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13004700 No.13004700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

God loves me but i spit on His face everyday

>> No.13004709
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take the kafkapill

>> No.13004788

god loves me but its tough love and i just want to die

>> No.13005438

Iktf. He is merciful and is willing to take all our sins and betrayals. All but 12 disciples abandoned Him when he taught the Eucharist and 11 of the 12 apostles abandoned him on his way to Calvary.

>> No.13005754

pray, my guy

>> No.13005824

Grace > sin
Christ > satan
God > you

>> No.13005864

>the only e-pill worth a damn

>> No.13005917

It goes deeper, anon. Think, for example, of what it takes to get saved. Often you need absolute dedication to a holy life. In order to have such dedication you need to be very inspired, maybe even to have a powerful religious experience. Neither of those things are under our control. We cannot choose to be inspired. So who gets saved and who doesn't is arbitrary. Consider the case of Saint Paul. He was hit with a life changing spiritual vision while on the road to Damascus. If this hadn't happened he would have died a sinner. Why doesn't an angel come down from the sky and give you or me a spiritual vision? Who knows? It's probably completely arbitrary. Maybe the particular spiritual being that came down to Paul just liked him for some reason. Maybe that particular being was bored and thought it would be fun to throw some spiritual crumbs down to poor old Paul. The heavenly hierarchies are an arbitrary and corrupt organization.

>> No.13005991

Image source?

>> No.13006083
File: 217 KB, 620x310, The_Desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"and the brother went to his cell, and fell on his face upon the ground, and for three whole days and nights he wept before God. And after these things, when his thoughts were saying to him, 'You are now an exalted person, and you have become a great man.' He used to contradict them, and set before his eyes his former shortcomings, and said 'Thus were all your offenses.' And again, when they used to say to him, 'you performed many things negligently,' he would say, 'Nevertheless I do small services for God and He shows His mercy upon me.' And when by such means as these the spirits had been overcome, they appeared to him in the form of corporeal creatures, and said to him, 'We have been vanquished by you'; and he said to them, 'Why?' and they said to him, 'If we humble you, we are raised up by you to an exalted position, and if we exalt you we are accounted by you for humility.'" - Sayings of the Desert Fathers

>> No.13006196
File: 571 KB, 1627x2572, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau The Virgin With Angels (1900).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13006205
File: 581 KB, 1948x3059, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_Pieta_(1876).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13006222

Christianity is the other way around

>> No.13006492

I spit on God's face everyday but He loves me?

>> No.13006515

You should read Ascent to Mount Caramel by St John of the Cross

>> No.13006554

I know anon but thank you. However I meant OP's mix up

>> No.13006596

How come?

>> No.13006633

No, you love god but he spits on your face everyday.

>> No.13006638

it's a good book. he talks about the dark night of the soul

do we really love god? when you say thy will be done in the lord's prayer, do we really mean it?

>> No.13006659
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If our God were the god of the pagans or philosophers, though he might take refuge in the highest heavens, our misery would drag him down.
But as you know, ours did not wait.
You might shake your fist at Him, spit in His face, whip Him with rods, and finally nail Him to a cross—What would it matter? It is already done.

>> No.13006703

It almost seems like an abusive relationship at times. The same way a women may be "In love" with a husband that beats her, Christians seems to be in love with God. When the abused wife is beaten by her husband she thinks "It was my fault", or "I know he loves even though he hits me. Similarly, when bad things happen to the Christian, they think "Its my fault" or "Its only a test, I know he loves me even though this is happening". I was raised Christian, but over time I've found the Christian philosophy leads to being taken advantage of and feeling miserable. Perhaps the religion was corrupted long ago, but at minimum, the modern Christians philospy and understanding of God, leads to personal ruin outside of 100% Christian communitys.

>> No.13006743

In Islam the ocassionalism really gives you peace of mine. You just say, "It was written." And "Inshallah". How stressed or calm you are in reaction is a measure of your submission to Allah.

>> No.13006762

Could you elaborate on the islamic idea of ocassionlism, and how it differs from the Christians almost fatalist view of events?

>> No.13006775

Yeah yeah we all saw Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.13006872

Islam is more complete but less pessimistic as there no Original Sin (Muslims believe Adam just a regular fruit which satan promised would make him immortal; it did not, Adam asked for forgiveness, Allah readily forgave him, but death was already present).

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom has a good albeit critical perspective on Islam and the Arab character. Probably that and Nietzsche are the only ways kafirs can understand how a religion can both approve of conquest, tribute, and taking women as "prizes", while at the same time loving and respectings even birds, plants, and insects and saying a prostitute who got water for a thirty dog was forgiven all her sins while a pious woman who let her cat starve went to hell.

>> No.13007254


Heaven or Hell, is literally us choosing to love God or reject God. Look at what the Church teaches, in order to go to Heaven one must be in a state of Sanctifying Grace or without mortal sin. Mortal sin is the conscious, free, and selfish choice to go against God and do something unholy( it doesn't matter if you were a serial killer or masturbated to porn without repenting). This does not include venial sins which can be forgiven in purgatory. The only way to gain forgiveness is through confession and accepting Christ as your savior in Communion.

Now look at what the conditions for Mortal sin are: full knowledge of the sin, freedom to enact it, and a selfish grave matter. By these definitions save for murder or adultery, most non-christians might not even know the gravity of their sins. Since full freedom is required, those with mental disease or depression might be exempt from the ultimate sin of suicide. Since most people including christians don't know the gravity of watching porn, they technically have not committed mortal sin and are thus saved by God's grace.

However, look at St. Paul, as you say God Himself commanded him to convert AND spread the gospel. GOD HIMSELF confirmed His existence to him, do you think he could have walked into Damascus and continued living his Roman life ignorant of the Truth. He dedicated the rest of his life in joy spreading the gospel, in order to choose God and be saved. However, he was given an enormous burden and chore to be tortured to death for his faith.

Catholics are born in truth in the Church with a similar position. They have been given the Burden of Faith, and it is up to them to carry the weight of Truth. I can't fap to porn and claim I didn't know it was bad or a grave sin. I am in full health, so I can't claim to not be free to justify my actions. If I would have died an infant I would have entered the Kingdom of God. But, I didn't, I know the truth. And, my place in God's symphony is to get back from my falls and evangelize.

Imagine God revealing Himself to you now in your room. What will you do other than spend your days on earth in a monastery or being a Martyr in Africa? God entrusts in His servants the most appropriate task and life to choose Him. Have Faith. Pray for Forgiveness. Live your life the best you can. And you might be saved.

>> No.13007578

Many people don't know it but God is actually into a bit of spit-play.

>> No.13007683

based Bresson/Bernanos poster

>> No.13008233

Thanks anon