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/lit/ - Literature

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13001150 No.13001150[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey there laddingtons
What are some good books on classical art and the meaning of it? I just finished watching Kenneth Clark's Civilisation series which was fantastic and I might pick up the companion book to it, but I would like some other reccomendations if you have any.

>> No.13001767

go to bed golden one

>> No.13001777

kek beat me to it

>> No.13002144
File: 42 KB, 377x469, 1545003097966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gritings tru frends
hnng ajm facking mässive!
Todäj aj jast vånnt too äcksplejn dätt ånnorring de gådds baj träjning in de tämpel off ajron is de only risånabbel kårs of äcktjon iff ju vånnt too be strång bååf mättafysickally and be facking joocy. Ålso dånnt bi a behta läfftist änd jast gå aut där änd be a facking biist. Dätts just maj humbel opinjon.

Änd ho am aj? Ajm de grejt lajjon åf de nååf.
xoxo boom!

>> No.13002189

Do you think she would do titty fucks or be really precious about her boobs?

>> No.13002200

You and OP are very embarrassing and the only thing keeping this board from being awesome.


>> No.13002216

>the only thing

You are highly optimistic. That explains the smile.

>> No.13002232

the best intro into art history and "meanings" etc would be Gombrich - The Story of Art
highly recommend lad

>> No.13002262

Fucking newfags

>> No.13002267

Cheers lad

>> No.13002573

Might be a little old, but this board loves old.

Nice tits, but I hate the airbrush effect

>> No.13002804

The book is pretty much just a transcript of the show, I must admit I have a soft spot for the book though because my Dad used it to explain one or two things about art to me when I was starting to get interested in such things. You should watch Ways of Seeing by John Berger, it came out a year after Civilisation and was also produced by the BBC but it presets a radical counterpoint to Clark's way of looking at things (personally however I'm probably more on the side of Clark)

>> No.13002808

Butterfly, how into me are you :3

on a scale of 1-10? Be honest

>> No.13002830

Sorry about the doppelgangers today butterfly.

They will go away, as they always do :3

>> No.13002904

Even more autistic than the autistic tripfag

>> No.13002913

Neither one of us has autism you fuckhead! :3

>> No.13002941
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>jast gå aut där änd be a facking biist. Dätts just maj humbel opinjon.

>> No.13003105

Had a great time reading this in his Swedish äksent

>> No.13003281
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