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/lit/ - Literature

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12989036 No.12989036 [Reply] [Original]

What is the villain starter pack? Maybe something about getting away with murder? I know that publishing company Loompanics released a book about how to break into houses- maybe something like that but more extreme? A book that bolsters nihilistic arguments? What is the stuff an up and coming villain should read? Christcucks need not reply. And this is just research for a character. I’m a writer, like yourselves perhaps.

>> No.12989044

Ego and its own.
Spend the rest of your money on weapons.

>> No.12989055


>> No.12989110

Any .22LR and some 105 mm mountain guns.
Spend the rest of your money on books.

>> No.12989115
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Make sure to disregard anything in the book that doesn't suit your pursuit of selfishness.
You aren't here to subscribe to some gay morality or school of thought.

>> No.12989151

Thanks. Will it make me better at terrorizing people?

>> No.12989426

Unironically read all religious core texts, no philosophy, no esoterics. 2' stack worth of CliffNotes and ForDummies is quite sufficient, if allergic to religion

-you understand how lots of sheep operate, how you can game them.
-you get to clothe evil ideas with expressions associated with piety. You are not in this to believe: you need to sow discord and confusion, and for possible cover.
-"iron bloody iron" is a decent start, but very scant; most of the big secrets are taughtby word of mouth. Good thing is, lots of cons like to talk and have nothing to do but talk. Go youtube to listen to exploits. They might be lying to claim *they* did it, but 99% of what they say, *someone* did it.

>books boosting Nihilistic arguments
Don't need many, if any. Tough luck stories alone are enough, and criminals are good at selfpity. "Reason" is an innertube, a rape whistle; they are never enough when you REALLY need them. "Reason me THIS," they say when cornered, then pull up the shirt, showing a six inch gash.

>> No.12989427

Another anon.

What do you mean terrorize?

The bullying bit, or the technical stuff?

>> No.12989434

Actually, the best books can be a "lost tome" sort of thing, a NuCrimenomiCon, since MaxSec prisoners always get their writings screened and confiscated.

Just make up some manuals, ascribe to them the IRAish, AnarchistCB, dirtyfighting tips you get from the internet.

Best if original MS is a semen sutra written over a legit religious text/pamphlet/convertworkbook

>> No.12989451

Also, ancient ninja manuals.

Some bits real useful, eg, start one fire, then when its halfway putout, start another one, then when everyone is panicking over the second fire, perform assassination.

>> No.12989486

Start your search with inner city gang lit.

"No mean city". This is how hard men think; read the associated lit, wiki surf. Also, the bitter, petty, triplecrossing scummery from Down And Out In Paris and London.

>> No.12989493

Another useful tip:

When picking agents for high risk jobs, pick older men who are born with a stupid look.

Older people are more attentive and meticulous, and if you look stupid or culture a stupid look people talk freely around you.

There's your ideal criminal profile: 40s, kinda downy looking.