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/lit/ - Literature

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13027034 No.13027034 [Reply] [Original]

It is ridiculous. I'm sitting here in my tiny room, me, Anon715, who turned 28 years old and whom nobody knows.
I sit here and I am nothing. But still, this nothingness starts thinking.
Long gone is the youth with all it's potential. What can you be without potential?
Broken down is the ladder to ascend.
No energy, nothingness, just vegitating for the sake of existence.
Visualize, imagine me. Let me become part of you and I shall make your life better.
Whenever you'll seek short term gratification i will remind you of the consequence.

>> No.13027054

>Broken down is the ladder to ascend.
ascend to what? whats beyond ultimate neetdom? Do you finally become a patrician? Tell us anon what happens at the end of the timelines

>> No.13027075
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fuck off you fucking boomer, this is a board for literature. Fuck. It's in a constant decline because of you.

>> No.13027084


He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

>> No.13027109

You deserve it for using whom wrong

>> No.13027149

Learn to spell, to capitalize, to think. Maybe then we can talk. But right now you’re a waste of space and time, and if you’re truly sitting alone in a tiny room with nothing to look forward to I’m not at all surprised.

>> No.13027161

English is not my native language

>> No.13027219

Some people lose their humanity in work, other people lose it in leisure. But they're equal.

Wasting yourself devoted to your work and wasting yourself devoted to your play is equally the same slave mentality.

Just enjoy yourself, as in yourself. Stop trying so hard to make something of yourself. A NEET who spends all day worrying that he's a failure and that he hasn't made anything of his life is honestly the most over-worked, over-stressed, and slavish human being in the world.

As long as your sense of worth is dependent on external things you are a slave. That goes for presidents and CEOs as much as NEETs.

>> No.13027251

Also our society very strongly encourages this slave mentality, "work hard, play hard". If you could just lay down in bed for 5 minutes and experience one moment of real leisure, of real relaxation, of really not having any cares in the world like when you were a kid – all your slave anxieties will be known to be illusions.

"Broken down is the ladder to ascend" is a very positive sign, now you just need to put your feet up and relax. Maybe when you've had a few weeks of real relaxation and enjoyment you'll even have the energy to do something, but as long as you're constantly worrying and trying to distract yourself with "short term gratification" you are really like an over-worked employee running here and there for his boss.

>> No.13027279
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Fuck it dewd quit being a little bitch and go live life on your own terms.

Go fuck a 22 year old and recapture your lost youth, boomerscum.

>> No.13027308

I turn 28 in a couple of months. Still a virgin. Still enslaved by fear, and now guilt as well. All those dreams wasted. All those ambitions never pursued. All that time traded for money that gives me no satisfaction at all. I try neg myself into being a 30-year-old boomer, being a "nice guy" who helps his community, lives a humble, gentle life and so on - but I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.13027312
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>> No.13027339

>but what if, Mr Peterson, my internal worth is diminished by externalities?

>> No.13027417

same turning 28 khhv neet here just enjoying my comfy neet life

>> No.13027432

>Long gone is the youth with all it's potential.
If you are a man, 28 isn't that point. For a woman, certainly.

>> No.13027538

There is nothing in this world that is original to your true self, not your body, not your mind, not your thoughts, not your senses. Everything is external to the true-self. So how can you speak of self-worth being diminished by that which is outside the self, when the self is made from the outside! You are so deeply conditioned by the world, you cannot see that the only unconditioned, is the witness, or your consciousness without mind.

The mind is tool for processing thoughts, and all thoughts come from the world. YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS because thoughts are made up of that which is external to you. You are the witness to the thoughts. Get it? When you are joyous, are you thinking thoughts? No, the mind is empty. The mind grows restless when it cannot find joy, yet your ego tries to stop the mind from running away. This is impossible for it to do, so you experience much suffering. If the mind loved you, it would come back to you on its own accord. Forget freedom of thought, THINKING IS SLAVERY.

Happiness and Joy are not the same thing. Happiness is a conditional thought ("my country's team won the competition", "I got an A on the test"). This kind of feeling comes, and then goes.If you grew up in India, you would be happy if India won the cricket world cup, and if you were Pakistani, you would be happy if Pakistan beat India. But if the Indian and Pakistani were to switch places, would n't their reactions be the opposite? You see how silly this kind of conditional happiness is. It's purely circumstantial, and outside of the self, and has nothing to do with the true self.

The true self is joy. It is joy without condition. When you strip away the ego and the false self, then you will find joy.

>> No.13027912

Americans are 50% of this site. Keep it in mind next time you fucking retards.

>> No.13027944


>> No.13028202


>> No.13028214

heck yeah

>> No.13028220


>> No.13028230

The Tiger
He destroyed his cage

>> No.13028258
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>depressed pseuds

>> No.13028261

>I turn 28 in a couple of months. Still a virgin

I'm a 28 year old who has had sex a few times, but infrequently enough to still get those "something must be wrong here" feelings. In a way it's more frustrating than when I was actually a virgin. At least then I could consciously hold the experience of getting laid as some ultimate act of self-actualization. But then I got laid & the predominant feeling was "this is it?". And then it happened several more times, same result. Nice enough, but no more so than eating a particularly nice meal, or taking a hike out in some beautiful landscape, or doing psychedelics for the first time, or whatever. I began to pass up obvious opportunities with women I was attracted to, because it didn't seem worth giving up so much of my time & emotional energy...but then, months of that went by (18 months at this point, I believe), and I found myself back in this place of endless longing for physicality, even though my conscious mind still remembers what a disappointment it was before. Sublimating myself in the pursuit of romance, or forgoing romance to focus on self-development - why can't I just be satisfied with one mode of being or the other?

>> No.13028276

Adam corrola says you dont have to be doing ANYTHING until you're 30. You're on track. If you feel a waste of potential then spend the next two years figuring that out and when you're thirty actualize it.

>> No.13028365

I feel like my life is pretty stable & moving in a positive direction (low paying but also low stress job that allows me to save some money, good exercise routine, trying as best I can to devote my free time to learning things & creating things, no debt or serious addictions), and a genuine belief that I can get what I want out of life (which I only remember is an advantage when I go on the internet & see people who feel hopelessly trapped). The main source of stress is just that internal paranoia: "am I moving too slow? Am I avoiding things that I would eventually need to do to get what I want?" - which leads to the fear that I might stagnate into some well-maintained cog who never lives up to his imagined potential, or that alternatively I might be compelled to take stupid risks that will serve only to undo my progress, without actually opening up novel possibilities. I spend most of my time thinking about this: how to genuinely step outside my comfort zone, widen the scope of my reality, without just entering into another cycle of meaningless hedonism that ends with me feeling like I've wasted six months, and going back to whatever I was doing before.

>> No.13028451

Stop being so fucking faggy, /lit/. I turned 27 yesterday and I'm a khv, and while I do work, my career profile is kind of a joke and I might as well be a neet. Whose opinion matters to you? That's the important question to ask. Stop tripping over the opinions of people who don't really matter to you.

>> No.13028488

>Everyone I don't like is a boomer

>> No.13028505

extremely good posts

>> No.13028660

Except that that is the correct usage of 'whom.'

>> No.13028692

thanks anon :)

>> No.13028914

thank you

>> No.13028943

Shit like this is literally the reason why I honestly think 4chan is a dope place

>> No.13028975

I was hoping you’d post

>> No.13029192

I feel you anon. I'm 22 but already threw away my life. Dropped out. No friends. Absolutely nothing.
I threw away my talent. Don't get me wrong, I'm not egoistical here. But there is a thing I have an advantage in. Because of the environment I grew up in and the effort I put into in my earlier years. I could even say I even had talent for it. And I profited nothing from it. I know it sounds narcissistic as fuck but I see people who are worse at it profiting from it. Only because they put themselves and it out there. Meanwhile I'm socially autistic, depressed retard. Makes me want to kill myself. First, I never get the wasted years back. This is something I can't process and gets worse every day. Second, every time I thinking of my wasted opportunities I want to kill myself.
Fuck this existence

>> No.13029755

>all these virgins in their late 20s
I've got to get the fuck out of this board while I still can.

>> No.13029923
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>> No.13029928

yep, this is based

>> No.13029936


>> No.13030309

same bro

sometimes (ok, only twice) i experienced that lately - the true self, this blank joy beyond thought where i know all my thinking to be false... but today i thought of it as "stupidity," as the inability to differentiate myself from the rising ground. but joy isn't stupid. thanks anon

>> No.13031084

Thanks for the replies, I can see that I am not the only one who feels like this

>> No.13031100
File: 63 KB, 1066x558, 1522383943239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hang in there friend

>> No.13031132

Similar situation here. 29 years old, also a virgin, though that's not something I particularly care about anymore. I just wish that I never existed. Life isn't something worth suffering for.

>> No.13031197

so your reduced sense of self when not being able to do something for long periods is not a warning that you should be doing something?

>> No.13031215

You could start doing ANYTHING productive practically tomorrow and completely change your life within the month. This is the pill you don't want to swallow.

>> No.13031499

it's pretty much the same everywhere. lit is not exception.

>> No.13031556

Can you recommend literature to the thoughts you just have elaborated? I am really interested to dive deeper into it. Are you speaking about a trichotomy of body, mind and "soul" (true-self)?
Thank you.

>> No.13031557

>It's in a constant decline because of you.
Sweeet moorseeeel

>> No.13031582


>> No.13031590
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TFW found GOD

>> No.13031602

I feel like I'm doing good, and I have lots of objective ways that indicate it, but I worry easily. Perhaps that is precisely the reason I did well, though.

>> No.13031625

Thank you based Nisargadatta

>> No.13031635

Long story short, a guy I made friends with the first day of our archaeology class studied together throughout the semester. I quickly developed a crush on him but didn’t know if he felt it back. We even went on pseudo-dates where we studied over lunch at a cafe and got dinner and ice cream after class, but we didn’t call them dates and it never got romantic. He’s graduating in a few days, and I thought it was too late. He almost had an Irish goodbye, but last night after we went out with friends and we’d each gotten home, I was a bit drunk, and texted him asking how he felt about me. He told me to meet him outside my building in 5 min to figure things out. When he pulled in, he got out of his car, walked directly to me, and said “just kiss me.”
We made out for like 5 minutes before successfully using words, and then spent the night together

>> No.13031642

I'm just visiting since it's summer

>> No.13031643

unless that friend was metaphorically Jesus, GTFO fag

>> No.13031644

>T. Non-fiction readers

Get the fuck out you losers.

>> No.13031682

>Long gone is the youth with all it's potential. What can you be without potential?
Still chained to the most petty things, I see.

>> No.13031737

Ascended posts

>> No.13031786

You’re 28. Some people didn’t start writing or pursuing their craft until 29, like Murakami or Saunders one DeLillo. Sure, it’s probably not going to happen for you, but it’s worth a shot.

>> No.13031793

>t. 30

>> No.13031801


Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.

>> No.13031802

Van Gogh didn't learn to draw until he was 27.

>> No.13031813

25 is the cutoff unfortunately, which is why Van Gogh was a hack.

>> No.13031834

I can say stupid things on the internet too, you know.

>> No.13031842


>> No.13031868

He died poor

>> No.13031892

I'm sure that you're implying that this means something, but I can't figure out what it is.

>> No.13033714

Congratulations, Anon. I'm so glad

>> No.13035197

If you are a guy, this is disgusting.

>> No.13035224

Anon, you and I are the same, down to our age and outlook. I am much more ill than you physically I imagine, but we share a lonely and despairing soul

>> No.13035237

It's very easy to be a stoic neetposter when you live with mum and dad or mooch off the government, both being dependent on someone else working

>> No.13035239

Blessed posts
Thank you anon, this really broke through to me.

>> No.13035294

You need psychological help anon.
You won't win this alone and forget family/friends, get some help from a professional and get better.

>> No.13035491
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honestly...this post is motivating for someone who's 20 and doesn't want to end up like that. Thanks, anon!

>> No.13035514

have sex

>> No.13035518

gross dude

>> No.13035663

if you relish in your insignificance you will remain the insignificant and empty faggot that you are, no one is bound to make you feel like you are worth something, that is only up to you, so be something you fucking shameful excuse of a man

>> No.13035939

Reddit tier articulation of glorified eastern jibber jabber that nowadays passes as philosophy. What a miserable state of affairs.

>> No.13037324

thats what it is meant to be!

>> No.13037366

>I turned 27 yesterday and I'm a khv
how does this happen?

>> No.13037388

yes, really strange!

>> No.13037392

Is it desire, will or power you lack?

>> No.13037400

>wahh wahh wahh wahh
worthless post anon

>> No.13037407

go back

>> No.13037428

Go out into the forest, the eternal now is always and everywhere. Your eyes seeth just as well as you did when you were child.
The components are there, but the controller is tired and weary.
Remember how you were when you were young.
Remember how a tree was a guardian of the path.
How wandering dogwalkers were scouts of the evil Leameruerss and were out to get you, better hide!
Remember how the wellspring of love was your destination.

I did this, my sorry friend. I felt the DMT yet again flow through me, and there i was walking and singing some holy melody caught from the creator of all, randomly spurting out beautiful nonsense.
The potential is there, pathetic failurer, you just have to go outside.

>> No.13037432

I wish I could but it’s too late

>> No.13037435

based pseudo-spiritual schizo