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/lit/ - Literature

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13011228 No.13011228 [Reply] [Original]

Why is reading considered a feminine hobby?

>> No.13011241

boys = doing physical activities
girls = doing non-physical activities
simple as

>> No.13011243

Because gender is a meaningless construct only spooked faggots support

>> No.13011251
File: 268 KB, 1024x768, 0C70E2B8-A030-46CB-8E10-0A66A5D85E55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP shut the fuck up, and fuck off, fucking retard, go fucking read a book you vermin, instead of wasting your fucking time asking fucking stupid fucking questions

>> No.13011252

Why is reading considered a feminine hobby? All literature has been historically been written by males (yes there are a few exceptions from the industrialization period and forward)

>> No.13011263

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13011274

Women read the books that the (low test) men write

>> No.13011275

My guess is that women are often stereotyped as liking books. Things aren't just exclusively enjoyed by one identity group though.

>> No.13011287

This nigga mad

>> No.13011295

I feel you

>> No.13011297

Very dumb, intellectually dishonest opinion. Disregard.
At least an attempt at finding actual truth.

I think that it's because men are supposed to be experiencing life for themselves, experimenting, seeing what works and what doesn't. Men are not supposed to get lost in literature, to escape their reality. They are supposed to embrace it, fight with it, perhaps transform it, but not ignore it. Men read books to learn about things, to entertain themselves, but they never associate themselves with reading books, unlike women, because they have much more important things to care about. Books are not an essential part of their personality, just a way to achieve their goals. For women, of course, the story is completely different.

>> No.13011324

I don't think that is true anymore, men get lost in stuff like the internet and shows just as easily. It's men getting lost in the abstract that these works came about in the first place

>> No.13011337

Males get lost in the internet, not men.If you bring an internet addicted person to say the aztecs or spartans, who are actual men, they will instantly recognize him as less than a man.

>> No.13011346

Yeah but now we have the internet and pictures of boobs. Men aren't noble creatures.

>> No.13011350

'actual' men no longer exist. Women are doing the intellectual lifting now

>> No.13011364

The Greeks would get drunk and listen to stories of Gods going on crazy adventures. Im sure if they had TV or the internet they would love it

>> No.13011366 [DELETED] 

Very wrong. There are many actual men in this world. Many of whom, sadly, happen to be niggers. That is why so many women are attracted to niggers. As for white men, you can mostly find them in eastern europe. Or poor regions of western countries. You will notice the fetish for poor, rural men even in the media. There are a lot of movies where rural men get together with city women, that is merely a symptom of this issue. People, consciously or unconsciouly, recognize that urban men have ben utterly emasculated, and you're right about that. Just that not all men live in cities.

>> No.13011372

You're right, I should've made the distinction that I meant urban men, which includes 100% of the people posting here

>> No.13011375

You are honeslty an idiot if you think that. Plato talked about how artists should be deported from his polis, because they have too much power to corrupt people's minds through their artistic rhetoric. Imagine what would happen with the internet. It's so attractive, so shiny. Real men would instantly recognize the issue of the internet, and shun it, block it. Sure, they would probably not block sites like wikipedia, but internet is much more(or rather less), than wikipedia itself, and you know it. It's basically heroin. No idea how people still don't recognize it.

>> No.13011378

it's 2019 even third world peasants have smartphones now

>> No.13011387

OK I'm sorry. My original point was correct, then.

>> No.13011393

Yet here we are...

>> No.13011398

No no no, you totally don't get it. Third world peasants have the access to the internet, that's true, but their drives and psyche are fundamentally different from urban, rich ones. They would never spend more than 2 hours a day just browsing reddit. When you do actual work, when you achieve the power process, as Kaczynski said, your priorities and needs change. Using internet doesn't automatically make you effeminate. However, with urban bugmen using internet only perpetuates the cycle, because they use it as a proxy of a power process, and end up only perpetuating the cycle of making themselves more and more effeminate. That is the nature of the modern decline of the western urban civilization.

>> No.13011405

I concede that I am an urban effeminate bugman, the difference is that I am aware of my nature.

>> No.13011411

Yes, but being aware of it makes it no less pathetic. Hell it's probably worse that we're actively doing nothing to change it

>> No.13011421

what do you guys mean by this, what do you have to do to be not effeminate?

>> No.13011423

For starters get off of this site

>> No.13011426

No it's not worse, that's retarded. I am merely afraid of radical change, just like most urbanites. Don't you think urbanites realize they are getting more and more effeminate, consciously or subconsciously? I am equally pathetic to regular bugmen, but no more pathetic than them, until I decide to change my life. However, consciously and publicly acknowledging the problem is a step in the right direction.

>> No.13011434

i closed the window and nothing happened desu

>> No.13011442

publicly acknowledging the problem and doing absolutely nothing to fix it suggests you're content with the effeminate life you lead.

>> No.13011446

No, senpai you're supposed to keep it closed.

>> No.13011447
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because feminine is latin word & has all the nasty latin implications. for example, you wouldn't really say it's a womanly (a good anglo-saxon word) hobby.

>> No.13011454

It is a hobby that strong males tend to avoid

>> No.13011463

i don't know, alexander the great carried the iliad around with him wherever he went

>> No.13011468

It is a hobby, in 2019, which attracts more women than it does men.

>> No.13011473

does this mean reading is weaker or women are stronger?

>> No.13011475

Reading is weaker.

>> No.13011487

Plato was doing a pretty controversial take. How much of a brainlet do you have to be to believe everything Plato wrote was the common sentiment among his contemporaries. The Athenians loved entertainment, Nietzsche was right in calling them "a people of actors".

>> No.13011489

Because books are the refuge of those unable to leave the house which for most of history has been women in the literate classes.

>> No.13011495

whatever you say

>> No.13011503

If women are reading more then men it doesn't follow that strong males are avoiding reading
Just idiots like you it would seem

Women out reading men doesn't diminish the numbers of Male readers
Think about it for 2 seconds before you run your trap and post more ill-informed garbage

>> No.13011506

don't get so defensive

>> No.13011543

women nowadays don't read books OP, only their social media

>> No.13011555

Jesus fucking christ. Plato was one of the smartest men that lived, ever. Greeks held him as one of the most important thinkers ever, as do people nowadays. What does it matter that his views at the time were contraversial? I don't believe it was common knowledge at the time, just that he probably had the right idea in mind. What Plato said doesn't dispute the value of entertainment, just the danger of entertainment, which surely you realize. Also, you should probablty disregard anything that Nietzche said, solely because he was an effeminate loser in real life. Just read about his own life lmao. You will quickly realize that he is not worth looking seriously at, if you are reasonable enough to recognize that a person's philosophy is strongly correlated/determined by his own choices in life. Same holds for people like Stirner and so on. Just because they are considered greart philosophers in the modern world doesn't mean you should take them seriously haha.
Omg, no it doesn't lmao. How retarded can you be? I am speaking what I find to be true. I am still young, my life will probably change in dramatic ways later on. I am not content with how effeminate I am becoming, which can clearly be seen from the posts I have made before. Stop mischaracterizing me.

>> No.13011628

Nigga mad lol

>> No.13011647

Strong males don't avoid reading, just as I mentioned in my previous posts. It's just that, unlike women, strong men don't consider being a reader as part of their identity. It's merely a means to achieve their goals.

>> No.13011682

"Then be reasonable and do not mind whether the teachers of philosophy are good or bad, but think only of philosophy herself. Try to examine her well and truly and if she be evil seek to turn away all men from her, but if she be what I believe she is then follow her and serve her, and be of good cheer"

This was said by Socrates, plato's fuckdaddy

You're a fucking baboon

>> No.13011701

>doing / not doing something because of what people think about it

>> No.13011704

According to who? You? We don't know what's going on in your head, anon.

>> No.13011787

Right, and I agree with that. But if the philosophy seems pathological itself, it is a good thing to consider where it came from, i.e. the philosophers life itself. I am not a baboon, i am a human being. I never claimed that all philosophy should be judged by how the philospher has lead his life. Merely that if the life is really shitty, especially if the philosopher has made numerous consciously shitty life choices, you should question whether or not you want to take what the person had to say seriously. Learn to read, philistine.

>> No.13011797
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Oh right, you're fucking retarded

>> No.13011810

>things people say when they have no more arguments to offer
I accept your defeat, retard. Now just move on.

>> No.13011815

>hurr durr durr

>> No.13011912

Dumbass should've teleported to Watchtower.

>> No.13011942

Stop replying to me, you utter retard. Shoo shoo, troll, go away.

>> No.13011977

How do you ever run out of prayer at giant mole? You can just tab home, restore stats between kills, falador shield lets you know its location and dharok kills are fast as fuck, just pray melee and piety before attacking you should never run out. Pisses me off seeing someone die to such an easy boss

>> No.13011984

reading is a priestly activity, warriors are busy lifting weights and slaying pussy

>> No.13012015
File: 48 KB, 550x364, 3BA1F609-6F49-4CFE-8857-8FC1D0CD83DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me Death heated

>> No.13012020
File: 111 KB, 521x252, CEE8447E-2220-49E2-9FC2-9D82257B5819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13012022

You don't "slay pussy" unless your either
1) A negroid who finds themselves using a reproduction strategy based around quantity over quality
2) Lack the emotional maturity to develop a healthy and loving realtionship with a women whom you form a partnership with

Men don't fuck, boys and punks fuck, men make love to their wives and have many children, children whom should be read too to instil morals and an apreciation for their culture and people.

>> No.13012032
File: 772 KB, 1125x1897, 8D6CB8E4-8264-4901-B5DA-5458ABB3686B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can say I was very

>> No.13012036

Holy fuck I'm actually screaming, I've never seen such an obviously virgin poster hahahahahahahhaah

>> No.13012041

>reading is a hobby

>> No.13012042
File: 3.98 MB, 1125x2001, D8FBEC40-D1E5-447E-8535-B73F3F0749DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YEAHHH, love you OP

>> No.13012045

Cringe incel.

>> No.13012048
File: 175 KB, 650x433, 1FAF748B-CE07-43A6-BDC9-26C38E53B390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he’s never smelt pussy before, but I can very much say, they stink

>> No.13012052

>the virgin hubby vs the Chad Khan
dehumanize yourself and face to conquest

>> No.13012060

I have had sex with 8 average to hot women.

>> No.13012070

Doesn't change the fact that you have an incel tier attidude. Grow up.

>> No.13012074
File: 31 KB, 350x473, B68D3B08-AE36-4107-BF50-5A3225187C61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, shut the fuck up holy shit

>> No.13012079


>> No.13012141

What's your kill count, bucko

>> No.13012144

body count

>> No.13012184

Okay gramps

>> No.13012200

yes because it is a submissive act. you are being submissive to an authors writing, whether youre taking in their information, reflecting on their words,falling into their stories and creative worlds, etc. doesnt mean its bad and if you think that a man should do only dominant things youre wrong and poisoned by media/internet toxicity

>> No.13012205

“Toxic masculinity” is an assault on the eternal warrior by the eternal merchant. The age of Men will return

>> No.13012210

honestly i feel like the writer is in the submissive position

>> No.13012215

masculinity is toxic, anyone in their right mind will admit that

>> No.13012230 [DELETED] 

perhaps, its not mutually exclusive imo.
have sex. i dont agree with the assault on men from the left but i also noticed how most of those incels who follow mgtow and hate women are the lowest of the low and often just need some sex
not really. a man needs to, and does so, instinctively. men do hard labor, make the best art, create families, etc. theres a time and place for everything. being an edgy fake alpha is not masculine which is probably what youre actually referring to

>> No.13012238

What do you even mean by “toxic”?

>> No.13012240

>perhaps, its not mutually exclusive imo.
yeah, maybe everyone is a servant to everyone else

>> No.13012246

it's just a stereotype, and like all other stereotypes (for example, that gay people are evil or that black people are inferior to white people), it has no basis in reality

>> No.13012256

no i was just referring to being born a man. of course there's nothing you can do about it, men are tragic animals.


>> No.13012260

In what way are men “poisoned”?

>> No.13012267

Women reading more than men is a very strongly established fact.

>> No.13012274

there is no essence of masculinity you faggot. Men have evolved to do all sorts of random shit, some men act like psychopathic retards, some try to be extremely productive, it's all just more or less successful strategies to reproduce

Women have less variance because so little is asked of them, they never had any power to begin with, and whoever the strongest man is gets to tell them to open their legs. Mostly they just have to look good while theyre young and not let their babies starve

>> No.13012281

>there is no essence of masculinity
>men have evolved to perform specific functions
makes you think, doesn’t it

>> No.13012289

a variety of strategies which are distributed among men, many of which literally contradict each other

there is absolutely no way to 'act like a man' that encompasses all the things associated with male reproductive success

>> No.13012294

I don’t know, benis in bagina seems like a pretty essential reproductive strategy

>> No.13012297

Women have a higher average IQ and prefer literary intellectual pursuits, whereas your average male concerns himself only with beer, superhero films, and rape

>> No.13012299

based, redpilled, et cetera

>> No.13012301

there's something absurd about the male condition. lots of artists have been onto this (maybe all of them). wilde said each man kills the thing he loves. look at othello, strangling desdemona while kissing her.

>> No.13012313

>the play about blacc pepol
really makes you think

>> No.13012321

only one black person actually

>> No.13012325

>here's something absurd about the male condition.
that's just the human condition, women are not conscious enough to be aware of their absurdity

>> No.13012350
File: 247 KB, 1000x1462, D7D04512-FC11-4384-89DF-0DCEA61CAA8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m waiting until marriage

>> No.13012355

More women read. I’m in college and the only people I can talk to about the readings are all women

>> No.13012357

women are different. women when they are jealous translate it immediately into hate.
othello's story is monumentally a male tragedy. he's a perfect male type, he kills desdemona adoring her. isn't that enormously masculine, to murder this girl, adoring her. no woman would do that. she would forgive the man, or forget his crime, or kill him, but she would never kill him loving him. that is the hypocrisy, the poetry, and the absurdity of the male condition.

>> No.13012358
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>> No.13012401

I don’t read books. Reading is a passive and unmanly act, so I take the MALE approach and contend violently with others on /lit/ about literature I haven’t read

>> No.13012406

girls love getting choked during sex

>> No.13012427

girls love everything

>> No.13012435
File: 1.42 MB, 1125x894, 5B27C251-54FE-4D08-85F7-7FE0D780A5A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you?, and why aren’t we friends anon

>> No.13012437
File: 68 KB, 1024x768, E4C873DE-D67B-4AF7-933D-FBC62E02F68C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I punish, dominate and control mine

>> No.13012448

They don't love me

>> No.13012452

you have to love them first

>> No.13012460

women are more neurotic and have the burden of child rearing, dont be daft. that is a lot to ask of a person. and no the strongest man does not get the women, its power. just as likely as a muscular bound chad who cleans pools would fuck stacy, a dorky millionaire silicon valley can do the same. also women can choose who they mate with. they have more power in that regard than men, who toil their lives for the perfect woman.