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13008184 No.13008184 [Reply] [Original]

the fuck is this?
anyone read this?

>> No.13008187

probably fearmongering and failing to adress the actual problems that caused the rise of the alt-right.

>> No.13008206
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>Mike Wendling, BBC journalist
I'm sure he has tremendous insight into the matter and provides an honest unbiased interpretation.

>> No.13008278

ALT-RIGHT: How US Political Complex Has Collectively Turned Into FOX News And Resorted To Exploding Vans To Explain Why Democrats Have Lost The Elections

>> No.13008280

>actual problems that caused the rise of the alt-right.
economic anxiety?

>> No.13008307

overcooked tendies

>> No.13008312

mommy won't gibe milkies

>> No.13008319

>it's another progressive journo with shallow understanding of the internet culture

>> No.13008322

Tumblr ban of advertiser-unfriendly content.

>> No.13008325

>white circle on red background to allude to the the nazi armband
>pixelated font because muh gamer nazis
yeah, this is gonna be a good and unbiased book i’m sure.

>> No.13008343
File: 1.42 MB, 901x1350, AltRightMockupRedLeather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't particularly like Greg Johnson and most of this book is probably boomer tier, but it's def a much more accurate insight into the alt-right, if you care about that.

>> No.13008355

>le jewish question

hard pass

>> No.13008359

Gregory Sadler recommends this guy so don't mock him.

>> No.13008366

The governing elite in the west has become highly mobile, tied to no single country. They no longer govern for national interests, or in the interests of their 'citizens', only global (i.e. their) interests. If an African is 5 times more economically productive in Europe than Africa it makes all the sense in the world to them to import them en masse. Negative consequences are the fault of unenlightened provincial plebs.
This global ruling class has combined the social justice ideology, producing woke capitalism. Traditionalism, nationalism, socialism is just the antithesis.

>> No.13008378

I don't like it either, but it's almost inevitable that one will stumble upon it on his way towards redpilling himself.
Clinging to the JQ as if it's some dogmatic center piece of nationalism is pathological, though.

>> No.13008385

>le red pill


>> No.13008432

Sorry, I don’t think this is the website for you. Try Instagram, it’s less problematic.

>> No.13008468

The JQ absolutely is the central issue for Western nationalism right now.

>> No.13008470

>dey racist
>det dont actually be usin facts
>dey be memein da youth
>le gamers

Is this the gist of it? Altright barely matters anymore in 2019 the year of our lord

>> No.13008481

Says the election migrant, lmao irony

>> No.13008503

No, it isn't. The central issue, if anything, is the state of spiritual apathy of white people, which would not improve if you simply removed the Jews. The place of the Jews would quickly be filled up by others.

Also, listen to Žižek and Richard Spencer on this topic

>> No.13008511
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>> No.13008526

Started listening and this shit is really, really dumb. He's confusing politics with whatever jerk-off political science class he visited. Facts aren't truths. If the condition of the people is that they can attack the first, most pressing issue, they can move further. You won't first fix the "spiritual apathy" (yikes btw) and then everything will magically fall into place - all while having no opposition whatsover up until that point.

>> No.13008549

Okay retard

>> No.13008558

How are Jews a pressing issue? Can you not see the state of (white) people, what drives and motivates them?
The societal problems of the West started centuries ago, late 18th century if not even sooner.
You and muh JQ people are fantasizing about some alternate reality where whites were just fine living in harmony before Jews came and fucked the system up. Jews are maybe better at exploiting the system, but they're not the driving force.

>> No.13008583

That's how human culture and civilisations work. The west can't be saved. Only jews are corrupting the end our people should have.
Read Spengler, basically.
suck my dick nigger

>> No.13008597

The west is 100% in its final cycle rn, Id be more relieved if other parts were actually better and would take its place instead but its not going to happen that way. Hope I shift off this mortal coil before shit really hits the fan

>> No.13008602

>not wanting to see shit hit the fan

>> No.13008605

Woah dude not cool!

>> No.13008609

Any books you'd like to recommend?

>> No.13008610

You’re lumping together civic nationalists with alt-right folks. That said, I’m not so sure the JQ plays as important of a part in the alt-right’s general concerns as you seem to think.

>> No.13008611

Spengler was wrong lol

>> No.13008617

Yeah they're more concerned about the tendie question because mom's such a fucking cunt

>> No.13008628

I'd recommend going back to r/eddit if you want less cool discourse.
80 IQ and hasn't-read-him-pilled
That's quite possible. I guess you'd know that better than me. That being said, finding the perfect ironclad correct ideology and being right which many of these fellas seem to be obsessed about gets no one nowhere. That's why a simple issue like Jews = bad - which also happens to be true - is the most effective starting point.

>> No.13008631

In other words, racist boomers got tricked by Thatcher and Reagan and Rush Limbaugh into thinking capitalism was good
now 40 years later their zoomer brat grandkids are realizing capitalism is bad but instead of actually politically organizing against capitalism they're posting screaming frogs and clowns and the n-word over and over because they're literally sub-70 IQ retards
meanwhile the boomers have truly gone off the deep end

>> No.13008639

Even Huxley had a retort to his nonsense

>> No.13008643

wow, I guess I'm a #cruzmissile now
get the fuck out of here retard

>> No.13008646

Yeah we should be more like communist Russia or China and download epic games store today

>> No.13008653 [DELETED] 

You first faggot ;)

>> No.13008655
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Not him, but the French New Right in general. Alain de Benoist, guys like that.
Also, Moldbug.

>> No.13008657

If organized leftists of all the eras couldnt do it how would dumb internet poisoned zoomers do it?

>> No.13008659
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What a Cuckface

>> No.13008696

sounds retarded.

Alt right is a retarded term. It either means literal neo nazi's (that fat fuck Spencer who coined the term) or just edgy immigration focused right wingers under the age of 40.

>> No.13008703

Yeah you can go fuck right off.

>> No.13008704

>literal neo nazi's
>that spacing
Why do all the redditors come out of the woodwork for these threads?

>> No.13008715
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I don't have any ideology books to recommend, but I suggest pic related to understand why Africa is not going to be transformed into a functional continent (except perhaps with economically dominant minorities running things), and why it's worthwhile protecting productive nations from mass third world immigration. This is the major factor ignored by the current elite because they only see the short term benefit of having an extra body increasing GDP. Humans are not fungible.

>> No.13008724

I'll be the leader :)

>> No.13008730

who are you quoting?

>> No.13008737

>white house is alt-right
>the most philosemitic president EVER is presiding over one of the largest mass third-world migration rates EVER
>while being left of Bill Clinton in 92 on the American political spectrum

>> No.13008743

Are you handicapped?

>> No.13008751
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>> No.13008753

> the next blockbuster in economics
I wouldn't consider it a praise.

>> No.13008754

>If organized leftists of all the eras couldnt do it
It's only been ~100 years (how long did it take to end feudalism?) and capitalism keeps getting worse

Most of the failure so far (not all of it of course) has been a result of US foreign policy--ironically this gives American communists a better shot than most other countries

anyway, now would be a perfect time to get things rolling. I'm not talking about Medicare-for-all shit (although that's good too), I mean ending imperialist capitalism, arresting climate change, wiping out the parasite class, and freeing the world

>> No.13008762

Russia and China are both capitalist

>> No.13008793

When was the governing elite "immobile"? I suppose you could say the world was a lot more closed after WWI to the 1970s. The global elites are not concerned about "productivity" but financial returns and foreign direct investment into the unregulated third world is more attractive than highly regulated first world countries. If you read anything coming out of places like the Council on Foreign Relations they are against uncontrolled immigration and just as scared of potential instability as most of the "alt-right".

There was no trick. Vast swats of the mainstream population benefited from financial liberalization and supply side economics in the 80s. Of course it also increased the underclass but that was a peripheral issue. Thatcher and Reagan didn't give a shit and just dismantled industries and shipped them to Asia whereas you see the alternative in the USSR where in the Brezhnev era they tried to maintain outdated heavy industry regardless of the costs. Of course if that growth model ever worked it doesn't work any more since cheap foreign commodities and easy access to finance markets aren't what people are interested in now.

>> No.13008823

>When was the governing elite "immobile"?
Before the elites were defined by making money alone.
The merchants (no triple parenthesis) are now creating cultural hegemony. This is the fundamental flaw of modernity.

>> No.13008828
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You can tell he's a trouble maker. You can just tell.

Read this book instead. The author is actually fair which is normally unheard of with these things.

>> No.13008861
File: 47 KB, 440x677, whiteshift1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know that guy, but one of the few liberals who understands and speaks honestly about white nationalism is Eric Kaufmann

I think he gets it even too well, which is why you probably won't see him on CNN or Fox News.

>> No.13008872

I can't tell if I like this cover or not

>> No.13008881

Claiming the fundamental flaw of modernity is the commercialization of culture means that it doesn't have to be so as if you can protect culture from the total transformation entailed when accepting the basic premises of the sovereign individual. You have the whole hype about "cultural appropriation" and such which fails because it wants it both ways.

>> No.13008924

Having money or shares rather than land as your principle capital makes you much more mobile. Most elites only own land as a quaint pasttime now. Democracy and egalitarianism means there is no inherited political power anymore, which means there's little benefit to considering what happens to any scrap of country in 50 or 100 years - your descendents could be anywhere on the globe by that point. All that matters is maximising your return.
The internet and commercial air travel, the rise of tax havens, a global lingua franca: yeah, I think elites are more mobile than at any point in history.
>Council on Foreign Relations they are against uncontrolled immigration and just as scared of potential instability
They're not scared that it's fundamentally the wrong thing to do in the long term, only that it might upset the yokels. Lift up off the accelator lest the yellow vests burn everything down.

>> No.13008976

very odd how you criticize youth for not organizing and then in the same breath present a caricature of that very same attempt at organizing

>> No.13008990

>When was the governing elite "immobile"?
monarchy was at least a little immobile due to bloodlines and heritage
at least if they wanted to run away it would take them a lot longer to mobilize their capital and resources and whatnot than the elites of today who can hop unto a plain and be somewhere else along with all their money by tomorrow

>> No.13008993

Cunny trying to ruin video games

>> No.13009022

*legal* immigration

>> No.13009030

Posting pepe memes on pol isn't organization

>> No.13009066
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excuse me?

>> No.13009073
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>No one just fucking said demographic decline

>> No.13009079

If Richard Spencer was worth listening to he wouldn't be platformed by msm

>> No.13009086

Why do these publishers have the absolute worst graphic design imaginable? I actually buy some of the stuff from Arktos but my god, whoever puts it together seems intent on it looking like complete dogshit, I bought the hardbacks of de Benoits View from the RIght so I could throw away the embarrassing dustcovers

>> No.13009114
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>> No.13009129

Back to /v/, fuccboi

>> No.13009136

cultural conservatives are always going to be lacking in some aspect of aesthetic design or art because artists and creatives are 99% perverts and degenerates

>> No.13009141

It’s too late for containment

>> No.13009150

Yeah and no conservative was ever a sexual deviant. What a crazy thing to say. Even /lit/ is this fucked now?

First time back to 4chan since 2010

>> No.13009170

OP here
So nobody has actually read this?

>> No.13009172
File: 80 KB, 960x629, 5336272C-D066-4147-91BB-F946FF356A0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let’s pick on gamer nerds
>what could possibly go wrong

>> No.13009175

Do NOT fuck with us gamers libshit

>> No.13009177

It's time to have sex

>> No.13009180

No, the peterson/zizek bots are just in a frenzy at the moment

>> No.13009181


>> No.13009186

You targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

>> No.13009197

They aren't we're all gone die. Accumulate as much Google stock as absolutely possible and hope Demis Hassabis spares your life from robot dick fsggot.

>> No.13009206

Hell yeah brother

>> No.13009347

No, the US is having a massive surge of Central Americans right now, 100k-200k per month. 30-40% of the citizenry of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador etc. Now live in the US. That's not even counting legal migrants. It adds up to around 2-3m per year. I think the goal amongst the ruling class is around 1b population.

>> No.13009360


>> No.13009367


I hated niggers long before I started hating the jews.

>> No.13009408

This is a huge annoyance for me as well. I can't even read de Benoist's Indo-Europeans book just because the cover is so awful. I'm not even going to attach it to this post.

As far as Greg and Counter-Currents goes he's such a smart guy but he's constantly causing problems with people from Aktros and others, who in turn go ballistic and point out he's likely gay and so the cycle continues. I also hate the fact he gives a platform to my little bronie goofballs.

>> No.13009508

This, Trump is basically a 90's Democrat, yet somehow the media convinced people that he's LITERALLY HITLER. I have no idea why people get so emotional and hysterical about Trump, the country isn't any different than it would have been under Clinton, except Clinton seemed ready to start WWIII with Russia.

>> No.13009583

Trump's a fucking retard who can't go 5 minutes without saying something blatantly retarded. I'd be pissed if he was my leader too

>> No.13009594

Yeah it's much better that Putin got his stoodge elected instead ;)

>> No.13009597

Goes to show how much of a brainlet you are.
Results before words, are you the type of person who gets all soft for an Obama speech and then blind to his actions?

>> No.13009598

>Gregory Sadler
literally who?

>> No.13009607

just kill yourself man, youre hopeless

>> No.13009617

>Still clinging

>> No.13009619

>The place of the Jews would quickly be filled up by others.
uh yeah sure buddy, jesus himself despised the kikes as being the enemy and humanity- as their father is the devil.

>> No.13009623

Hey, I just voted for the person who seemed like the least likely to destroy the world in nuclear hellfire. That was clearly Trump. Too bad he got cucked by neocons and we're still fucking around in the Middle East for Israel and Saudi Arabia's benefit.

>> No.13009639

It is better than a womanlet trying to prove how stronk womyn she is

>> No.13009640


>> No.13009655
File: 318 KB, 699x680, 4F96CD4F-BDB9-4CCA-B489-DFBCB379C739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13009659

CIA propaganda thru memes and internet media to influence young white americans into loyalty to country again

>> No.13009670

For what purpose?

>> No.13009671

Women are vile. They have poison juices inside of them.
Stay pure, anon.
Don’t let them contaminate you with their vile juices.

>> No.13009678

What purpose was MKOften and family planning? It’s just psychological testing and can only benefit through having an influence on the “counterculture” and boost patriotism. Read mindwar

>> No.13009683


>> No.13009689

Good point

>> No.13009699

Well the Alt Right has continual talks about breaking up the US along racial lines so that would be odd.
They also don't trust the ruling class at all, which you think would be bad if you ''created'' the alt right

>> No.13009733

democratic socialist dungeons and dragons brunches probably aren't going to bring down le fucking system either bro but i mean hey whatever

>> No.13009735

I'm actually pretty convinced at this point that the alt-right isn't real, it's just a scapegoat generalization of anyone (ANYONE) more conservative than the Republican Party, focused on a few schizos like Orange Man to make the right look more insane than it actually is
why can't we get to a future where we can just respect each other regardless of political opinion and not do shit like this?

>> No.13009750

>They don’t trust the ruling class at all

Neither does Le Cercle or Opus Dei but they have several people in positions of power in the country. The United States government has welcomed open nazis since Paperclip. I’m not going to spell it out for you if you think all the people in charge are just neoliberal economists like Soros. It’s maddening that you think there is some non compromised body of authentic reaction/resistance in western culture, especially one as large and mutable as the alt right

>> No.13009752

because conflict boosts engagement

>> No.13009762


>> No.13009770

Government infiltration into groups par for the course.
You however are claiming the CIA created the Alt Right to make young whites more patriotic.
How you come to that conclusion is a mystery to everyone here, also because of the example I gave that you ignored (wanting to split the US by racial lines)
And Operation Paperclip was done simply to get the brightest minds from Nazi Germany to work for the US, instead of Soviet Russia.
How this relates to the CIA setting up an organization that creates white nationalists I have no idea, expand on that.

>> No.13009774

>journalist spends six months researching 4chan, or academic spends 8 years writing phd thesis on 4chan
>i think "oh no, he's going to blow the whistle on my secret clubhouse and explain all the gay little inside jokes to normies"
>think "fundamentally it would be so easy to do that, and it's surprising no one has done it yet! but now it's happened, 4chan has finally been exposed!"
>read the book/article in question
>"4-Chan is a Web-Board where you can post 'caturdays' and Mega-Like one another's posts. The Alt Right was invented by Richard Spencer in 2005 on 4-Chan. Nobody knows how 4-Chan works because comments and replies are not nested and it's the most complicated arcane internet website ever created and after 7 months of using it I still could not figure out how to follow a discussion. Users on 4-Chan enjoy creating 'memes' in competition with their sister site Reddit in great annual Meme-Offs. Posters with a lot of 4-Chan Gold are considered venerable and are referred to as Keks."

>> No.13009782

10/10 I need a pdf of this now

>> No.13009798

I gagged

>> No.13009801

Holy shit, he put the "Navy Seal" copypasta in his fucking manifesto...

>> No.13009806

>I'm actually pretty convinced at this point that the alt-right isn't real
You're wrong. But the alt-right as it was at its peak in 2016 is gone and is partly dissolving, and partly changing into something new.
>why can't we get to a future where we can just respect each other regardless of political opinion and not do shit like this?
It's bad for business.
Also, alt-right's ideas are dangerous. Imagine if people were granted the right to segregate based on race. The stocks of most US companies would go down (short term), there could be conflicts...

So the smartest thing, if you want to maintain the status quo, is to show Republicans and Democrats as two very different choices (even if they're basically the same), to keep people distracted from any radical ideas. "Left vs right", "both sides of the spectrum", "conservatives vs liberals"... fight the important battles on Twitter to BTFO the opponents. Don't question trivial shit like whether the US should go to war or not, leave that to the experts.

>> No.13009807

Joint Special Operations and other Ft. Bragg military intel groups have been involved with white supremacist infiltration and funding since the late 70’s. It’s really not much not much of a jump to see 4chan as a testing ground for PSYOPs since the people here are so malleable and obsessive

>> No.13009810

You are autism personified.

>> No.13009818


>> No.13009822

cia controls american communists, fbi controls american neonazis. these little kerfuffles they put on every 20 years are just proxy wars between the two organizations

>> No.13009823

Not much but it is a jump, one I'm not going to make because you say so.
Also the blackpilling that has been going on is in no way in the interest of the CIA, it's dangerous

>> No.13009834

>the right to segregate based on race
racism isn't a political opinion, dumbass

>> No.13009862

Division by nationality is literally the most fundamental and universal political phenomenon.

>> No.13009900

It's why New Zealand moved so quickly to censor the video and manifesto, the humor humanized him. Tarrant could have been any random dude on the internet, and that's exactly what makes him so dangerous.

>> No.13009907

Good point. I didn't even know about the manifesto until today.

>> No.13009940

shut the fuck up materialist

>> No.13009952

No it wouldn't. Read Otto Weininger

>> No.13009953

But muh basement dwelling neet strawman

>> No.13009990

>Are you anticipating more white terrorism?
>no, just more polarization
Swing and a miss, I expect more terrorism, especially in Europe if this immigration continues

>> No.13009996

I don't even read most of the actually good books that I shitpost about, you think I'm gonna take time out of my day to read this garbage?

>> No.13010352

You are confusing a symptom with a source, kiddo

>> No.13010407

this guy /lit/s

>> No.13010412

he was a basement dwelling neet though

>> No.13010424

He literally wasn't though. He actively travelled

>> No.13010433

>they are replacing our people
>they will never replace our people

>> No.13010466

>I broke into tears

>> No.13010487

Haha I love this logic. It's like how Fox News is some kind of underground truth factory, while simultaneously the most popular news source. You have to pick one folks, otherwise it's doublethink.

>> No.13010616

One reddit kek for you

>> No.13010623

>Fox News
Are you under the impression people like shooty mosque man watch fox news

>> No.13010717

Might kek, good pasta.

>Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange.

One too many typos make it too obvious but I nitpick.

>> No.13010731

That's how most people work yeah. It's easier to answer to tweet than to track down the effect of policy (somehing even competent administration struggle with).

Also Americans are retarded when it comes to economy, they probably equate protectionism with fascism.

>> No.13010739

So jesus is Satan's grandson ?

>> No.13010745

That wasn't the point, he was just describing a common example of doublethink

>> No.13010784

4chan is a bit too malleable to be really useful tho. Why indoctrinate someone into being a white nationalist when he'll become a self-professed christan and/or a communist buddhist within three months ?

>tfw we're too brainlet to even be manipulated

>> No.13010868

he literally flew out to ukraine to fucking train with azov battalion

>> No.13011402

See >>13008278

>> No.13011448

Always impressive to me how you can simultaneously bemoan offshoring and mass immigration while still sucking off free market capitalism. Capitalism is the most progressive, destabilizing force in history. Financial deregulation and usury have stripped the West of any coherent trade and industrial policy. Nobody's advocating for state socialism, but the free market needs to be reined in.

>> No.13011449

This pretty much sums it up appropriately. Monopolies are slowly starting to form to force people to conform to certain rules and ideas that are bullshit. Neocons don’t give a shit because they’re totally fine with it.
Very low IQ post.

>> No.13011483
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Eh, this book sounds better.

>> No.13011492

Feudalism wasn't overthrown in some sort of revolution it slowly morphed as capitalism emerged and outcompeted it.

Communism is not going to outcompete capitalism ever

>> No.13011519

Fat, basement dwelling incels?

>> No.13011526

For the marginally accomplished white man, scared at losing his privilege, it's crucial to blame his failings on someone else. Jews are always a good standby.

>> No.13011532

LOL. Gaymers. Petulant man babies who sit around engaging in an activity designed for children. Grow up, move out of mom's basement, and get laid you fucking incels.

>> No.13011535

I'm not a nazi

>> No.13011538

>t. Gamers rise up!

>> No.13011551


modern capitalism legitimate itself through the ideologies of diversity, transgenderism, political correctness and feminism. left wing groups,academia, essentially serve as laboratories used by the corporate elite to cook up new mechanisms of social control and human cattle management. Just take a look at you local leftist group, its all masochistic powergames and self flagellation, maybe there is something fundamentally wrong about leftwing values. Conservatives, meanwhile, haven't been able to conserve anything. The far right remains the only truly radical and countercultural force in the world today, excepting maybe radical islamic terrorism. alt right's mistake consisted in thinking the enemy would play clean. In this dirty struggle the prize will go to he who is the dirtiest. we seem to have fallen for our own propaganda aiming at man's nobler instincts, when truly noble instincts exist only in a minority of whites and not at all in other races. Its to late to reform the system. it needs to burn down to the ground so something better can emerge from the ashes. Degeneracy is reaching a critical point. We need a vanguard party of right wing revolutionaries who can dispose of the old elites and take total political control over the human mass of the population. Now is the time to be as radical and as uncompromising, as remorseless and relentless as humanly possible.

>> No.13011560

Never mind actually. Not Mike but Kyle. At 1:04 he says "Kyle Wending?"

>> No.13011591

You don't have to be. Something like the American System that predominated in the first half of the 19th century would be preferable to what we have now. An interrelated system of high import tariffs, infrastructure investment, and a real national bank operating along Hamiltonian lines that will ensure the stability of the country's credit system and preclude predatory lending of the kind that triggered the recession and continues to suit the interests of vampiric rentiers.

All pretty much true. Left-parties cartelized and sold themselves to an agenda of fiscal and social liberalism and their youthful, affluent, professionalized base of knowledge workers went along with it. But where do you stand on the economy?

>> No.13011624

economically, I believe white radicals should be in all sincerity, looking into the policies of maoist china and the khmer rogue, along with that old favorite, the third reich. the point is not to return to the golden age of the 50s and 60s, since the seeds of the current decline could already be found on that era, but to pave the way for a total moral and racial regeneration under a totalitarian imperium, eventually encompassing all of this planet earth and going on to conquer the stars.

>> No.13011629
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>> No.13011700

No, I'm not a nazi in that I don't hold prejudices against other groups just because they're different

>> No.13011716 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 657x527, apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2015 refugee crisis sees massive increase in far right activity from 2016 and onwards
>must be the economy

>> No.13012129

Neither of these are contradictory and one of them is a strawman.
>they are replacing our people
>they will never replace our people
Literally they are replacing our people but we won't let them.

Fox news is big but it stands in contrast to every other msm outlet.

>> No.13012847
File: 594 KB, 1796x1181, moscow-palace-of-soviets-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn live in a world where immediately after Stalin's death someone other than Khrushchev took over the USSR and did to it what Deng Xiaoping and his successors did to China
>ywn visit a modern vibrant growing Soviet Union which with allies such as China is a true competitor to the degenerate pervert West instead of a dying slum run by a crime lord

>> No.13012876

>the author is fair
How can you be fair when talking about a made up media boogeyman like the “alt right”?

>> No.13013904

lmao enjoy your lego commieblock faget

>> No.13014055
File: 28 KB, 512x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people are literally just shells with nothing inside, they've not stopped for a second to think whether they actually think the thoughts they have. Just repeating vague social justice sentiments they read somewhere else ad hominem without every having an original thought, parroting popular opinion and and going to bed smug feeling like they're everything that's right in the world because they believe sticking up for famous women makes them some great warrior in the fight against some ghostly immaterial evil perpetuated by the media to get them to pay to watch the same shit every month and go home feeling like they're fighting the good fight without ever knowing what it is they believe in.
Literal hive minds in an echo factory patting each other on the back on the internet

>> No.13014060

is this thread on autosage lol

>> No.13014266


>> No.13014287
