, but we know he's talking about Wild Cards, which literally no one gives a fuck about

>> No.13028673

All he does is bitch about the new york giants now. If anything he's going to help write Eli Manning's biography

>> No.13028711


>> No.13028738

Are the books even worth it?

Always been hesitant because I don't like reading stuff this long usually.

>> No.13028751

They're getting pynchon to ghost write it

>> No.13028789

The books are worse than the (early) show. Way too much filler.

>> No.13029050

1st three books are /lit/. After that you can drop the series, since he is going to enter a diabetic coma before finishing it.

>> No.13029580

TWOW will be published in 2020. Screencap this.

>> No.13029592

We all know the ending. Littlefinger planned everything

>> No.13029678


>> No.13029801

If you have nothing else to do, yeah go pick them up. Be advised GRRM is very erratic, writing wise

>> No.13030251

Why is he ALWAYS dressed as a steamboat captain?

>> No.13030258

When they stop printing money for him.

>> No.13030301

literally who?

>> No.13030344


>> No.13030377

He actually wrote a vampire story taking place on a steamboat

>> No.13030393

When is he going to explain the black oily stone? The answer is NEVER EVER

>> No.13030451

Will he die prematurely like he did in the show? Will it be a "posthumous victory" kind of thing?

>> No.13031074

If you cant read then get the audio book you peasant. Long fantasy and sci fi's are kino

>> No.13031090

What ones would you recommend?

>> No.13031261

books are great
tvfags can fuck of

>> No.13031421


>> No.13031427

First three books are a good read.
For the 4th and 5th books, it's literally far more enjoyable to read the fan wikis than the actual books, since they do have some interesting ideas/characters but are 90% filler

>> No.13031549

The first three are kino, Jaime carries the fourth like a madman, and the fifth is garbo.

>> No.13031552

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.13031566

>expecting any man to keep shit up for 4200+ pages
>especially as he has to make it all up
GRRM is no Proust.

>> No.13031858


I genuinely don't think he will. The show writers said they decided it would be Arya to kill the NK like 3 years ago which is right around the time they caught up and overtook GRRM.