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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 329x447, 1DF8E77A-4FD8-4017-8DC1-5A386E4A4CCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13001774 No.13001774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love this board but I don't read.
ask me anything.

>> No.13002381

Can I drink coffee while my intermitent fasting diet?

>> No.13002390

yes but itle fuck you up badly

>> No.13002406

why do you like this board?
i hate it and i do read

>> No.13002414

whats your favorite /lit/ meme?

>> No.13002420
File: 150 KB, 1110x769, 1556166215322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he is autistic and likes to watch stacked books? Maybe this picture makes him happy?

>> No.13002495

me too but then i started reading and now i dont like it anymore

>> No.13002504

>i hate it and i do read
then why are you here, pleb? I doubt you read you're probably just pretending to make yourself seem interesting to your fellow /v/eddit tourists

>> No.13002543
File: 447 KB, 670x502, 34832503-4FD1-4E21-9482-901E8113271E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s alright. Used to be better. I read all the time, too little in my opinion, but I can’t get out of this debt trap economy yet.

What do you like about it?
Male, female?
Why don’t you read?

>> No.13002546

Me too. I just come here because /tv/ is so bad. Have a good day and enjoy whatever it is you like to do.

>> No.13002563

He's here to post his bookshelf and stacked books like everyone else who doesn't read on this board.

>> No.13002594
File: 119 KB, 854x1200, DSPCPjwX0AEmqQT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey butterfly while we've got you here what are your thoughts on this data :3

>> No.13002606

Be nice to Butterfly. Butterfly is harmless.

>> No.13002610

float like a butterfly sting like a bee

>> No.13002618
File: 16 KB, 236x354, f34f6836f07127c1355ae0eb8f08a16d--transgender-adolescents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know the tranny won't blow you for defending him

>> No.13002617

i like talking about homer
& this is 1 reason why i hate this board

>> No.13002625

how can they publish this in good faith. no one really knows why they people kill themselves

>> No.13002634

Not something I study, so I have no idea about the authenticity of this info/disinfo graph. But I would imagine they have a real hard time.
They’re mentally maladjusted with their own bodies. How do you think they’re going to feel?
I think cosmetic fixes are never satisfactory and I think they would be helped by not trying to “transition”. It’s a farcical idea at all to core.
Dress, act as you like, but try to be happy with yourself. Its what I tell you guys all the time.

>> No.13002643

At its core*
Damn typos, man

>> No.13002661

Butterfly is so cute when she makes typos, man.

>> No.13002664

Oh no no no!

>> No.13002672

Dumb meme

>> No.13002671
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, 478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know... and I'm gonna say it...

>> No.13002677
File: 168 KB, 534x250, 8793654897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you swedish?

>> No.13002699 [DELETED] 

Dumb tranny

>> No.13002703



>> No.13002707


>> No.13002708

Because you know Söderberg and post Pippi

>> No.13002710

>I think cosmetic fixes are never satisfactory and I think they would be helped by not trying to “transition”.
i've seen positive results

>> No.13002725

what don't you read?
yeah, and tea, i find that my IF sessions were always bookended by extreme binge sessions of six thousand cals or more. try just lowering the shit out of your carb intake. only veggie carbs is a good rule, which doesn't include rice or grains which are the devil. yer not a rodent or a bird, you're a man.
>why should i believe you?
>so saith le post-hamplanet flobbymonster

>> No.13002733 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 264x191, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trannies have a mental illness

>> No.13002735

Indeed, the question is how to fix it

>> No.13002751
File: 6 KB, 159x316, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn 41% into 100%

>> No.13002759

thx mate. I wanna try some keto while IF. eggs, tuna, avocado. I'm affraid IF on itself is not really effective.

>> No.13002800

Please dust your lamp and take out your recycling. Remember there is no happiness without order.

>> No.13002806

>not we
lmao at the delusion of this absolute tranny :3

>> No.13002837

eh, IF is good for people who want to eat trash and get at maintenance. currently on keto actually, but not how i lost my weight, over 170lb, basically, just cooking my own food, being budget and health conscious, food prep is also useful. i mean, i ate around 1600 cals a day at the start and now i can pretty easily survive on 600, but eat about 1k on keto. if you want to try keto, just work on lowering your carbs first. it aint easy as it seems. if you can work your way down to like 80 or so grams of carbs a day from veggie sources, you're doing an amazing job. the pounds come off two ways i've seen thus far. eating at an upwards of a 2kcal deficit, WITH daily cardio, and keto with 1200kcal deficit WITH daily cardio.

>> No.13002840

and by the pounds coming off, i mean losing upwards of 20lb a month

>> No.13002897

Because people call you out for being a retard?

>> No.13002916

Not me butters, and that original post you responded to wasn't me either.

But I thought you didn't like Trannies?

>> No.13003179

>tfw you wake up every day with the knowledge that at least one tranny will have killed themselves in the time since you were last awake

>> No.13003212

Do you write?

>> No.13003241

How can I stop being insecure and autistic?

>> No.13003244

Not OP, but try /adv/

>> No.13003424

That explains why I always wake up with a raging boner.

>> No.13003608

butterfly is a tranny?
god I hate him even more now

>> No.13003691
File: 51 KB, 222x336, FB3C2D1B-50D4-4DCC-9E90-55CFDD1329A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t worry, I read it how you meant to type it princess.

>> No.13003817

Then how are we supposed to ask you anything if you don't read?
And for that matter, howdo you write? Is it speech to text or something?

>> No.13003850

As long as you dont add sugar or cream. Coffee itself is 0 calorie.

>> No.13003912

I thought I was the only one.
Now I'm starting to wonder if everyone here just use books as a excuse to shitpost and no one really reads anything.

>> No.13003934
File: 75 KB, 750x1334, A3860EF6-2FA4-4E04-9097-86C49E5ACAA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you someone who posts on a board which purpose serves to embody anonymity, you seem very strange anon

>> No.13003980

Are you a faggot?

>> No.13004020
File: 39 KB, 657x450, ef9729aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13004028

what do philosophers mean when they use the phrase "to cash out", usually in reference to some idea. they have a technical meaning

>> No.13004274

Everyone knows Pippi. (Steven Soderberg?)

If I were one, I’d be the only one that is against “transitioning” and is completely happy with her body. So, by definition, I’m not a transgender.
Stop trying to slap a dick on me, pickle surprise.

No. You can go back to hating me for having a vagina now.

Serengeti drumming

Tuck tail and run away from it? It seems to imply taking some tenets of it to be applied elsewhere

>> No.13004373

I bet you had this image on your twitter too

>> No.13004401

I don’t have a Twitter

>> No.13004447

i have found the answer
that sense of "cash out" means to make practical use of a concept. the idea is that people don't believe things because they're "true" in some noble idealistic sense, but because of the practical function these ideas have as they play out in real conversations or arguments. for instance i might "cash out" some kind of relativism and say all people are equally beautiful, in order to defend myself from being called ugly, so if someone said my relativism is "cashed out" in so and so circumstance is to stress the practical value of that idea, and at the same time imply that's my reason for being a relativist in the first place. and because philosophers are these kind of cynical people who treat arguments as a game and change their beliefs for opportunistic reasons, they often use "cash out" when explaining other people's belief systems

>> No.13004511


>> No.13004573

how many pages can you fill talking only about shit?

>> No.13004573,1 [INTERNAL] 

even better