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13011721 No.13011721 [Reply] [Original]

How come Underground man is still alive in his 40s? You'd think he'd topped himself by then.
Can bitterness and resentment keep you alive for that long?

>> No.13011726

things don't spoil as quickly underground

>> No.13011765

You think he lives to old age?

>> No.13011775

Based thread. DESU. I'm a friendless loser, but I still love life. I have no idea how to interact with people though. Notes from Underground was bleh compare to the big 4. Dostoevsky was a weirdo in real life though

>> No.13011783

>Dostoevsky was a weirdo in real life though
It was kind of bummer when I found that out. I thought he just knew how a sadbrains worked. Instead it turned out he was a sadbrains.

>> No.13011792

IDT there's a great writer that wasn't like that though. Maybe Hemingway, but the war fucked him. Most great writers didn't even graduate college nor had normal viewpoints. The Tom Buchanan comment about race was almost akin to a letter that F. Scott wrote to a friend.

>> No.13011826

cowardness from killing yourself

>> No.13011874

he perversely enjoys his condition

i know this because like dostoevsky i am a genuis who can get into the heads of other people and not because i am one

>> No.13011881

Other people don't think about anything. It's just sybaritic insouciance

>> No.13011921

Instead of making my own Dost. thread can someone quickly reccommend me the order in which he's to be read?

>> No.13011925

Crime and Punishment, Notes, Idiot, Demons, Brothers K

>> No.13011926

just read TBK the other ones are gay(homosexual)

>> No.13012067

I don't know if I could reach my 40s like that. Misery doesn't seem as enjoyable as it used to be in my 20s.

>> No.13012095

tell me more about this big 4 book that trumps notes. I'm reading notes from underground and i've found it to be the most relatable thing i've ever read. tell me more about big 4

>> No.13012112

>I don't know if I could reach my 40s
well dostoyevsky's underground man (him basically) is an absolute madlad. Being in such a pathetic state into your 40s is daredevil tier shit that only an edgy philosopher gamer like me can enjoy.

fuck sticking your head in an alligators mouth or type rope walking try being the thing absolutely no one wants to be.

>> No.13012143

The build up and result of the dinner with Simonov and Zverkov almost made me throw up.

>> No.13012243

Yeah, I find it difficult to read the second part too. I usually stop just before he goes and sees him. The second-hand embarrassment and shame is just too much for me.

>> No.13012255

>try being the thing absolutely no one wants to be.
In this day and age, that's being without identity.

>> No.13012268

Always an interesting read when Notes from the Underground comes up:


Well he does go to brothels and stuff to help him cope. I guess working on the novel probably helps too

>> No.13012429

>hoping at some point the reader-- almost certainly in the form of a beautiful and selfless woman who detects the real good inside him-- will come forward and tell him exactly what's going on, and help him, and then love him.

You know what annoys me about most analysis about the underground man? They all seem to blame him for not knowing how the world works. I mean, if for most of your early life you were shunned from most social things, and you end up a social retard, isn't that society's fault?

>> No.13012446

yes and they hate you for it because you remind them on some level that none of this is real, they haven't earned anything, they just got lucky

obviously to some extent the underground man's condition is due to his inherent disposition but modern liberal enlightened society accelerates the extent to which these inherent dispositions govern our lives. we were born at a point where these values are being compounded with technology to make the phenomenon even worse, hence why we're even capable of having this discussion

>> No.13012637
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>tfw your life is literally someones worst nightmare but your used to it.

>> No.13012822

Sometimes I wonder if you faggots are even autists like me. The level of normie has become too much to handle.

>> No.13013321

It's like reliving the past for me.

>> No.13013323

Isn't notes from the underground a retarded title and it actually translates more closely to "memoirs from a mousehole?"

>> No.13013360

I'm guessing he's referring to The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot and I'm not sure about the last one.

>> No.13013526


>> No.13013632

and it's the second best of all

>> No.13013637

Just read Garnett translation of Notes and enjoyed it a lot. Do I continue with her translation of Crime and Punishment or is there someone else that is generally considered superior?

>> No.13013648

notes, crime and punishment, idiot, humiliated and insulted, demons, karamazov

>> No.13013706

I think it was closer to "underneath the floorboards".

>> No.13013720

Or perhaps the Underground man wants to be told or led to believe that his worldview is indeed wrong and warped, and things really aren't as bad as they seem.

>> No.13013723

Read P&V instead.

>> No.13013745


>blaming every single thing in the entire world except your own actions and refusing to take responsibility for your decisions because meaningless platitudes are, in fact, meaningless platitudes


>> No.13013747

>I was like this
>it cliqued one day
>no longer like tgis
You need to protest against the condition of your existence. You need to protest against who you have become and who you are being. You need to protest against the unfairness that has fallen upon you, be it by your own virtue or otherwise. You need to protest for that higher ideal, an ideal of what you think your life should be. Through your protest you must outrightly reject your shortcomings, whether or not you can overcome them is secondary. You must protest to uphold your morality which promises you what's yours, be it happiness, friends, family, sex or whatever. You must protest against yourself. You MUST protest.
>Frida Khalo
Her work was a protest against her life long suffering. Surely you're better than a woman. R-right anon?
>btw she fucked Leon Trotsky which ultimately led to his cover being blown and his assassination. Lel womyn huh

>> No.13014036

Thx brother

>> No.13014057

Only translation I would definitely not read, at least not the first time around. I went and bought a nice old leather copy of garnett.
Does anyone know if there are differences between various editions of the garnett translation? There is a recent printing from 2017, but the design on the dust-jacket is nauseating, so I bought a pretty one from 1960 on the assumption that the contents would be identical.

>> No.13014143

Bitterness and resentment will keep you alive in your 100s

>> No.13014327
File: 158 KB, 1024x754, honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stop whining and socially pull yourself up by your bootstraps bucko

>> No.13014546

So, are you people spiteful, or wicked, or something else?

>> No.13014759

Based beaut and bumped

>> No.13014763
File: 116 KB, 235x191, 1556267655003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I completely understand and relate to the underground man

Am I fucked anons? Am I mentally ill?

>> No.13014773

All of them at the same time. Under a rock in Siberia of course

>> No.13014781


Yeah you're fucked man. May as well lock the door to your basement and start questioning every decision you make to breathe.

>> No.13014911

As long as you haven't reached 30.

>> No.13014922

I don't know yet. Only thing keeping me alive is my love for a girl who probably doesn't love me back.

>> No.13014938

Yea a lot of people find it funny but to me it's just painful, like looking straight into a mirror, a bit exaggerated but still a mirror.

>> No.13014955

No character has ever felt more real to me than him, it's almost surreal.

>> No.13015505
File: 54 KB, 427x427, 1555060927941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There in its nasty, stinking, underground home our insulted, crushed and ridiculed mouse promptly becomes absorbed in cold, malignant and, above all, everlasting spite. For forty years together it will remember its injury down to the smallest, most ignominious details, and every time will add, of itself, details still more ignominious, spitefully teasing and tormenting itself with its own imagination. It will itself be ashamed of its imaginings, but yet it will recall it all, it will go over and over every detail, it will invent unheard of things against itself, pretending that those things might happen, and will forgive nothing. Maybe it will begin to revenge itself, too, but, as it were, piecemeal, in trivial ways, from behind the stove, incognito, without believing either in its own right to vengeance, or in the success of its revenge, knowing that from all its efforts at revenge it will suffer a hundred times more than he on whom it revenges itself, while he, I daresay, will not even scratch himself. On its deathbed it will recall it all over again, with interest accumulated over all the years and...

>> No.13015562

Fuck anons, why are we like this? Why does this passage resonant with me so much?

Are all genius writers insane?

>> No.13015633

Because you didn't protest against your condition like >>13013747 said.

>> No.13015656

Can you elaborate further anon? I have some idea, but how does one protest?

>> No.13015660

Garnett was a top-notch Victorian style writer, but she didn't give a shit about accuracy. Her prim and proper style is the opposite of Dostoevsky's style. Also, she cut out any sentences that would've been difficult to translate. Dostoevsky purists despise her. If you really like her style then keeping reading her Dostoevsky translations. However, if you want a translator that attempts to retain Dostoevsky's style then go for either P&V or McDuff. Some people accuse P&V of being overly literal, but I read their translations of Notes and The Idiot and both were enjoyable and easy to understand. I can't comment on McDuff, but I've heard his Dostoevsky translations are good.

>> No.13015976

By hating yourself to the point where you want to take revenge on your very existence. By loving someone who's ideal is greater than your own. By working on something purely for the same of enjoying the process, all while your shithole of a body keeps trying to drag you back into indulging in pety hedonistic activities like binging on McDongles. You either love yourself, hate yourself or have no opinion about yourself. Having no opinion is the worst of all. But good news is that you'll definitely have something to say about yourself by the very virtue of being alive. There are parts about you you like and parts about you you hate. Gather what you like and go to war against what you hate. If that dark and desolate but nevertheless comfortable part of your shitty self beckons you every now and then, resist it. It is not the part of you that cares about 'you' so why care about it? Sure visiting the wretched prostitute for a quick jiggle and pop has it's upside but you know she's slowly killing your vitality. So why not protest.
The downside to all this is an acute loss of comfort. But it isn't too great a price. Your life already is shit enough for you to not know what true comfort is. Why be bothered by a greater discomfort? Why not grow to pike this new found discomfort of doing things that make up your ideal life? Slowly you'll find yourself delving deeper into this masochist pit of sludge and filth. Just like the time you were sinking more and more into degeneracy, remember? Those bygone days of the underground man?
Really nothing much has changed though. You still are a hopelessly masochistic man who seeks out harm. Except this time the direction is reversed and this time 'harm' actually helps. Of course the dark part of your shitty existence won't know it. But what do you care? The voice of that filthy part of you has grown weaker, it's seduction has lost it's charm and one day..
>you wake up next to a beautiful lady
>whom you have wholely fallen in love with and who, reciprocating to your retarded pursuits, has started to love you back
>it'll be a glorious sunday morning with the sun shining so bright that the rays chase your sleep away.
>you get up and notice that the sun is no match for the light coming of her glowing face
>a face still in slumber, unaware of its own beauty at that moment
>you gently peck her cheek beside her ear
>and at that moment you wouldn't have noticed that you no longer care or remember what a vermin you once were
Rise above and protest my lad. I may be betting a rigged game but I'll be damned if I don't protest and bet against myself.

>> No.13016038
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>> No.13016076

how are some of us this based?

>> No.13016091
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Enjoyed this post quite a bit until I reached the greentext

>> No.13016250
File: 139 KB, 754x1024, 1549166107204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will try to protest anon. I will protest. Thank you

>> No.13016258

Imagine spending a lifetime chasing normality

>> No.13016285

some people get off wallowing in their own misery, bitterness and misanthropy.

>> No.13016317

That book was really painful to read. If you can relate with the underground man ( as I and I suppose almost everybody here can) you are royally fucked up. And I'm not talking from normie standards of sucess, the underground man was a failure not for not being a sucessful worker with a wife and kids, but for his lack of reasons to live, his lack of desires, he is the epitome of bugmen, he is nothing and if you are absolutely nothing everything seems immense in comparison. This impotence rapidly converts into a pathetic resentment. This man was planning literally for years petty revenges against some dude whom he barely ran into as if it were a matter of honour. He sperged out in front of his former peers. He hired a prostitute just to humiliate her, discharging his whole resentment in her, which ultimately just confirms what utter miserable he is. I won't give the classical normie advices of improve yourself, just stop comparing youself to others, leave from that hole and at least enjoy the sunset and the company of your loved ones.

>> No.13016319

Very based, very redpilled, etc., et al.
Incredible post, anon

>> No.13016425

This is true. You can't produce unique work by living exactly like the rest and thinking exactly like them.
The only way you can produce unique work is by either having unique experiences or by having unique thought. Sometimes though an unholy combination of both of this produces a concoction so good that for years to come people will still find themselves addicted to sipping it.
Dosto was the Cosmopolitan of such cocktails.

>> No.13016468
File: 54 KB, 674x446, 1dosto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here is sporting a magnificent patchy dosto neckbeard?

>> No.13016499

hatepilled and lovepilled at the same time.
truly based

>> No.13016971

I've never known what this term meant.

>> No.13016986

it was originally a meme from MPC, a sort of racist, sexist, right wing(but not like NRx) forum. It referred to people who defined themselves by consumption of products, lived a sterile, atomized existence cut off from any tradition. It often referred to people who literally looked like bugs and fit the above qualifiers because MPC are big on physiognomy.

The whole term was 'small souled bugman'.

>> No.13017340

Suicide is a huge step. Think about the sheer displeasure you must get out of consciousness to plan out the ending of your own life.

>> No.13017358

The lack of self-awareness in this pic is agonizing

Narrarive fallacy, confirmation bias, mental gymnastics all over the place

>> No.13017486

Honestly, I've got a better greentext for your post.

> The river flows into the sea, people flow towards death
> The setting sun will judge if you have done all that you can
> Turn sorrow into money, make flowers bloom with your rage
> All originates from and squirms under love

>> No.13017523

I really like this anon. Did you write it? What's it called?

>> No.13017551

As you can deduce from that link, it is called 死神, and is written by a renown Japanese stand-up comedian 大森靖子

>> No.13017562

Oh thanks anon, I'll take a look at the videos

>> No.13017603

Written in kind of a memey way but this is actually 100% accurate and true. It can be reduced to more biological terms of the prefrontal cortex aka logical/moral part of your brain vs the mammalian brain seeking out base comforts and feeding the ego incessantly and thoughtlessly. Ultimately what matters is not any result you achieve in the external world, but the victory of willpower over your own innate weakness.

>> No.13017605

Uneventful days and sedentary monotone habits were a mistake. The Agricultural Revolution.
People who are struggling (including myself) need to be in a different environment with moving people and things. Whether the stimuli is really good or bad, it will at least provide you with something significant to address.
I'm somewhere between normie and edgy depresso fuck, I've watched my life go from bright to dark. Years of self examination and experimentation has helped and I do see the light. However there is one thing, that I know, that would shoot me out into greatness. That thing is to change my environment. It's the only thing that I believe someone can blame instead of themselves (but they also must blame themselves for not exiting the environment).
What little dysfunctional family I have supports me and its all I have left, but they too bring me down.

We're all gonna make it though. The writer in the OP pic is a bit of a fag, but does express feels.

The masochism element is really key. I know (knew) the feeling of hurting yourself for something great. Hopefully I can attain it in the future. Right now I'm working on doing it with technology and my addiction.

>> No.13017640

It's a long road, buddy, but at least there are translations for essential songs.

Don't forget to notice users who post comfy live concerts.

>> No.13017669

Because despite how profoundly bitter and disgusted he is with every aspect of his existence he is far too much of a coward to actually go through with it and is painfully aware of that as well, keeping him in a negative feedback loop that forever wounds but never kills. Rodya was closer to killing himself than underground man was because his suffering was even greater but much shorter. He at least was compensated with a cute Russian waifu for his troubles after he got out of Siberia.

>> No.13017686

Do you care to expand? I can't find flaws in the logic of that pic. I'm sincerely asking because being at this hole isn't funny.

>> No.13017689

Some people really are just fucked and it annoys me when people won't accept that.

>> No.13017705

Glad I wasn't the only one. That was one of the hardest things to read and all he did was make an asshole out of himself at a little get together. Yet I felt physical pain when he begged for money afterwards.

>> No.13017739

What he gets right is that social connections work in a way analogous to money, i.e. the richer you are, the easier it is to make more money. The point that he misses, though, is that while he couldn't become as popular and well-adjusted as someone who was normal from the start, he could still make himself much happier.

Possibly also true but I think there are certain fundamental ideas and practices that could /theoretically/ help anyone. Whether people are capable of actually following up on those ideas is a different matter altogether, and obviously this doesn't apply to cases where the problem is more so on a biological level.

>> No.13018238


>> No.13019264

ITT: Post about how you found Notes.

>just start posting my thoughts and feelings, rambling on about being me
>get first reply
>"What is this? notes from underground? Fuck off"
and thats how i found it. I am the modern underground man.

>> No.13019278

So at what point do you read Poor Folk and House of the Dead?

>> No.13019476


Sure it can.

The only ingredient missing from the OP image rant is the "way out".

Another gentleman upthread mentioned productive masochism already, but having been destroyed multiple times by life - having grasped that peak, the height, like waking up next to someone beautiful and kind who loves you, and having watched it burn to ash in front of me, seven or eight times, each time increasingly cruel, each time like watching the world end - you have to learn to relish solitude.

Normals will tell you you have to "love yourself" because they're midwits who think love is a universal, something everyone understands. It's a flaccid milquetoast catchphrase - an advertising tagline.

You need to develop to the point that you can not only tolerate, but enjoy, your own company as much as you would enjoy the company of Seneca, or Cicero, or Epictetus, or Schopenhauer, or Homer - whatever giant upon whose shoulders your image of greatness rests. This is /lit/, not /r9k/. You've all encountered great minds - you all have an author, buried somewhere in that rotting heart, who formed the germ of your ideas of greatness, of what it means to be a man, what it means to be fucking human. Even if you're the last of your lineage and have nothing in the world, you have access to the minds of a vast multitude, some deformed, some brilliant. You are not alone in your suffering. Titans among men have felt your pain. The world changes, unrecognizably, but human suffering is a constant.

The dead are the only companions you can 100% rely upon until the day you join them. The living are fickle, happiness is fleeting, and your body will grow weak, ugly, and frail with age, if you manage to make it that long. You, underground man, and those six feet underground, are all you have.

>> No.13020135

But don't you think every time you make an effort to be happy, you're 'protesting' against this cruel world? Like that dude above said?

>> No.13020149

What world?

>> No.13020265

I literally spotted a russian one published in, iirc 1890, on top of my grandfather's bookshelf and asked him about the book. Grandpa told me it was a profound study, written by an highly intelligent man, of a profound human being who knew who he was but because of social constraints, was unable to publicize the truth without multilayered self-irony. My god how I fell in love with Dostoyevsky that day.

>> No.13020319

>The point that he misses, though, is that while he couldn't become as popular and well-adjusted as someone who was normal from the start, he could still make himself much happier.

I guess, like some of us, he wants some acknowledgement that he got dealt a bad hand in the early part of his life. I mean, yeah he can start working towards happiness now but it's really grating to be told you could have changed things from the very beginning when you didn't know how things worked because you were shunned early on.

>> No.13020905

Thanks anon, I needed to hear this.

>> No.13021169

What a based gramps
Peace upon him, anon

>> No.13021194

>but modern liberal enlightened society accelerates the extent to which these inherent dispositions govern our lives.

yeah, ive noticed what it does isn't so much obliterate differences between people, but exaggerate them

>> No.13021286

>Ultimately what matters is not any result you achieve in the external world, but the victory of willpower over your own innate weakness.

profoundly, profoundly true

>> No.13021337

In the olden days differences among humans were superficially and externally forced. You had to consciously behave a certain way with people of other classes and force the differences. All the while having in your heart an implicit idea inherent equality among humans.
Today you have to force your behavior to express equality in a very purposeful manner. All the while knowing in your heart you are somehow better than the other person or people.
Contempt among classes of men today is heartfelt and genuine no matter how much we suppress it superficially. Sure we don't burn each other in the millions anymore but we certainly make sure the dynamics of power remain unchanged and that the status quo still continues to be in a way so as to favor the few elites. The best trick the ones on top pulled was to convince every man that it was the ones who are under him that are the ones he has to be vigilant about. For surely it is the poor who will mug you isn't it? And not the rich who drain you of your value slowly but surely, in a way that is so ingrained in our culture and society that you will not notice the melting away of the 'youness' of you.
At last when there is nothing more for you to give, at an age--when you are frail from not only having lost all physical vitality but also from the mental handicap that has been caused by reinforcing your prejudices--you won't even notice just how bitter and resentful you have grown. You will only notice the spick who steals your hubcaps, the negro who rams your daughter, the chink who takes your son's job, but not the elite who continues to subject your children to the same life as yours.
Your freedom controlled by your financial indebtedness, you thoughts controlled by the media, your psyche controlled by an incessant barrage of advertisements and worst of all you freewill controlled by making sure you never actually come out of systemic depression.
And now theirs..
So when you protest against yourself and your condition remember that you are essentially protesting against the status quo. And there will be those who won't like you doing so.

>> No.13021425


>> No.13021952

As this thread comes to it's end I feel sad. There is a certain permanence that the written word assumes which is not true with 4chan threads. These are ephemeral. And all beautiful things die. Godspeed anons

>> No.13022306

We're still 200 posts from the end and there's still things to be said.

>> No.13022356
File: 13 KB, 236x295, d33a5e0db4e3be6afa8d0cf71947a7bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am only in my early twenties. I relate very deeply with the underground man and understand the picture OP posted. Some of us are wounded by fate. Our own weaknesses play a role too of course. For me I had empathy with out boundaries. I burnt myself out for my family and loved ones and it destroyed me. Now I am alone. And it is good. Living like this has at least made me prideful and unforgiving. I used to be so much weaker. I have cut out those who treated me with disrespect. I have seen the great things I am capable of when I set myself to it. I know I can change. I know we can all climb out of this pit anons. Perhaps it is a blessing to be in the pit. If you're in the pit you have an incentive to climb and to grow stronger and to master your soul. I don't know anything very well, but I really believe this. Best of luck anons, we have to keep climbing until we touch the sky

>> No.13022378

Watch the documentary Free Solo.

>> No.13022416

>I am only in my early twenties
I'm not even gonna read the rest.

>> No.13022423

Why not anon?

>> No.13022472

Cos it's usually followed by
>my life is over
when it's just barely begun.

>> No.13022501

I'm not that pessimistic. Still, it's nice to be told that everything is just beginning. Were you like me when you were in your early twenties anon? Alienated but still hopeful?

>> No.13022533

>Alienated but still hopeful?
Lol no, I was a pessimistic and isolated person that worked in a dead-end jobs wasting my years and opportunities. It's only now I realize I could have taken other routes back then.

>> No.13022546
File: 56 KB, 500x566, 600full-bjc3b6rn-andrc3a9sen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bergman should have cast Andresen in one of his films. When I first saw a picture of him in a striped sweater I thought he was some dyke with a soccer-mom haircut, but warmed up immediately when I realized he was just a teenage male. Britten's opera/ballet of Death in Venice is rendered unwatchable because everyone cast to play Tadzio looks hideous in comparison

>> No.13022564

I agree, Andresen is truly one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. I'll have to get around to reading the novel one day. I find it really interesting that Hindu and some Greek gods are portrayed as being more "beautiful" than handsome. I wonder why that is?

>> No.13022595

You gigantic homosexual.

>> No.13022660

>When I first saw a picture of him in a striped sweater I thought he was some dyke with a soccer-mom haircut, but warmed up immediately when I realized he was just a teenage male.
That's a really gay thought process.

>> No.13022949

>blaming every single thing in the entire world except your own actions and refusing to take responsibility for your decisions because meaningless platitudes are, in fact, meaningless platitudes
>refusing to take responsibility for your decisions

Up to a certain point certain decisions have already been made for you.

>> No.13023121
File: 72 KB, 363x553, strongestmankurosawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn anon, pic related

>> No.13023181

>think love is a universal, something everyone understands
But everyone does understand love, or at least have at some point in their life. Just because some people forget doesn't make it any less of a universal.

>> No.13023287

Damn so nobody here understood notes? The absolute state...

>> No.13023363

enlighten me please

>> No.13023367

>Damn so nobody here understood notes?
Do tell.

>> No.13023430

It’s not some /r9k/ tfwnogf sadboy story and it’s not supposed to make you wanna pull yourself up by the bootstraps and be a normalfag. The underground man doesn’t want to be happy and perversely enjoys being under the floorboards. It’s a rejection of consequentialism and utilitarianism, the latter of which everyone here seems to think in terms of.

>> No.13023452

>The underground man doesn’t want to be happy and perversely enjoys being under the floorboards.

I've brought a similar point up >>13011874

>> No.13023462

Oh yeah I saw your post you got it my dude. I might’ve exaggerated a bit but it be like that sometimes ya feel

>> No.13023465

>It’s a rejection of consequentialism and utilitarianism

I agree but these are precisely the elements that lead the protagonist to his pathetic state. That's the same alienation that /r9k/ tfwnogf sadboy experiences.

>The underground man doesn’t want to be happy and perversely enjoys being under the floorboards

This is the thing we've been discussed so far.

>> No.13023470

Nah /r9k/ is a bunch of incels, the underground is an incel because he wants to be

>> No.13023479

>we've been discussed

*we've been discussing

>> No.13023548

I agree that the Underground Man enjoys his state but he mentions in Part I that he can't change because "there is nothing to change into" (I think). This makes me think he has attempted to change himself in his youth but failed

>> No.13023582

Yes, I agree that people who are unwilling to acknowledge that, who buy into the just-world fallacy, are infuriating to deal with. But trying to convince them of things they can't conceive of or understand because they've never experienced anything like it is a pointless endeavor. Most people's morality is so malformed and directed by groupthink that you'll never be able to break through their cognitive dissonance. People say things like what you're describing because they lack anything approaching actual empathy.

Lots of things in life are unfair but resentment is a colossal waste of time and energy that could be spent upon improving the situation for yourself and other people who need help.

p.s.: literature for this feel would be Nietzsche I guess? Fuck you janny, half the shit on this board is "not literature related".

>> No.13024461

Isn't it self-pity and they like it. Because it's comfortable, you can blame the whole world and don't have to push yourself. Underground man's only difference is that he is not delusion himself.

>> No.13025157

Found it after reading The Double.

>> No.13025378

>This makes me think he has attempted to change himself in his youth but failed
Kinda fucked himself there didn't he? Someone was willing to take a chance on him and he threw it back in their face.

>> No.13025451

Haven't we all thrown away all the opportunist life gave us?

>> No.13025543

No, but I don't know if I would've recognised it back then.

>> No.13025559

I meant opportunities
>mobile posting

>> No.13025765

That part was tough to read but what did it for me was him treating the prostitute like garbage after she pretty much gives up on her prostitution just to be part of his life. It hit way too close to home.
Notes is genuinely one of the hardest-hitting books I've ever read.

>> No.13025773

Underground man is aware that part of his condition in life is result of his own actions, though.

>> No.13025798

Jordan Peterson.

>> No.13025982

Yeah me too desu

>> No.13026067

The fuck did Peterson say about Notes From Underground?

>> No.13026137

>It hit way too close to home.

>> No.13026850
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I think another anon talked about this earlier, but the Underground Man was a consequence of modernity/hyperliberalism.
At the time Dostoevsky wrote the book, this was a barely emerging phenomenon. Robots didn't exist before the current rationalist-individualist-nihilist-globalist-humanist cultural cocktail splashed across the world. He basically predicted the destructive nature of modern society as it was being formed, and showed what it would do to a person who fell in between the floorboards in this new world. Maybe the Underground Man could have saved himself from spite and laceration if he keenly understood society from an early age, but every deck was stacked against him thanks to well-meaning normalfags who unthinkingly built a world hostile to people not like themselves.

>> No.13027401

Dostoevsky is an autist. The whole story is a projection of himself

>> No.13027673

Read crime and punishment which I found through 4chan, and afterwards I wanted to read more dosto

>> No.13027846
File: 40 KB, 640x360, 1556429654373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will write this down (and maybe your second post too) and look at it often so I don't forget it. Blessed you are, fren. I hope you will have what you seek (or won't, in spirit of this post).

>> No.13027939

It's a great analysis about how bitterness and resentment can mess you up even if you're aware of your condition and that the only way to deal with it is actively fighting against it.

>> No.13028118

Ayy cheers bud. Wish you well too

>> No.13028607

what do i do if im like the underground man and don't want to get better? just kill myself?

>> No.13028739

>but he mentions in Part I that he can't change because "there is nothing to change into" (I think).
What change COULD he make in his 40s? Dude's probably near the life expectancy age in 1800s Russia.

>> No.13029313

You have some strange ideas about historical periods of humanity, young man.

>> No.13029521

That last chapter... Kurosawa 2 shouldn't be canon.

>> No.13029685

>Kurosawa 2

Is there more? I just finished the manga and casually found this thread so I felt compelled to post that picture.

>> No.13029988
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>> No.13030048

This thread proves once again that /lit/ is one of the best and most sincere boards when it tries.

Genuinely proud of anon itt.

>> No.13030769

>Probably not even in his 20s

>> No.13031130

I'm 25

>> No.13032210

Then it might be too late.

>> No.13033233

was in a best books list and sounded edgy...

>> No.13033277


This is the state of every non Chad male in western society

>> No.13033521

>This is the state of every non Chad male in western society
Don't ruin the fucking thread you piece of shit.

>> No.13034437

kys incel

>> No.13034478
File: 445 KB, 900x1300, 1555140344063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that in all of these self improvement posts "making it" is either implicitly or explicitly codified as the obtaining of a beautiful woman; presumably by being physically fit and with all the trappings of financial success: a good job, a nice house, a fast car, etc. In these posts, the goal to aspire to is always the middle class ideal; without meaning to, and with genuine sincerity, these motivational posts repeat (sometimes subtly but with disturbing regularity) the same materialist drivel Hollywood and advertisements constantly bombard you with at every conceivable opportunity. There really is no escaping the propaganda.

>> No.13034864

No. Everyone throws out opportunities at some points in their lives. This is the basis of regret, an emotion I’m sure 100% of people are familiar with. The key is to systematically take more and more opportunities as they come, learning from the past through regret. Regret is a positive thing if twisted correctly.

>> No.13034961

Based and redpilled

>> No.13035411

Why don’t you want to get better? Because you think it’s not worth it or that you can’t do it? Or both? How is a more pleasant life not “worth” it? And if it isn’t, what is worth it? Is life worth living? It’s difficult for me to not always come to one conclusion: yes. For even if your life is one of perpetual suffering, it still does no good to cut it short. And don’t pretend like committing suicide is somehow for the greater good, or that people will appreciate you being gone, or if there are no people that it doesn’t matter, or you ran out of hope or have some handicap or you can’t get laid. So what? Deal with it pussy. Spend it miserable, spend it happily, spend it with a heavy dose of both, but fucking spend it dude. You’ve been given the ultimate gift. And not in some religious bullshitty way. Death is the ultimate authority. It is the arbiter of existence. All things ripped from death’s grips return unto it. Your existence happens, as far as we can tell, only once in the universe. To throw that away on purpose would be a tragedy with no parallel. To squash such a rare thing is savagely unreasonable.

>> No.13035416


>> No.13035583

The think the Underground Man works so well as a critique since he at once reacts against the social context he exists in but nevertheless is ironically such a strong product of it, and this leads to his sad state. Remember that he remarks about how he was once so strongly influenced by romanticism and books, and like the rising individualism of the time he has such a strong desire for recognition as a subject for those around him is which is always denied. You can see many times he imagines things as they would occur in a romantic novel like in Schiller, only for real events to take the opposite course.

>> No.13036333

Do you have a better self-improvement plan?

>> No.13036417

Dude, trust me, I'm the closest thing to a Chad you'll see and I feel the same, I just don't dwell on it constantly.

>> No.13036431
File: 107 KB, 1080x1038, EE20DF54-B07C-4AB8-AC29-5FF713B64B9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because like most suicidal wrecks, he was a huge pussy who actually enjoyed wallowing in self-pity.

>> No.13036884

He's living out of spite, clearly.

>> No.13037250

Wonder if the "normies" in the second part of the book are affected by the same thing but we're just better at putting on a performance/acting normal

the book is about the encroachment of modernity on the human mind and normies (it pains me to say) are human too

>> No.13037313

>Why don’t you want to get better?

spite lol

>> No.13037859

The concept of self improvement, as interpreted by most self help books, is often synonymous with improving skills to increase one's ability to participate within society in a way that maximizes social status and financial success. To do the opposite - to reject integration within society - one would likely also reject any and all of the common socially imposed methods for, and metrics of, success. So no, I cannot offer a better self improvement plan, because personal achievement is socially constructed by the society in which we live; you either conform to it, reject the concept entirely, or compromise by defining your own standards for success, with the knowledge that your worldview has been strongly influenced by the culture that surrounds you.

>> No.13038526

Do you guys really think "self-pity" was one of the underground lads traits? I always felt like he was pitying the society for not understand him and his "higher morals".

>> No.13038582

It's both.

>> No.13039762

why does underground man takes his revenge on an innocent girl and not the bullies he was hanging out with?

>> No.13039834

He wanted easy prey, and there'snt an easier prey than a teenage prostitue

>> No.13040223

You can't do it by your own. You need to be poor in spirit.

>> No.13040481

That’s such a good... adjective.
Tell me more about this MPC forum.

>> No.13040525

Not at all, that’s just some tumblr level BS. no one looks at the bum who lives in a trailer and has more respect for him because he overcame more mentally then the guy who is well groomed, has 6 kids, a business, and attends church weekly.

>> No.13040534

What would you do differently? I’m in my early 20’s and want to be motivated and inspired.

>> No.13041084

You know in my early 20's I used to think the idea of a point of no return was nonsense
just a few years later at 26 people straight up started treating me differently, looking at me like I was the unabomber
it's really upsetting

>> No.13041290

Right. But what matters isn't how anyone looks at the bum. It's the interior fuckinnn thing

>> No.13041933

>I am alone, I thought, and they are everybody.

I don't know man, kinda hard to tell when you're isolated and it appears everyone is part of something you're not. Or if everyone is just so much better at faking it.

>> No.13042016

I'm the guy you replied to and my isolation is in a sense self made, I'm far removed from society, the only real good thing about it all is that I am good looking, can be charming if I try and people (mostly women) like me generally speaking.

>> No.13042038

The girl was far younger than him, was also foreign, didn't know much about life generally speaking and she was naive.
He exploited that for his own purposes, not necessarily out of spite but simply because he wanted to feel like a man, a leader, a charmer, he knew he had a way with words and he found joy in slicing into all of her lies that she so carefully but childishly surrounded herself with to forget about her own reality. In essence she didn't have a chance and was part of the lowest class in society, standing even below him, which was rare. As the other anon said "easy prey" for his desires to dominate and then forget about someone.
He wanted to be wanted and desired and when he insulted her with the 5 Rubel note, the finality of his insult and her anger and pain were something he could relate to, he betrayed her and now he did not want to live with the betrayal but it was too late in the end. He had also felt betrayed so often and he could never fix his own hurt ego, nobody ever came after him when he was crying inwardly and so he wanted to see if he could make others feel the same, but at the same time he was conflicted and wanted to offer kindness after he had suceeded.

>> No.13042350


>> No.13043222

Stop typing like that, it makes me want to fuck you

>> No.13043229

This TBK encapsulates all of Dostoevskys themes. You'll probably be bored by it, it's not actually that good but it has a lot of moments

>> No.13043489

based. nice trips, based man