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13011216 No.13011216 [Reply] [Original]

So, if I buy an e-book reader (NOT Kindle), will I be able to buy and read e-books from Amazon or not?

>> No.13011379
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>> No.13011686

>buys apps
>buys EBOOKS
What's wrong with you

>> No.13011827

in theory no, it's not the same format but you might be able to convert from mobi to anything quite easily. converting from epub to mobi works great so it might work the other way too
so yes?

>> No.13011913

Don't buy ebooks you fucking loser
Digital items have no inherent value

>> No.13012153

ive never owned a kindle before because i thought they were stupid, but i want to be able to read with the lights off. night vision goggles are pretty expensive; what kindle should one get?

>> No.13012258

Pocketbook or kobo are so-so. Kindle PW4 is still best deal all around.
As for retarded reasons like "muh botnet" arguments. If you care about that, just jailbreak it. Gets rid
of ads and you can install sane reader software. You'd do almost same dance with other readers, too.

>will I be able to buy and read e-books from Amazon or not?
Kinda, there's store for android devices. Android readers suck mightily and are not even that cheap, however.

>> No.13012508

thnx bb

>> No.13012800

Kobo clara HD

>> No.13013112

This is probably the best option at the moment.

>> No.13013115

> buy ebooks
just download it online and convert to a format your reader supports
google "ONLINE EBOOK CONVERTER" it's fucking free

>> No.13013160

whats the difference between this a kindle and a e-book reader? I want to read with a little reader just as OP does but I don't feel I would be comfortable with an Amazon kindle;makes me paranoid

>> No.13013242

>no epub support
>forced adverts

No thanks.