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12997988 No.12997988 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me why having a library of printed books isn't useless?
>Read a book and leave it lying in a shelf forever
>Use lots of space of your house
>Hassle to transport your library when moving
>Paying extra to rent-seeking publishing houses for books you can get for free in your ereader

>> No.12997997
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>government decides to ban all books it doesn't like
>uses your e-reader's internet connections to hack into your system and delete your whole library

>> No.12998003

E-Books are shit and you can lose your book if Amazon, or whoever you bought it from, decides not to supply it anymore due to licensing issues or whatever, as has happened many times before. Also reading on a screen is objectively worse than reading a page.

>> No.12998004


>> No.12998014

>not storing your ebooks in Calibre with epub format

>> No.12998023

I'd rather just store my books on my Shelf with Paper format.

>> No.12998039

You sound like the ignorant hicks that say "huur I need to keep my guns sot hat I can overthrow the government in case it goes tyranical". Uber LARP.

>> No.12998044

>uses useless as argument
literally everything in this planet is useless. Physical books are not more useless than e-readers. What do you get out of reading books? nothing, it is useless

>Read a book and leave it lying in a shelf forever
you don't re-read your books? pleb.

>> No.12998063

having 100 books in a shelf isnt more useless than having 100 books in a single book sized tablet? come on.

>> No.12998069

you'll never pick them again. enjoy dusting them off.

>> No.12998078

I have thousands of e-books. Can you imagine the cost to store, ship, buy, and maintain thousands of physical books? Can you imagine if you need to move?

>connecting your e-reader to the internet, even once
as expected of a retarded /co/ poster.

>> No.12998085

>Portable (by this I mean you can take 50 libraries with you anywhere you go)
>Cheap/Free books
>Instant access to dictionary with the click of one button
>Easy and erasable highlighting/underlining
>Can access your notes quickly without having to skim through all the pages to find them
>Can take notes without messing up the pages
>No need for dog-earing or buying bookmarks
>Adjustable lighting; don't need to worry about your shadow getting in the way; can read at night
>Can set the font, letter size, and spacing, etc. to match your taste
>Can read outside without worrying about seeming pretentious (not a concern for me but a lot of people here say it worries them)

"Traditional" books

>> No.12998089

ok, you have 100 books in your e-reader. How many people can read from that? 1. For whatever reason if someone wants to read some of your book? be it friend, family, gf, whatever the fuck.
Which is useless now?
So no, 100 physical copies aren't more useless than 1 tablet with 100 e-books.

>> No.12998095

100% this

>> No.12998109

how many books will you lend from those 100 books vs the ones you wont lend? 10%?

>> No.12998119

see >>12998044
>Read a book and leave it lying in a shelf forever
you don't re-read your books? pleb.
I only keep books I'll read again. I only buy books I really believe will hold value after reading it several times. If I don't like it enough to re-read it I'll sell/trade.
Having books you like =\= buying/hoarding every single book you can buy

>> No.12998125

ITT cucks paying to the publishing jew for 5 books at the same cost of an ereader

>> No.12998129

don't get hang up one that specific example. It was just a point to show they are equally useless.
I know e-readers have advantages, such as unlimited free books, easy transport, back light (some of them, at least). Still, I like books. One has reasons to like e-readers just like one has reasons to like physical books

>> No.12998136

with ebooks you can download it and if it turns to be a crappy book you just delete it. bam. gone.

>> No.12998142

>friend, family, gf,
>pretending you have any of those
>pretending anyone wants to read your cum-encrusted copy of evola

>> No.12998147


>> No.12998148

how much would a printed book library of 100 books cost on average?

>> No.12998153

Libraries can not be trusted. What happens when they get a call from head branch that that spicy book on CIA mind control has got to come off the shelf and you don't have a copy on your own? We have a duty to stockpile and accumulate such books, even if we do not read them ourselves, as they will otherwise be lost. As for the local storage e-books crowd: books are more durable than a hard drive, and you do not have to have periodic back up redundancy operations to avoid the risk of losing everything. The internet might seem like a wild west for now, but eventually the reins will be tightened.

>> No.12998158

why read books at all? you could spend that time getting more efficient at your job and podcasting USEFUL things.

Value based solely on a narrowly-defined utility is goofy and self-defeating

>> No.12998159

but you don't have friends anon

>> No.12998163


>> No.12998170


>> No.12998177

not everything is about getting better at your job retard. some people actually read for the pleasure of it.

>> No.12998183


>> No.12998184

I have the same thought towards ppl collecting DVDs or blue rays of Criterion Collections or anything else really; mostly since the format will be updated every ten years or so and you'd need to re-buy the entire collection. With books however, paper is paper so the format doesn't ever update to the point my collection becomes outdated. I can always pull a volume from my shelf and ejnoy it thoroughly without a nagging feeling that there is a more hi-def version out there

>> No.12998208
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You could solve all that problems by stop being poor, and for the transport C'mon it's a fucking 1/4 pound piece of paper, my kindle weights almost the same

>> No.12998216

>paying the publishing jew for books

>> No.12998219

Screen reading is trash. Notice how everyone always finds way to convince you that it's just as good as paper. Not apparently better, just meeting the standard set by the better medium.
The main use for a book is to read it. If I can't read it without irritating my eyes, it fails its main purpose.
Plus they can't distract you or run out of batteries.

>> No.12998225

How are you going to read your ebooks when there's no electricity?

>> No.12998227

Yeah because there has never been a tyrannical government who has killed their populace en masse, ever. Definitely has not happened at all

>> No.12998234

stop living in a shithole country

>> No.12998248

Took the cops like 30 minutes to stop one dude with a rifle in Vegas. I'm guessing a few thousand ignorant hicks with rifles could stand their ground.

>> No.12998296

>being such a brainlet you need access to a dictionary as you read
>muh notes I'll never read!
>muh highlighting I'll never use!
Reading on a screen is shit, dude. The portability argument is valid if you're a teacher or something but normal people read one or maybe 2 books at a time.

>> No.12998306

>keeping objects as possessions
not gonna make it fren

>> No.12998316

>being a disgusting communist
In a civilized country people like you would be thrown from helicopters.

>> No.12998321

The answer is the same as to why people read physical books. Pleasure.

>> No.12998330

Too flex

>> No.12998354

That weighs even more than your mother.

>> No.12998394

I like stacking books. My room felt really empty before I did. Now it feels much comfier and the books give it part of my personality.

>> No.12998408
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>paying for anything

You should as well stop paying for food, electricity and other services since you'll be making the evil Jews richer

>that weights more than "x"

So what retard? Its not like I'll carry them all

>> No.12998435
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And you sound like one of those "hurr durr bud a ryfll caint stahp a tahnk ablutpty" retards.

>> No.12998437

The solution is simple; be honest with yourself, and only keep the books that you actually will re-read and/or frequently reference.

>> No.12998536

>doesn't work without electricity
>doesn't work after rain storm
>doesn't work after you sit on it
>doesn't work if you drop it
>doesn't work after a few years just because the guy who made it thought it had already stopped working and wants to update it
>doesn't work without rare elements from conflict zones which are hard to come by in sustainable supply lines
>doesn't work in sunlight
>doesn't work if you read anything with atypical characters
>doesn't work near magnets
>doesn't link spatial awareness to memory
>doesn't allow inscriptions
>doesn't work without internet
>doesn't work in extreme heat or cold
>doesn't work for twelve hours straight
It's worse than wax tablets in many respects and wax tablets are pretty shit tier for archival purposes.

>> No.12998568 [SPOILER] 
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>EMP's in your state country or providence
>gov goes cuckoo in censorship especially prevalent considering the neoliberalism today
>you want to share a book with a friend but he doesent have a dog shit shitty ereader cause he isent a cunt
>not being poor and telling people what they can and cannot buy or what they should and should not buy because your a seething ereader fag with no friends
>having nothing to pass down to people besides a single ereader that will remain forever turned off after death
>physical books are essentially decor as much as they are books to read
>having my favorite moby dick or the five dialogues in my living room to give aesthetic feel just like you wont not find a bible in a preachers home
>now imagine trying to have a ereader with the same feel you cant cause its utter shit
>kicking back and relaxing in my dining room reading the book of your taste as your family member,gf or wife cooks
>its decor as much it is a book as much as it is paint on your rooms walls
>ereader fags make this thread daily cause they no ereading is for fags regardless of their 1 million mental gymnastics performed to say so reminds me of atheist constantly attacking religion and never feeling truly satisfied because its ultimately futile no matter what to disprove what they try to disprove
>ereader fags currently seething and having to put their ereader to charge as they read this reply or even BATTERIES LUL
>Also not giving the money the publisher and or author rightly deserves regardless if their dead regardless if they barely get shit something is still wrong if its a minuscule or major
>imagine using ^ this as an argument when anyone that buys physical books can simply write on a sheet of paper,notebook or diary for notes its a valid argument if your a lazy piece of shit
>MUH EASY ACCESS autism lol
>"instant access to dictionary" like everyone doesent have a phone or computer nowadays to do this in less than 10 seconds
>Portable (by this I mean you can take 50 libraries with you anywhere you go)
like i would need to take 50 fucking libraries wherever i need to go or like I read anything but easy going fiction in places that are not home or incredibly comfortable
>ERASable HiGHliGhting** If you wanna argue subjectively everyone of your points can be just as trash as they are good for i rather see my progress through the years and revisit books i had visited when i was younger to see changes made

inb4 seething ereader fags reply with some retarded shit, guess what, i use and have both. I always have the physical copy of every book i have digitally and obviously through this post you can see which i prefer over the other

>> No.12998642

literally btfoed all the ereaders fags eternally so much so that this thread died and the ereader fags have to regroup and make another thread in a few hours

>> No.12998710

>doesn't link spatial awareness to memory
explain pls?

>> No.12998717

yeah that's my point dipshit; the pleasure of reading for leisure is the same reason ppl prefer hardcopies over e-readers, the pleasure of it

>> No.12998718

>>doesn't work near magnets
who the fuck reads near magnets

>> No.12998721

/pol/ really did bring the collective iq of 4chan down at least two standard deviations since 2016 or so. They used to be a lot more contained

>> No.12998737

Scouring thrift stores for books is one of my greatest pleasures, can't do that with an e-reader.

>> No.12998763

Heavily annotated or works that I may be flipping back and forth are much better in physical I generally prefer nonfic and phil in physical mostly because of the things I mentioned. If you buy typical fiction in physical youre a chump

>> No.12998777

>If you buy typical fiction in physical youre a chump

>> No.12999050
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I reread my highlights and notes when I want a quick recap of a book I read. Keeps everything ordered in my head. I also use a pen and paper when reading physical books for the same purpose.

No notes for fiction though, except for the passages/sentences that I think are beautiful and need to be remembered.

>> No.12999068

so guys, what's a good e reader to buy?

kind of don't want to go over $150 tho

>> No.12999072

Buy the latest ipad

>> No.12999100

are there settings on those to make the screen a little easier on the eyes for reading?

>> No.12999453

imo best investment ever, 6 regular books cost you that, just get an ereader and forget about buying books in he future :)

>> No.12999512

Reading from a book improves your chances of remembering where you are in the book and your retention of the material overall because your brain is mapping it as a physical experience. Kind of like it's easier to remember how to get somewhere if you walk through the space instead of learning the directions from a map or list of directions. (Memory palace fags are also working on this basis). How you remember things is very much linked with spatial experience. It can go the other way too, and disrupt memory, so people forget things when they walk over thresholds (such as forgetting what you came into a room to get once you pass the doorway) or when scenery changes dramatically in the natural world. There's a whole bunch of science about it you can find by googling those two terms together, but remembering things better from books than ereaders articles don't always include the reason why we remember things from books more easily.
Next you'll be asking "who puts a degaussing loop around their front entrance?" like all those smartphone losers.

>> No.12999539

Nothing feels like the real thing, it's like analog. Also good typesetting is a valuable thing, get out of here with that ebullshit silly zoomer

>> No.12999552 [DELETED] 

I need my guns for just one purpose: killing you, specifically. After that I will turn them in and submit to tyranny with a smile.

>> No.12999564

very interesting thanks. yeah, on an ereader the location depends on the typeface size, orientation etc.

>> No.12999627

You never used an e-reader. You dont even know what an e-reader is.

>> No.12999650

>what is e-ink

>> No.12999688
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Just get most of your books from the library. Bam, problem solved, no permanent space wasted.

>> No.12999707

>picrelated facing the wrong way
Well, seeing as how everyone knows I’m a phone user now....

>> No.13000454

AHEM i only download (=pirate) ebooks if a physical copy is over 5$, very rare, or i simply don't want to search for it.

>> No.13000598

>by 2 standard deviations
do you even know what youre talking about

>> No.13000868

>no batteries
>not locked in jewish amazon system
>way more aesthetic
Sorry faggot, paper books are just better

>> No.13000987
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>not keeping all your old jailbroken phones with the antenna's sims and batteries unplugged
>not spending $20 on a box of chinese solar chargers and usb adapters
>not having mirrored backups of DRM free ebooks stored in separate physical locations

>> No.13001001

>>you want to share a book with a friend but he doesent have a dog shit shitty ereader cause he isent a cunt
make it a pdf with calibre
> like everyone doesent have a phone or computer nowadays to do this in less than 10 seconds

>> No.13001496

Why not both?
>printed versions of books you love and would like to be able to read when the power goes out
>digital versions for pulp and bulk reading, plus backups to reprint your favorites
You DO have a friendly neighborhood printing press, don't you? You should be able to find it at the local library.

>> No.13002154

There are more e-readers apart from the Kindle, stupid ignorant.

>> No.13002382

>read book
>make notes as you go along
>retain several times more information simply by the act of translating text to thought, and thought to writing
It will take you 15 minutes and increase the impact of every book you read. There is no drawback. You never need to go through your notes again unless you are actively studying the subject.

>> No.13002519
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e-ink is gay, reading from a screen is fucking stupid, the comfort of an analog thing made from ancient living things is existentially comforting, eye strain is less, can lend out your books, don't get distracted by the primal monkey retard desire to swipe around and press buttons, tons of books around you looks fucking great and sets the tone, you can see everything you've read so you understand where your time went, more comforting perusal, highlights and markings are arguably easier and more fun, looking at your bookshelf reminds you of great books lingering in your subconscious that you should skim through or re-read entirely again, e-readers can break and then your whole library can't be read unlike a book here maybe a few pages are torn, the tactile sensation is orgasmic, and most importantly of all, because OP is a fag.

>> No.13002524

you sound like an emasculated bugman

>> No.13003017
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>challenging books forth into standing-reserve

>> No.13003066

>not having a massive shelf of books to pass onto to your offspring.
I don't know what I would've done without all the books I received from family in my early years. It provided me with an open path to explore and truly become involved in reading. Its also nice to gain an insight into your parent's artistic tastes through the works they leave behind.

>> No.13003091

What will we burn?

>> No.13003168

I like this idea, but it has to be antique shit. Passing on mass printed works aka 95% of books people read today is bullshit.

>> No.13003223
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I read ebooks just because my fingers get really sensitive after about 5 pages and my hands do not really like that much of movement. Plus when I munch on doritos, I rather have my screen dirty because its easier to clean it up. Books are just heavy objects that I can throw at my mom when she comes into my room. Other than that, they serve no purpose. Also I don't want to look like an idiot when I read, the girls usually make fun of me if I read my manga in public so I just like to look at my phone all the time. Plus I can avoid the akward eye contact when someone looks at me.

>> No.13003233

they make a room warmer