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/lit/ - Literature

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13008310 No.13008310 [Reply] [Original]

I have become a slave to sensation. How do I break out of the hedonist trap? All I do is eat, shit, sleep, jerk off and browse Youtube and this shithole website. I constantly crave crass stimulation - I have ceased to be a personality anymore and am now merely an accumulation of nerve endings. Help me find a way to becoming a person again.

If you say the Bible without being specific I'm going to burgle your house.

>> No.13008320

anon, what is happening in that image?

>> No.13008332
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The Qur'an



>> No.13008334

Get a job

>> No.13008336

>Books for
stop this
adding muh "books for this feel" does not make it a literature thread

>> No.13008338

Platonism, Confucianism, the Bible and christianity, Stoicism, Buhddism, Hinduism, pretty much 95% of philosophy.

>> No.13008340

quitting masturbation is unironically the number one step you can take to removing yourself from your present misery

>> No.13008346

This but unironically, being a wagecuck leaves so little time for being wasteful even OP's measly willpower should be enough, especially if he decides to pursue some real hobbies and productive endavours outside of work.

>> No.13008349

have you tried reading the bible (book: ecclesiastes)?

>> No.13008350

It does though.

>> No.13008356


>> No.13008371
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>> No.13008387
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>Customers who bought this item also bought

>> No.13008392

That book completely changed how I see life. I was a different man after reading it

>> No.13008398

that can't be real

>> No.13008417

I just found out about it when I googled Anon's suggestion and checked Amazon.


>> No.13008420

oh believe me it is

>> No.13008443

Catholicism and marxism.

>> No.13008454

I was you and then I got a level 0 laboring job, it taught me how to be alive again, there was nothing better to me than getting up before dawn and having a smoke at sunrise on the way to work

>> No.13008455

I can't wait for "petersonian critique of postmodern neomarxism" to become an academic discipline.

>> No.13008476

having no control and acting upon your impulses is a sign of a subhuman
are you subhuman or can you stop?

>> No.13008564

I have one

>> No.13008569


>> No.13008574


>> No.13008632


>> No.13008637

nice bump

>> No.13008654


>> No.13008656
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Summer gets earlier every year.

>> No.13008673

yeah, you're here

>> No.13008699

Worst advice, shill. This guy advocates sleeping around. Cringe and slavepilled.

>> No.13008705

nothing is more pleasurable than witnessing yourself develope as a person

>> No.13008888

Pascal's Pensees
Anything by Kierkegaard
The Gospels and Paul's Epistles
Augustine's Confessions

>> No.13009058

>the people in this thread sugesting a wage-slave level jobs as alternatives
If that is a proper life, I choose death.
That patch will only make you numb and give you a bad reason to wake up in the morning and force you into bed. Tell me, have you ever, on a off day, wanted to just waltz in the office, sit on that cubicle and type away your free time?
My take on the subject. Go jogging around your town's natural areas. Parks, forests, mountains, beaches. Any place outside of your usual dailly routine. While you are at it, try a new place to have a lunch, talk to people, read a book outside. The change of scenario will do wonders.

>> No.13009296


>> No.13009368

100% this. Changed my life completley.

If something is wrong and you're not sure what, stop masturbating.

>> No.13009400
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>> No.13009506

That's right wagie, stop thinking and go back to work now, Mr. Shekelsberg's gold won't earn itself!

>> No.13009749

Based NEETposter

>> No.13009760

•Watch Rocky/Ippo
•start boxing

>> No.13009773

willpower. just do it. will comes from nowhere, but it can be acquired by anyone. impose your will on yourself and have discipline

>> No.13009827
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Forget about willpower, it's bullshit. Willpower is what you do to not break when facing aversity, not when facing yourself. The magic sauce is breaking out of comfort zone. Set yourself up to be way out of it. Popular options:
- Women: travel to india to "find yourself" (ie get raped there)
- Men: enlist military
Truth is the meme works. Abandon everything that comforts you. Burn the bridge, and swim or sink, otherwise you'll just rot away.

>> No.13009883

The solutions is more hedonism, do what you want to do. If being lazy makes you feel bad, then stop being lazy.

>> No.13009906

>How do I break out of the hedonist trap?
You don't, every single action in your life that you consciously take is in some way hedonistic since you commit it because you think it's a superior choice, i.e. you do it to please yourself

>> No.13009929
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>unable to discern between long term & short term, because the latter "always feels right"
I can almost see the reason why bible thumpers are periodically raiding this board, it's got infected by niggers.

>> No.13009941

The Bible but bein specific.

>> No.13009943

How the fuck do the long-term decisions contradict my statement? Don't you take them because you consider them to be superior choices?

>> No.13009964

Caring about pleasure long-term contra short-term is epicureanism, a hedonistic school.

>> No.13009966
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Bible thumpers have been coming here for ages nigger.

>> No.13010040

I'm in your house right now

>> No.13010201

I read that a decade ago and ever since those verses have been resounding through my head
>There is nothing new under the sun
>Vanity of vanities, all is vanity
>In much wisdom is much grief
>For every thousand bad lads there's a good lad, but for all the women in the world there's not a single good one

>> No.13010230
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>> No.13011200

>implying working night shift security isn't the most /lit/ way to live
I sit in empty buildings, read whatever takes my fancy, write constantly, and get paid for it. You dont have to slave your life away to get a paycheck. If you're a NEET you already know how to work the system, use it to your advantage and make enough money to do more than survive. If you've got a pulse and can stand for 30 minutes you're already over qualified.

>> No.13011229

Try epicurus. You are living under the notion that all hedonism is bad.

>> No.13011238

boohoo syd from ice age wont date me whatever shall i do

>> No.13011306
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>and can stand for 30 minutes

>> No.13011424

That's an OVER qualification my guy. Seriously, you should see some of the dudes who dude night time security. It's mostly pensioners, burn-outs, and black women. A few former NEETs and very rarely some college kids pick it up. I did it for a few months when I got out of the service before I found a good 9-5, but I realized I was killing myself and completely unhappy. Remembered that I used to play vidya at my old job and nobody gave a shit, so now I'm trying to follow my dream of being a writer and my company is basically footing the bill. I would seriously reccomend it to anybody who needs some cash and a real laid back job. Just make sure you stay unarmed or your ass will end up in the ghetto running after crack heads.

>> No.13011513
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>> No.13011877
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Have a high level of natural dopamine so you don't have to chase pleasure.

>> No.13011919

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.13012058

You should start taking action and listen to what you can for help by taking action I mean actually starting to work twoards a better life if you have people in your life talk to them about your problems talk to friends and family I had the same problem as you a while ago and it took two years after I decided to get better I have a mental illness (schizophrenia) you should look for somthing meaning full to give you something of substance in life think about what your life the way you want it to be and keep pursuing that vision as a goal.

>> No.13012091
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Rape her?

>> No.13012473

Why are there three big boobs but only two small ones?

>> No.13012813

Start with the sapiential books to sort out your life and then go to the NT. The secret is not doing things for yourself, but for God. Your love for him must be higher than everything, even your own life. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so the damage you do to it desecrates the sacred abode.

>> No.13013181
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>a journey into the mind of humanity's greatest thinker

>> No.13013478

just read this, pretty good

>> No.13013703
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Did you need to acquire a guard card or are there ways one can work without one?

>> No.13013777

Depends on the state/country, but nearly every company will train you and get you certified. IIRC in my state you can work for 30 days without a cert.