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13023349 No.13023349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I literally can't tell what's real anymore

>> No.13023358
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I wish I had your problem. The reality is so mind-numbing obvious and banal for me.

>> No.13023377

I thimk,,, they're 4,
I an

>> No.13023379

Reality is what you can persuade other people of.

>> No.13023380

Start praying the Rosary.

>> No.13023383

That's just the suspension of disbelief, blame Coleridge.

>> No.13023451
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I have been thinking about life a lot the past week. I'm not sure if when I die I will have no senses like the time before I was born that I have no recollection of. I really hope that there is some sort of life after death even if it is an eternity of pain and suffering. Being in the state of having no senses or thoughts to me is worse then living in hell. There is an infinite amount of things that I want to know, but I only have a limited amount of time that I am certain of. Death terrifies me and I don't really know how to cope with it.

>> No.13023467

>Death terrifies me and I don't really know how to cope with it.
Fear of death inhibits your ability to seek true knowledge insofar as it accomplishes nothing and squanders your energies on aimless anxiety.

>> No.13023473

The craving for more knowledge is just your insatiable will, which will never leave you satisfied.

>> No.13023496

Yet you won't listen to my advice.

>> No.13023498

If death introduces true knowledge, then it won't be known because it won't be transmitted through your sense organs.

>> No.13023504

My love for you is real.

>> No.13023505

Me neither, but probably for different reasons

>> No.13023517

ur not as fucked up as i am or you would have already met "my friends"

>> No.13023544


>> No.13023555


>> No.13023559

La vida es sueño

>> No.13023583

If conciousness is truly materialistic, there is absolutely no way there is an afterlife.