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13018022 No.13018022 [Reply] [Original]

the fuck is this philosophy that i keep hearing about? is it even right? what books about it should i read

>> No.13018036
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positivism is basically the only cogent "philosophic" stance left.

obviously Auguste Comte's "A General View of Positivism" would be the place to start

>> No.13018465

the worst image of all time?

>> No.13018687
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You should read this then

>> No.13018701


>> No.13018715

Dont do it. Itll turn you gay desu

>> No.13018725

>being this fragile

>> No.13018740
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>anyone who has an opinion that isn't mine is fragile

>> No.13018752

Comte is reddit, the philosopher. It’s “I f*cking love science,” and he tried to start a religion where his followers would tap daily on the regions of their skulls where the cutting edge research in Phrenology had proven that altruism originates.

>> No.13018756


Basically, it asserts that ethics and metaphysics (mostly metaphysics) is irrelevant and trite because everything you can reason about is scientifically demonstrable, be it logically or empirically. It fell short many times over after several people demonstrated that things like the structure of Mathematics can't be self consistent and also Popper's principle of falseability being applied to the empirical sciences, doing away with the notion of definitive explanations to phenomena and more or less ridding science of the need to close the is/ought gap.

But of course, if even the Talmud still gets read today, there are still positivists going about. You'll find most of them clapping to Dawkins, Krauss, Harris or some other pop sci author who thinks Philosophy in general is useless and that the almighty science can and will eventually explain out everything there is to explain. Those folks are the most likely to be drawn by bad statistics and also the most likely to believe that morality is better reduced to optimization problems so that they can finally get to run over children with their self driving Tesla.

Read Comte OP, the original source, and also Durkhein who greatly contributed to establishing a sociological positivism. But then when hopefully you are not convinced that you should think like this, also read Quine and Popper so that you can move beyond the circular thinking.

>> No.13019388

you think Carnap and those guys (let alone modern analytics) even read people like Comte? (Penso di no.)

>> No.13019738

Positivism disproves itself in the preambles. It's litteraly the metaphysical philosophy of How all metaphysical philosophies are false.
Pure brainlet central.