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/lit/ - Literature

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1299048 No.1299048 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, what do you think of Carl Sagan's book, The demon haunted world?

>> No.1299055

i enjoyed it years ago and i don't like Sagan much.

That being said, that was years before reading atheist/theist flamewars on the internet, so i'm not sure if it would be a good read now that it's been quoted a thousand times by neckbeards

>> No.1299063

It wasn't a book on theism or the efficacy of religion at all though, the book was all about skepticism as a concept, and the implications of it.

>> No.1299070

Great book on skepticism and detailed explanations over why superstition and pseudoscience are full of bullshit.

>> No.1299082

"Voices of Forgotten Ancestors" is Sagan's best nonfiction.