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/lit/ - Literature

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13013312 No.13013312 [Reply] [Original]

I wrote a book about events which could soon take place.
I've been on 4chan ever since I helped close the pool (March/April 2008).
I became a regular on /pol/ in 2013 and have since spent most of my time there.
I'm a Christian and I'm politically neutral.

>Synopsis of Storm Maze
"The 2nd American Civil War is dawning and the sounds of World War 3 can be heard not far off in the distance.
Western Civilization is facing its extinction as people continue to fall away from Christianity and begin to gravitate towards atheism, secularism, hedonism and nihilism.
All hope seems lost until a secret society of Christians sets out on the first Holy Crusade on American soil in order to defend the western world's morals and values.
Their enemies? The tyrannical United States Federal Government."

If you would like a copy

>> No.13013356


Shoot yourself.

>> No.13013370
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>when I see people trying to follow their dreams

>> No.13013379
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I didn't trip on /pol/ because we have IDs.
/lit/ doesn't have IDs - notice I didn't name myself after my pseudonym.

Don't let your memes be dreams.

>> No.13013384

>I'm a christian and I'm politically neutral
>book is about why I think secularisation is the same thing as cultural degeneration

How the hell do you call yourself neutral when your book clearly exemplifies bias?

>> No.13013398

I never said I wasn't biased from a Christians perspective.

>> No.13013406

How bout no?

>> No.13013408
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>> No.13013413

>I never said I wasn't biased from a Christians perspective.
>I'm politically neutral
/pol/tards everyone

>> No.13013418
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The lowest you can list for is like 17 dollars and some change.
I make $8 dollars and some change off each book if sold through Lulu.
If it's sold through Amazon or B&N you only make $1 and some change.

This isn't really about the money though.
This is about you learning how to smuggle 10 millions dollars across any boarder in the world with 10 million dollars physically stashed inside a briefcase.

But that's only one of the many things you'll learn.

>> No.13013453

>If you would like a copy
No thanks it sounds dreadful!

>> No.13013583

>The 2nd American Civil War is dawning and the sounds of World War 3 can be heard not far off in the distance.
Western Civilization is facing its extinction as people continue to fall away from Christianity and begin to gravitate towards atheism, secularism, hedonism and nihilism.
All hope seems lost until a secret society of Christians sets out on the first Holy Crusade on American soil in order to defend the western world's morals and values.
Their enemies? The tyrannical United States Federal Government.

>> No.13013586

Is this you OP?

>> No.13013664
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>politically neutral

You know where to go.

>> No.13013687

>isn't really about the money
post pdf/epub then?

>> No.13013731


>> No.13013737


>> No.13014547
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You won't like my book, I expose communism.
But I also expose the rest of the political hack ideologies.

I already gave out my first novel for free.
Distributed 5,000 copies, all for free.
Destroying capitalism with capitalism is a naturally occurring event.

>> No.13014590

>people continue to fall away from Christianity
This is a good thing. How can you have been on /pol/ for so long and still not despise Christianity?
Anyone fighitng a "crusade" to keep Christianity in the west is anti-west.
The West never needed Christianity and now it doesn't need it to defend itself through it against even worse scum.
The West needs to cleanse itself from all non-western, including your kike religion.

>> No.13014593
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Because I've been on /pol/ long enough to know that most of the problems in the west stem from not Christianity, but a lack of Christianity.

>> No.13014598

I have never payed more than 10 for a book and that's not going to change

>> No.13014601

Please see this

>> No.13014614

there's no trace of your "book" beyond past day shilling

>> No.13014630

What exactly does the holy bibble say about being able to think for one's own self and being able to question whether the so called good book is actually the word of god?

>> No.13014661

I wrote another book which you do not have access to as the website that gave out the book for free is now shutdown.

>> No.13014695

how convenient

>> No.13014711
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It was a philosophical dialectic covering the absurdity of the early 20th century through our modern and times and how the negating of Christian ethics has led humanity in the west down a very dark hole.
Storm Maze (the book you have a link to) is a fantasy fiction novel version of that dialectic.

>> No.13014725

>It was a philosophical dialectic covering the absurdity of the early 20th century through our modern and times and how the negating of Christian ethics has led humanity in the west down a very dark hole.
was that the schizophrenic textwall with pictures of anime girls randomly posted throughout? i think i actually read this

>> No.13014743
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Were you apart of the small army of 200 I had?
I had to pull the plug because the Feds decided to start putting plants in the group.

>> No.13016321

Go on

>> No.13016437

Sounds like an uninspired regurgitation of the same trendy traditionalist talking points everyone on this website has heard a hundred times already.

>> No.13017109
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Keep doing you I guess

>> No.13017149

>I expose communism
Mmm doubt it sweetie, the dialectic cannot be stopped, much less by the likes of some anime posting poltard

>> No.13017158 [DELETED] 
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suck of cock, tranny

>> No.13017198

>I expose the rest political hack ideologies
>I've been on /pol/ long enough to know
You are a fucking retard who thinks he struck gold after drooling over the monitor for long enough. Your novel sounds cringepilled and your other work sounds fucking stupid.

You're never gonna make it as an author except maybe in obscure christian circles on the web with like 10 people.

>> No.13017225

>I'm politically neutral
>here's my book about how Christian fundamentalists overthrow the degenerate tyrannical American government in a new crusade to create an American ethnotheocracy

>> No.13017682

Maybe he means economically

>> No.13017758
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I've had enough and want to make a difference.
The federal government isn't going to stop me from bringing justice upon their institution.

You won't know unless you read.
I'm typically pretty happy to read anything made by a 4channer.

The biggest issue with communist is the human corruption aspect.
On paper communism looks wonderful but when put into effect, it always ends with gulags and somebody getting an ice pick to the head.

You sound mad that you didn't write a novel.

I never said I wasn't biased, I said I was politically neutral.
Unless you count Christianity as a a political theory instead of an ethical and epistemological theory.

>> No.13018007


>> No.13019023

Ex-Christian here, you're just suppressing your true thoughts for the continued good feelings from religion, the Bible and YHWH.

>> No.13019040
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>you're just suppressing your true thoughts for the continued good feelings from religion, the Bible and YHWH
I'm more than happy to hear you out but I have no idea what you mean by that.

>> No.13019257

>human nature
o boi i'm laffin

>> No.13019269


>> No.13019292

Okay, I'll bite

What specifically is bad about secularism, atheism and nihilism? Is that explained in your book? Or is that just assumed?

>> No.13019333

was lenin a chinaman o.0