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13013084 No.13013084 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some popular modern genre fiction. All I really know about are ASOFAI and YA trash like Harry Potter and Hunger Games.

>> No.13013100

google it retard

>> No.13013101

>google it
>every list is the same old shit featuring game of thrones, dragonlance, star wars EU books, and YA trash

>> No.13013114

The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan

>> No.13013124
File: 2.51 MB, 1463x3448, fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13013135

> urban fantasy
> no dresden files
stopped reading there

>> No.13013137

No Tolkien? is he not on the list because everyone knows who he is or he's in a list of his own?

>> No.13013189

Comic Fantasy should include the Xanth series by Piers Anthony

I don't see Daughter of the Empire trilogy, cowritten by Raymond E. Feist, that should make the list.
Dragon Prince series is really good, I would also include Melanie Rawn's "Ruins of Ambrai", even though the trilogy isn't finished.

Tolkien should obviously be put in list.

Darkangel Trilogy, by Meredith Ann Pierce should be included.

>> No.13013228

Bobby Dollar by Tad Williams
Under Heaven and River of Stars by Guy Gavriel Kay
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
The Dandelion Dynasty by Ken Liu
Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James
>science fiction
Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer
Embassytown by China Meiville
The Sky is Yours by Chandler Klang Smith
>Young Adult (realistic, enter at your own peril)
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
On the Come Up by Angie Thomas
>Stephen King
'Salem's Lot
The Shining
Doctor Sleep
The Stand
The Dead Zone
Different Seasons
The Green Mile
The Dark Tower Series

>> No.13013230
File: 66 KB, 362x500, 4C21A1D5-14C3-4B23-8FB8-042B7EB6E700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough with the charts. Let’s stop being lazy and actually recommend something.
Read Grimm’s Fairy Tales, you may have heard of the stories, but actually read them as they were released originally.

>> No.13013287


>> No.13013299

>all these people missing the word MODERN in the OP

I guess I should have specified within like the last decade. I know that AGoT came out in the 90s, but a lot of the series came out within the last decade plus is still being made.

>> No.13013343

Hands down favorite I've read in years was Latro in the Mist. Loved everything about it. Bone up on your Greek gods.

>> No.13013372

>Harry Potter
why do people keep saying this? It's clearly children's fic

>> No.13013377

First book is. The later books are definitely YA tho.

>> No.13013386

the wheel of time series is 5 times too long and its honestly just a pretty generic fantasy story with a vastly over-complicated plot

>> No.13013473

Use your eyes, dumbfuck.

>> No.13013551

>all these people missing the word MODERN in the OP
Maybe OP should have checked what words mean before typing them. All books named so far are modern- the only one that would even be debatable is Grimm's Fairy Tales.

>> No.13014364

I would guess modern can be counted as 90 to now.
But normally modern should be 1900+, maybe with industrialisation 1850+.

>> No.13014371

just fucking go to your containment thread for the thousandth time for christ sake

>> No.13014650

Please explain why genre fiction is bad without resorting to memes, sweaty.

>> No.13014656

It has no artistic nor philosophical value.

>> No.13014800

Yes it does.

>> No.13014848

i wonder how it feels to be a below average IQ pretentious faggot who has to spout bullshit opinions to appear smarter

>> No.13014901

Gravity's Rainbow