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/lit/ - Literature

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12995898 No.12995898 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite book? Don't lie.

>> No.12996204

Runaway Horses by Mishima
I liked it long before jewdiepie before anyone asks

>> No.12996344

>I liked it long before jewdiepie before anyone asks

Aren't you fucking cool.

>> No.12996365
File: 793 KB, 1238x1951, wuthering-heights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

>> No.12996547

Very difficult to say what my all time favourite book is, but my favourite book I've read recently is Elmet by Fiona Mozley. It left an impact on me and I still think of it nearly a year after finishing it. Sadly, I have no one to talk to about it. I made a post here a while ago, but nobody responded.

>> No.12996664

Yes cunt I am cool

>> No.12996668

East of Eden.
The prose is unmatched by any other English language work I've read, and it did a better job of stirring up emotions in me than any piece media I've experienced, bar none.

>> No.12996671

What's the book about bro? Tell me what you liked about the book.

>> No.12996688

Unironically Finnegans Wake

>> No.12996760
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It is enjoyable read throughout.
Didnt really find any slogs in it.
The characters were really fun.
Sure they aren't real people, but I really view this book as if someone wanted to take their favourite childhood movie and make a book about it.

>> No.12996765

Probably Metro 2033 or Futu.re