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13024506 No.13024506 [Reply] [Original]

How does he get away with writing stuff like this:

>We envy and admire the Negro because we long toregress, like him, to our animal selves; to be animals with big cocks andsmall reptilian brains which are no more than appendices to their pricks

>> No.13024527

because technically it's his narrator saying those things

>> No.13024529

Because he pretends to be disenginious thereby loosing all bite, making him delightfully edgy to discuss during dinner parties. He is so harmless he turned in the reactionary court jester of the liberal order.

>> No.13024530

he rules france with an iron but fair fist

>> No.13024532

Same way DFW got away with the "Nigger Song" in Pale King

>> No.13024538

same way Im going to get away with my nigger monologue in my novel

>> No.13024549

post it again, it's pure biblio

>> No.13024554


>> No.13024561

He's right though. There's times I just want to shed cognition and regress to paleolith. That's why people drink beer

>> No.13024564

don't have it on my phone kek

>> No.13024617
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>> No.13024623

Oh, there's a new one now.
This is gold

>> No.13024625

i forgot how smooth his prose was, maybe ill read whatever this week

>> No.13024626

good post

>> No.13024641

i want to end this person’s life with all the energy in every atom of my body

>> No.13024644

sounds like this literature has impacted you very powerfully.

>> No.13024654

1. French aren't as castrated as Amerinifaggots are

2. He became famous in the 90's, when even in the U.S. politically correct culture wasn't nearly as intolerant as it is today

>> No.13024668

It's hilarious with how much you could get away back then.
Now even the mildest comments are seen as antisemitic . Here are some more of his hot takes.

Too what? He understood her dilemma. Too primitive? Certainly not. Too rhythmic? Even that bordered on racism. There was nothing you could o say about African fucking dance.

He was starting to get pissed off about the world's stupid obsession with Brazil. What was so great about Brazil? As far as he knew, Brazil was ashithole full of morons obsessed with soccer and Formula One. It was thene plus ultra of violence, corruption and misery. If ever a country were loathsome, that country, specifically, was Brazil.

>> No.13024718

He doesn't?

His security is of the line.

>> No.13024754
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>> No.13024764

Yeah I started Wathever some time ago, maybe I'll finish it after Atomised.
I wrote down some passages of that as well.

>Their silhouettes came out as bizarrely enlarged Chinese shadows on the wall above me. Their voices appeared to come from on high, a bit like the Holy Ghost’s.

>> No.13025008

>We envy and admire the Negro because we long toregress, like him, to our animal selves; to be animals with big cocks andsmall reptilian brains which are no more than appendices to their pricks

Seems accurate to me

>> No.13025204

this, the liberals in France love him

>> No.13025232

He legit looks like a decadent medieval monk.

>> No.13025358

Great first chapter, only two or three pages long but really established the theme, atmosphere and style of the book.

>> No.13025657

Because blacks can't read

>> No.13025785

As far as I know all you need to do to get away with it is not be on Social Media or be reachable by the public.

>> No.13025827

That's so simple it's genius.
You write wathever the fact you want, stay away from social media and don't engage with criticism.

>> No.13025875

That used to be absolutely the case, especially with Andy Warhol types.
However, now sadly, the problem is more so, is with how the internet has co-opted the press.
How you are able to defend yourself against false allegations or crazies
(Warhol got shot because of this).
I'm willing to bet Houellebecq has it easier because France is perhaps the most artistically forgiving place.
Another popular option is to have a writer's name, but with the internet and crazies being able to turn you opaque from transparency, it's negligible in effort.

Still however, how are you supposed to make a name for yourself when everyone is eager to create several interpretations. One common solution is to let your art speak for itself. Commonly that is the case, however, most radical artists are only looked at properly once the sensation of their public life is dead, quite literally.
Not responding has it's benefits but having a reliable distributor and a publisher who won't flake on you, sell you out are the more difficult parts.
I'd be interested to know what other people think of solutions to disconnecting the art from the readership.

>> No.13025953

>just avoid niggers
inb4 nigger spray paints "Demonetized!" on your front door.

>> No.13025986

I see where you're coming from, but you're not exactly providing a better solution yourself

>> No.13026029

a) He's not a Burger. Fuck, cunts from this country absolutely love niggers and are sensitive as fuck.
b) He's French. Being a degenerate it's their national sport.

>> No.13026245

the irony here is that for the french liberal houellebecq is the same as the negro described by his narrator: the substitute phallus, the subject-presumed-to-believe, the reprehensible jester who voices their own obscene knowledge back to them for their chiding disapproval

>> No.13026257

Welcome back, Luke. How's the novel coming along?

>> No.13026262

lel, I'm not Feistamel but I did post in his thread. Currently reading his book, as well.

>> No.13026450
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He isn't, plenty of people buttmad about his hate of arabs, niggers and women. He's still useful though. During pseud roundtable, you can simple shout "Is Houellebecq right?". Which neatly splits the gang between chads and virgins on each side of the answer. Intellectual faeces exchange can then commence in orderly fashion.

>> No.13026632
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