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/lit/ - Literature

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13026133 No.13026133 [Reply] [Original]

> board full of wannabe philosophers
> whack as shit
> talking about the ubermensch and shit
> reading books and telling people to live life, learn and read philosophy
> not ever making a difference
This is the absolute most pseudointellectual board on this site. Philosophy is just as masturbatory as pure maths, it is academics for the sake of academics. Number one bullshit. 100% self absorbed bourgeoisie unproductive waste.

>> No.13026167

Your assertions are only true if the philosophy in question is never applied.

>> No.13026171

Ladies and gentlemen, the late capitalist man.

>> No.13026200

We already tried to get rid of philosophy posters but the mods pussied out halfway into kicking them to /his/ and none of them actually want to discuss philosophy with other philosophy posters because similarly to how /v/ wants to be perpetually split they're all aware that as a whole they're fucking insufferable. So they come back here and make 5 "where do I start with *my favorite philosopher* guys this is totally a legit thread ;^)*" posts a day and copypaste responses hoping to trick some dumb faggot into engaging them.

>> No.13026204

> philosophy
I know inside me what I am meant to do. I don't need some ancient autistic Greek dickheads telling me what is and what isn't. Nor do I need autistic Germans telling me how to live my life.

There are kids in Africa who don't have water and the academics sit here and wonder what is right and what is wrong referencing a Roman 2000 years ago.

It's bullshit and you need to grow up

>> No.13026205
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Study the humanities right fucking now!

Repent you STEM zoomer shits!

>> No.13026209

Just teach them javascript

>> No.13026210

>There are kids in Africa who don't have water
So? Maybe their stupid nigger parents shouldnt have been stupid niggers. There Are Too Many People (tm)

>> No.13026213

> reading a good book
> cool ideas

Philosophy poster:
Insufferable middle class NEETs trying to find substance in their boring comfortable lives

>> No.13026217
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>Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.

>> No.13026218


>> No.13026220

>implying there is anything wrong with a L'art pour L'art mentality

>> No.13026231

Agreed, i think you need to get the out of the board and go help those african kids for the greater good anon.
You go first.

>> No.13026232

Why not send them some Hegel! Oh yeah, wait, I forgot, they can't fucking read and they're so far into ketoacidosis that they're blind too. Christ, all that philosophy and you can't even get out of your one bedroom apartment and actually do something worthwhile.
I don't give a Fuck about university, I never went, im glad I didn't because I couldn't dream of associating with masturbatory academic faggots

>> No.13026247

Philosophy threads are pretty bad. Everyone is either stuck on Plato or whatever crazy mystic they found. The worst threads are always theology ones, just people telling you to go to hell and fedoras.

>> No.13026249

> practical men look after their own
> mad men in authority are faggots

>> No.13026252
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>I know inside me what I am meant to do.
>There are kids in Africa who don't have water and the academics sit here and wonder what is right and what is wrong referencing a Roman 2000 years ago.
Mere spooks.
This is either some top tier bait or someone that has never picked up philosophy aside from high school.

>> No.13026255

I have no problem with art. Art is good. Math and Philosophy are not art.

>> No.13026256

Ignore the bait thread.

>> No.13026265

prepare for the seething (You) storm OP

>> No.13026267

I read Nietzsche when I was 16 and I thought to myself "why do I need a dead German, who's context of life is completely different to mine, tell me how to live my life?"

Reading Greek texts telling you how to think and letting that influence you, when the same men had slaves and never had to work a day in their life. Philosophy is a con. It is a dishonest lie.

>> No.13026268

>Philosophy is just as masturbatory as pure maths, it is academics for the sake of academics.
You know that its the mathematicians and physicists that go all over the formulas before giving them to engineers to find a way to apply them in real world, right?

>> No.13026287

How many philosophy majors does it take to change a lightbulb?

0. Because they sit there for a week thinking about why the lightbulb died. Thinking about why they're sat in the dark. Thinking about what will happen if no one ever changes the lightbulb.

Philosophy provides nothing of value at all. If your thought process is that fucked that you need to change yourself to think as a stoic then you are already worthless

>> No.13026290

> t. idiot

>> No.13026298

How do we tell the difference between bait and reddit/pinkerposting?

>> No.13026306

>I read Nietzsche when I was 16
Highly doubt you read it at 16 or even understood him.
>and I thought to myself "why do I need a dead German, who's context of life is completely different to mine, tell me how to live my life?"
No one told you to that you need to read him or any other philosopher. You are doing the same as entering a dance class and asking the teacher "hurr why the fuck do i need dance for".
You are dumb and using the african kids as a arguement only confirms that you indeed dont know shit about anything.
>Philosophy is a con. It is a dishonest lie.
>t. the dishonest spooked bugman
Just to remind you that philosophy isnt a single idea or concept that agrees with itself.

You know that he is actually right?

>> No.13026310

> t. seething philosophy fag
Are you not smart enough to tell the difference?

>> No.13026316

> t. idiot

You waste your lives reading autistic Germans and Greeks trying to apply it to a different world and a different mind
Absolute waster

>> No.13026325

Reminder that I could spark up a blunt and produce a philosophy work that would rival any autistic Greek

>> No.13026331

>I know inside me what I am meant to do.
How do you know that? Is that innate to you?

>> No.13026358

I doubt it

>> No.13026360

Yes. It should be for everyone. If you have to be influenced by another to know what to do with your life then you are an NPC

>> No.13026372

You best start believin' in troll threads...

>> No.13026380

bait this shit shouldn't be allowed

>> No.13026411

>philosophy is useless masturbation

Where does this idiotic idea come from? real philosophy is useful. practical stuff that helps people live better, more productive and more fulfilling lives.

Do you think its all 'common sense' too?

>> No.13026414
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>> No.13026422

Lit is a fucking wasteland these days. Meaningful discussion is dead and has been replaced by memes and American politics.

>> No.13026425

>There are kids in Africa who don't have water and

>> No.13026456

It's common sense if there is substance in your own life.

>> No.13026468

>if I pretend anybody who finds it helpful lacks 'substance' I can be a smug dick

I think the only one lacking moral 'substance' here is you.

>> No.13026496

Why don't you go read some Aurelius. Maybe you will be less upset at what I have said. Easily influenced, no substance, low IQ imbecile

>> No.13026524
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Philosophy is so masturbatory to the point of onanism, so that philosophy actually sow seeds and create productivity down the line.

>> No.13026553

Now I wonder what kind of impact I've had on the world thus far...

>2016 evacuation
Helped to set up cots and organize them

>2016 water-based disaster
Helped to clean up afterwards, also to pack up a fellow's firewood

>2016-18 writing
Self-published several books, also made several attempts at traditional publication but nothing accepted yet

>Military (2013-16 or so)
Attempted to join a couple times but never successful, supportive of a war with North Korea. Might try to join again, but not infantry; might be too old for that now

>Sexual relationships (Since 2007)
Over a dozen, honestly a bit regretful; I reject hedonism but I did view sex rather hedonistically for most of my life. Thankfully, as far as I know, I haven't caught any sort of disease. I also may have broken a chick's heart whom I only met once, and that one time we met, we fucked. It wasn't all that long after a VERY bad break-up, I had a fear of the word 'love' and to an extent, still do. She texted me that she loves me, I received the text on the bus heading back to my city. I replied back that I'm not ready to use the word, and she took it very poorly... she didn't want to communicate anymore, and I don't even remember her name now. I probably wouldn't recognize her if I bumped into her tomorrow.

Eh, I suppose I've got a couple now in this new city I'm living in, one of which is with a lovely 18/19 year old girl who's in a long-term relationship with a nice fellow, they even discuss marriage and kids from time to time, they seem quite serious. I find it beautiful, and I have many very deep conversations with her. I feel as though I'm helping her along, and she is also helping me in her own way. Mutually beneficial, hoping to keep that friendship in the long-term.

My faith is definitely leading me to want to do good in the world, and I show kindness whenever I can manage it.

Probably haven't come up with any sort of new ideas, but I've written a couple non-fictions so there's that.

>Future prospects
Possibly journalism, continue writing books, WILL be traditionally-published someday, more learning of world religions, likely sticking with Christianity, actively looking to find the woman who will be my future wife. If she's down, and if I can afford it, I am open to the prospect of taking maximum responsibility via having a VERY large family... the West needs more people anyways, and it's better that they be OF the West rather than of some Islamic shithole. May or may not partake in a future crusade if such should come to pass. Fuck Islam.

>> No.13026627

I am not upset but you keep insulting people for no reason which says a lot.

>> No.13026726

Where did it came from inside you then, your biological makeup?