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13020802 No.13020802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is true love able to exist only between two men?

>> No.13020811

tfw no bf

>> No.13021077

true love is able to exist only between man and God

>> No.13021087
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>> No.13021091

based and breadpilled

>> No.13021093

so beautiful. And true

>> No.13021094

>posting with the name Anonymous

Fag :3

>> No.13021121
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Speak! Say something

>> No.13021160

Just sending love to all the gays who will enter this thread, I know your plight is tough, that others give you a hard time, but everything will be okay in the end. Do not take your life, do not sink into depression, do not throw yourself away to degeneracy and disease. Be good people, and wholesomely love who you were made to love. Take solace in the closest friends of your communities. Someday, in future societies, your kind will be seen as being as normal as any others are (the way that lesbians have always been seen as, admittedly). I hope one day there's no enmity between gays and straights, in either direction, and it's completely casual for both groups to be complete friends with eachother just like blacks and whites once weren't, and now are. You are not defective people, and some of the greatest figures in history were of your nature (the majority of the Western canon, basically). I always leave a message like this here whenever gay threads appear, so if you guys have any wholesome images with straight men and gay men in platonic fraternity with eachother, preferably an anime illustration or similar, send me it so I can leave it as my stamp for all my future posts.

t. Straight guy who wants the best for his gay brethren

Also, check out Michael Henry on Youtube. He's a skit channel, and was my personal way in to understanding the gay community better. Absolute goldmine of comedy, which anyone could appreciate. Though as a straight person I only understand the jokes secondhand, not firsthand, and not as deeply as you guys would. Also I'm reading a book right now called "What's wrong with homosexuality?" By John Corvino. You guys might like it.

>> No.13021166
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>> No.13021180
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>and it's completely casual for both groups to be complete friends with eachother just like blacks and whites once weren't, and now are.

>> No.13021199

I love you, anon. Black or white, may you be well. And don't worry, some day the troubled relations between black and white folk in America, a dark contract which dates back to the nation's very beginning, will be washed away by the tides of forgiveness, and love.

>> No.13021201
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Thank you sweetie, but we don’t mind

Jesus said, "Blessed are you when you are hated and persecuted. Wherever you have been persecuted they will find no Place."

U see, eternal salvation belongs to us. “Only what is pure will be allowed into the company of what is pure” - bless your heart tho <3

>> No.13021212
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>> No.13021219
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>> No.13021226

So can we talk about the topic now?

>> No.13021237

That's funny, because I was actually going to mention the irony of how Christians idolize and glorify a persecuted individual, while today's most persecuted of individuals are only in such a position because of Christians. It's very ironic. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic though about being a Christian. You don't need to follow a religion which demonizes your kind. Doing so will only leave you with less self-worth as a person.

>> No.13021249

Gays aren't normal though. They are damaged by childhood abuse.

>> No.13021253


>> No.13021254

literally what indoctrinated christcucks believe

>> No.13021257

Again, sweetie, I’m not going to let the son of God be hijacked by a bunch of people who don’t know how to read. They have come in all times and places to divide and conquer us. There is just one God, his name is love. His word has come to all of his chosen ones. The illiterate have stood up and tried their best to take, rewrite, misinterpret and marginalize the truth as they do us. They laugh at us. I say, let those laugh that win.

>> No.13021262

I don't think all of them have endured child abuse, though. Otherwise it would straightforwardly be a developmental disorder, in the realm of psychology.

>> No.13021266

>true love
>no children
Pick one

>> No.13021267
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>Doing so will only leave you with less self-worth as a person

>> No.13021274

You need to fuck off to your own board on cripplechan. No one wants more of your cucked shit here, go pray to your kike on a stick like the little fine lamb you are.

>> No.13021277
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>You don't need to follow a religion which demonizes your kind

>> No.13021285

I'm straight and doubt I'll ever have children. I can barely take care of myself, let alone another. Plus, children often wedge resentment between spouses, and I just want life to be me and my wonderful girlfriend, forever. The two of us forever together, together forever, always in love, loving eachother always. And she reads me bedtime stories and kisses me on the cheek before we sleep.

>> No.13021287


>> No.13021288

god is a man

>> No.13021297

Look up the term 'homosociality'. Love between men is almost always mediated through the exchange of women. That's literally what arranged marriages are for, its not about the love between a man and a woman but rather using the woman as a token of patrilineal extension (IE. prolonging the male line on both sides).

>> No.13021299
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Loving life hbu

>> No.13021302

Do straight people really believe this?

>> No.13021304

This is patently false.

>> No.13021306

>today's most persecuted of individuals are only in such a position because of Christians.
Who would that be? And don't say gays or trannies or whatever, there are people who are being murdered in the third world, and 99% of them are not gays or trannies.

>> No.13021309

hopefully we can burn your shitty temples to the ground and outlaw your fucking kikeshit religion. Fuck your pedophile pope and fuck your horseshit ideology founded on what a pack of kikes in a desert wrote 3000 years ago.

>> No.13021310

In most places in the world christians are still a persecuted group tho. Hypocrisy is blatant among the modern day pharisees of the west though.

>> No.13021316

You see, they’ve gotten to you. You are the indoctrinated one. You believe in the false religion. Like I said, You will find No place

>> No.13021320

queers in the third world are murdered at higher rates though.

>> No.13021322

In what? Sky daddy's nonexistent heaven? Come on give me a fucking proof that your god exists and heaven and hell are real.

>> No.13021326

Take a minute break from the autism and recc me a book on the metaphysics of love.

>> No.13021328

Wholesome post :,)

>> No.13021330

Gays are being thrown off of roofs in parts of the Muslim world. No crime but simply being gay. That's not bad?

And I shouldn't of said Christians, I meant Abrahamics. The gay-hating brigade.

>> No.13021334

I am heaven, you are hell, and God allows this conversation to take place, because he takes mercy on you and ur petty existence. It’s not too late to repent

>> No.13021341
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>> No.13021344

You're just making up your own theology, dude. Better, as I earlier said, to not co-opt a religion which already despises your kind. But then, if you think that Christianity has actually always been in favor of gays, and are willing to go against 2000 years of history in which nobody will be on your side, then go for it.

>> No.13021352

What is true love ?
Love that trascends physicality ?
Monogamous love ?
Unconditionate love ?

>> No.13021355

? Seemed Witty didn't have a problem. Now give me my recc.

>> No.13021358

This. Christianity is inherently homosexual.

>> No.13021359

Extremly cringy post
Only americans can write in such terms

>> No.13021363

Lmao look at this brainwashed faggot, where's the proof your kike god exists again? Fucking boomer piece of shit, I bet you live in some white trash corners of south america and support trump despite cucking your ass over and over. Fucking neck yourself with all your brainwashed kikeshit believers.

>> No.13021364

>reeligion is so stupid

Dam 2000 years of civilization building demolished by your superior logic. Wrap it up Christians

>> No.13021370

>today's most persecuted of individuals are only in such a position because of Christians
In which universe exactly?

>> No.13021376

The opposite is true. True love can ONLY exist between two men.

>> No.13021378

>if it's older it's better
Finally you admit Hindu superiority. I'm glad you've already adopted an eastern symbol in support of their theology.

>> No.13021380

You've done the persecuting for almost a good two millenia though, and only now that everyone else is fed up with you have you been consigned to a position of relative irrelevance, and what you perceive as "persecution". Aside from the way that certain Muslim countries treat you (which are your Abrahamic brethren, and basically your accomplices in ruining our world), you are not persecuted in any way. You just perceive any loss of previous power as being such.

>> No.13021381
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Not to mention that Jesus was totally fucking his disciples.

>> No.13021383

Why “metaphysics” of love?

>> No.13021392

You're literally using a Swastika, while promoting Christianity. Yup. Spotted the /pol/user, who recently decided to tour through religions and add them to his political identity.

And we've advanced civilization in the past 200 years of religious decline than in the previous 2000 of religious fervor, so your argument is not even one.

>> No.13021393
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Like a boss

>> No.13021394
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>> No.13021396

At least in the Western world, among ordinary civilians, it remains so. And it was certainly far truer in the past.

>> No.13021399

I’m done talking to ur dumbass

>> No.13021401
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>> No.13021408

Because I'm in interested in how the fundamental structures of our reality produce the feelings and interpretations of love.

>> No.13021409

They were setting the tone for the next thousand years, or welcome
The entire right side belongs to Treblinka, Hiroshima, Deepwater horizon, please get ur retarded graph out of here

>> No.13021427

Oppresion is for exemple being blown up in a church in Sri Lanka because you assist a mass
Oppression is not the fact that the law don't reconise the right to man to inherite the property of another because they sodomise each other often.
Also Homosexuality is only legal in "christian countries"
So we can make a clear link between christian and tolerance to gay people

>> No.13021453

Absolutely. Jesus is a man, the Father is a masculine personality, the Holy Spirit is referred to with masculine gender, all the original apostles are men, all the subsequent clergy have been men. It's just a bunch of men loving other men, be them human or higher.

>> No.13021480

You know, people automatically deduct 15 points from your IQ when they realize you're a christcuck.

>> No.13021483

Yeah, that's a very rare incident and it's perpetrated by other Abrahamics who otherwise share many of the beliefs Christians do. Persecution is what Christians have done to the rest of the world for the duration of their history. Homosexuality was only legalized in Christian countries once Christianity was no longer effective there - and do you realize how recently the US passed the marriage legality for gay people?

>> No.13021488

>Counting IQ points

Geez these are exactly the people I am trying to impress!!!!

>> No.13021502

>Is true love able to exist only between two men?
Love between two men is easier to achieve than love between man and woman. This is due to the more similar nature of men. This doesn't mean a man cannot truly love a woman.

>> No.13021517
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Oh yeah, because you totally want to fuck your dad
All love is for sex
Thats all human kind is: sex
There is no deep bounds between one and another, nope, it's all fuckery
You people are cringe, damn
You sound like those edgy teenagers that point out that every relation you have with the opposite gender is because you want to fuck them
Grow up you fucking gits, it's embarassing for an adult to think like this

>> No.13021539

Anon you fucking retard. If you fall for such obvious bait and post an old fedora meme you downloaded this week they're just going to double down.

>> No.13021541

These are people who have never made love in their life

>> No.13021543

>Anon you fucking retard. If you fall for such obvious bait and post an old fedora meme you downloaded this week they're just going to double down
That's the fucking point you moron

>> No.13021554

Yeah, I'm sure you are an epic double troll. Go own those homos!

>> No.13021555
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It’s not bait, that their mind goes directly to the sex act, even if only in jest or ironically, is not a natural disposition. The circle they walk is a pedophile ring, and their misunderstanding about love and God is exactly the reason why and how Church has degenerated into the filth it has become

>> No.13021563

>seething this hard over a post
Yeah, nicely done, it doesnt seems like you're butthurt

>> No.13021574


>> No.13021576


>> No.13021642

I love my dog and my dog loves me

>> No.13021797

How cute. Thank you :3

>> No.13021833

Not me obv.

>> No.13021857
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Oh my sweet summer child...

>> No.13021858

me on the left when my faith is made sight

>> No.13021901

>tfw no babylonian gf

>> No.13021966

Piqued interest need sources

>> No.13021974


>> No.13022089
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true love

>> No.13022885

no because it doesnt lead to anything and dies with the person. true love is eternal, everlasting

>> No.13022945
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>> No.13023161

These are the gayest posts I've ever laid eyes on, and I regularly browse /hm/ and /y/ and have a fetlife account.

>> No.13023191

this poast filled me with intense sadness

>> No.13023196


True love' is a jewish Hollywood fiction made to emasculate the white man and make him easy to control. It's a way to get women power and subsequently have liberal beliefs (women feelings) pervade all aspects of society so that the white race can be eradicated, i.e. by lowering birth rates and importing immigrants.

In reality women cannot truly love, as they are too shallow to be truly ethical or loyal. true love exists only between white male nationalists fighting for a cause in the trenches.

>> No.13023201

Yes, no homo.

>> No.13024212

books for this feel?

>> No.13024383
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>> No.13024738

And redpilled

>> No.13024746

80 percent of religious persecutions happens to Christians now. And that's a narrow focus. In recent times fedoraism was a much bigger Christian killers than Islam.

>> No.13024770

Legal marriage is a privileged association promoted by the state for specific purposes (which were not met in homosexual associations). See for instance the first article on family from the Justinian code.
The restrictions on it were no more 'oppression' than able bodied people not receiving disabled gibsmedat or some specific industries having reduced tax rates. There could be an ancap argument here, but it would go much further and abolish most of the provisions of legal marriage.

>> No.13024878
