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/lit/ - Literature

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13016761 No.13016761 [Reply] [Original]

What books do "Zoomers" (born after 97) like?

>> No.13016799

Diary of a Wimpy Kid and The Hunger Games. The more literary ones will like Harry Potter as well.
That’s it.

>> No.13016816

>The Hunger Games
This. We even read this in late middle school when the movie came out, and everyone liked it.
I still have that copy somewhere :)

>> No.13016817

I like Tolstoy...

Sorry I'm such a pleb.

>> No.13016820

The Great Gatsby is fairly popular in my experience.

>> No.13016822

not unique to zoomers though.

>> No.13016885

Zoomers go back as far as 1993. Fuck the Pew Research Center. I'm not a millenial. I don't remember 9/11.

>> No.13016896
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It's 1997, Pew got it right. The only place that says 1993 is Gen Z is Statistics Canada and that's from a country where you can rape dogs.

>> No.13016900

I was going to make fun of you but I remembered I classify as a genius and remember pretty much every single day of my life ever since I turned 3

>> No.13016903

I like Tolstoy and Moby-Dick. Look like zoomers have thing for papa Leo

>> No.13016930
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Reminder this shit is near only applicable to America's society.

>> No.13016948

Steal and ransom them too! Legally!

You can "find" a dog, and charge the owners to have it returned.

>> No.13016992

Last book I read was Lolita, and the most recent purchases and thus the next ones I’m reading are the nausea and no longer human

>> No.13017004

Fuck you, it's '91. Fucking wannabe boomers.

>> No.13017007

took me a while to realize how american centric this retard bullshit is
on a larger note, i wish i could deamericanize my head. their stupid media and gay faggot bullshit is poisoning my mind and values and perspective

>> No.13017018

Harry Potter
A Song of Ice and Fire
The Fault in Our Stars
The Hate U Give
Stephen King books
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
fantasy/sci-fi nerds will like Victorian horror/sci-fi novels and epic poems
normies will like Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies, The Great Gatsby, and To Kill a Mockingbird
most people enjoy Shakespeare and Poe

>> No.13017061

It's called Americanisation and it's a serious issues for a lot of countries, especially in very close proximity.

Political death in Canada basically means being accused of being to American friendly, or too catering to American policy.

>> No.13017084

damn, pop culture of the past 40 years is looking super bad here.

>> No.13017085

we're a sad meme of a country

>> No.13017092

Me too. Is Tolstoy considered passe on /lit/?

>> No.13017098

Nah, most people love Tolstoy (I mean how couldn't you?), the worst you get are the faggots that just try to bait.

Dostoevsky vs. Tolstoy threads are really fun because two groups of people who love both authors fling shit at each other the entire time.

>> No.13017100

Well, I'm Canadian. Generations don't work the same up here.

>> No.13017116

wish there was another world war where this time america lost

>> No.13017138

China's going to rule the world soon anyway.

>> No.13017162
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They're gonna get fucked by basic demographics. We'll see the consequences of the one-child policy in the next few decades when the average age of the country is gonna skyrocket in the sixties, lmao.

>> No.13017172

Nah, Western Secret Services will do what they do best. Stir shit up in the West of the country and rile up the non-han minorities.Not to mention aligning with anit-communist elements within the country.

The strength of China is a farce.

>> No.13018179

Just because some website lists 1997 as the start of gen z doesn't mean people born that year suddenly have no relation to early 90s and late 80s borns. If anything, the first year that was raised completely different to millennials would be 1999, since they were toddlers throughout early 2000s millennial culture, unlike 1997 borns who were at least cognizant during most of that period, and probably absorbing pop culture like Dragon Ball Z and Blink 182 through older siblings.

>> No.13018278

I was born late 90s but have just as much experience with the late millennial panel and remember 9/11

>> No.13018324
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I am a 97 zoomer and I enjoy Salinger. Pic related is my favorite of his works. Fuck The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.13018328
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>> No.13019274


>> No.13019441
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I was born in '99 and started reading this year after only reading lotr and animal farm during high school
pic is what ive read so far

>> No.13019517

Are you an Orwell fan anyway?

>> No.13019520

Did you enjoy 1984?

>> No.13019539

Yea,i didn't really enjoy the first third that much,but when i got into it,what i thought was supposed to be 20 minutes of reading before bed turned into me reading the second half in one sitting and then staying up to 4am thinking about it

>> No.13019544

based 99 bros i’m also a 99’ starting back with another orwell book homage to catalonia because I want to understand old school leftist and why they have become what they are today

>> No.13019546

This is why Chinese government is wiping out the Uyghurs.

>> No.13019549
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Nice anon, I own a copy alongside Homage to Catalonia, I have his entire collection digitally but only two books physically, I’m commencing with Homage to Catalonia first then will move onto 1984, to me it seems better to do that, very eager anyway :)

>> No.13019554
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Fucking based you are, on the same page

>> No.13019600

i have dune and catch 22 waiting in my stack but now i'll probably get homage to catalonia too

>> No.13019628
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Got Catch 22 also

>> No.13019641

Melville, Conrad, Mccarthy, Dostoevsky, Pynchon, Gene Wolfe, Phillip K. Dick, Lovecraft

>> No.13019648

I have become exceedingly anti-american. It's not that I hate americans, but I hate their politics and their pop-culture and how it threatens to completely envelop other cultures. How their social issues are suddenly ours, like people almost believing the Civil Rights movement of Martin Luther King was a global thing, that black people didn't have equal rights anywhere in the western world before the 1960s. Nevermind the fact that most people here had barely seen a black man in person before the 80s.

>> No.13019652

Read Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger, my dear children

>> No.13019656

Those of us who end up on this board read proper literature just like the rest of you.
Zoomers are a generation of good-natured and depressed people. We are less into realism and more into existentialism.

>> No.13019976

If you were born in 1993 and don't remember 9/11 you either have amnesia or you were in the tower when the plane hit

>> No.13019988

In terms of fiction I like some dosto and any prose shit. Illiad one of my favourites. In terms of philosophy I like kant deleuze and nietzsche alot

>> No.13020015

war romantics are a beautiful type of scary

>> No.13020040

Uk? I feel that anglophone countries have been worst hit due to the ease with which media of the same language can spread. Im sure more people in this country know more about the american civil war and fight against slavery than they do about the english civil war, if they even know it happened at all...

>> No.13020072

>We are less into realism and more into existentialism.

What's this even supposed to mean you zoomer little shit

>> No.13020080

Not the UK, but one of the western european countries with really high english literacy. A lot of people still see the US as a country worth emulating, both culturally and socially (it's so multicultural, AND is a great power!), but I think the latter's been losing a lot of traction lately. Our government in the late 00s - early 10s was essentially led by a neo-liberal who worshipped the ground Obama walked upon.

>> No.13020092

Forgot to mention, zoomers have higher literacy.

>> No.13020109

i'm a zoomer and i like usual lit stuff. most of my peers don't read at all though.
my best female friend in school unironically loved John Green, and another liked Bukowski

>> No.13020124

>my best female friend
son u r gay

>> No.13020133

This is an eye sore. Way too much shit thrown together.

>> No.13020138

i didn't like her personality in a romantic sense, she was also quite a thot and told me about her 24 year old bf all the time. she was 15
i had a school gf though, an arthoe from a parallel class

>> No.13020148

I don't know bout you guys but I enjoyed Bram stoker's Dracula

>> No.13020151

Actually if you don't remember 9/11 chances are you're just a white person who doesn't care enough about a bunch of race-mixed fucks getting killed to remember.

>> No.13020159

when i was 13-14 i loved Palahniuk, Pelevin, Burgess and some other stuff
i've also (shamefully) read Hunger games because i was in the hospital and it was deadly boring, and HG was the only book i coud find there, probably forgotten by someone

>> No.13020195

Stephen King
George R.R. Martin
Terry Pratchett

And of course ton of YA schlock (potter, hunger games, 50 shades...), but those are more like gateway stuff.

>> No.13020204

sweden, that’s my final answer

>> No.13020209

I don’t think you understand how deep that actually is

>> No.13020220

Zoomer ego boundaries blur with social media to such an extent they're not even sure what is actually authentic. Not sure if existentialism as such, more like hivemind cope.

>> No.13020238
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Born in 1999 here
I loved Stoner
Catch-22 confused me with the back and forth jumping but I read it when I was 16-17
Catcher in the rye was really comfy
Crime and punishment was really good
1984 was overhyped for me. Only the ending got me.
Meditations is really good. I read it to my dad sometimes. I've read a bunch of stuff this place praises and have enjoyed most of it.
I don't know why you give young guys such a bad rep. I have been browsing 4chan since 2012 (I was 12-13) and I owe a lot of my elitism to this shithole. Thankfully it made me more critical about absolutely everything and also an absolute pseud.

>> No.13020245

Ding ding ding.

>> No.13020262

why do you fail to see the point to the quote despite typing that out

>> No.13020277

>I don't know why you give young guys such a bad rep.
I'm not even sure what the great divide between millenials and zoomers is meant to be. Though I was born in '94, which puts me in some kind of limbo between the two.

>> No.13020299

Based 1999 anon here
I feel like Pynchon really vibes with my generation!

>> No.13020309
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>great divide
Born as semi zoomer too. I think it's more of a spectrum. Millenials grew up as "you can do anything!" generation, and then failing hard at it, now barely coping in their late 20s. Zoomers were born into "BORN TO DIE WORLD IS FUCK" culture from the get go. They are disappointed, but not surprised. But also less cocksure.

>> No.13020336

And here I was feeling special thinking I was the only zoomer to have read Tolstoy, read it last winter

>> No.13020339

Kind of anglocentric but Southeastern Euro can relate heavily to Early GenZ.

>The more literary ones will like Harry Potter as well
naw dawg. I don't know a single person who has read even one harry potter book. I might know someone who read hunger games, but not a single man.

>> No.13020343

>born in 98 here
>grew up with the entire bottom row

>> No.13020356

Dividing generations along hard lines like that never really works. I was born in Sweden in the mid-90s, so the 00s represent the core of my childhood, and my interaction with pop-culture wasn't defined by the cartoons of the era, but by films and series from as far back as the 70s, most notably Astrid Lindgren. We (my family) didn't even have any channels that showed cartoons like Batman until I was in my teens, and by then I'd stopped caring. And it wasn't because my family was poor; it wasn't, or because my parents were really old; they weren't.

>> No.13020372

Can we just agree to not consume any media fabricated by Americans anymore? No novels, no music, no films, no games, no dances, no plays, no poetry, nothing.

>> No.13020392

I've been trying to de-anglify myself in the last year. Recently started getting into german, as that's been the nation that historically influenced mine the most; because of geographic, linguistic and cultural proximity.

>> No.13020402
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Take that back fucken commie

>> No.13020405


Which country? We may be from the same one.

>> No.13020412

I was born in 2001 and the 2 actual books i read this year (i pretty much never read before) were Notes from Underground and Old Man and The Sea and i loved them both i'm probably going to read more Dostoevsky and Hemingway, but i'd appreciate any recommendations

>> No.13020415

2000 here, guess it's my time to shine
From my personal experience, most of my agemates don't actually read, and I didn't used to read too. I'm lucky to have attended a quite prestigious highschool where most students were highly educated, and that kinda changed my attitude.
Interest vary incredibly, most of them are into last century's classic. I'm more into English and Italian (Renaissance) literature, if that's a thing.

>> No.13020425

So basically it depends on education, and since most of 2000s are ineducated, i guess 'Zoomers' like nothing

>> No.13020427

Read war and peace and call it a day

>> No.13020435

It's more about your looks, the less confident you are in yourself the more you read.

>> No.13020446

I was born in December 96, I don't think I'm any different from my '97 born friends

>> No.13020489

Can I just ask, why do swedes seem to swear so much when talking in english?

>> No.13020493

Born in 97.
Never met anyone my age even remotely interested in reading beyond lotr and GoT. Anyone I know in the humanities has never read beyond their coursework either. It's kind of depressing not being able to discuss books with people irl. It's not totally hopeless though, there are a lot GenY/zoomers who have an appreciation for music and film

>> No.13020518

Sweden, anon.

Good question, anon. It's something I've actually noticed, both in others and myself. Swedish just has these relatively tame expletives that carry far less power than the english "fuck", mostly associated with Satan/Devils, that we use quite casually (Fan (Satan), Jävlar (Devils), Jävla (Devilish), Helvete (hell). The closest translation, as far as function goes, just so happens to be "fuck", which probably gives the impression of us having a pretty big collective potty-mouth.

>> No.13020635

call it a day? like kill myself? or stop reading books?

>> No.13020798

makes sense, ive noticed it with other peoples like the japanese where they don't fully realise the weight that these words carry in english.

>> No.13020819

Remember that a lot of non-anglos get much of their english from consuming pop-culture. Like british comedy shows, american films etc, in which crude language might seem like the norm.

>> No.13020842

Metro 2034
The prince and the pauper
Human, all too human
The definitive guide to body language

>> No.13020865


>> No.13020867

My sister ('99) likes:
Sylvia Plath
Emily Dickinson
Clarice Lispector
Mary Shelley
Aldous Huxley
George Orwell
Franz Kafka
Vladimir Nabokov
Edgar Allen Poe
Nathaniel Hawthorne

>> No.13020911
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i want to fuck your sister

>> No.13020924

>always thought I was a gen y
>I don’t remember 9/11
>tfw 22 year old zoomer


>> No.13020962

>dragon ball z
That show is incrddibly popular even to this day
>blink 182
I think I remember some of their shit in the early 2000s.

Other than that I don't even remember 9/11 and was born with a computer in the house, I remenber being a kid and using the computer to play games.

>> No.13021214

post pic or it’s just a lie

>> No.13021244
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Can I fuck her then smell her panties?

>> No.13021479

>Political death in Canada basically means being accused of being to American friendly, or too catering to American policy.
You're projecting.

>> No.13021495

>I remenber being a kid and using the computer to play games
Okay? Me too dumb zoomer

You're right that not remembering 9/11 and the tone of life changing is basically the rule

>> No.13021503
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Am I millennial or a zoomer if I was born in 1997?

>> No.13021505

t. muhammed

>> No.13021510

You're the crossover generation like 60 year old early gen Xers or nearly 40 year old early millenials. There is always some bleedover. Like how 70s/80s/90s music or style or whatever doesn't start suddenly.

>> No.13021540

We’re the only country that matters. enjoy our jeans and McDonald’s and bombs motherfucker

>> No.13021547

>if you don't want to gargle american cultural export you're a muslim
Fuck off, CIA

>You're right that not remembering 9/11 and the tone of life changing is basically the rule
I remember 9/11 as a vague news event but not the tone or how it changed political discourse. I knew it was a monumental thing that had happened, but I didn't understand its ramifications until far later. I imagine it's also a national thing; 9/11 is far more defining for americans, though I guess we've already established that the OP is america-centric.

>> No.13021667


If you are not american, then you're a zoomer. If you are, then yeah, you're a halfling.

>> No.13021750

Bazinga! xd (who understood the epic reference?)

>> No.13021787

Was born in '95 and my memory of 9/11 is basically the same.

>> No.13021810

The Skullduggery Pleasant series, at least in my case.

>> No.13021904

2001 here,
I didn't talk too much growing up but was into reading (Tolkien, Heller, and kid c*apeshit) in late elementary/middle school. As I entered high school, I began to only read for class. The past two years I started to read again and it's pretty much all I do right now (Dostoevsky, Pessoa, Kazantzakis, Mishima, basically just trudging my way through the /lit/ canon), I even decided to go study English at Uni. If I didn't browse online basket-weaving forums I'd probably be reading a lot of YA though because that's literally all I see other readers my age read. I don't think this is due to my generation being less literate or whatever, I just think we are poorly introduced to the classics and older works.
t. Zoomer

>> No.13021917
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>I even decided to go study English at Uni

>> No.13021938
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Definitely not a good look

>> No.13021942
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look at you, attaboy

>> No.13021967
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Same with me except I chose to go through the canon in my spare time and study for a Comp. Sci degree mainly. Say what you will about Jordan Peterson, but I think he's a bridge for a lot of zoomers into philosophy; he was for me. I started out reading the Russians and that's where my love for literature began. Partly also Sci. Fi. classics from PKD, Harlan Ellison, Gene Wolfe, etc. I read Moby Dick this last summer and I don't think I ever would have if I never saw a bunch of people raving about it on here. It was one of the best books I've ever read. Currently finished up reading Plato's main dialogues and the Republic. Moving on to either Aristotle or Plotinus and then Augustine.

>> No.13021968


>> No.13021971

Forgot to add t. 1998

>> No.13021973


>> No.13021978

That's not a bad idea, I want to study English because I want to teach it abroad (meme but I don't care). Jordan Peterson is okay for an introduction but I wouldn't consume his lectures and ideas religiously. Keep it up though.

>> No.13021991
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> I want to study English because I want to teach it abroad

>> No.13022020

> I wouldn't consume his lectures and ideas religiously. Keep it up though.

Definitely not. I was already dismissing most of his ideas and then that Zizek happened which opened my eyes. Anyways, he introduced me to a lot of things I never would have been introduced to otherwise. I like that he stands for traditional Judeo-Christian Western values, he just doesn't do it well. He's more of a secular preacher or demagogue and has racked up way too many sycophants.

>> No.13022042

That's specially why I would be hesitant to consume stuff he produces, particularly in regards to religion. I enjoyed his lecture on Job and the nature of connectivity between books in the Bible but he is most definitely a secular, cultural Christian if anything.

>> No.13022084


>> No.13022098

I wonder how the doomers feel about all the zoomers invading their places.

>> No.13022314
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>> No.13022329

Zoomer here. My favourite writers are Thomas Mann, Yukio Mishima and Rilke

>> No.13022699

give her to me

>> No.13022749

If they like reading but aren’t book nerds they usually read something like warriors

>> No.13022792

Its 4 years, what difference does it make

>> No.13022797

>that chad who took a 7th grader to prom

>> No.13022815

early zoomer (19, born 2000) here, favorite authors are Woolf, Danielewski, and Murakami. for the record, I did enjoy Harry Potter, but I don't consider it to be a favorite, not even top 20

>> No.13022914

I was born in December 1994. I was 6 when it happened. I'm not american. I didn't even speak English at the time. I chose 1993 because it's the year actively being used in my country as the beginning of gen Z.

>> No.13023122

>dosto and any prose shit. Illiad one of my favourites. In terms of philosophy I like kant deleuze and nietzsche alot
bait or ESL

>> No.13023326

Thomas Aquinas
Adolf Hitler

>> No.13023474
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Zoomer art hoes love this shit
art of me thinks they don't even take on what the poems say they just like its aesthetics so they can post it to snapchat

>> No.13023541

I see this shit at B&N all the time, no idea why it's popular enough for them to continue stocking it

>> No.13023637

Born in 2000

My favorite play is Long Day’s Journey into Night, my favorite essay collection is Montaigne’s, and my favorite book is either Shadow and Claw or The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. So admittedly a genre-fag and don’t read poetry. Still, a know a surprising number of decently well read zoomers. A guy down the hall in my dorm is a Deleuze-fag, for example. Another one of my friends really likes Ovid and there are of course plenty of people who read Murakami, that one Homo Sapiens book, GEB, etc.

>> No.13023645

Meant Sword and Citadel and the a is a typo.

>> No.13023648
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i've read all of tolkien's legendarium and enjoy haruki murakami and jules verne as well
i liked some YA stuff (percy jackson, harry potter, a series of unfortunate events) when i was younger (not now obviously); i read the edge chronicles as a kid and still like it
i would read a song of ice and fire if the fucker would write it

>> No.13023729

What works of literature best describe the Zoomer generation?

>> No.13023740

Ready Player One
The Fault in Our Stars
The Hate U Give

>> No.13023741

tao lin

>> No.13023747

none, since the zoomer generation hasn't reached adulthood yet, and you can't judge a generation until you see what it does as an adult. it's like saying that little Timmy is going to be a scientist because he likes watching Jimmy Neutron

>> No.13023775

Zoomers are old enough to vote and be drafted

>> No.13023826
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You don't remember 9/11 and you were born before 1997? What the fuck? I was born in 1996 and vividly remember 9/11. I woke up and my dad was talking about how the UN should put a cloud of toxic gas over the Middle East and start over. My mom took me to kindergarten and my teacher was crying, but we had a good dad because there were two birthdays and this one Mexican kid's mom brought cupcakes from the bakery. She was really jittery and took her kid home early, even before the whole four hour kindergarten day was done. Everybody else's parents were picking them up early and the teachers were all either crying or so angry they were cursing, so we got to play on the playground until the final bell instead of doing reading groups. When I got home, my dad didn't want me to watch the TV and made me leave the room when he was watching the news. When he went to poop, I turned the TV back on because I had about thirty minutes of time to myself while my mom cooked dinner. They kept playing the footage of the people jumping from the upper floors over and over again. It's one of my most vivid childhood memories, right up there with the time we watched Bush announce that we were invading Iraq and the time I was eight and found the Fallujah contractor killing photos on Ogrish because I was curious about why they wouldn't show them on the TV.

>> No.13023827

early zoomers are, but core zoomers are still 16

>> No.13023835

See >>13022914

>> No.13023841

Your country is our whore, though. We dick you just like we dick Mexico, and you don't even dick us back like they do. "Soary, pardon..." The NCOs and enlisted in your military are chill as all hell though. You should stage a coup and let us annex Alberta. They like freedom and have oil, right?

>> No.13023863

That's why then. This shit is for Americans. My parents immigrated to the US from Finland in the 80s and my cousins my age over there don't remember it either.

>> No.13023880

Zoomer here. Born ‘99. Russian, German, and French lit is great. 21st century Jewish lit is fucking gay dude, though I still like Tommy P Ruggles. Charles Dickens fucking sucks and is overrated garbage.

>> No.13023888


>> No.13023921

Sorry lads, she's gay and severely anorexic.

>> No.13023927
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x3264, influences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born in '99, these are my favorite authors

>> No.13023937

What about that one Liberal Party opposition leader who ran against Harper all those years ago

>> No.13024022

prima strategy guides

>> No.13024226

Anyone born after 1979 but before 2000 will historically go down as a millie. All normie, high visibility websites consider millies to be 1980 1999, while fringe sites such as 4chan and Pew believe the generation starts at 1981/1982 and ends at 1995/1997

>> No.13024227

it's ok, that's my favorite

>> No.13024384

A lot of difference. Millennials born in the early 90s had completely different tech, culture, and values from Zoomers born in the late 90s.

>> No.13024390

>All normie, high visibility websites consider millies to be 1980 1999, while fringe sites such as 4chan and Pew believe the generation starts at 1981/1982 and ends at 1995/1997
But when you google "Millennials years" the top result say 1981-1996.

>> No.13024395

How would a country so culturally similar to the US have a severely different outlook?
>non american
why even reply like that then?
No one stated that its some very strict thing, you have to be able to define generations somehow and i'd imagine a well liked think tank would have good reasoning.

>> No.13024400

>How would a country so culturally similar to the US have a severely different outlook?
>4 years

>why even reply like that then?
>gen Z only applies to the USA
Americans should stop navel-gazing so hard.

>> No.13024428

It doesn't only apply to the USA retard, but in the US we obviously view it as an important date. Four years impacts a lot, saying le i'm from Canada doesn't really make sense since you're so culturally similar..
Of course if you're in a country outside the US and anglosphere it won't hold as much value for that. Its disingenuous for him to even make that post and he wasted everyone's time by doing so.

>> No.13024446

I really like Kafka. Probably because nobody else in my generation bothers very much with literature so it’s quite alienating and Kafka embodies that quite well.

>> No.13024450

As I wrote, I'm outside the anglosphere, though. A big chunk of Canada doesn't speak English. I don't just mean minorities in a city like Toronto. I mean a whole province not recognizing English as an official language for a few years and putting heavy restrictions on its usage in the public domain later on.

The four year difference is only so with the Pew Research Center anyway. There is no "official" american year like there is in Canada. Other organizations come up with different, but similar numbers.

>> No.13024511

Its still a decent benchmark either way, there are plenty of late boomers who relate more to genx, its just a general method of classification.

>> No.13024516

Jeans are italian, McDonalds are british

>> No.13024528

Bombs are east asian.

>> No.13024704

Once people born in 1997-99 reach their 30s they will be viewed strictly as millennials rather than as both gen z and millennial like they are right now. 10 years ago you had people born in 1977-79 being listed as millennial, since they were in their 20s like older millennials at the time, whereas nowadays such definitions are considered archaic. The fact late 90s babies were born in the 20th century rather than the 2000s will be more important in the long run than how they were raised.

>> No.13024794

haha yeah bro I was born in '99, I'm totally a gen Y nineties kid. Remember Tony Hawk, dude? haha

>> No.13024834
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>Americans should stop navel-gazing so hard

theyre the only country who've single handedly influenced the entire world the most in every cultural way for the last 50 years

tell me why people listen to britney spears in slovakia when no one speaks english along side their hodge-podge shitty local crap

why do people in kenya go watch movies made almost entirely in america rather than movies from india or europe

im not even american, but its like how when you have 1 successful friend in your friend group who everyone rips on cause they can, but deep down everyone knows theyre the most successful

>> No.13024836

Zoomers r after 2000

>> No.13025874

PKD, Hunter S. Thompson, Umberto Eco, Flann O'Brien, Joe Heller.
T. 98' zoomer.

>> No.13026090

>theyre the only country who've single handedly influenced the entire world the most in every cultural way for the last 50 years
And they accomplished fucking nothing of value by doing so. At least the greeks and romans did something worthwhile with their cultural dominance.

>> No.13026113

Oh man, you got em.

>> No.13026149

I was born in 1997 and I remember 9/11 vividly. I was in a hotel in Portugal, and we couldn't go home because all the flights had been stopped

this was the first time I learned what terrorism was, and I was 4

>> No.13026174

t. 98 zoomer
you probably had a smartphone when you were 10

>> No.13026186

>tfw my first phone was a nokia 3310
94 kids report in

>> No.13026302

Someone interested in literature is pretty rare. Those who would study it are dissuaded by the minimal career prospects, and distracted by social media. I believe also there's a real lack of perspective in our societies that makes us unprepared to appreciate the classics. Thinking isn't prioritized unless exerted in a specific way like for computer programming. Lots of enthusiasm for tech advancement and almost none for anything else.

I did find one other person who reads in my intro to philosophy class this semester, but he disregarded all the ancients based on our professor's summaries and it was a little disheartening. I don't dislike my generation, though I do wish their writing skills were better. Even in this thread it's rough.
Our pop culture is all of our culture these days. It's sad.
Most of what you bring up is completely harmless. The biggest carrier of influence by miles (it's not even close) is Hollywood, both through television and film. Every country on Earth now finds itself consuming these products, and it significantly alters how they view things. These movies and shows get wrapped up in our ideology which itself lacks a stable foundation, and that's how it goes to wreak havoc on the rest of the world.

>> No.13026327

It's honestly astonishing how ignorant the masses are these days. No wonder it's easy to pull wool over your eyes fools.

>> No.13026334

>so hard
There's a degree of navel-gazing that is all right, but believing that generation patterns only apply to you is a bit much.

>> No.13026349

Good you should be tolstoy is a fraud and zoomer core to the max

>> No.13026354

>The biggest carrier of influence by miles (it's not even close) is Hollywood, both through television and film.
The ascension of Hollywood as the dominant producer of film in the western world was a fucking disaster. The german, italian, and french film industries were in tatters after the war and Hollywood picked up the slack, establishing complete dominance on the european market, with films from other european countries being delegated to arthouse territory. Even the most mediocre films produced in my country aren't as intellectually or ideologically offensive as the average Marvel film at this point.

>> No.13026917

Recently decided to get into reading more "serious" books. Because of my mother's love for literature and politics, I quickly made some steps in Russian writers.

I like Kafka's work, even though I don't fully understand it, but for more mindless fun, I like fantasy novels set in darker settings, like The Gentleman Bastard Sequence and The Witcher.

I got confused by and ended up disliking "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" and "The Last Unicorn", probably because I was pushed to read them.

Other than that, I enjoy a variety of books, without really caring which category they fall in (except love stories, hate those).

>> No.13026947

I was born in 1994, I am not American and I can absolutely remember seeing that unreal footage after every regular broadcast was interrupted to show the news.
I don't know, but I would guess that the ones that the tastes of the ones that do read are highly influenced by meme charts.

>> No.13027177

I like Tolkien and Lovecraft. Been reading a bit of Mark Twain recently. Going to start reading The Prince and the Pauper tonight.

>> No.13027288

Who are the middle and middle right?
Are you constructing a list of your influences for your illustrious literary career?

>> No.13027446


>Most of what you bring up is completely harmless. The biggest carrier of influence by miles (it's not even close) is Hollywood, both through television and film.
They rape kids, ruin actors'/directors' lives, and force liberal agendas through movies.

>> No.13027456

That's what he said though.

>> No.13027473

He said they were harmless

>> No.13027505

He said a bunch of other shit anon mentioned was harmless, like poetry and novels among other things, but singled out Hollywood as harmful.

>> No.13027536

In reality most of the late boomers and early xers were having babies in their thirties, so millennials should be 1986-2015.
You're never going to have an appropriate timeline for historical events because shit doesn't even affect different people in the same way. You really think an adolescent understood 9/11 any better than a toddler? And what about the people in their late teens, wouldn't they have to be another generation as well?
Generational marxism is the dumbest shit.

>> No.13027550

May 1986 Zoomer here.
Fuck Pew and those other guys too. Millennials ended in April 1986.

>> No.13027579
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Did people really fall for this shit? The boomers blamed millennials for the economic crash and then realised this may actually alienate them from the economy, so marketers pushed the dates back and created a new gen.
It's marketing bullshit to make you boomers.

>> No.13027599

If you use a completely historical definition of generation then you lose the biological basis completely. Not many people have children at 10-15 years.

>> No.13027697

I didn't say I'm not a Millennial retard. I was saying why I AM a Millennial (born early 90s), and why Zoomers (born late 90s) are different.

>> No.13028556

Pascal and Lev Shestov
I don't remember the context of the filename exactly but it was probably due to the site I was using forcing me to come up with a title for it and that was the best I could care to think of.

>> No.13028883

Imagine being this literal and shit at reading comprehension.

>> No.13028965

This, America is an empire of decadence.

>> No.13029016

And yours is an empire of butthurt.

>> No.13029077

I'm American so yeah I guess, obesity does cause butt hurt.

>> No.13029091

Fair enough. But every empire goes through a decadent phase. Nothing out of the ordinary with that.

>> No.13029312

We've never really contributed anything major though, we went from expansion to decadence in a little over a hundred years.

>> No.13029364

I don't know what qualifies as major in your mind but Americans have made significant contributions to science, technology and industry. Plenty of good artists and writers and filmmakers have emerged from America. It's popular culture sucks, I agree, and it's a shame that its hegemony has served as a multiplier for it throughout the world. Popular culture mostly sucks all around the world but you don't see it unless you live in that culture otherwise.

The rate at which its expansion ebbed into decadence is just testament to how successful its model is. It accelerated a process that took many hundreds of years previously, and says more about when the American empire formed during an age of expanding industry and production rather than anything specific about it. It was boosted by industrial advancements that led to overproduction and associated problems like obesity.

It's pretty outrageous that a country should be considered flawed because its main problems is that it produces overabundance.

>> No.13030227

2000 - 2019
1980 - 1999
>Gen X
1960 - 1979
1940 - 1959
1920 - 1939
1900 - 1919
1880 - 1899

Nice 20 year blocks

>> No.13030750

>20 year blocks
Not how it works you absolute inbred mongloid.

>> No.13030755

>born after 97
I like the Greeks desu. Dislike DFW and Pinecone.

>> No.13031497

Man, I was just exiting elementary school when I saw that shit and Warrior Cats starting to hit the shelves and even then I knew those awful fucking books would make your generation into a bunch of spineless cucks, incels, and furfags based on the overall plot summaries from those books alone. The DoaWK movies are just as trashy.

And on the other end, Hunger Games and the Twilight series started making girls romanticize the idea of being fought over by two or more men. It may be tinfoil af but I'm convinced this all wasn't coincidental.

I'm so sorry kike books fucked up your generation, dude.

>> No.13031773
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>First 6 years of the Baby Boomer era are before the baby boom began
>Majority of Greatest Generation too young to fight in the war
>Oldest Silents literally Victorians

Come on mate

>> No.13031841

zoomers like self-help because they lack a father figure.

>> No.13031867

>tfw '94ers are the best bred of the 90s
>tfw all talk of millennials has been about buying homes in a vastly different economic position than I am, seems like mostly people in their early to late 30s
>tfw all talk about zoomers is teenagers and younger

wtf am I? Why do I feel like this gives me a heightened advantage?

>> No.13032646
File: 5 KB, 252x200, lofty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tolstoy's ideas led him to do both but i was saying you should read wap for fun it's a good read

>> No.13034212


>> No.13034461

>Zoomers go back as far as 1993.
lolno, kids in 93 would still be influenced by kids born in 89 and 90s culture

>> No.13035021

>tfw all talk of millennials has been about buying homes in a vastly different economic position than I am, seems like mostly people in their early to late 30s

Eh, from what I've seen, most of the talk about "Millennials" these days is more about liberal 18-22 year olds bitching and having safe spaces in college, even though 18-22 year olds are actually Zoomers by now.

>> No.13035490

It actually makes no sense

>> No.13036255

This is the wrong way round. America as been anglicised. They are just spreading our culture for us.

>> No.13037985

The world speaks English. Everyone plays tennis, football, baseball, cricket,rugby, and badminton. Everyone eats sandwiches and crisps. Everyone uses computers, the internet and jet planes. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and James Bond are just a few of our cultural exports.