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12987940 No.12987940 [Reply] [Original]

when is the end? I hate to relapse on this particular but when is the revolutionary or the big change coming? Every day every decade their seems to be some sense of impending doom; in the now. This clearly shows with alot
of the post-modernist thought just being kinds fucking dark? DFW wrote a book that was suppose to be sad or atleast no hilarious like people thought it was, the amount of drug use is just kinda sad. And Pynchon...like seriously this guys books are just drug crazed inspired hugely by the old beats but amplified in the drug factor 10x more and the prose beautified beyond odler margins. American Psycho, Fanged Noumena(all of land),Fisher,celebrity's of-the-time self-hating attitude,so much drug use(like i dont know the stats but the amount of people doing drugs or romanticizing or people are just getting desensitized has increased),consumerism or materialism in full swing, stimulation & stagnation of younger generations and so and so forth. Everything and everyone is impending current doom. But before you say that Late capitalism recurring though on impending doom is what im explaining, its not, if you look at the decades prior people thinking and theorizing on the end or fin are thinking about the future, why is that we no longer are thinking about the future? We don't idealized the future anymore its the now. All the accelerationist have backed up on their thoughts and really taken steps back, they have not predicted the future physically or in a really relative sense but ethically and morally they had it down. Everything has gone to shit, the hope and the doomsayers of the then have all been knocked off, dead and nolonger there, wanted or even made. Is it cause we are already dead? Emerged in the depths of the capitalist stage? Terrorism rather than knocking of the armor of capitalism only makes it even more reinforced because the neo-liberalist. Anyone else feel like this? Like why the fuck is everything so sad? But life is intrinsically beautiful is this what keeps us going? Any books on this?(Ive read alot of accelerationist stuff already) Hauntology-the thought of the relapse is itself relapsing, what do I mean by this? You know what i mean...

>Does the world need religion? Is atheism the new religion? wtf is going anymore

>> No.12987970

the world has lots of religions, both traditional and in the form of modern ideologies, pursued as zealously as ever. it might do better if there were a few really excellent leaders and teachers, but who knows, maybe you don't hear about those guys because we're all addicted to media outrage. violent conflicts attract more eyeballs and clicks.

as for life after acceleration, i find meditation helps.

>> No.12987989
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I posted this thread b4 but jannies deleted it... I actually need book rec for stuff like this. I've read alot of Guenon and adapted it into my everyday life but gave up on it after reading accelerationism but now im just lost. I would label myself a z/acc more so g/acc but its all so hopeless. The world is fucked guenon taught me that and accelerationism has predicted the future is only going to get worse. I said this in the last thread the culture of today-shitty as it is, was predicted. But I don't feel like society is moving anymore. Its just kinda limp,stagnant.

I'm considering reading schopenauer for this anyone know if he talks about this? Or ethic applied irl?

>> No.12987994
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also thinking of the non-future all I can see is the now and maybe more gender acceleration with degenerate customs attached. My paranoia has been killing me lately like no other.

>> No.12988042

crim3s sucks

>> No.12988046
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speaking only for myself i've found that i've gone as far as i'm interested in going with /acc stuff. it was nice to wield it as a kind of beatstick and to kind of poke into the dirty underbelly of the universe, like entering the debug mode. the aesthetics absolutely cannot be topped, and it has just been generally illuminating all around to try and see the world from inside Land's head. i am completely satisfied.

but, as you said - and i relate to your post - burnout is for real. i do think there are still all kinds of fascinating things that are going to happen along /acc lines, in particular things that have to do with augmented reality, how we see the world, and other mind-machine interfaces, artificial and machine learning, all of that.

the question, however, is how you look after yourself while you are doing that. it can be kind of hard to view the world constantly through those lenses, and as strange as it may sound sometimes, there actually probably is more to life than just Deleuze and amphetamines alone. don't get me wrong, those are fun! and especially if you just want to feel like taking an axe to everything postmodern...but it's good to kind of walk away from that too. so these days i've been looking into Buddhist stuff and it feels pretty good. no doubt because living in /acc world is such a rollercoaster, but...well, you'll find whatever works for you when you are ready for it.

the world is fucked but it's been fucked before. people got through the Thirty Years' War, they'll get through this too. Schopenhauer's pessimism never did it for me, but he found a lot of comfort in the Vedas. maybe you will too. i've just only recently realized that paranoia too, like cynicism and irony, eventually loses its productive fuel. or maybe i'm just getting old...

hang in there anon.

>> No.12988058
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>when is the end?
You’re living in it

>> No.12988069

It's already begun. You can always tell when those larger than life moments occur that shift reality into a new paradigm. 2001 terror attacks, Trumps election, etc. Lets see where we're at in 15 years.

>> No.12988113
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Also anyone can vouch for Schopenhauer? I like critiques on for lack of a better word modern worlds, philosophys of life instead of very distinct niche views(like analytical stuff).

>> No.12988149
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I'll look into Vedas I should now what it is..... I love acc too. But more so the g/acc(transmovement) z/acc(recognition of stagnation). The rest of current very new philosophy is very 'blah' Renciere has very cool views into political power and critical theory stuff but as far as the west is concerned, societys given up on alot restructuring leading us to make up the most absurd things to fit in an absurd world. I have my facts in line most 'modern' thinkers are Frenchmen, they are the only to care to play with the dead things that are rich in their culture but scarce in ours.
More like the cliche of the boat floating down a peaceful stream heading towards a ridge only to release the very last seconds its a steep drop to death & anxiety, that flash frame right there is where were at and where will stay till its time.
Never thought of that. Then again paradigm shifts are a thing always claimed to be having had. It's the slow floating decending feeling to a huge paradigm shift. Nobody knows what there doing doing and why, unconscious panic. I hate to say it but its like being in a 2nd story house and you hear a scream stairs, ever so descending those steps to feel the issue.
Their good give them another chance, I like em.

>> No.12988163

This is pretentious.

>> No.12988171
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>> No.12988314

Not reading your unformatted wall of autism but I think the belief that we're always on the brink of the destruction of civilization comes from Christian millenialism, the Christian belief that Jesus will return and bring the end of the world. Western society has become irreligious in the last 100 or so years but we still have that Christian end of the world scenario in our minds. People thought the West was in decline around the time of the World Wars, then for the second half of the 20th century people feared nuclear armageddon in the form of a nuclear war between the US and USSR, now people have just gone back to thinking the end of the world is around the corner again. The secular cult of doom is a modern Western phenomenon.