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/lit/ - Literature

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13016658 No.13016658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>girl complimented me on my reading taste (I was reading Plato)

>> No.13016663
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>girl complimented me on my reading taste (I was reading Schopenhauer)

>> No.13016668

did you actually have a comic book inside the pages? are you going to date her now and you are stuck knowing nothing about Plato? how embarrassing will it be when she discovers the truth. write a story about it, frog man.

>> No.13016669
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Interesting Pepe, who is number 1?

>> No.13016670

Had that happen once to me, it was annoying because she was just trying to get my dick instead of genuine interest in literature. Another time a chick bragged to me she read the Penguin Classics publication of Lolita, that was really pathetic.

>> No.13016677
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>girl complimented me on my reading taste (I was reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar)

>> No.13016679

You are, number 6.

>> No.13016682

make more greentext threads frogchad

>> No.13016686
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>girl complimented me on my reading taste (I was reading my diary)

>> No.13016695

She wanted to have daddy / little girl roleplay with you, you dumb fuck.
Jesus Christ, why are guys so terrible at picking up signals

>> No.13016701

I'm pretty sure it had more to do with her being fat and 5/10 trying to strike a conversation with a nerdy guy reading a book.

>> No.13016704

It's because she was subscribed to Pewdiepie.

>> No.13016714
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>girl complimented me on my reading taste (I was reading Plato)
>laughed at her and told her I was only reading it ironically and no intelligent person could possibly take this shit seriously

>> No.13016724
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>Girl teased me on my reading taste (I was reading Pope)
>I blushed and she giggled and ran away

>> No.13016729

>she was just trying to get my dick instead of genuine interest in literature
HATE when that happens

>> No.13016739
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I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or niggered

>> No.13016751
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Some urgent advice please /lit/:
What does it say about a girl, if seemingly the only philosopher she has read is Sartre?

>I have never read anything by him

>> No.13016752

she's into ugly dudes

>> No.13016756

based Pope poster

>> No.13016765

>ugly dudes
just physically ugly or also character wise?

>> No.13016766

This. She's also into brainlets. You've struck gold.

>> No.13016769

Both. Unless you think fucking underage kids and supporting death camps are not character flaws, then YMMV.

>> No.13016791

You two are jsut bullis.
I don't believe either one of you.

>> No.13016800

it's three
I'm >>13016752 but not >>13016769

>> No.13016810

stop. it's starting to feel genuine.

>> No.13016825

what is

>> No.13016836

your posts

>> No.13016840
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>my anima waifu complimented me on my reading taste

>> No.13016848

Are you an intellectual?

>> No.13016858

I'm black.

>> No.13016872
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>girl complimented me on my reading taste (I was proofreading my own book)

>> No.13016873

I'm >>13016769 the pedo and death camp things are real. Sartre isn't smart, and Beauvoir, while also a pedo, had the better understanding of Heidegger of the two. They're both bad at understanding Heidegger but Beauvoir is so much better than Sartre at it that it's painful. (This is not an endorsement of Beauvoir, they were both pretty shitty people, but Beauvoir's philosophy does have some merit in places.)

>> No.13016895
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>have to use parents' Amazon account because I'm a worthless virgin NEET shut in without a bank account
>mother always sees my orders
>she always compliments me on how 'intellectual' my choice of books are
>in reality i'm a brainlet pseud who got btfo when I read Bergson's Time and Freewill
>still buy philosophical stuff because I genuinely want to improve
>mother always talks about how I'm the most intellectual member of the family because of all the books I read and the occasional rants I go on where I cobble together as much philosophic vocabulary as I can to try and impress her
>"wow, anon, I could never read these kinds of books. You're so smart!"
>deep down I know it's probably just her way of coping with how I haven't actually accomplished anything and am a complete and utter failure
>would become an hero but don't want to make mother cry

>> No.13016916

I would assume the fact one starts with Sartre to be some other indicator, especially now considering what you have written, other than that she is into ugly dudes.

>> No.13016937 [SPOILER] 
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>I cobble together as much philosophic vocabulary as I can to try and impress her
I've heard about trying to impress girls with random jargon, but trying to impress your own mom? Seriously?

>> No.13016946

It means she's a closet dyke who will cuck you with other women (and men too, even though she harbors a deep-seated hatred of them), just like Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.13016947

opinion on his Notebooks for an Ethics?

>> No.13016956

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Pseuds mostly start with Sartre, and they often support his position on death camps being handwave-able because they want to be edgy which they equate with smart.

>> No.13016968

what would you rec on de Beauvoir?

>> No.13016973

>not wanting to truly impress the most important woman in your life

>> No.13016994

Basically the same problem I have with him and all his interpretation of Heidegger. His idea of authenticity is his trying to shoehorn individualism into Heidegger's ideas. Heidegger has some very valuable things to say about care and relation to the word around you, but Sartre had to ignore them because of his retarded idea that individual beings stand alone, making any notion of caring inauthentic rather than an intrinsic part of relation. The whole work is him trying to not admit that authenticity requires feedback or any kind of implied relationship. It's a very barren form of morals and has a dishonesty at its core which precludes any valuable authenticity (which he of course dismisses as a pipe dream rather than contemplating that individuality might not be primary)

>> No.13017008

I wouldn't really, since you'd have to spot through a lot of Second sex to get much of philosophical value, and a lot of that has been developed by others with less filler and less Heideggerian jargon. She does write good crazy novels though, if you like amoral jelly women. Her book on Bardot is peak pedo philosophy and pretty short, so you could read that for a primer if Second sex seems daunting. It contrasts her views on women with her views on loli.

>> No.13018527


>> No.13018575

It's been a long time since this girl (?) posted but I still want to lick her (?) feet