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/lit/ - Literature

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13009239 No.13009239 [Reply] [Original]

whenever you think lit is full of retards, consider this:

>> No.13009249

Go the fuck back
I hate you faggots

>> No.13009251


>> No.13009252
File: 2.84 MB, 3587x2815, 1535402530726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13009268

Imagine being the kind of faggot that actually reads anything.

He should spend all day shitposting about IJ and Nietzsche, like me.

>> No.13009283

Some days I feel like shit but then I see someone like this, and my inherent superiority to all others is affirmed yet again

>> No.13009291


>> No.13009298

Reading isn't an intrinsic good. If all you read is shit then you aren't doing anything worthwhile.

>> No.13009436

I’m seriously thinking I met this person a couple months ago, I feel better now that I was very condescending, fucking retard degenerates

>> No.13009443

A redneck who reads Jung and DFW. Now I've seen it all.

>> No.13009446

if you like laughing at redditposts there's a website that provides several subreddits specifically for that purpose

>> No.13009461

Link my fellow /literature/ brother, it’s going to take a lot to top this one.

>> No.13009497

>Freedom of choice ™
Hahaha trolling the drumpfters with a covert devo reference.

>> No.13009525

People on 4chan are smart people who act inept and reddit users are actually fucking retards

>> No.13009536

>only Joyce he owns is Ulysses
Honestly, why even bother?

>> No.13009540


>> No.13009547

What?, shut your shit

>> No.13009551

I can’t understand anything I don’t relate to and I’m here.

>> No.13009566

>tfw see my book in there

>> No.13009588

I've noticed that a lot of the most popular kid's shows seem to be literally just about kids and their parents, i don't remember anything like that when i was young and the whole thing seems outputtingly narcissistic.

>> No.13009669

Pride truly is a addictive sin.
Better late than never, I'd say.

>> No.13009687


>> No.13009695

I remember you. No amount of books and no matter how thick they are is going to make you non-retarded.

>> No.13009701

this image has been around 4chan for good two years now, you newfags.

>> No.13009706


>> No.13009709

I heard that many years ago in different wording.
>4channel (formerly 4chan) is full of geniuses pretending to be morons while reddit is full of morons pretending to be geniuses.

>> No.13009716

Nice copy of The Red Book

>> No.13009754


>> No.13009829

>I know every imagine on 4channel ha ha ha nolife loser

>> No.13009852




>> No.13009875

hey alright

>> No.13009897

hey man have you seen this cat? it's so long! LOL

>> No.13009902

Oh fuck off. 4chan is the haven of contrarian midwits and lebbit is the haven of conformist midwits theres no other difference.

>> No.13009915

One of refined taste is a contrarian to the uninitiated.

>> No.13009921


>> No.13009993

Yeah that’s it, there you go

>> No.13010065

I’ve never read something so pretentious before holy shit

>> No.13010070

The kino phone case makes it all worth it.

>> No.13010098
File: 105 KB, 960x638, 5ABD9772-96F3-49F2-A7CD-7D9FC41F458B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off You rapist

>> No.13010101


>> No.13010114
File: 111 KB, 521x252, 1023DE10-9A5B-49ED-AEE3-FC08CEA33436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you necrophiliac

>> No.13010130

Yeah this, we're just pretending to be pinheads while we're actually gifted underarchievers haha. Tfw smart but lazy...

>> No.13010133

yeah pretty much this
the actual advantage of 4chan over reddit is that it often knows that it is retarded and contrarian and thus (usually...) takes things with a grain of salt
4chan is still subject to a lot of retarded groupthink though

>> No.13010149


>> No.13010162
File: 102 KB, 1984x962, 7029F632-3410-4CD5-ABD9-841F720AE80C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s true, I believe in you anon

>> No.13010168
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>> No.13010170

keep it down

>> No.13010190

>only rednecks own guns
lol faggot

>> No.13010191
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>> No.13010235
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>> No.13010274


>> No.13010282

imagine posting this

>> No.13010313



>> No.13010347

In my experience the users here are not really more openminded than in other places. The difference is that you will have both tankies and nazis in a single thread flinging shit. That doesn't occur anywhere else because one side runs the moderation and will delete all the posts it doesnt like and ban the users.

This might not seem like much of a positive point in 4chan's favor, but it is in a way. If you come here you are simply forced to see people you don't like posting things you disagree with, and not in a memey way where it's like a screenshot that everyone points at and laughs and doesn't allow the guy to defend himself.

So while people are generally reactive retards myself included, over a long time period you start to sort of be familiarized with arguments and perspectives you wouldn't have otherwise simply because they're all here in the same place, over and over, they're allowed to defend themselves and argue their points over an hours long discussion with hundreds of posts, and you can't help but start to be less shocked by them. You even start to be familiar enough that you can almost argue the side of the position you disagree with.

In practice it is hard to not just call people idiots and ignore them, but you are still forced to see the opinions, and some part of you knows that these people aren't simply retards because you've seen them defend their ideas with actual knowledge and reason at times. Maybe you have different fundamental premises, maybe you each want something different and it makes you biased in different directions, but I find that it humanizes people in a way that is the exact opposite of what I see on echo chamber websites, where people self-segregate and start to view their opponents as caricatures of idiocy, ignorance, and malevolence.

>> No.13010787

This is why I like lit. Literally every other book site is invaded with manchildren who are obsessed with YA and get mad if you mention something of quality.
Look at the spines. None of these books look read. It's a shame because there's some good picks in there

>> No.13010838

whenever you think reddit is full of retards remember that 4chan includes /pol/, /x/ and /b/.

>> No.13010871

reddit political boards are far worse than /pol/

>> No.13010877

God, this is more embarrassing than the reddit post. Though I suppose I shouldn't have expected better given all the JBP threads here.

>> No.13010889

Unfortunately not.

>> No.13010895

they're filled with CIA shills which is a crime far worse than anything /pol/tards can commit

>> No.13010901

pol is definitely full of shills. You dont even have to make an account or have any sort of legitimacy. 50% of the threads in the catalog are 1postbythisID shills

>> No.13010909

I'm glad to know you're forced to accept le ebul nazis are human and reasoned but its funny that I can assure you most of them form the exact opposite opinions of you guys throughout so called "debate". You generally further cement the belief you cannot be reasoned with and will never stop, should not be entertained and that violence is inevitable.

>> No.13010919

>using 4chan /pol/ post cripple chan exodus
>using cripple chan /pol/ with any regularity
>visiting /pol/ at all when all of 4chan is /pol/
why would anyone do this that board died even before the election

>> No.13010925

half of the internet is CIA shill. that or zoomers are literally braindead and insult me whenever I post something vaguely intellectual. Try it, go anywhere on the internet, post something a little bit thought provoking and you will be met with delegitimizing replies in a matter of minutes. That's the key point; delegitimizing replies, not dumb insults or shitposts.

>> No.13010929

not really. /pol/ blames outgroups for pretty much every single issue which is like the lowest form of political discourse

>> No.13010956

Why? Because you say so? The overwhelming majority of history and everyone's grievances with colonialism and imperialism beg to differ. You don't even believe your own bullshit man. Unironically you faggots need to go back.
>well on reddit they do this
No one cares. Stay there.

>> No.13010963

This image gets the nogunz raging every time. Love it

>> No.13010968

get mad about it cuck. I'm not going anywhere

>> No.13010969

>/pol/ blames outgroups for pretty much every single issue which is like the lowest form of political discourse
And you call everything you don't like /pol/ so by your own admission you're a moron. Are you just projecting because you know you're retarded?

>> No.13010975

That's not the CIA. That happens on it's own. Same thing happens at any office meeting. NPCs have this urge to contribute despite having nothing to say, so they spew out unhelpful bullshit as a reflex

>> No.13010977

>>>/pol/ and cringe

>> No.13011180

Post some examples of when I called everything I don't like /pol/

>> No.13011518

is that a copy of the foundation for exploration?

>> No.13011558

>old white men
Where did this come from? Most of the classics were written when the authors were fairly young. Is it because they are dead?

>> No.13011609

pictures of the author are usually of them in older age when their fame was fully reached. It is a bit deceiving

>> No.13011620

every post you've made in your several storied months of using 4chan and whining about it the whole time

>> No.13011668


>> No.13012043

Yes but 4chan has as close to freedom of speech as possible largely because of anonymity. Reddit is closely “moderated” so that dissenting opinion is removed from view.

>> No.13012073

at least he's trying to actually read something better than YA, he's just struggling with finding it and finding it to be good

>> No.13012194

>finger grooves
>drum mag
Haha laugh at this faggot

>> No.13012284

I don't know why so many people act like this is just a ridiculous concept, lots of people are smart but lazy because they never had to try in early schooling.

>> No.13012292

>you are simply forced to see people you don't like posting things you disagree with
This makes you more open minded, in fact being more open minded is a requirement.

>> No.13012304

They're getting more and more schizo over time, every issue is addressed with conspiratorial thinking and hysterical oppression narratives.

>> No.13012310

shut up faggot.

>> No.13013709

'writing arguments' always gets me.

>> No.13013749

They are the frontier of modern culture going full schizo, as its heralds, researchers, victims and whistleblowers at the same time. It's a very /lit/ enterprise in a way, as long as one preserves enough of himself to not go completely with the flow and make some reflections.

>> No.13013843

Do people really get upset about swearing?

>> No.13014117

all of you people who are encouraging this redditposting are cancer

>> No.13014167
File: 151 KB, 454x453, IMG_4051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>battle royale
>>immediately fucking below "the moral judgment of the child"
I fucking kek'd so hard