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13018953 No.13018953[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did he say /lit/

>> No.13018962

Pope is a very impressive poet in terms of skill but lacks the same creative and passionate verve of his contemporaries

>> No.13018979
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“How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come. In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house. Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.” Mark 3:20-29

>> No.13018986

Capital is sentient

>> No.13018987

Philosophy is fun and all, but sometimes one should take their head out of a book and live life for what it really is. The transcendental imperatives and rhizomatic multiplicities will melt away when she falls into your arms and her smell is in your brain like a tornado.

>> No.13018998

Capitalism is responsible for the destruction of traditional forms of societal organization, not some "marxist" conspiracy

>> No.13019005

But my books are loyal to me :)

>> No.13019240

Capitalism and socialism are yin and yang to each other. They are both enemies of the people.

>> No.13019244

Vanya goes to town, vanya goes to town....

>> No.13019255

But capitalism has hollowed out and destroyed all of western civilization, and people who attribute that to the left are pawns of the very forces trying to fuck the corpse even further
Socialism fucked the USSR real hard, but claiming socialism is the cause of all our current ills in the west and advocating an even more unfettered capitalism is a horrifying betrayal of humanity

>> No.13019261

Blessed is the lion that is eaten by man for it will become pure.

>> No.13019273

He never did the Kenosha Kid.

>> No.13019316

A writer who can't write women will forever be second rate

>> No.13019414


The pretension of the latter as real would be tenuous even if it were eternal.

>> No.13019415


John 10:30.

>> No.13019447

>It would be a headache even if it lasted forever


>> No.13019501

Liverpool will slip

>> No.13019522

Iron Man d...

>> No.13019535

>traps are gay

>> No.13019570

>The fact that so many books still name the B-

>> No.13019587

Which contemporaries are you thinking of?

>> No.13019589

They are

>> No.13019602

Posters like You are the best antinatalist arguments there are.

>> No.13019611
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>What did he say /lit/
Baudrillard was right about everything, except about being blackpilled

>> No.13019625

>despite being only 13% of the population...

>> No.13019640

Why would they tell Uncle Ted to shut up?

>> No.13019644

Shut up!

>> No.13019649

>“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went out to the musalla (prayer place) on the day of Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr. He passed by the women and said, ‘O women! Give charity, for I have seen that you form the majority of the people of Hell.’ They asked, ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allah?’ He replied, ‘You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religious commitment than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is deficient in our intelligence and religious commitment?’ He said, ‘Is not the testimony of two women equal to the testimony of one man?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Is it not true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her religious commitment.’”

>> No.13019662

>t. the person saying "Shut Up" in the OP image

>> No.13019663

Capitalism is the only system available that gives poor people the opportunity to gain wealth. Not only that but Capitalism is required in order to create excess, and it is with this Capitalism-produced excess that carefully constrained and monitored Socialist policies can be utilized to keep people off the streets. Though of course it's not just the Government who does this; many people donate to those who help the most vulnerable in society. I myself have benefited from the Salvation Army, I would have been sleeping on the street if not for them, and so I hope to donate $10k to them either bit-by-bit or in a lump sum when I'm wealthy.

I digress, it is still a drain on the economy, but I see it as a drain that is worth it. There will ALWAYS bee poor people, relatively speaking. I say 'relatively speaking' because people in the West living on welfare are living like royalty compared to the poor in other parts of the world. I've lived on welfare before, and with the help of the local food bank, I was able to still allocate enough money to alcohol to maintain my alcoholism. So I had a warm bed, a secure room w/ deadbolt on the door, a computer, HD flatscreen TV (landlord bought it; I don't get to keep it when I leave), a mini-fridge (untrustworthy room mates; literally everything I own is in my bedroom, including my boots), a fan for the hot summers (bought it myself, I'll be keeping it), and thanks to the hundreds of dollars I make from my writings every month I also have quite a large store of food. There's also the limitless clean and safe drinking water I can get from any tap in the house, which is a Godsend compared to people who live in parts of Africa. There's heating for the cold winters, I have plenty of clothes, even now I am on EI as a student and the funding I get is actually SLIGHTLY less than what I used to get on welfare.

So, will there always be a poor lower class? Yes, relatively speaking. The rich are getting richer, and I say, "good". It's thanks to the rich and their steadily improving methods of manufacturing and shipping and what not that allows us to have such affordable goods. Things are cheaper today than they were in the 1970s when you take inflation into consideration. I can get a filling and 100% safe can of food for just $1 Canadian. Pretty sure at the dollar store I can even buy 2 cans of beans for $1, which is something like $0.75 USD.

While the rich get richer, the poor in the West are likewise living with more wealth than the poor did back in the 1970s. Higher taxes will stifle the economy; Trump's tax cuts DIRECTLY lead to a massive boom in the US economy. Economically, things are better in the US than they've been in decades with more people working today in America than ever before. Unemployment may reach the lowest in US history at this rate, and wages are rising, but they shouldn't be artificially risen by minimum wage. That stifles the economy too.

>> No.13019679
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>Capitalism is the only system available that gives poor people the opportunity to gain wealth.
Islam does too

>> No.13019685
File: 134 KB, 1182x956, B205EEA8-C76D-466E-AB6B-58448CA0F81E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his telos is “efficient markets”

>> No.13019707

This HE Obviously didn't say Because It's from the liar-book, the satan-book the CumRag.
Shame upon all muslims.

>> No.13019716

>Islam is an economic theory
Islam is a subhuman cult made by a decerebrate barbarian schooled by an heretic Aryan monk to make him and his friends filthy rich.
Shame upon all muslims and their liar-book the CumRag and their prophet Mohammed Dicks be Upon His Ass.

>> No.13019724

based schizoposter

>> No.13019735
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Too boomer 4 me


>> No.13019749

Only boomers are the reason We have to tollerate scientologists muslims satanists in our countries They're the only one who like them and their liar book the CumRag and their Prophet Muhammad Dicks Be Upon His Ass because they hope they'll pay their retirement GUESS WHAT SUBHUMAN BOOMER YOUR FAVOURITE SUBHUMAN CULT WILL MURDER YOUR GENERATION TO EXTINCTION they'll euthanize you in your old age they'll abort your nephews in their womb they'll STONE YOU ON THE STREET STONED STONED STONING WOW SMOKE A JOINT LIKE YOU WERE TAUGHT TO WHILE ACTUAL STO ES DESTROY YOUR INFESTED CRANIUM SUBHUMAN SUBHUMAN SUBHUMAN DEMON WORSHIPPER BOOMER

>> No.13019840

I agree with you, but easy there anon. Looking like another schizo poster doesn't really help anyone come to terms with the Islam threat

>> No.13019867

the agricultural revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.13019923

By looting the enemy after a conflict, obtaining material possessions and slaves? It's not the 18th century anymore, though for Islam it may as well be the 8th.

It is thanks to the efficiency of Capitalism that we have such technology and wealth, indeed even the poor in the West are wealthy compared to other parts of the world. Marxism spoke of everyone getting bread, well there's such excess of food in the West thanks to Capitalism that obesity is a far bigger problem than starvation. Do I put 'efficient markets' at a high priority? You bet your ass, because I don't want people to starve or live on the streets. I don't care about equality unless we're talking equality of opportunity, and we've done VERY well in obtaining that. Female Prime Ministers in the UK, one in Canada, and a woman nearly won Presidency in the US just 3 years ago and the fact she didn't is only due to her own crooked incompetence and snooty demeanor. A Black President in the US for TWO terms, MANY wealthy non-White people particularly in the US, in fact the average Asian is making more money than the average White person. If there wasn't equality of opportunity, Obama would never have been President, Hillary wouldn't have been allowed to even run, and non-Whites would be in a serf class where they could never hope to make as much money as White people.

Thank you, Capitalism. Good on the Asian-Americans for proving that the US isn't some bastion of institutionalized racism where Whites are held supreme while all others are held under a boot. Thank God for Capitalism and Asians!

>> No.13019930

>Jesus was born Yeshua son of Yossef in Bethlehem into a Jewish family

>> No.13019935

Islam considers all abortion haram unless the mother's life is in danger, and outright murder if after ensoulment.

The death penalty is only used for murder or fomenting anarchy. For example fornication is just one hundred lashes. Prostitution or is fornication plus low level fomenting anarchy (one hundred lashes plus exile), adultery is death (high level fomenting anarchy, but lashes are forgone when death penalty is warranted even with culmunitive crimes).

>> No.13019956

Jesus Christ, and all His apostles to my understanding, were Jews. Every last one of them. Problem?

>> No.13019958

have fun with meteors, epidemics, and tyrannical governments

>> No.13019959

Non muslim kids from muslim countries and non muslim families get mass aborted. Non muslim women get mass raped Because all kids are muslims from birth.

>> No.13019975

Look, I hate Islam as much as the next guy but your writing style makes you look like a loony. If you're practicing for a character in your novel then you're on the right track though

>> No.13020011

Thank you!
It took a while for someone to understand. I'm satisfied.
Do you Have some tips on how to make him even more deranged?