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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13010613 No.13010613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Get SSI. Will use it to write.

>> No.13010798
File: 45 KB, 501x406, SSDI bux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based OP.
You should work for a few weeks to qualify for the superior SSDI. You'll increase your payout by a few hundred dollars.
Don't forget, you can apply for a section 8 voucher in most states as a family of 1 with it. Takes a while but it's possible. They'll dish out up to $2000/month for rent without batting an eye and will not take out from your SSDI payment.

Take advantage of the Medicaid too. Some psychoanalysts take it. I don't have anything wrong with me mentally but I enjoy visiting these people for philosophical discussions. They regard me more as a colleague than a patient.

Truly, living the life of a welfare King is better than most professions. Unless you're able to make over 6 figures, the welfare life just makes more sense.

>> No.13011099

>legitimate mental issues
>schizo personality type, unlikely to ever seek help
really tempted to do this though. it's clear i can't survive on my own. all i want is to be /comfy/ and writefag with no worries. i hate wageslaving, i cannot fit into society.

>> No.13011121

>all i want is to be /comfy/ and writefag with no worries
Stop reminding me.... Do I really have to stoop to government assistance to live out my dreams?

>> No.13011258

Nah, it's longer than working for a few weeks, isn't it? For ssdi?

>> No.13011303

Do you have a white collar job?

>> No.13011351

had. had a disagreement and now i don't, for now, but i have to get another one soon. when i work fulltime i get so depressive that i start walking in front of cars.

>> No.13011410

Shit, I wouldn't be sad if I made $50k a year.

>> No.13011430

For $100 to 200 monthly increase, it's very possible.
use the SSDI calculator

>> No.13011435

Do it. If you've worked a good job, you can get good amount of money.
Autism is a good diagnosis too, most people here have a mild form of it.

>> No.13011436

Will working 15 hours a week work?

>> No.13011445

SSDI payment calculator


>> No.13011450

Depends how much that averages to. If it's over 10k a year average, yes. Might be too late if you already filed. Talk with a disability attorney.

>> No.13011493
File: 247 KB, 450x450, 003-021-0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- $1600 SSDI payment, tax free (monthly)
- $1500 Section 8 Voucher (monthly; rent only, some states allow it for mortgage payments!)
- $200 EBT (Monthly)
- Top tier medicaid plans with $0 deductibles
[x] multipliers if you have children for all of the above
- Free cellular plan
- Total student loan forgiveness
- The ability to tell employers, people you dislike, to go straight to hell and be as based as smug tuxedo pepe without fear of losing benefits (priceless)

You're genuinely retarded if you work a sub $100k job in 2019 aside from perhaps a priest or a monk. Only go to school if you plan on becoming a pharmacist, lawyer (top school only for this one, otherwise forget it), or pharmacist. Those all have the potential to make big six figure salaries right off the bat.

undergrad degree only is how you get stuck making $40k, most of that going to bills, insurance, rent/mortgage. It just isn't worth it. There is no room for advancement. Networking is a meme.

>> No.13011500

>or pharmacist

>> No.13011505

Believe me, if I was not socially retarded I might be making $35k a year now.

>> No.13011507

$35k a year is garbage compared to welfare.

>> No.13011508

>living around section 8 trash
If it weren't for this, it'd sound pretty nice.

>> No.13011516
File: 25 KB, 275x275, CF7DB8AD-3876-4719-8304-3F74C71F9F66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people sound like the laziest bunch of fucks ever. I work full time, write at night and live comfortably as I finish one piece of work after the next. Quit being a burden on the tax payer and just An Hero.

>> No.13011528

Section 8 isn't the projects.
It's a voucher payment that is used and accepted by 90% of landlords/renting companies.

>> No.13011536

>yeah bro, waste your time and talent, and energy for some retard paying paying you the bare minimum needed to survive. y-you don't deserve that welfare, it's for niggers, single mothers and minorities only, how dare you sir !

>> No.13011542

t. cuck