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File: 415 KB, 766x666, incel virgins are a threat to canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13004679 No.13004679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will allow me to understand the world through the eyes of incel virgins?

>> No.13004683

your diary desu

>> No.13004687

Real answer. Houellebecq

>> No.13004702

I have a book that writes itself for you

>> No.13004710

catcher in the rye

>> No.13004723

Houellebecq had so much sex he became disillusioned though, might just make a true incel go over the edge.

>> No.13004735

>had so much sex

With prostitutes. It doesn't really counts.

>> No.13004741

we live in a society by clown dude

>> No.13004769

Sex and Character

>> No.13004794

I always wonder if stuff like this is on purpose or not.

>> No.13004822

It has exploded this last year. Is it the zoomer invasion?

>> No.13004864


>> No.13004873

i am an incel and i work at intel.

>> No.13004878

Fifth estate? Do they mean fourth estate or are they being faggots and adding another term for bloggers and other dumb idiots?

>> No.13004891

You mean "insight"?

>> No.13004895

>The Fifth Estate is a socio-cultural reference to groupings of outlier viewpoints in contemporary society, and is most associated with bloggers, journalists publishing in non-mainstream media outlets, and the social media or "social license".

>> No.13004894

Doesn't matter had sex.

>> No.13004901

It's also the plebbit plague.

>> No.13005697

God i despise the media.

>> No.13005850

have sex

>> No.13005893

top kek
social workers rise up

>> No.13005902

I think Dostoevski have some characters like that. And that Marakumi Japanese author has a book about men that can't get laid

>> No.13005909

Anything by Nietzsche

>> No.13005958

They're not hard to understand, you just need to stop obsessing over their misogynistic rhetoric for a moment and actually listen. The basic incel pattern is something like
>failures, lead to
>self loathing, leads to
>externalization as(partial) relief from self loathing
>reeee-ing into the void

Incels' hatred of women (and most men, actually) is a cope. This doesn't make it a good thing but it's certainly not the right part to fiddle with if you want to intervene in these peoples' lives positively - and presumably prevent future harm in the process.

Their entire mythology is an exercise in self soothing by broken people who don't have the skills or awareness, or even opportunity sometimes, to handle whatever has happened to them in a healthy manner.

>> No.13006718

Frankenstein. The monster isn't a literal incel but psychologically he is

>> No.13006943

Incel canada vs chad US

>> No.13007536

>ctrl+F My Twisted World
>no hits

>> No.13007619

This. It's great comedy.

>> No.13007736

You are mostly right but what are you doing in this broken land?
A well-adjusted individual, aren't ya.

>> No.13007741

not that anon but i come here to read the odd inciteful gem, like what they wrote i guess

>> No.13007836

>incels are a threat
nigger go to wizchan and report back to me how these asexual faggots are a threat to fucking anyone

>> No.13007840

NIGGER YOU ARE ON /lit/ not /r9k/
get the fuck back to the normie web

>> No.13008697

Most of it desu.
Reading pre WW2 literature in the present day is an inherently reactionary thing.

>> No.13008750


I find it unbelievable that the people so interested in incels can't understand this. I don't think it's the intention of the people who read and write these kinds of articles to help or have any kind of positive impact on anything at all.

Frankenstein or Welcome to the NHK? I'm not an incel.

>> No.13008820

This. That nigga really hates women and views sexual relations with them as a zero sum game where he loses to Chads every time.

>> No.13008835

hollaback' has actual sex, thats more failed normie/MRA spectrum, incels cant get laid

>> No.13008853
File: 443 KB, 500x464, consent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "elliot"
>Phrase not found
You guys don't know your classics.

>> No.13008854

Anyone bitching about incels is a pathetic faggot. The only people I ever hear mention it are commie losers, trannies, or literal faggots.

>> No.13008906

Any incel could sleep with a hooker. And a lot of them do it. Some others view it as cheating but whatever

>> No.13008922

kinda hard to be "celibate" if you have sex there anon, do borderlines, bar skanks and nymphomaniacs "not count" either?

>> No.13008936

lol the anglosphere is disgusting, literaly vomit inducing culture. lets nuke them once and for all

>> No.13009125

This but unironically

>> No.13009139

Anglo here, I agree

>> No.13009145

That was really only after he became famous though. Read Whatever or The Elementary Particles

>> No.13009397

have sex

>> No.13009441

sex is a lot more than the just the physical act.

>> No.13009474

t. girl

>> No.13009475

my diary desu

>> No.13009483

hes right, name one person who isnt retarded whos fucking scared of piss jug hoarding basement dwellers disrupting anything?

>> No.13009496

Nice le r/tv meme r*ddit friend! Look how well you're fitting in with le rest of us xD!

>> No.13009550

I'm gonna create an incel-core chart. So far I'm thinking Whatever by Houellebecq and Richard Yates by Tao Lin. Anything else I should add?

>> No.13009601

tired meme desu

>> No.13009634
File: 109 KB, 900x900, alex_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have qt gf(we lost our virginity to each other)


Simple as.

>> No.13009865

Why are journalists so evil and spiteful? It seems like the media's intention is never to help people or inspire positive change, but to bully and dehumanize people who are already at a low point.

>> No.13010206
File: 378 KB, 1054x690, 1470273839264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every protag gets infinite pussy
Yeah... definitely

>> No.13010213

How about you shut the fuck up, cuck?

>> No.13010218

t. incel

>> No.13010263
File: 112 KB, 500x385, 1465883485314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing that browsing /lit/ has more value than browsing /r9k/ even though both boards are only different colors of 4chan

>> No.13010265

What is there to understand? The incel "movement" is just a bunch of self-pitying idle bitter slobs who think they are entitled to 10/10 models despite doing nothing with their lives besides hating on women online. It's a product of the Instagram age where losers are made painfully aware of what they don't have.

Rather than accomplish anything with themselves or do anything that might make them stand out or more desirable, they gather online and bitterly complain and pretend that they are oppressed like the inverse of a sjw tumblerina.

>> No.13010266

bend over

>> No.13010341

fight club if you completely miss the point of the story

>> No.13010526

I think you are delusional if you think they only want 10/10s. It just so happens they don't want fat disgusting slovenly women like the rest us.

>> No.13010532

there really isn't much of a difference these days

>> No.13010643
File: 30 KB, 362x499, 41n3rS6DsoL._SX360_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off normaltard non-virgin. Houllebecq is the epitome of failed normalfaggotry.

Serious answer: The Catcher in The Rye, Journey to The End of The Night, Frankenstein and Caleb Williams are the titles I can name off the top of my head. Look into Byronic heroes and decadent literature, you might dig some hidden gems. Don't go for the existentialist trash, they're just deluded nihilists who got pussy from the depraved women around the corner while whining about their miserable existence. Yes, even someone as ugly as death as Sartre had sex at a certain point in his life, most likely by paying prostitutes.

>> No.13011514
File: 120 KB, 647x533, 1429266477068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oink oink

>> No.13011539



>> No.13011550

unironically any classic english literature you'd get assigned in school

>> No.13011554

>capitalists promote antisemitism
what did anon mean by this

>> No.13011607

isn't the term incel a paradox? you can't be involuntarily celibate because you don't have a natural right to sex. no other person has any legal or moral obligation to touch you so it's up to you to find a willing partner.

>> No.13011615
File: 75 KB, 1000x1080, ghost-symbol-of-halloween-spook-character-of-vector-21451354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>natural right

>> No.13011630

It's incel logic. What defines an incel is their hatred of women. You could theoretically sleep with a few but as long as your misogyny is making you incapable of forming lasting relationships you're kind of an incel

>> No.13011639
File: 1.13 MB, 1122x1122, le scrub face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh soggy knees

>> No.13011684

whatever you want to call it, why would anyone feel entitled to sex? even if you're a fitness model and earn millions, there is no guarantee that you'll find a woman to have sex with. for example, if you're a misogynist who believes women should be property and aren't as capable as men, you would probably be turning away most women who would otherwise be open to having sex with you.